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Multigenic Response to Ethanol in Drosophila melanogaster

Author(s): Douglas R. Cavener and Michael T. Clegg

Source: Evolution, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Jan., 1981), pp. 1-10
Published by: Society for the Study of Evolution
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Accessed: 24-01-2017 15:27 UTC

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Vol. 35 January, 1981 No. 1

Evolution, 35(1), 1981, pp. 1-10




Department of Botany and Department of Molecular and Population Genetics,
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602

Received November 15, 1979. Revised June 20, 1980

The use of enzyme polymorphisms for appear to be consistent with the direction
evolutionary and population genetic in- of gene frequency change observed in cage
vestigations has greatly facilitated the populations.
study of genetic structure both within and It can be argued that the ADH and am-
between species. Despite their utility as ylase polymorphisms are exceptional be-
genetic markers, fundamental problems cause they are involved in the processing
concerning the adaptive nature of enzyme of external substrates. In an effort to de-
variation have remained refractory to in- termine the validity of this view and to
vestigation. Numerous indirect statistical investigate adaptation at the biochemical
studies give support to the notion that en- level, we have chosen a somewhat differ-
zyme polymorphisms are subject to selec- ent approach based upon the elementary
tion, but direct evidence for selection is proposition that metabolism is a closely
rare. Notable exceptions are the alcohol integrated process. Because of the coor-
dehydrogenase (ADH) and the amylase dinated nature of biochemical pathways,
polymorphisms in Drosophila melanogas- a perturbation introduced at one point is
ter which have been intensively investi- likely to have manifold effects. Thus we
gated under controlled environments and have focused upon the manipulation of
with randomized genetic backgrounds (for simple environmental factors (e.g., alco-
ADH see Gibson, 1970; Van Delden et al., hol) and we have attempted to trace the
1975; Oakeshott, 1976; Cavener and genetic consequences arising from pro-
Clegg, 1978; and Cavener, 1979; for am- cessing high levels of the stress factor.
ylase see Dejong et al., 1972; Hickey, We have chosen to investigate adapta-
1977). In the case of both ADH and am- tion to high concentrations of ethanol in
ylase the specific substrates of the enzymes Drosophila melanogaster. This is not an
were used in high concentrations in ex- artificial choice because the major food
perimental populations to induce selec- resource of D. melanogaster is fermenting
tion. Complimentary to these population fruit which contains moderate to high con-
experiments, in vitro kinetic differences centrations of ethanol. Indeed, D. mela-
have been demonstrated between the al- nogaster has actually been found to
ternative allozymes and these differences undergo a part of its life cycle on floating

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mats on top of open wine vats in Spain replicate populations. Thus the initial
(Briscoe et al., 1975). In addition D. mel- gene frequencies between the four popu-
anogaster larvae are attracted to high con- lations were similar. The control repli-
centrations of ethanol (Parsons and King, cates have been maintained on a standard
1977), unlike its sibling species, D. sim- cornmeal-molasses-agar diet and the eth-
ulans. anol replicates maintained on the same
The experiments described in this re- diet but augmented with 10% ethanol for
port involved monitoring ten enzyme 57 generations. All populations have been
polymorphisms in population cages con- maintained on an 18 day discrete genera-
taining media augmented with ethanol tion schedule.
over a period of 56 generations. Five of Immediately after a five day period of
these enzymes (ADH, aGPDH, MDH, egg production at generation 29, the
GOT, and 6PGD) may be influenced by adults from El and E2 (the ethanol repli-
high dietary ethanol (Scholtz et al., 1974; cates) were divided in half and trans-
Cederbaum et al., 1977). The results of ferred to new population cages with ten
the population cage experiments indicate scintillation vial food cups containing con-
that 6PGD, MDH, aGPDH, and ADH trol medium. These populations, denoted
responded to ethanol selection. (The initial relaxed ethanol selection replicates (RElA
response of the latter two polymorphisms and RElB from El and RE2A and RE2B
was reported earlier [Cavener and Clegg, from E2), were maintained for 30 gener-
1978].) ations under the same 18 day discrete gen-
Joint viability estimates for Adh and eration schedule as their "parental" etha-
aGpdh are also presented together with nol selection populations.
expected gene frequency trajectories com- The ethanol selection and control pop-
puted using these estimates. The viability ulations were periodically monitored over
estimates and computer runs are consis- a 57 generation period for the following
tent with the hypothesis that the dynamic enzymes: glutamate oxaloacetate trans-
of aGpdh is influenced by an epistatic in- aminase, GOT (2-4.8); alpha-glycerophos-
teraction between aGpdh and Adh. phate dehydrogenase, a-GPDH (2-20.5);
Data are also presented on a series of malate dehydrogenase, MDH (2-41.5); al-
relaxed selection experiments established cohol dehydrogenase, ADH (2-50.1); es-
from the ethanol selected populations at terase-6, E6 (3-36.8); esterase-C, E, (3-
generation 29. The relaxed selection pop- 49.0); octanol dehydrogenase, ODH (3-
ulations have been maintained an addi- 49.2) and superoxide dismutase (formerly
tional 30 generations on control medium. tetrazolium oxidase TO), SOD (3-32.5). In
Periodic sampling pf the relaxed selection addition male specific glucose oxidase, GO
populations indicates that the loci exhib- (3-48.0), and 6-phosphogluconate dehy-
iting gene frequency change under ethanol drogenase, 6PGD (x-0.64), were electro-
stress display a quite different dynamic phoretically monitored at generations 50
when they are taken off ethanol supple- and 57, respectively.
mented media. - The relaxed selection replicates were
electrophoretically typed for ADH and
MATERIALS AND METHODS aGPDH for generations 1 through 12, and
The two ethanol (denoted El and E2) generations 15, 22, 27, and 30. In addition
and two control populations (denoted Cl allozyme frequencies at MDH and 6PGD
and C2) monitored in this investigation are were determined during generation 57.
those reported previously (Cavener and The electrophoretic assays on the adult
Clegg, 1978). These were derived from a stage were conducted as previously re-
sample of a natural population collected ported for GOT, MDH, aGPDH, ADH,
in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1974. SOD, E6, E,, and ODH (Cavener and
Equal numbers of full sibs from 11 single Clegg, 1978). GO was assayed on the Pou-
pair matings were used to initiate the four lik buffer system (Poulik, 1957) utilizing a

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9 *-_C1
u-- C2
0-0 E21
.8 - -'

7 -

:6 x K

E 15;

5 1 0 1 5 20 25 3 30 35 40 45 50 55 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

FIG. 1. Adhs-frequencies for two control repli- FIG. 2. cxGpdhs frequencies for two control rep-
cate populations (Cl and C2) and two ethanol selected licate populations (Cl and C2) and two ethanol se-
replicate populations (El and E2). lected replicate populations (El and E2).

The behavior of aGpdh is similar to that

histochemical stain after Cavener (1980). of Adh for the first 18 generations (Fig. 2).
6PGD was assayed on the JRP buffer sys- However, after generation 18 a reversal
tem (Ayala et al., 1974). in the direction of gene frequency change
All samples sizes were relatively large, occurs in the ethanol replicates followed
ranging from a low of 90 genomes to a by a rapid increase in the frequency of the
high of 120 genomes with a mean of 112.4 aGpdhS allele. The aGpdhS dynamic is
genomes per sample. remarkably different in the control repli-
cates, where the aGpdhS allele displays a
mild decline from generation 18 to 50.
Mdh gene frequencies also appear to
Ethanol Selection Experiments have diverged between control and etha-
Four of the ten enzyme polymorphisms nol replicates. No differentiation was ob-
monitored exhibit a gene frequency re- served during the first 12 generations
sponse to ethanol selection. These four (Cavener and Clegg, 1978) and MDH was
polymorphisms, ADH, axGPDH, MDH, not assayed again until generation 57, at
and 6PGD, respond quite differently in which point both ethanol replicates were
both rate of change and in complexity of fixed for the MdhS allele while both con-
the gene frequency trajectory. trol replicates have remained polymorphic
Consider first the Adh locus which dis- (Table 1).
plays a simple and replicable change over Allele frequencies for 6Pgd were not
time. The Adh locus exhibits a series of determined until generation 57, conse-
rapid increases in the fast allele followed quently the pattern of gene frequency be-
by periods of temporary stability in the havior for this polymorphism is complete-
ethanol environment (Fig. 1). One repli- ly unknown. Nevertheless, data obtained
cate has become fixed for the Adkh' allele from generation 57 show considerable dif-
while the other replicate has remained ferentiation between the ethanol and con-
polymorphic but close to fixation. In con- trol replicates (Table 1). The ethanol rep-
trast, the Adhs allele has remained in high licates are both close to fixation for 6PgdF,
frequency throughout the 50 generations while the control replicates are character-
spanned by the data from the control pop- ized by intermediate frequencies. Consid-
ulations. The gene frequency response at ering both 6Pgd and Mdh, the ethanol
the Adh locus is very different in control replicates do not differ from each other
and ethanol environments (Fig. 1). but are significantly different from the

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TABLE 1. 6Pgds and MdhS gene frequencies for the

control and ethanol selection populations (generation
8 - RE1A
57) and for the relaxed selection populations (gen- A--A RElB
7 *-_ RE2A
eration 30). 1 --RE2B
6 E0 E
6 Pgds SE Mdhs SE
Control 1 .263 ? .057 .767 ? .039
w 4-
2 .662 ? .059 .933 ? .023

Ethanol 1 .022 ? .015 1.00

2 .067 ? .024 1.00 32

Relaxed 1 A .322 ? .049 1.00

1 B .033 ? .019 1.00
2 A .033 ? .019 1.00 5 1 0 15 2 0 25 3 0 35 40 4 5 50 5 5 60
(1) (6) (11) (16) (21) (26) (31)
2 B .289 ? .048 1.00 GENERATION

FIG. 3. Adhs frequencies for two ethanol selected

replicate populations (El and E2) and four relaxed
controls. However, the control replicates ethanol selected populations (RE1A, RE1B, RE2A,
and RE2B). The RElA and RElB replicates were
are also significantly different from each
derived from the E, replicate. The RE2A and RE2B
other. replicates were derived from the E2 replicate.
The gene frequencies for Got, Sod, E6
Ec) Odh, and Go determined at genera-
tion 50 are given in Table 2. Considerable
tion, the frequency of the AdhS allele is on
between replicate heterogeneity exists
average higher than in the ethanol envi-
among these six loci, but no replicable dif-
ferences occur between the ethanol and
The aGpdh gene frequency behavior,
control populations. In general the non-
shown in Figure 4, is different. The pair
selected loci in the ethanol populations
of replicates derived from the E1 (ethanol)
and all the loci in the control populations
population show some between replicate
show more between replicate heterogene-
variation, but there is still substantial
ity than the four selected loci in the eth-
agreement among replicates in gene fre-
anol populations.
quency behavior. The among replicate
agreement is especially strong for the re-
Relaxed Selection Experiments laxed selection replicates derived from the
The relaxed selection lines show a gene E2 population. What is particularly strik-
frequency behavior different from the ing is the very different gene frequency
contemporaneous ethanol selected lines. response of the ethanol selected popula-
Figure 3 displays the relaxed selection tions in comparison with their relaxed se-
data for the Adh locus superimposed on lection derivatives. Clearly the ethanol en-
the data from the ethanol selected lines. vironment is causing a response at the
The gene frequency behavior in the four aGpdh locus and equally clearly the gene
relaxed selection populations is erratic and frequency response stops when ethanol is
poorly replicated, but despite this varia- removed from the environment.

TABLE 2. Gots, Sods, E6S, Ecs, Gos, and Odhsgene frequencies for the control and ethanol replicate
populations, generation 50.

Gots Sods E,s Ecs Gos Odhs

Control 1 .650 + .043 .225 + .038 .617 + .044 .833 ? .034 1.000 .217 + .038
2 .958 + .018 .083 + .025 .350 ? .043 .867 ? .031 .957 ? .024 .000

Ethanol 1 .672 ? .041 .200 ? .035 .612 ? .043 .821 ? .037 .821 ? .043 .133 ? 0.030
2 .625 + .043 .000 .484 + .044 .789 ? .036 .988 ? .011 .430 ? 0.044

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Gene frequencies for 6Pgd and Mdh I 0

were not determined until generation 30. 9 - RElA

However, MdhS is fixed in all four relaxed U- RE2A
1 RE2B A
selection replicates (Table 1) as well as in 5 10 10El
both ethanol replicates, hence it is prob-
able that Mdhs became fixed before the
relaxed selection lines were split off from W 5

their "parental" ethanol selection popula- 4

tions. The pattern of response to relaxed

selection at 6Pgd is ambiguous. Replicates
RElB and RE2A are not significantly dif-
ferent from their parental ethanol selec- 5 10 15 2-0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
(1) (6) (11) (16) (21) (26) (31)
tion replicates, whereas RElA and RE2B GENERATION

are significantly different. FIG. 4. aGpdhs frequencies for two ethanol se-
lected replicate populations (El and E2) and four re-
Adh-aGpdh Joint Viability Estimates laxed ethanol selected populations (RE1A, RE1B,
During the first 12 generations of the RE2A, and RE2B). The RElA and RElB replicates
were derived from the El replicate. The RE2A and
control and ethanol populations gametic
RE2B replicates were derived from the E2 replicate.
frequencies were estimated by progeny
testing. Approximately 60 males were
sampled from the ethanol and control
populations in each generation. Because puted for every sample to test the hy-
pothesis that the adult numbers corre-
of the labor and time involved in progeny
sponded to the numbers expected under
testing individual males, the El and Cl
populations were sampled on odd num- random mating and no selection (i.e., Ho:
bered generations and the E2 and C2 pop- nu' = NP'). Considering the 12 gener-
ulations were sampled on even numbered ations of data for the control experiment,
generations. Individual males were then only one generation (generation 4, C2
test mated to virgin females homozygous population) was significant (P < .005).
for Adh and aGpdh. The rate of recom- The total fit to all 12 generations of data
bination in male D. melanogaster is give a test statistic falling at the 10%
known to be very small; consequently probability level. The null hypothesis can
both gametic types received by the tested be rejected, at or below the 5% level,
male, from his parents, can be determined in three out of 12 generations for the
by the assay of the male and a single test ethanol populations (generations 2, 6 and
cross progeny. 11 for E2, E2 and El, respectively). The
Denote the relative gametic frequency total fit to all 12 generations of data also
estimates for the FF, FS, SF and SS types leads to rejection of the null hypothesis
by g, g12, g21 and g22, respectively. As- (.01 > P > .005). Thus the ethanol ex-
suming random mating the expected two- periments have adult genotypic frequency
locus genotypic frequencies at the point of distributions which frequently depart
union of gametes are, from random mating. This departure is
most likely a result of viability selection,
P j7 = gij i, j = 1, 2 because the random union of gametes
2 Pfj = 2AiAk1 i, j, k, 1 = 1, 2 assumption is usually consistent with
genotypic frequency data obtained closely
and i # k or j # 1.following the mating cycle in D. melano-
Observed genotypic numbers in the adult gaster. In this regard, it is noteworthy
stage are denoted 2 nkjfor heterozygotes that the evidence for a perturbation in
and nU for homozygotes, where N= the adult two-locus genotypic frequency
distribution is much stronger in the etha-
X nj. A likelihood ratio test was com-
i,j,k,1 nol populations.

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The indication of a viability difference

among genotypes prompted us to calculate
approximte two-locus viability selection
estimates. Viability selection estimates can
+1+1 +1
be calculated as,

-kjl = i, j, k, I-1, 2
kl NPiki

To standardize the estimates to a particu-

lar genotype, we have pooled the two
rt~~~~o c t tl t double heterozygous types to obtain rela-
tive estimates given by,
C -o +1 +1+

0~~~~) ~ ~ S0 - rk - nkl(P22 + P2')

( (n2 + n 12)PA

These estimates are approximate because

the gametic frequency estimates come
e ~ Q
from the adult population following via-
bility selection. Viability selection alters
the joint genotypic frequency distribution
and, if the system is not at an equilibrium,
gametic frequencies will also change.
Thus the use of gametic frequency esti-
mates obtained from the adult sample un-
C..) C ) derstates the strength of selection to the
extent that gametic frequencies have also
been altered by the selective process.
O~ ~~~C 00 Vso Table 3 gives the viability selection es-
timates averaged over generations within
each experiment (i.e., within control and
within ethanol experiments). The data
suggest a different pattern of viabilities
00 IC
between control and ethanol environ-
ments. For example, in the ethanol envi-

ronment the Adhss-aGpdhss genotype has

00 VO a low viability in contrast to the control
14~~~~~~~- -114 data. The fate of the aGpdhs allele may
be different depending on whether Adh is
fixed at SS or FF in ethanol containing
0~~~~~0 environments.
g~+1+1 +1 A striking feature of the aGpdh gene
0% co%
frequency behavior is the nonrnonotone
dynamic observed in the alcohol environ-
Of) 0000
ment. This contrasts sharply with the con-
0')~~~~~~C/ f
trol populations, which exhibit little
change in the aGpdhs frequency. To see
whether there is any qualitative similarity
between the dynamic observed and the
one predicted by the viability estimates,
the general two-locus recursion system
was iterated upon using the control and

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ethanol viability estimates, and estimates o0 a Gpdh'-E

of the initial gametic frequency distribu- 9

tion. Figure 5 displays the gene frequency

8 < == = = = Adhs-c
trajectory, for Adh and aGpdh, which
would obtain if the estimated viabilities 7-
i,j6 w _ - - ~ ~ -- _apd5-

completely accounted for the selective Z 6

process. There is a general qualitative w5

similarity between the observed and pre-

dicted behaviors for both control and eth- Adhs-E

anol environments. aGpdh does exhibit a 3-

nonmonotone dynamic, although the re-

versal in the trajectory occurs earlier and
is less dramatic than in the data from the 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
ethanol experiments. The Adhs frequency
FIG. 5. Simulations of Adhs and aGpdhS fre-
declines in the iterations using the viabil-
quencies based upon the control and ethanol viability
ities determined in the ethanol environ- estimates of the joint Adh-aGpdh genotypes.
ments, but appears to stabilize at a fre-
quency of 0.3; whereas, it may be going
to fixation in the experimental data. A
point to emphasize is that the viability es- Delden et al., 1975; Oakeshott, 1976;
timates were obtained from the first 12 Cavener, 1979).
generations, yet they predict the increase Inasmuch as the relationship between
in frequency of aGpdhs which does not aGPDH and ethanol metabolism is less
begin until after generation 18 in the ex- apparent, the possible explanations for the
perimental data. gene frequency behavior at the aGpdh lo-
The viability estimates must be inter- cus in the ethanol treated populations
preted with caution because it remains a must be evaluated in more detail.
theoretical possibility that the actual tar- In considering the possible explanations
gets of selection are loci other than the for the gene frequency behavior observed
ones under observation. Moreover, other at aGpdh we must take the following facts
components of selection, such as fertility into account: 1) population sizes were
and mating interactions, are not taken moderately large (400 or more adults per
into account. Still the viability estimates generation in each cage); 2) the experi-
do suggest an interaction between Adh ments were initiated from a large sample
and aGpdh, or between the blocks of and initial linkage disequilibria were small
genes adjacent to these loci, despite the for second and third chromosome marker
fact that linkage disequilibrium among loci regardless of the degree of linkage; 3)
this pair of loci is small and inconsistent estimates of linkage disequilibria re-
among generations (Cavener and Clegg, mained small for the first 12 generations
1978). of the experiment; and 4) the response ob-
served at oaGpdh is unlikely to be a result
DISCUSSION of hitchhiking with Adh because there is
The rapid increase in the AdhF allele is very little disequilibrium between these
consistent with the fact that the AdhFF loosely linked loci and because the early
genotypes in these populations have twice (generations 1-5) changes in Adh frequen-
the in vitro ADH activity as the Adhss cy do not produce contemporaneous
genotypes (Cavener, 1979). Thus high eth- changes at aGpdh (Cavener and Clegg,
anol stress selects for high ADH activity. 1978). There remains, of course, the pos-
This interpretation is consistent with the sibility that hitchhiking between aGpdh
results of several other investigations of and other closely linked, but unobserved
the ADH polymorphism under ethanol loci, could account for the aGpdh dynam-
stress (Gibson, 1970; Morgan, 1974; Van ic. While it is impossible to exclude hitch-

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hiking we can examine the requirements recessive, acceleration of decay will occur
of this hypothesis.
Let us suppose that the different aGpdh for PB >1 - (2 ) < . Experi-
genotypes are selectively neutral. Then we
mental investigations show that decay
know from two-locus theory for infinite
rates in D. melanogaster may be as much
populations that linkage disequilibrium
(D) between a selected locus and a neutral
as 1.8 times the neutral rate (Clegg et al.,
1980). Judging from the range of gene
locus, linked to the extent r($A0), will go
frequencies at aGpdh, the hypothetically
to zero. Suppose in the construction of the
selected locus must increase in gene fre-
experimental populations that random
linkage disequilibrium was generated be- quency beyond PB = 12. Thus a rapid de-
cay of D should occur.
tween aGpdh and a linked selected locus
(locus B). The dynamic of gene frequency Using these facts we can put some
change at aGpdh is then given by, rough bounds on the value of r between
aGpdh and the hypothetical locus under
P~=P+D(W1 w2), (1) selection. The fact that the experiments
span a period of 50 generations is very
where p is the gene frequency at aGpdh, useful in this context. Assuming a decay
W= PBWII + (1 - PB)W12, W2 = PBW12 + rate equal to the neutral rate and t = 50,
(1 PB)W22, W = PBW1 + (1 - PB)W2 and we can easily calculate that for r = 0.02
w1l, w12, w22 are the fitness values of more than 60% of the initial disequilibri-
genotypes BB, Bb, bb, respectively. The um will have decayed. If we assume an
rate of gene frequency change at aGpdh acceleration of 1.5 times the neutral rate
can never exceed the rate at the selected then nearly 80% of the initial disequilib-
locus. rium will have been lost in 50 generations.
Thus we must assume the existence of a
For ease of discussion let us first confine
our attention to the portion of the dynamic polymorphic locus under strong selection
in ethanol environments within 3 or 4 map
where aGpdhs increases in frequency
units of aGpdh.
(generations 28 through 50) and assume
Even this assumption is not sufficient
genic selection so that w1 - = s. We
to account for the observed dynamic at
can roughly estimate the apparent value
aGpdh. Selection at a single locus will not
of s assuming continuous generations
from the generation 28 and generation 50 generate a nonmonotone trajectory like
that observed at aGpdh. Thus we must
gene frequencies in the ethanol replicates.
The mean value of s over both replicates assume the existence of yet a second linked
locus in initial disequilibrium with aGpdh
is 0.11. Consequently, the value of s at
the hypothetically selected locus must be and under strong selection in ethanol con-
greater than 0.11 and probably much taining environments. It may very well be
that there are two polymorphic loci tightly
linked to aGpdh which are under strong
Now the dynamic at aGpdh also de-
pends on D. The recursion for D under selection in ethanol environments, how-
the model of associative genic selection is ever, it seems equally parsimonious to
approximately consider the possibility that aGpdh may
itself be influenced by ethanol.
D' = D(1 - r)[1 + s(2 - PB)]- (2)
Although little is known about the de-
D may initially increase (Thomson, 1977), tails of ethanol metabolism in Drosophila,
however, for PB > ?2, D will decay to the relationship between aGPDH and eth-
zero at a rate greater than the neutral anol metabolism in mammals is well es-
rate. Asmussen and Clegg (unpubl.) pro- tablished. Ethanol oxidation in mamma-
vide a complete analysis of the dynamic lian species causes a sharp increase in the
of D under a wide variety of selection NADH/NAD ratio as a result of the oxi-
models. They show that if selection is dation of ethanol via ADH (Smith and

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Newman, 1959; Cherrick and Leevy, erations on control medium. Periodically,

1965; McCaffrey et al., 1974; Williamson during the course of these experiments,
et al., 1974). Further the rate limiting step samples of flies from each population were
in ethanol oxidation is the reoxidation of assayed for ten enzyme polymorphisms
NADH via the a-glycerophosphate and (GOT, aGPDH, MDH, ADH, E6, Ec,
the malate-aspartate shuttle systems and ODH, SOD, GO and 6PGD).
the mitochondrial respiratory chain (Vi- Four out of the ten enzyme polymor-
dela and Israel, 1970; Lindros et al., 1972; phisms responded to ethanol selection.
Lundquist et al., 1974; Williamson et al., The response is particularly strong for
1974; Meijer et al., 1975; Cederbaum et ADH and aGPDH, and clearly differs be-
al., 1977). The enzymatic components of tween control populations and relaxed se-
these shuttle systems are aGPDH, aGPO lection populations. Two-locus joint via-
(a-glycerophosphate oxidase), MDH, and bilities estimated from the Adh-aGpdh
GOT. data differ markedly between control and
It is known that the a-glycerophosphate ethanol environments and indicate a fit-
shuttle system is operative in the flight ness interaction between these two loci or
muscles of adult D. melanogaster (Obrien between blocks of genes marked by these
and MacIntyre, 1972). However, the loci.
NADH reoxidation shuttle systems func-
tioning in Drosophila larvae are not
known. Consequently, the hypothesis that This research has been supported by
aGpdh is responding to ethanol selection National Science Foundation grants DEB-
as a result of its role in ethanol metabolism 76-82479 and DEB-79-00822.
must await further biochemical investi-
gations of aGPDH function at both the
larval and adult stages under ethanol AYALA, F. J., J. R. POWELL, AND M. L. TRACEY.
1972. Enzyme variability in the Drosophilia wil-
stress. The possible interaction in viability
listoni group. IV. Genic variation in natural pop-
between the Adh and aGpdh loci certainly ulations of Drosophila willistoni. Genetics 70:
provide motivation for testing this bio- 113-139.

chemical hypothesis. BRISCOE, D. A., A. J. ROBERTSON, AND J. M. MAL-

PICA. 1975. Dominance at the ADH locus in re-
Because of the role of MDH in the ma-
sponse of adult Drosophila melanogaster to en-
late-aspartate shuttle system and the
vironmental alcohol. Nature 225:148.
repression of 6PGD function under etha- CAVENER, D. R. 1979. Behavioral preference for
nol stress (Hoek and Ernster, 1974; Scholtz ethanol in Drosophila melanogaster associated
et al., 1974) similar biochemical hypoth- with the alcohol dehydrogenase polymorphism.
Behav. Genet. 9:359-365.
eses can be constructed for the apparent
. 1980. The genetics of male specific glucose
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