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Part one: Asia
Cold War
Cold War: A state of political tension (ideology) and military ​rivalry (arms race) that existed between the USA and the ​USSR. A state of conflict
with no direct military action.

Task: List the differences between communism (USSR) and capitalism (USA).

Communism Capitalism
TASK: Complete the following table on the escalation of tension between East and West after 1945. Add as much detail as you can.

Years of How did this increase tensions between the ​USA and the USSR?
Event: event:
USSR takeover
of Eastern

Churchill’s Iron
Curtain Speech

Doctrine and
Marshall Plan

Arms Race
Formation of
NATO and
Warsaw Pact

Origins of Korean War: Maps of Asia and Korea

Origins of the Korea War

Task: Fill in the gaps about how Korea ended up being divided
by 1948.

During WW2, Korea was under the control of the____________.

After Japan’s defeat, the _________ took control of the _______
and the ____ took control of the ________, this division was
meant to be temporary until the Koreans could _______ a unified government.
The United Nations decided that Korea would be unified and that they would have elections to decide who was the leader of Korea. Before this
could happen, Stalin put__________ in charge of the ___________ North. Meanwhile South Korea continued to have elections which led to
____________ being elected. Both governments refused to unify under the other which is why Korea was divided by 1948.

Outbreak of War

Task: Fill in the gaps about how war broke out in Korea

The Korean War began on 25th_________when troops from communist ​North Korea led by_________invaded US-backed ​South Korea.
US President Truman immediately ​called for the________________ to meet ​and discuss the invasion.
Meanwhile, North Korean communist ​forces were pushing South Korean ​forces back and winning battle after ​battle.

Korean War Events

Task: Use the map below as well as your knowledge organiser, to write down key facts about the development of the Korean War



Korean War Winners 1953:

Task: Explain why each nation could be seen as having ‘won’ the Korean War. Write down as many reasons as you can using your
knowledge organiser.
North Korea could be seen as a winner because….

South Korea could be seen as a winner because…

The United States could be seen as a winner because

The United Nations could be seen as a winner because…

The USSR could be seen as a winner because…

China could be seen as a winner because…

Korean War Loosers
Task: Explain why each nation could be seen as having ‘lost’ the Korean War
North Korea could be seen to have lost the Korean War because….

South Korea could be seen to have lost the Korean War because…

The United States could be seen to have lost the Korean War because

The United Nations could be to have lost the Korean War because…

The USSR could be seen to have lost the Korean War because…

China could be seen to have lost the Korean War because…

Recap of the Origins of the Vietnam War
Task: Complete the sentence starters on the map below.

In the 18th Century, this area was under the control of

Task: Fill in the blanks
1955 – 1960: The Americans then start to provide …………. With $................................... However, his regime is corrupt as he uses …………………………….. which
is where he gives position of power to his family and friends. He also gives preferential treatment to ……………………………This leads to civil war and a Buddhist
Crisis. 7 Buddhists used ……………………………………………. Which is where they set fire to themselves in protest. In 1960 the ………………………………………….. also
emerge. They are guerrilla fighters who are based in South Vietnam but fighting for the North.

US Involvement
Task: Complete the table explaining how each US President was involved in Vietnam

● What theories did Eisenhower believe in?

● Describe how Eisenhower initially get involved in Vietnam.

● Eisenhower increased military advisors in Vietnam to?

● What was the job of the military advisors? The area of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam was know
● What else did Eisenhower do to create allies and stop communism spreading in South East Asia?

● What theories did Kennedy believe in?

● Under Kennedy the ARVN grew to …?

● Give me 2 pieces of evidence to show Kennedy escalated US involvement?

● What happened in 1963?

● What theories did Johnson believe in?

● What was the problem with the ARVN?

● Give me 2 ways in which Johnson increased escalation in Vietnam (not including the Gulf of Tonkin).
Causes of both the Korean War and the Vietnam War
TASK: Complete the Venn diagram where you describe the key causes of the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Any causes that were the
same for both the Korean and Vietnam War, you put in the middle section.
Part Two: Germany
As you know, we have been setting you weekly Germany HWK for the last few months. You have covered most of the Germany knowledge organiser
through these HWK’s, however you just have the last few knowledge organisers left to cover. Please complete the following questions, tasks and retrieval
grids to finish consolidating your understanding of the last part of Germany. This is especially important given that this was covered in lockdown.

Knowledge Organiser 13 – Workers and the economy

1. How many people had been made unemployed due to the Great Depression?
2. What was Schacht’s role in Nazi Germany and what did he have to achieve?
3. Why did Hitler sack Schacht?
4. Who did Hitler replace him with?

Nazi organisation: What was this? How did this help to create jobs?
National Labour

Four Year Plan:


Four Year Plan:

Advantages of the German Labour Front: Disadvantages of the German Labour Front:

Benefits for farmers under Hitler: Problems for farmers under Hitler:
Knowledge Organiser 14 – The Impact of World War Two

1. What year was rationing introduced?

2. Why was Hitler successful by 1940?

3. Why was the Invasion of the USSR a problem for the German army?

4. What was total war?

5. In 1942, why did German civilians find their life increasingly disrupted?

6. What year did Hitler commit suicide and the war end?
Retrieval grid

Using only your knowledge alone, complete the retrieval grid. See how much you can remember from this week’s homework, last month’s homework and
last term’s homework. Once you have completed as much as you can, you can complete the rest of the grid using your knowledge organiser in green pen.

What year was rationing Put the following leaders of Who were the Gestapo and what did they Why were workers unhappy under
introduced? Germany in order: do in Nazi Germany? the Kaiser?
Stresemann, Kaiser, Ebert, Hitler and

Give me 2 things Stresemann did How many people were unemployed What was the organisation called where Name 3 political revolutions that
immediately to help improve the by 1932? men aged between 18-25 had to work for took place under Ebert.
German economy. the government for a period of 6 months?

What is the name of the two Give me the 5 terms of the Treaty of How many Germans were killed during the What was the 3 K’s (Hitler’s policy
chancellors that Hindenburg Versailles: Invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941? towards women).
appointed before Hitler?
Name the 2 parts of the Four Year What were the consequences of the What did Hitler sign with the Catholic Hitler replaced trade unions with?
Plan. Enabling Act? Church in 1933 and what did this agree?

Nazi propaganda had to carry what Who were the Edelweiss Pirates? What is another word for race study Give me 3 facts about the League of
type of messages? lessons in Nazi education? German Maidens.
HWK 15: Knowledge Organiser 15 – The persecution of the Jews

1. What did Hitler believe in? What was his racial theory?

2. List 8 groups of people persecuted by the Nazis.

3. Give me 2 ideas Hitler started to spread against the Jews in the 1920’s.

4. What were Jews forced to wear by 1933?

5. What were the Nuremberg Laws?

6. Give me 3 examples of the Nuremberg Laws?

7. Give me 3 places that were attacked during Kristallnacht in 1938?

8. Give me 4 consequences of Kristallnacht.

9. What were ghettos?

10. Give me 3 pieces of evidence to show life in ghettos was extremely challenging for Jews.

11. What was agreed at the Wannsee Conference?

12. What started to happen as a result of the Wannsee Conference?

13. Who were the Einsatzgruppen?

14. Give me 3 groups of people who knew about the Holocaust.

15. Describe in detail two forms of Jewish resistance.

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