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Assi. Proff.,
Civil Engg. Department,
Cross section of Flexible pavement

Carriage way
Shoulder Shoulder

Wearing Course
Binder Course

Base Course

Sub-base Course
Compacted Sub-grade/Borrowed Sub-grade
– Min. 500 mm for NH and 300 mm for Rural Road
Embankment/ Existing Soil
Cross section of Flexible pavement

Shoulder- Provide support and Shoulder Carriage way Shoulder

Provide Wearing surface
Wearing Course
Bituminous Layer Binder Course Binder course load transfer

Base-Load transfer
Base Course
Non-bituminous layer

Upper subbase-
Granular sub-base : Close Graded- Grade III or IV Drainage layer
Lower sub-base-
Granular sub-base : Open Graded- Grade I or II
separation layer
Compacted Sub-grade/Borrowed Sub-grade
Min. 500 mm for NH and 300 mm for Rural Road
Surface/Wearing course - Binder course-Name Base course
BC-Bituminous Concrete BM-Bituminous macadam WBM-Water bound
SDBC-Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete
DBM-Dense Bituminous Macadam
OGPC- Open graded pre-mix carpet WMM-Wet Mix Macadam
BUSG- Built Up Spray Grout
PC-Premix carpet
Cross section of Flexible pavement

Carriage way
Shoulder Shoulder

Wearing Course
Binder Course
Base Course

Sub-base Course
Compacted Sub-grade/Borrowed Sub-grade
Min. 500 mm for NH and 300 mm for Rural Road Subgrade soil

Flexible Pavement Design philosophy

• Performance base design

Principles of pavement design

• A Flexible pavement is modelled as an elastic multilayer structure

• Stresses and strains at critical locations are computed using linear layered
elastic model

Why we need to do material characterization for pavement design?

Traffic model

Input data

Environmental Primary
Distress Performance
Effects model Response
models Predictions
(EICM) model

Material Characterization Models

Design Methodology at a Glance
Select trial pavement section
Modify design
Calculate stresses ,strains, and
No deflection

Yes Design Calculating incremental Design

criteri damage
a met?
Transfer function and distress Reliability
models analysis

Load Non load

Rutting related
IRI related
faulting cracking
Viable design
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Process - Steps
1. Estimation of Traffic Loads
2. Characterization of Materials
3. Climate
4. Performance Prediction
5. Characterization of the Existing Pavement
6. Structure
Stresses in Flexible Pavement-Boussinesq's Theory
Single Layer Theory
• In 1885, Boussinesq presented a theory for calculating the stresses in soil mass
based on the following assumptions
• The soil is homogenous (without any stratification) and isotropically linear
elastic which means that it abides by Hook's law
• The soil mass boundary is a semi-infinite elastic half-space
• The load is applied on to a level surface
• The soil mass is weightless
• The following equations are based on Boussinesq's theory and are widely used
to calculate stresses in soil mass
Stresses in Flexible Pavement-Boussinesq's Theory

Stresses in Flexible Pavement-Boussinesq's Theory
Stresses in Flexible Pavement-Boussinesq's Theory
• CASE 2: Uniformly distributed load over a circular area
Stresses in Flexible Pavement-Boussinesq's Theory
Stresses in Flexible Pavement-Boussinesq's Theory
• CASE 2: Uniformly distributed load over a circular area
Under stress, flexible plate bends like rubber Under stress, Rigid plate bends like rubber
sheet. In flexible plate surface deflection sheet. In rigid plate surface deflection
under load is non-uniform but the stress under load is uniform but the stress
distribution is uniform distribution is non-uniform (Ullidtz 1987)
• Deflection of Rigid plate
Stresses in Flexible Pavement-Boussinesq's Theory
• Q-2 A semi-infinite soil mass is subjected to stress under a circular plate having
a 15 cm radius. The load intensity over the plate is 4000 kg. Calculate the
vertical stress in the soil under the axis of the circular plate at 0.5 m depth
• (i) Case-I-Point load (ii) Vertical stress under the centre of the circular area
• Solution :
• Case-I-Point load
P = 4000 Kg
p = 5.66 kg/cm²
r = 15 cm
z = 0.5 m= 50 cm
Stresses in Flexible Pavement-Boussinesq's Theory
Stresses in Flexible Pavement-Boussinesq's Theory

Principles of pavement design
• A Flexible pavement is modelled as an elastic multilayer structure
• Stresses and strains at critical locations are computed using linear layered
elastic model
Stresses in Flexible Pavement-Burmister Theory
In 1943, Donald M Burmister developed Two Layer Theory : Assumptions
• Every layer material is homogenous, isotropic and ideally elastic. They are characterised by a
unique elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio
• A pavement consists of two layers. The elastic modulus value of the top layer is more than
the bottom layer (i.e., El > E2)
• The layers are weightless and infinite in the horizontal direction
• The top layer has finite thickness (h) but the bottom layer is infinitely thick
• The top layer is in full contact with the bottom layer
• The interface between these layers is rough and there is no loss of transfer of applied stress
from the top layer to the bottom layer
• There will be no shear and normal stresses outside the loaded area
• The applied stress is uniform over a circular area
Stresses in Flexible Pavement-Burmister Theory
a Uniform pressure (p) on circular area
Surface deflection under flexible plate

h = thickness of
layer 1

Surface deflection under rigid plate

Stresses in Flexible Pavement-Burmister Theory
Surface deflection under flexible plate
Displacement factor Fd

Thickness of top layer - h

Linear Elastic Multi-Layered Pavement System
• In reality, a flexible pavement is a multi-layered structure in which each layer is
constructed with different thickness (h),
• Each having a respective material characteristics such as the elastic modulus (E)
and Poisson's ratio (u).
• A typical configuration of a circular plate subjected to a uniform pressure (p)
placed on a multi-layered pavement system is depicted in Figure
Three layer system
Flexible Pavement design philosophy_IRC:37-2018
• The philosophy of pavement design involves designing pavements for
satisfactory functional and structural performance of the pavement during its
intended service life period
• Performance of the pavement is explained by performance models which are
either (a) purely empirical (only based on past experience) or
(b) mechanistic-empirical,
• In which the distresses/performance are explained in terms of mechanistic
parameters such as stresses, strains and deflections calculated using a specific
• In these methods, for each of the selected structural distresses, a critical
mechanistic parameter is identified and controlled to an acceptable (limiting)
value in the design process.
• The limiting values of these critical mechanistic parameters are obtained from
the performance models.
Why we need to do material characterization for pavement design?

Traffic model

Input data

Environmental Primary
Distress Performance
Effects model Response
models Predictions
(EICM) model

Performance model
Material Characterization Models based on research-R6-

Source : Murlisir-IITM Analysis of stress strain using

Lecture any theory or software
Performance criteria
Design based of
The occurrence of fatigue cracking
Subgrade rutting criteria (appearing as inter connected
An average rut depth of 20 mm performance criteria
cracks), whose total area in the
or more, measured along the section of the road under
wheel paths, is considered in Two critical issue
consider consideration is 20 % or more
these guidelines as critical or than the paved surface area of the
failure rutting condition section, is considered to be the
critical or failure condition.
Pavement distresses
Flexible pavement section showing location of critical
strains 155 310

Layer 1
Bituminou h1
Layer 2

Layer 3
Flexible Pavement Design

Computed strain < Allowable strain

Performance Model_Rutting
• Subgrade Rutting Model

msa ( million standard axle) – rutting life

Performance Model_Fatigue
• Fatigue Model
Standard Condition for Pavement Analysis using IITPAVE
Modulus of Resilient_Subgrade and Granular base + Sub base
Resilient Modulus of

Resilient Modulus of
Granular base course
Modulus of Resilient of Bituminous Mixes
In India most
of part
35⁰ C
( At the time
of design site
shall be

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