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IRCologne at GermEval 2021: Toxicity Classification

Fabian Haak
Björn Engelmann
TH Köln
Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 54
50968 Köln,

Abstract proach employed in the GermEval 2021 toxicity

classification task (Risch et al., 2021) combines
In this paper, we describe the TH Köln’s sub-
these traditional classification methods with the
mission for the ”Shared Task on the Identifi-
cation of Toxic Comments” at GermEval 2021. Snorkel framework (Ratner et al., 2017). Using
Toxicity is a severe and latent problem in com- labeling functions (LFs), we identify indicators for
ments in online discussions. Complex lan- aspects of toxicity to enable explainable toxicity
guage model based methods have shown the judgments and improve classification performance.
most success in identifying toxicity. However,
these approaches lack explainability and might
2 Toxicity: Definition, Aspects,
be insensitive to domain-specific renditions of
toxicity. In the scope of the GermEval 2021 Classification.
toxic comment classification task (Risch et al.,
2021), we employed a simple but promising Depending on the definition, a wide range of as-
combination of term-frequency-based classifi- pects defines what constitutes toxic comments
cation and rule-based labeling to produce ef- (Wulczyn et al., 2017). As described by Geor-
fective but to no lesser degree explainable tox- gakopoulos et al. (2018), a toxic comment, aside
icity predictions. from exhibiting verbal violence, can also be ”a com-
ment that is rude, disrespectful or otherwise likely
1 Introduction
to make someone leave a discussion”. This defi-
Toxic language in online comments and discussions nition is consistent with the definition of toxicity
is an increasingly relevant problem (Mathew et al., given in the overview paper, where toxic comments
2019). However, toxicity classification is a chal- are deemed problematic because they discourage
lenging task (Paasch-Colberg et al., 2021). There and hamper participation in discussions. (Risch
is no universally agreed on complete definition of et al., 2021). To better tackle the issue of toxic
toxicity. Instead, toxicity is an umbrella term for a language in comments, we categorized the aspects
variety of problematic, negative phenomena (Malik of toxicity in comments into three categories. The
et al., 2021). Since, even for human annotators, it first category of toxicity-defining aspects can be
often is hard to explain why precisely a comment is characterized as language aspects. These describe
or is not toxic, language models trained on an exten- features like particular vocabularies or attributions
sive dataset of labeled comments usually performed that carry a toxic tonality. They range from dif-
best in the task of identifying toxicity (Zhao et al., ferent forms of hate speech such as racism (Kwok
2021). However, these approaches lack explainabil- and Wang, 2013), sexism (Jha and Mamidi, 2017),
ity, and when the systems are employed to filter fanaticism and identity hate, to profane, offensive
user-composed comments, the system should be and aggressive language and incivility (Risch et al.,
able to indicate what aspect(s) of the comment lead 2019, 2021). Of the toxic features listed in the
to it being declared as toxic. More traditional ap- task description, vulgar language, screaming, and
proaches like support vector machines, linear mod- insults are listed as toxic comment features (Risch
els, or naive Bayes classification do not perform as et al., 2021). The second category can be described
well, generally. Nevertheless, TFIDF-based clas- as toxic behavioral aspects, defined by their com-
sification has clear advantages in terms of ease of municative intentions. They are composed of cy-
domain adaptability and explainability. Our ap- berbullying (Chavan and Shylaja, 2015), sexual


Proceedings of the GermEval 2021 Shared Task on the Identification of Toxic, Engaging, and Fact-Claiming Comments
co-located with KONVENS
predation (McGhee et al., 2011), threats, and so- 3.2 Binary Classification
called spam messages (Founta et al., 2018). Sar- Especially deep learning models with a large num-
casm and zynism, discrimination, discrediting, ac- ber of training parameters require an extensive data
cusations, and threats are the aspects of toxic com- set (Feng et al., 2021). Although datasets for toxic
ments mentioned in Risch et al. (2021) that best comments for pre-training would have existed for
fit this category. Finally, the most latent type of the classification of English texts, for German texts,
toxic aspects can be grouped as inappropriate lan- these do not exist. We decided that translating texts
guage. These highly context- or domain-specific from English to German or using datasets with la-
aspects span from age-inappropriateness (Alsham- bels for toxic aspects such as sexism or hate speech
rani et al., 2021) to general undesirable topics or would induce too much noise. Therefore, we chose
off-topic messages. to base our model solely on the training data pro-
In one of the rare approaches to more explain- vided by GermEval. Since the training dataset is
able toxicity classification, Xiang et al. (2021) tried relatively small with 3244 labeled comments, we
to address the issue of poor explainability of lan- considered four different simple model types (see
guage model classification techniques. However, subsection 4.1). This model then serves as a base-
their approach is decidedly different from ours. By line to ensure complete coverage across all com-
assuming that a text is at least as toxic as its most ments.
toxic part, they focused their work on increasing the
explainability of transformer-based classification. 3.3 Data Programming
As previously mentioned, this is a rare exception
since most recent approaches utilize deep learning Ratner et al. have presented a data programming
and attention-based language models like BERT framework (Snorkel) that produces noisy labels us-
(Devlin et al., 2018). ing user-defined labeling functions (Ratner et al.,
2017). These labeling functions can express sim-
3 Methodological Approach ple rules such as regular expressions or more com-
plex heuristics that use external resources. Snorkel
Our approach applies binary classification (BC)
is typically used to solve tasks where no labeled
and data programming on a preprocessed version
dataset is available by combining these labeling
of the provided corpus. In this section, we give a
functions to produce provisional labels to train a
brief overview of all aspects of this approach.
discriminative model. Snorkel has been success-
3.1 Preprocessing fully used for various NLP tasks, such as named
entity recognition (Lison et al., 2020), fake news
Before any classifier is trained or other potential bi-
detection (Shu et al., 2020), and spam classification
ased patterns in the text are addressed, the comment
(Maheshwari et al., 2020).
texts are preprocessed. Since the original texts are
needed for labeling functions, the cleaned texts are 3.4 Labeling Functions
saved separately. The preprocessing consists of the
following steps: Labeling functions express simple heuristics that
assign either a label, in our case Toxic, OK, or ab-
1. Removing single-character-words stain, to label an input comment. An example is
2. Deleting any html snippets shown in Figure 1. Each labeling function should
represent either a toxic or normal aspect for a com-
3. Discard all characters that are not European ment as part of a larger set of labeling functions
ASCII characters (f.e. digits) to move the classification in one direction. Our
4. Removing any white space characters approach to producing labeling functions is to ex-
amine incorrect labels from the output of our clas-
5. Tokenization using the TweetTokenizer pro- sification model, namely false positives and false
vided by the NLTK (Bird et al., 2009) negatives. We only examine the incorrect labels
from the training data to prevent overfitting. In this
6. Excluding all tokens from NLTK’s list of Ger-
human-in-the-loop approach, new labeling func-
man stopwords
tions can be defined iteratively after every evalua-
7. Stemming using the Cistem German Stemmer tion step to improve the final classification perfor-
(Weißweiler, 2017) mance (Wu et al., 2018).


Proceedings of the GermEval 2021 Shared Task on the Identification of Toxic, Engaging, and Fact-Claiming Comments
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Method Accuracy F1-Score
Logistic Regression 67.8 51.78
Linear SVC 65.49 57.38
SVC 57.16 54.28
MLP 62.1 57.62

Table 1: Best Results for different classifiers after grid

Figure 1: Labeling function for toxic emojis. search parameter optimization.

We can then use Snorkel to examine the follow- All classifiers were also evaluated with the fol-
ing properties for a set of labeling functions (Ratner lowing tf-idf parameters for the sklearn-learn
et al., 2017): TFidfVectorizer:
• Coverage: Is a measure of how large the pro-
• word n-gram range ∈ {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)}
portion of data is for which this labeling func-
tion has not been abstained from.
• minimum document frequency threshold
• Overlap: Proportion of data for which at least mindf ∈ {0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06}
one other labeling function has also assigned
a label. • maximum document frequency threshold
maxdf ∈ {0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1}
• Conflicts: The fraction of the dataset where
this LF and at least one other LF label and The results of the classifiers can be seen in Ta-
disagree. ble 1. The evaluation metrics in our case are ac-
curacy and F1 Score, as the classes in the training
• Empirical Accuracy: The empirical accu- dataset are not balanced. We have chosen to use
racy of this LF (if gold labels are provided). the Linear SVC model as it has the best balance
With these properties, the LFs can be evaluated between accuracy and F1 score.
manually and adjusted if necessary. Snorkel can
4.2 Labeling Functions
learn a generative model based on the correlations
and accuracies among the LFs. This generative van Aken et al. (2018) have analyzed the results
model serves as our final classification model. of machine learning classification for toxicity pre-
diction and identified aspects of toxicity that are
4 Results hard to detect by these models. Similarly, labeling
functions for improving the overall classification
4.1 Classification Models
results are derived from the false positive and false
We randomly split the provided data into 80% train negative classifications that the linear SVC model
data and 20% for test data. We performed a pa- produced. We hoped to find indicators in the form
rameter search for the following classifiers using of patterns that match aspects for toxic comments
scikit-learn’s Grid Search (Pedregosa et al., 2011). we established in 2. The potential patterns we iden-
• Logistic Regression (LR) tified are:

• Support Vector classifier (SVC) • Quotations: In some false positives, poten-

tially toxic text is presented by the author in
• Linear SVC quotation marks to show that it is not their
• Multi-layer Perceptron classifier(MLP) thoughts or opinions but something they com-
ment on. For example: ”Sag mal ...willst du
For LR, SVC and Linear SVC we evaluated eine Menschen mit einer ”Rostlaube” vergle-
the inverse regulation strength C ∈ {0.8, 1, 1.2}. ichen?? Wie impertinent !!”. We decided to
For the MLP, we tested the following implement this feature in a second submission,
sizes for the hidden states (h1 , h2 , h3 ) ∈ where we included the deletion of quotations
{(10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 20), (40, 40, 40), (80, 80, 80)}. as an additional preprocessing step.


Proceedings of the GermEval 2021 Shared Task on the Identification of Toxic, Engaging, and Fact-Claiming Comments
co-located with KONVENS
• Sentiment: Negative sentiment could be a LF Coverage Overlap Acc.
universal indicator for toxic comments. As question 0.011 0.005 0.897
mentioned by van Aken et al. (2018), this exclamation 0.018 0.009 0.957
could especially be the case if the toxicity emojis 0.009 0.003 0.826
is latent and topic-dependent. In the false caps 0.04 0.011 0.625
negatives produced by our binary classifica- haha 0.078 0.015 0.379
tion model, comments such as ”100% der short sens 0.057 0.013 0.265
AfD scheißt auf die Menschenrechte” or ”Was ellipses 0.055 0.02 0.464
eine dämliche Diskussion . Sind wir jetzt
Table 2: Properties of the LFs. Those marked in green
völlig verblödet. Ich muss abschalten .Ich
are part of the final classification and those marked in
bekomme Kopfschmerzen.” also show nega- red have been discarded. None of the LFs showed any
tive sentiment. We implemented labeling func- conflicts with other functions.
tions with different thresholds for BAWL-R
(Võ et al., 2009), SentiWS (Goldhahn et al.,
2012) and German Polarity Cues (Waltinger, sentences is common amongst the falsely neg-
2010) sentiment lexica, as well as German ative classified comments. As implemented
Sentiment (Guhr et al., 2020), a BERT-based in the VADER sentiment analysis tool devel-
sentiment classification approach. Although oped by Hutto and Gilbert (2014), multiple
there were some indications that negative sen- punctuation marks at the end of sentences en-
timent could be a signal for toxicity, we could force the sentiment of the sentence. Since we
not identify any obvious differences between expect this to be the case for German texts
toxic and non-toxic texts. Since this was sup- and what we find in our dataset matches this
ported by poor-performing LFs, we did not assumption, we employ the phenomenon as a
include any sentiment LFs into our classifica- toxicity indicator as a labeling function. In ad-
tion. dition, some falsely classified toxic comments
show multiple ellipses, possibly indicating an-
• Capitalization: Capitalizations of words noyance, such as in ”Und überhaupt...wenn
could indicate aggressive language, for ex- ich Spahn schon sehe... ”.
ample in ”@MEDIUM Wenn Sie als objektive
• Toxic emojis: Certain emojis that seem to be
Presse, die sich an Fakten zu halten haben,
used to indicate disgust or anger appear almost
da Sie auch einen BILDUNGSAUFTRAG
exclusively in toxic comments and frequently
haben, sich Pro-Organspende aussprechen
appear in the list of false negatives. Therefore,
sollten, muss man sie entweder der Organ-
we introduced a labeling function that checks
und/oder PharmaMafia zuordnen oder aber
for appearances of these emojis (c.f. Figure 1)
als Lügenpresse bezeichnen bzw erkennen,
dass Sie Ihrem Auftrag nicht gerecht wer- • Insults: We found a lot of insults in the false
den können. Ihnen würde dann Unfähigkeit negatives, such as ”Moralapostel”, ”Trendlem-
attestiert. Alles nicht wirklich nett!”. We minge”, or ”Menschenhasser”. A labeling
quickly realized, that in many cases, 3- function was created that labels texts based on
character words that are capitalized are abbre- the appearance of insults from a list of Ger-
viations. Therefore, the labeling function only man insults from However, the
checks for words longer than three characters. LF coverage and accuracy were low, probably
due to the complexity and context-relatedness
• Sarcasm and Ridiculing: Some text ele- of German insults.
ments like certain emojis at the end of com-
ments ( , , and , especially when used Table 2 shows the properties of some of the la-
in multiples) and the term ”haha” in various beling functions, including those used in our clas-
variations and lengths could indicate toxic lan- sification. The first two LFs check whether there
guage. are three question marks or exclamation marks in a
row in the comment. The high accuracy scores of
• Punctuation: The use of multiple exclama- the LFs indicate that multiple exclamation points
tion points or question marks at the end of and question marks indicate toxicity. The rela-


Proceedings of the GermEval 2021 Shared Task on the Identification of Toxic, Engaging, and Fact-Claiming Comments
co-located with KONVENS
Method Accuracy F1-Score ID F1 P R
(Macro) 1: BC + LFs 0.576 0.582 0.570
Linear SVC 65.49 57.38 2: BC + LFs + Quot. 0.574 0.580 0.568
Linear SVC + LF 67.95 62.31
Table 4: Classification results of the provided test data.
Table 3: Comparison of the final classification with the Run 1 results were produced only using binary classifi-
baseline model performed on the split-produced test cation and data programming. For run 2 the same meth-
data. ods were used, but as described in subsection 4.2, text
in quotation marks was removed from training and test
tively higher accuracy for exclamation points could
be explained by the fact that German exclama- 5 Conclusion
tion points are used to signal imperative sentences,
To overcome the difficulties posed by GermEval
which could be perceived as toxic in the context of
2021’s toxicity classification task, we combined
a discussion. As previously described, capitalized
traditional linear SVC classification with labeling
words and the use of particular emojis are also a
functions based on false negative and false posi-
sign of toxicity. This is also confirmed by our ex-
tive classifications of the model. This combined
ploration and empirical accuracy of the emojis-LF
approach is able to deliver explainable results and
(c.f. Figure 1). We discarded the remaining LFs
adaptability. Despite the total coverage of the LFs
marked in red because of the low accuracy since
in the training data of about 5% and although we
these patterns do not indicate toxicity for texts of
discarded most of the developed labeling func-
the given corpus. The discarded LFs check whether
tions due to bad classification performance, data
the phrase ”haha” is included, whether a comment
programming increased the classification’s perfor-
contains at least one ellipsis, and short sens checks,
mance significantly. Including the four best per-
whether the comment consists of sentences with an
forming labeling functions, our final classification
average length of two or less words. Of the three
model increased the F1-score by almost 5 points.
categories of toxic aspects of comments described
This increase indicates that the toxic attributes cov-
in section 2, mostly language aspects are effectively
ered by the LFs have not been taken into account by
covered by the LFs. Covering the more latent be-
the linear SVC classifier. On the evaluation dataset,
havioral aspects like discrimination, sarcasm, or
our approach reached an F1-score of 0,576. Over-
threats indirectly by negative emotions was ineffec-
all, the approach was a success. However, a more
tive. Since inappropriateness is context-dependent
extensive dataset might have benefited our linear
and the context of the dataset is unknown, the LFs
SVC model’s and our labeling functions’ perfor-
do not cover inappropriateness aspects of toxic
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co-located with KONVENS
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Proceedings of the GermEval 2021 Shared Task on the Identification of Toxic, Engaging, and Fact-Claiming Comments
co-located with KONVENS

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