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Project #1

a. Discuss the philosophy of Allama Iqbal which resulted in the creation of Pakistan.

b. Discuss the philosophy of Allama Iqbal for the young Muslims of sub-continent.

Project #2

a. Why did Quaid e Azam change political parties? what was his initial and final reaction due to a
philosophy? Name that philosophy.

b. Discuss the philosophy of life of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah for creation of Pakistan Give at
least five examples of his character which made him so popular.

Project #3

a. Discuss the basic difference in the philosophies of Zoroaster and Thale.

b. What are the concepts of God in major religions of world?

Project #4

a. Describe philosophy of islam and discuss the philosophy of any three muslim philosopher.

b. Describe the philosophy of pillars of islam.

Project #5

Discuss in detail the philosophy of Jews.

Project #6

Who was Buddha? Discuss his philosophy and the reason of his conversion to the new philosophy of life.
How does his philosophy differ from that of Plato?

Project #7

What are major believes of Christianity? Discuss 7 principles of Christianity.

Project #8

Discuss at least 6 pillars of the philosophy of Zoroaster due to which he became well known. Which
country has maximum followers of Zoroaster?

Project # 9

a. Describe the philosophy of Socrates. Why was he killed? Which well-known philosopher was present
at the time of death of Socrates.

b. What was given to Socrates as a punishment? What did Plato and Spartans say to Socrates before
drinking the poison. What was the name of that poison?

Project #10

a. Discuss the philosophy of Carl Marks.

b. What are the main demerits of his philosophy in practical life?

c. Which countries practice the philosophy of carl marks. Are they considered successful in business

Project #11

a. Who was Ibn-e-Sina? What was his contribution in the Muslim world?

b. Discuss the philosophies of Muslim and European education systems.

Project #12

a. What was the philosophy of Imam Ghazali? Discuss his main points.

b. What was the philosophy of Thale? Why did he believe in it?

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