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STUDENT: Daremy Monserrath Urtuzuastegui Sánchez

TEACHER : sofia karina Carballo garcia
DATE: 7 of february 2024
1. Which of these activities have you tried? Did you like or dislike them? Why?
• lifting weights
• jogging
• boxing
• swimming
I have tried yoga, and I liked it since it made me feel more relaxed and at peace with

2. Are you in good shape? If so, how do you keep in shape? If not, what can you do to get
in shape? I'm not in as good shape as I would like, to get in better shape, I should start
going to the gym and have a better diet.

3. Are you interested in going to a health club? Why? Why not? I am interested in joining
the gym to have a better body.

4. Students and senior citizens can often get discounts at health clubs, theaters,
restaurants, and other places. Do you think this is fair? Why? Why not? I think these
discounts are good because those people don't have so much money to afford those

5. Is it safe to leave your money and other valuable things in the locker room at a gym?
Why? or why not? In my opinion, it's not right to leave those things there because I don't
find the small locks they have secure.

6. Your friend wants to get in shape quickly. Tell your friend what he or she ought to do.
I suggest going to a nutritionist and hiring a trainer to provide personalized exercises.

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