Ica Assignment 1

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Z — | i G-AKOMAYA “Integrates Ciacurrs Awe -Arppuications Assignment J. Tn D Dekre the Cees AYCMRR b) Voos QD Sleo wh AD UGB Ove, jal Demag Tt Bk Re vwatio of diffradal | gain +o the Gammen (pio \cmee= Ag |e | >dilowanns blo too %/p vy (W\-Va) disfenorce voltage . > dilfeantial gain on be expweced in dB. Aid = 20 fog | (Aad fa de. fra = Ve_ whese VA= Vi-Va Va. Donen male goin Che) % dire at 5 3 we abply boo /p voltage ushith owe eqped bo he AMEfexentad onplifier fe Yi ave than amar Veo bet Vo g Lebrarrtol amp not: ont alebards on the diffewrers voltage but abso nae en Ke Aerage — common level on att Average Loweh of the “pat Pe - calles —cornmor rode. 82 Ck) Ne 2 WAV | Dp l J Voos : (ovtBot: offset voltage.) aes F — 2 Voo: 3) The voltage fovercrt fo ovtpot withost “4 abot apbled se called ax ovtput Met voltmge CVoos) 2) bloiv wate aMos vote Lan be defined wm jit & watt of shorae of outBut voltage with weapect” * — dBeme - DI ded whe > O58 v/aseo , | J yg t—, 1 f fot Po \ d) UGB: Corvty opin bord utd paoduct’) ate ab the bard widths of op amp when +e woltogg opin a unity. Ge one), ate denote a Gy (Get br ura) The vaity aera wx db whuw, ie >ologcs) = od, >The % value For bak whl 5 06 > hw practical vole A My heen Yn Ab \ —— S$ © Voge Ciopot off set salto) alee “F re Fo $Nee > hen our both Sp teaminake of op-omh ase Apoordedl » Hook olp voltage it xoxo. (\20,Vo20 tea 4-0) Db Prati at Povducee feral anova: Of m-r00 ep welinge 7 Poppers Ane € ris —mateing pret in Be Filla event Of op-arp > such vebbge 20 Cause orm 1 He practical application . The dYfoantel volinge that mut be offlral beboan Bo bio fp teomiralh of on op-onp, to make +0o ofp vty ’ zem is Tt alth Vios, > Smallos the value of Vios gives bette, hesforrrace te Pe werousk exro% - DJ doa! valew or a Practical — vabus of Vioc 1 Amy -Emv. (B What aw the Fdead dhenoctiitis F esol 18 Packages —(Tempesdtiet ges) Of - AMP. del chovackiustios op-arh - slopan top 9050) An. Cvol gern) = of D> fap — Seredaren (Rin) = > ovtpot Ser pedeee CRot) = 0 > Veoo =O > Vt + 0 » Tin =O > bark usd = 20 Demee (+ 2 > glow wiz (oe) = 02 >» PSRR =0 © what ose the rlawefrations s&h pe Kages CTernpersti reps) al Ic _ _A t Wing 4K Bele (sing pots) losing PET) FET —Yy ving, Si- hectic Ls hekion. yattonal amplifier. 4. Mil Poon temberatore woes (-s5c b nse (os) 55°C #4850) &- Trdluabrvod Aemnpesobvr2e sovags (20% to 85°C (ox) —Uo ty 485 >» Grmesctal embesailine vergps (0% to yor (ov) 0% +0. yas) ©) ae ® Bxflet bo Block Aiagwwn of op-AmP in aiae debt h . 0 ® Belek Mayer ef eran Ng | c= \ | i 4) |) ie — rol D opamp is ~ Aisect eoubhél, Saf gin ombliteg| py G usually — Conia of ene (or) mowe SN rartiol 3. | *% 7 vind by level tronufotos ond ovtBot mi » * | tho » Tnput Stage + te) 7 UW) Tk must poovide igh input Imbedorce ( te infinity, . 6: WHE Jaw difleentel fnput . Al a) commen mode STyral gud a, necke she arabs axe obhl’rvinabed: by. using. Affororkral 7 ee Gort mut Loue Sieh emRRC commen moka 4 ° seect'on %) . a 4 @® Tt poovidles Hier gain . &) Twewnediade singe ~ @ Tha 2 abeo pales as oer stge , ‘ hy wil provide adhiten ' vol tage qa Go Tt Const Ff tev Fp ¢ rate op “ fie Ava Fp, unbalorock v/P). D Buler g fovel traylates — clycutt + w Buy Hs wee emitles Gollacer with 2 ork Sow op impedlare od amp Lives he pe arate te a apooadk potertian. the cusowrt carveying Gapoctby ef op-omp- i) Te alto Provides Low ofp ionfederce . (i) We “ee clara -8 jpah ~pull power ample. © Geely explain Wruel brenslatos creurt- dl sive op-enps ee Tuck covpheh, de Jovel at po ostout ual be above zero, eadh ampl'Srex soge produces AC amplPication of te Sel bs ak the gure Here Be DC Much Le deoLe2 hoe to He biag voltages. Se we hed te ue Loud tymaliton Cocuite to shift de Lovell % row, ut an us voltage Biibag exits Slowey be poapee. DC voliqe i ditisimined by Ye ~sohko of tuxetos. foo bafta, weal we my also cusgurt missor vy Adfe current bias © Compre Tahal Taverting onphi’ew ad Vho! Nen — Snwantng amp LiBew: dt Td “averting ompliBier* \ F ee a? } Os = te mo 5) 4 ——° b , > Bi ; Dervation of colored feof gaint © Sac cake © forded, eae "pita » from tBe concep oe gpourd »& Vaz 0 5. Vance [2 Va=ve =2 Ry - Vi c +7 30 > New Bem be ouipt sde , eal. Lisodion of, guseort T) we Gn eRe, 4 Te: Va -Vo — . 2 Rs oO sents suve T fa Hom &% tert Rapa: evoke is pho. a ea Oo opt | - BS (Gata ust Led back) Vn OR ofiee ign indicat, the ist prose bie > ne fn olp. Y Pwo + T dead Non - Yaverting, Amp 0% : @s € t+ Me >@ | sdlmet oye Dd entesg cusount posses Mv R, ag i/p woot eA op -amp Lk rers0 apiting O&O me ge Ve- Vin Wey Re a, of Sap ve No vt, . Va Wen — ke RR . a: vm | eel Dde & CRE Tide the Me 2 Ri +Re Foo the > eS a [te 3 te I: Ven e, ‘ - ~ From the 9] O Deke the Home ad Virtual gered concepts 1. Y, zee input cresenty. > A) vintiok quourd terept + Tit meons a dil fprantiol ‘lp voltage Vg ble non~ Tmotig § wneitig, ty Bea Boney yo | ay _b) ew - foput sucsuat » Te susoerk Axauon by etter he i ‘le fourkrol ‘nveilieg, & Noa - imertg i a zem be GQ Re punsart Joan by ?/e Somindk 2 vow ard fn emg - 4 price crappores (4A) lev) nan0 ampows (oa). \v. aloe pid to con] 6 Dsew ond explain the cisceuPt of aqgertatoe ok UE Sreperny - ) r- Y, me fo Oitfanbites + pt a Bout wht giver dé Gut AHfatiatton > poe veetval grok concofat Vi2V>=0 « vam ete op aap TER Ger te *lp stde Aiffpantiactorr een & (Wen-V>) CN 20) . dNin SEC | dv | 30 few the ofp fda dikfoartobiwn a a Va. = Vout (1. Ve20) Re T= - oe Ke ee wy 0 &@ c Bun = ee Bt Cy Re avin, - Be =o ee A a Nout * of ° 2 Pbew 4 ahous that ofp of di orocb ade >) Bh CRe Hows. . 9 Nogstine Ban tn dal ot: vee . 2) she off 10" he input onek ovtfut { Freyunc, wevporse~ Example = Constr lp 08 Bayne vonue a) > Te Sqpane wave ft made of skps recip of 1A? volte Som to te t3 wehtle a clef of (oA? veld fem t-I to tT. Ss, Vin (= A ox eed at - | As Zeer re "> 60, toe ole in Le Sam of tyoin of impulses 5 0% Spikes. ate? | D 1 fr Jo fi exc eg soe Bowen output woave Large be ere Frequency Kexpe = . 5 kw tout, he op apation of om Uh Aff Vo (k) = — 8G Ain dt 2) | |* » Foanshoom Whe cay ahiiin 2) - - SReG Vin io? oorfane , $b orn (4? be ty Vo (2° - +60 > Te ot : rs Vel jwood? Ry Ci Vin God Ve (je? = “je Rec, “Vio ie > Mog oe dee Ae else. | > |-geoke G) G0 via (fed Az wRaG car h REG zo) He gero Ps exo ok ako Mncewowe TAC qac » aes triggea te ° be obtained by o 2 £00 > The fotegeaton agc in te excbanairg eo position of basta diffoantatos perend- aT Ea Ce SL. ‘ & fot o wf ele cossent DPrm He cp whe we Hm voor Chev vay capaci tor ogn. Pre 1-G He vor) 9D 5 chee We Prem the ‘Ip sity we Ga vote wen ndice fn -¥ Gr pte Ts vin 5@ . ting, oO &@ |e Togt Vin-Vn Gy 4 a >@ e ; Freep » ds rele & 28 qprowrded. “nah A oho at > Coif + undedl fotcrtio£ > Bom the concept § “tat voce a al C2V2=0) ake La g Sen eg ® wt Vin ~O AL ey $f qe C Vast) R “Made | gtwl bat RG ats ANo = ~ Vin at Kile eee gan ; Pking intereition en bith siheg to abe 4 Vo ( ) (au: J at Urn (Oat J vega 8 Ree Yt ot + \o> bn Ut). At he qain. Ae _ Mee ol vin Ce) dt + \e (oe) 2G Ean ¢ R, Ce ~y whee Velo) & the constont Bow intesnatton teh indicat In? Hal olp voltage. Er pted wet | | + S14 | Th a any | ‘ / : n — ~ AT a Taget eae iosen ~ pulpit eavedone Frequency Rexfonse + ° Pnktambos ee deal a Volt) = ba S vate) Cr WoloJe0) Tiking, plies tooafirn He cle yn vos? = 1. vin Cs) BRiCg To gt the Beopamy ane wee By —\ vin (fed Hover gon oad a le Ake Do opt He Aeaprny ORES - : te gee pe (HOV Seg) OF Vin (jd ie he Ae | oe — te wRCs eee I 2A£Ri Cp @ Atal brag’ fer ati ond Art lagaat ty va (ve) &x0 anf hg ae op-™P D pee'y KCL ¢ ° a0 Pere dt LagasttPm'c Papbibo + tT > Se” j | vit Vy >v Tt ole ; bd | > M7 os en Te = russe 7 ae av on ne loon | 4? *deahity Ce) 4) sere ot tes 4 AON poopettterat te Logac temic f app coment Hout 1.2 Vp = Vo ‘lp ve Ds (vd: [ye tay | Vi Ne Te Ban trvesttng, amplfeos Pa wich R, back sussboy Rp sup Kocadl by a Micke. 6 9 5 ip sl kd Poy Leow Ri, while nen tnvestiog deat h gprvodil. ea Afebock applied thrmooyp diode (od, die a] es penned blo fvexking torviral & ostfut teomPad. we Z * -of- amp used. Pa ene omb whe LMin5g, LMF, LMF ane recommend because doe Tels gun high — pexferrone akg ‘Lag og (a2) by (350 op gc exreenier Be ley op » erly wet at node A> we at J, -Ie > “ i pene 7? _, foctox [ for Sp) Sor Ge>> | Ww | a Ler vlew| 0 Ry by vsitg vivtual guoordh concept Wz Vo20V 2@ i . “Vi tev Veag © on OQ we 9H a s0V K -Ve qr = -%&[e€ ow | MU: Vo lh Vp Rite Takig ‘et on oth ches ty (a) iy (O*") | vleya= blog a, (i eee 49 (ad Ti Ve + Vr fog 6%) © 1 (255) Yoarce blo lp & ofp. lapse np ep sa ‘tlc iden Lack, Asan? a AR ~ a la P EH 4b be we (D) Scaling Vacs C2 vr) Sey a8 ‘Te. ® oft get ten (Ln I) 1: on Boome. amp A genebrve +0 enperetor. Pritt Loyaat Bim ampli’ iored By inlescheging te positions of Be Mele | as ates 0h surtibor 03 Combaxd) bo laqanténic 3 chro t, Be antlog amp Lifer an be ue yu ae . Te Ove p bn? | € 7 > —+— Ve Vo pe doh a connects, Wo the vertiy footed ~ eed d the op-amp. Me rode 6 4 qual Tug te ord once oka Bah vista Ground orferwtiod oN Hlonce \pz0- Clow® Lured wy : at trsove é, be tro dodo i ond wolltage — ents the dito Pe ve Ts A BR at Virtual Grovnd. hel 7a he oop. the dade te for by t,.-1s Paes) 0 Arguning tHe inp suerte Fide We °F fp be pee, tre he Mutat Eat be Hare expsexton for the Fonoash amar is 1," rg 0g oS q-Un- Na = Me C. Va zo) Re Re fr fooduat re ®& asso te be Ved ; | RV 1 16 cLexwtt all tho Tp vtq 4 le uy p St : nn 8 wr ae abblied to the fnvowbing leony dhe op- omp. . The ole us inp. go Pt mb bison. © CF) Nn Swe a Dh th4 > As nde Bo nde, Aue vintval added asg to quand Concept » He nee A & ahe at virial On of 7 ape Potentoh. be Va > Vg20. - _ . \e 7 A ot > Peplgng, kes mi oe Te-t+i4+7, Bro obtain MiNa 4 Mara 4 Var Va, Va= Vo “at RR mm | OS . Re ww PS cyte qpound Concept voltage ok . me " mle wpe pa ve veee || oon than above equahit wh Vye0 Cv -2 4 (vy -o) +. Cv ~0) O-V. — 2 fo VB = Lo ki Ry Ka Re Rake Rs Rs _\ Key, + Ky, + & v. gz, ELV, Ree R= R=Rs ofp wel be JNe= ~ Cv va + vs\ Tre lp will be -we of le Som oy the pai sot Bb alle Dredg ee onp lifer. CC) Nop Thihig Sapy Aneplies. DT the sit atl te tp voltage to be addeh asa to be appired to +ée ner —foventirg Orly of on 0f- ane. Ra Non -favext? olp vol Son extn Reon : oF ae 1 mp 4 No = [ta Be Ke Vv. 30 Ra Rsk, © Vy date ane very [he 2 Sos Re en aby in voltage dinsen wole voltage . vollag. of naka (8? ie Aen by ie lavs a |» op voltage Gow non tavodtrng amp Vor ‘To %\ Ve --(» glee 4 a theorem uo Sane Vo = Vo, +Vor 3@ Sub _ @Q@ in @ vx oft & a Vite ma bel ey ve Th we have R=Rik Ben Vo = Rs Vy Vr Jie &\f . ‘| >) he a wseqptned olf of a Summing ofp Sox Re -0 % R,-& 2k we Dave i gummi, cioou? 6, Sintleaky, Sus tle nennting \ ole voltege J quer by = V+ Va + Va ty as Y Vo

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