The Hardest Days

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Turning Points in the Battle of Britain

by Roger Mason

itler was always circumspect If the war was several years away, and Germany. In 1939 and 1940 the wisdom
about broadly sharing his its goal was correcting nearby territorial of that approach seemed validated
true intentions for the war in disputes, military planners could con- by a year of continuous victory.
Europe. In line with that, he developed centrate on devising the strategies and Unlike those German planners,
the habit of taking aside individual weapons systems that would be appro- however, some key leaders in Britain
military leaders and ostensibly telling priate for such a situation. It seemed were under no illusions about the
his inner thoughts to them. In that logical, then, the German military potentially expansive nature of any
way he disguised his deeper intentions concentrate on developing forces not new war. The anti-appeasement crowd,
while deflecting worries about getting intended for broader-ranging strategic led by Winston Churchill, was firm
into a war Germany wasn’t prepared conflicts. There would be no need for in their belief about the potential for
to win. For example, in the late 1930s huge battle fleets or heavy bombers. a massive and far-ranging conflict.
he assured his nervous naval chief German planners therefore Men like Air Marshall Hugh Dowding
Grand Adm. Erich Raeder that there developed innovative weapons and of Fighter Command believed
would be no war until 1944. To other tactics that met the needs of the every resource available must be
commanders in the army and Luftwaffe actual early-war campaigns. The directed at preparing for an all-out
he gave assurances any war would Luftwaffe was admirably suited to and sustained attack from Germany.
be limited to dealing with territorial conduct rapid attacks supporting Depression-era resources and bud-
issues directly affecting Germany. mobile ground forces in areas close-by gets for the RAF remained tight, though,

6 WORLD at WAR 19 | AUG–SEP 2011 WORLD at WAR 19 | AUG–SEP 2011 7

even as Dowding worked on developing Those were sound strategic objec- but they were only used to watch The British quickly formed a good
The Intelligence War aircraft that would be capable of suc- tives. The problem was such a campaign for convoy traffic in the Channel. idea of what was coming. The Luftwaffe’s
cessfully defending England. Hurricane would, given the tactical nature of the On 1 August the Germans conducted “Yellow Code” had been cracked in
The five keys to intelligence gathering for the British were: the Chain Home radar and Spitfire fighters were put into Luftwaffe, have to be based on impro- small raids and reconnaissance flights the early spring by the cryptanalysts
system, signals intelligence, the ability to decipher the German Enigma code, examination production. One important innovation visation and luck. The British had for against targets from Scotland south to at Bletchley Park (see sidebar). The
of downed German aircraft, and the interrogation of captured German aircrew. was adding additional machineguns several years correctly estimated Hitler’s the Channel ports. RAF fighters remained Germans made a change to a new
The Chain Home radar system gave the British real-time tactical intelligence that would be needed to speedily knock deeper intentions and objectives con- scarce. The Germans also attempted to “Red Code” in April that resulted in
that allowed them to optimize their fighter deployment. While the radar’s range was down larger aircraft like a Heinkel 111 cerning their country. They had therefore influence public opinion by dropping a temporary decryption blackout,
limited, the information provided by it gave the origin of the attack, its direction or Dornier 17 bomber. The Hurricane prepared to defeat just such a campaign. leaflets containing Hitler’s latest speech but by late May the British were
and approximate size, thereby also providing clues to its intended target. was a rugged and steady gun platform, to the Reichstag, which offered the British again reading German messages.
The “Y” signals intercept system was based on a series of receiving stations which was perfect for attacking bomb- 10 July – 7 August: terms for an armistice. That morning Dowding determined the RAF didn’t
that monitored German radio traffic. Data involving aircraft and unit call signs ers. The Spitfire was fast and was a Shadow Boxing Goering called his commanders to have to decisively beat the Luftwaffe
were analyzed against other intelligence sources. Those data, along with raw match for the German Me-109 fighter. Amsterdam for consultations. He wanted to win the coming campaign. The
encrypted messages, were passed to the code breakers at Bletchley Park. Even Effort was also put into to the German staff officers began drawing to know what the enemy was doing: was important thing was to preserve an
Fighter Command and Air Marshall Dowding weren’t initially given access to development and survivability of up detailed plans for the invasion of withholding fighters a calculated tactic or effective fighter force that would be
Enigma intelligence, but by the end of the campaign that had changed. command and control systems. Even England, codenamed Operation Sea were the British low on pilots and planes? available if the Germans launched
Because the battle was fought over England, nearly all crashed German as the first early warning radars were Lion. Preliminary discussions were held Goering also outlined what he called an invasion. The RAF therefore didn’t
aircraft landed in what was for them enemy territory. The wrecks were carefully installed, Dowding insisted com- between the navy and army. Hitler was his “bull’s eye strategy.” The Luftwaffe take the bait of the early attacks on the
examined for whatever intelligence they might yield. Likewise, German crews who munications and power lines to that told it would take a minimum of five would begin the campaign by launching Channel ports and sites in southern
bailed out were usually captured on landing. The only exceptions being some men system’s various command and control weeks to collect and retrofit enough attacks against targets 90 to 125 miles England. From the German viewpoint
and aircraft that crashed in the more distant parts of the Channel and North Sea. centers all be laid underground. barges and other watercraft to move from the center of London. Each week the situation remained vague and
The Germans had no such advantages. On their air staff, intelligence was Hitler believed his 1940 invasion of the required ground force across the the goal would be to destroy 100 RAF British capabilities uncertain. Goring
under the Operations Staff and was known as Abteilung V. That unit’s preliminary France, while risky, would ultimately be Channel. While the army and navy fighters, and the targeting ring would therefore decided to step up operations.
intelligence estimate of British air defenses was completed in July 1940: almost all successful; however, no one, not even he, prepared, the goal of achieving air supe- also be tightened around London. As
of its conclusions were faulty. It minimized the capabilities and quantity of existing could’ve predicted just how successful riority was turned over to the Luftwaffe. the targeting grew closer to London, the 5 August – 6 September:
RAF fighters while also greatly underestimating the rate of fighter production. The that attack would be. In six weeks the Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering British government would be compelled Destroy Fighter Command
Germans therefore expected the RAF to quickly run out of fighters. Further, the same Germans were on the Channel, while ordered preliminary probes against the to negotiate in order to avoid what
report described the British radar system as “inflexible” and “ineffective.” the British ground force was effectively RAF defense system. British fighters today would be called “socio-political British intelligence could see
Correspondingly, neither were the Germans able to use their Freya mobile radar toothless after the Dunkirk evacuation. seemed to be scarce except for patrols collapse.” At the same time, some 400 to the Germans were making invasion
system to gather much information about the RAF. They were at times able, by collecting Both sides’ generals and admirals over ships in the Channel. Luftwaffe 500 British fighters would be destroyed preparations. Photoreconnaissance
“shadows” from Chain Home radar transmissions, to spot RAF squadrons as they took off. realized command of the airspace over unit commanders were told to get during the tightening process. By then flights showed coastal craft and
Only a handful of British pilots fell into German hands. The Luftwaffe had gathered some the Channel and southern England was their aircrews familiar with that coast the invasion force would be ready and barges being readied. Bletchley Park
intelligence on Fighter Command before the war, and their airfield strikes were based on that mandatory to stop decisive intervention and the interior of southern England Sea Lion could be launched, if indeed noted the acceleration of German radio
information. Unfortunately for them, many squadrons had since been moved and the Germans by the British fleet against any amphibi- just beyond it. German mobile radar it were still necessary. The five-week traffic directing units to the coast.
therefore repeatedly bombed airfields that were only being used as emergency landing strips. ous invasion. The first step to being units were moved to the French coast, plan would be started on 8 August. continued on page 12 »
The British also conducted several deception operations. Dummy radio stations were able to launch any invasion therefore
set up to transmit simulated radar transmissions and radio traffic in case a Sector Control lay in destroying the RAF. The differ-
or Chain Home station was damaged. That led to the false impression among the Germans ence between the British and German
those facilities couldn’t be destroyed by bombing. The British also placed fake battle appreciations of the situation came
damage and dynamited some empty buildings on their airfields. That fooled the Germans from the fact the latter’s successes in
into believing the bombing campaign was having a serious impact on British operations, the war up to that time had been based
and led them to the mistaken belief in early September that the RAF was finished. Overall, on tactical and operational innovations
then, the British clearly won the intelligence battle from July to September 1940. ★ related to ground warfare. The Germans
had given little thought to what a
strategic air campaign would be like.
After three weeks of assessing the
new strategic potentials inherent in the
surrender of France, Hitler was ready for
his next move. On 30 June 1940 a new
directive was issued, under the hand of
Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goering, for
an air war against Britain. That gave little
time for planning and preparation.
It was followed on 1 August by a directive
(No. 17) from Hitler himself, which
defined the mission of the Luftwaffe as
being to intensify operations against
England to the point that nation’s
ultimate defeat would be assured. Targets
would be aircraft units and their support
organizations, aircraft production facili-
A German ties and, more generally, the entire British
Enigma defense industry. Secondary targets
would be shipping and ports, in order
to cut the import of food and supplies.

8 WORLD at WAR 19 | AUG–SEP 2011 WORLD at WAR 19 | AUG–SEP 2011 9

Chain Home Radar & RAF Fighter Control

In the early 1930s visionaries like Hugh Dowding replied he wouldn’t support any such often portray elderly English spinsters with transmitted the orders of the Group Commander.
Dowding recognized the RAF had no effective development until he’d seen a successful test. field glasses patiently counting German As RAF squadrons scrambled, their
countermeasure to use against high altitude A test was set up in which an RAF bomber was bombers as they roar overhead toward flight paths were tracked by direction finding
heavy bombers. Some suggested the answer flown back and forth while being successfully London. That simplistic representation stations. RAF fighters carried a transponder
was an H.G. Wells-type “death ray.” Early tracked by RDF. Dowding approved the new masks the true workings of the system. By that identified them as RAF aircraft. That was
experiments soon validated the mainstream system, which was codenamed Chain Home. the start of the Battle of Britain over 30,000 known as “I.F.F.” or “Identification, Friend
belief such a weapon was impossible with the The system consisted of a series of 360-foot observers were in place and organized into or Foe.” Reports from the ground observers,
technologies then available. Those experiments fixed towers with wire strung among them. groups covering all England. They tracked RAF pilots, and direction finding stations kept
did, however, yield one interesting result: the It could determine: range, bearing, formation enemy aircraft, confirmed kills and provided Sector Controls informed of the progress and
radio waves beamed at test aircraft bounced off size and altitude. Altitude remained the most post-raid information on enemy flight paths. location of each battle as it moved inland.
their surfaces and, by being continuously recol- problematic factor throughout the Battle of The OC members wore RAF overalls known That information was sent back up the chain
lected and analyzed, could be used to reveal Britain, in that atmospheric conditions could as “boiler suits,” and standard “soup plate” to the Group Commands and Fighter Command.
those planes’ location, elevation and direction. alter those readings. RAF fighter pilots soon steel helmets with the letters “O.C.” stenciled It was also broadcast to all sectors to help them
Robert Watson-Watt and his staff at the learned to always add several thousand on the front. Each observation post had a track the course of the battle. That allowed
National Physical Laboratory then began work- feet to any radar intercept vector given to telephone wired for direct contact with Fighter other nearby sector controllers to take over if the
ing on a dependable system for spotting aircraft them in order to be sure they didn’t arrive Command headquarters at Bentley Priory and primary Sector Control station was destroyed
using radio waves. That system was called beneath the plotted enemy aircraft. the closest Sector Control. The system was or knocked off line. As each battle progressed,
“R.D.F.” for “Radio Direction and Finding.” The Another challenge was the radar’s range. at once large, simple, robust and effective. Fighter Command was always ready to order
Germans were also working on RDF technology, The first RDF systems had a 50-mile range, When an incoming attack was detected, in squadrons from neighboring groups if the
but their systems were at first intended only which was then gradually increased to 120. That that Chain Home station’s tracking team primary squadrons required reinforcement.
for use by warships. An early version of their allowed Fighter Command to “see” into occupied contacted Fighter Command, where the hostile The Chain Home system supported by
naval Wurzburg targeting radar was fortu- France and watch as the German formations contact was plotted on a large map. That Sector Control was never even temporarily, let
itously recovered by British intelligence from actually took off. In addition to maximum range, information was telephoned to the Fighter alone completely, destroyed. Faulty German
the scuttled battlecruiser Graf Spee in 1939. the radar had a minimum range as well. As Group nearest the attack. The information was intelligence estimates had convinced Goering
The design for the first British radar aircraft crossed the English coast they became also phoned to the relevant Sector Control. the system wasn’t worth the effort to destroy it.
system was developed by Arnold Wilkins, who too close for Chain Home to continue to monitor. Sector Controls were individual air defense When attacks in August did threaten to collapse
reported his findings to Watson-Watt. He in That led to the redeployment of the Observer sectors responsible for fixed defenses like the system, the Germans switched strategies
turn advised Dowding that RDF worked. He then Corps, which had first been established to barrage balloons and anti-aircraft artillery due to the lack of visible results. Thereafter
further requested 10,000 pounds to establish report Zeppelin raids during World War I. as well as fighter squadrons. Sector Controls they simply ignored the tall towers along the
such a system to protect all of England. In that regard, popular fiction and movies coordinated local air defenses and in turn English coast. That proved a costly error. ★

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» continued from page 9 Spitfires and Hurricanes to intercept. Wight escorted by several squadrons seemed to be no break in radar service. even though there’d been no discernable The morning of Eagle Day didn’t
The first significant aerial action by The Germans then withdrew. of fighters. The Germans launched Throughout the day the Germans impact from the radar station attacks. begin well for the Germans. Spotty
the Germans occurred on Monday, 5 August 6 and 7 were relatively quiet, three successive attacks of 100 planes. conducted raids of 150 to 200 aircraft Goering decided the next three days weather resulted in numerous sortie
August at 8:30 a.m. The Chain Home with only some small raids and some That afternoon a second convoy off against RAF airfields, Channel ports would see a concentrated series of cancellations. The problem was all
system detected some 50 hostile aircraft reconnaissance flights. The lull ended Bournemouth was hit by five similar and convoys. The airfields at Manston attacks starting on the morning of the units didn’t receive the abort code,
on route to the Dover area. Fighter on Thursday the 8th when an inbound attacks. Fighter Command responded by and Hawkinge were heavily damaged. 13th. He designated that day as Adlertag and several attacks went ahead,
Group 11 sortied four squadrons of merchant convoy passed the Isle of launching over 600 fighters and patrol Preliminary estimates indicated the day (Eagle Day). The goal was to strike a resulting in scattered and disjointed
planes, for a total loss of 17 aircraft. had been successful for the Germans decisive blow against Fighter Command. continued on page 15 »
The fighting continued throughout
Tactics the week. The Germans were enduring
mounting losses, but they hadn’t
For the Battle of Britain the Germans and the British developed tactics suited to destroyed the 100 British fighters their
their respective strategies and aircraft inventories. The Germans didn’t have a heavy planners estimated were needed weekly
bomber; however, they had three medium bombers: the Junkers 88, the Heinkel 111 and to crush the RAF. The attacks on the con-
the Dornier 17. In addition they had the Ju-87 Stuka, which had been a highly effective voys had brought out Fighter Command,
tactical dive bomber against the Poles and the French during the previous year. but there seemed to be no fewer Spitfires
To protect those bombers the Germans had large numbers of Me-110 “heavy fight- and Hurricanes than when they’d
ers.” Those twin-engine aircraft carried two-man crews and were better armed than started. Goering decided it was time for
single-engine machines. The Me-110 had two 20mm cannon and four machineguns in a knockout blow, and scheduled a major
the nose as well as one rear-facing machinegun. The Germans also had the Me-109 effort for the morning of 12 August.
fighter. It was a high-performance interceptor armed with 20mm cannon. A special unit called
The initial German strategy was to use Stukas to hit pinpoint targets. The medium Erprobungsgruppe 210 (Operational
bomber formations would be protected by close-in Me-110 escorts, while the Me-109s Trials Wing 210) was readied. Me110s
conducted free-range sweeps with large formations to destroy enemy fighters. had been modified along with some
The British had two fighter types making up the bulk of their aircraft arsenal, the Me109s to carry small bomb loads.
Supermarine Spitfire and the Hawker Hurricane. The Spitfire was the faster of the two and The idea was those aircraft would
a great air superiority fighter. It could deal with German fighter escorts, thereby protecting approach at low altitude and make
the Hurricanes as they went after the bombers. The Sector Control and Chain Home radar precision strikes. Their targets were
systems meant the amount of time patrolling and watching for enemy formations was cut the British radar towers. The attackers
to a minimum. After each fight the RAF pilots could land and standby until the next attack. successfully hit several of them.
As the campaign progressed, the Me-110s fell victim in nearly every The Germans then waited to see
engagement due to their lack of speed and maneuverability. The Stukas were if the overall system would fail.
simply too slow to operate in that kind of battle environment, proving easy targets The British, however, had anticipated
for the Spitfires and the Hurricanes. The Me-109s were therefore seldom free to attacks against their radar and had pre-
conduct the massive sweeps they’d planned; they had to stay close to the bombers pared a deception plan. Dummy stations
and help fight off the combination attacks from the Hurricanes and Spitfires. capable of broadcasting simulated radar
Dowding’s strategy was to avoid all fighting that wasn’t directed at destroying German transmissions and radio traffic were
bombers. When German fighter sweeps appeared the British pulled back, leaving the M-109s standing by and immediately began
with no one to fight. Later, when the Luftwaffe concentrated on London, the British employed transmitting. To the Germans there
a tactic called the “big wing,” whereby six or more squadrons would intercept an incoming
bomber formation. The big wings were awkward to organize and employ, but they were instantly
and deeply demoralizing to Luftwaffe pilots who’d been told Fighter Command was finished.
Due to their range limits, German fighters had a maximum of 20 minutes flying time
once they crossed the British coast. Their bombers had longer range, but were slower.
Engaging in midair melees with the RAF rarely accomplished anything decisive other than
using up fuel. When the German fighter escorts turned for home, the Hurricanes attacked.
The Germans were only able to destroy a handful of British aircraft on the ground.
In Poland, France, and later in Russia, great numbers of Allied aircraft were destroyed
while parked on their airfields. The Chain Home radar system gave the British warning
of incoming attacks, and the British also built concrete revetments for their aircraft and
dispersed them around the airfields. That limited losses due to nearby explosions.
The most effective tactic the Germans came up with was to simultaneously send
small formations of bombers and fighters to many targets. Such efforts were hard
for the British to track, and reserves had to be constantly kept back in case a mas-
sive raid followed. That meant many of the smaller attacks got through.
One of the worst German tactics was forcing Me-109 fighters to
carry a single 500 lb. bomb. That reduced those planes’ comparative
performance from that of a racehorse to that of a plow horse
The tipping point came in late August, when Hitler ordered the switch from
targeting airfields to going after cities. While horrifying for the helpless civilians
who lived through the “Blitz,” that approach could never be decisive in crippling the
RAF. Fighter Command’s numbers remained stable. Dowding therefore knew the RAF
would survive and there could thus be no invasion. The fighting continued into the
new year, but the window of opportunity for the Luftwaffe had closed. ★

12 WORLD at WAR 19 | AUG–SEP 2011 WORLD at WAR 19 | AUG–SEP 2011 13

Code Breaking at Bletchley Park » continued from page 13 Lots of unconnected real estate and pri- 396 Hurricanes. That was an overall
operations. The British responded vate buildings had been destroyed, along increase, with just a slight decrease
When war with Germany became imminent in a total of 150 billion possible substitutions. One of Turing’s team members, Tommy quickly, and many German aircraft with civilian casualties. Some airfields in Spitfire strength. Besides the
1938, the British government purchased a 60-acre The Germans sent the encoded messages Flowers, then designed an electronic “Colossus,” were destroyed or damaged. had been hit, but the damage was being material totals, losses of RAF pilots
Victorian estate, Bletchley Park, in the town of between their various headquarters and units in the the world’s first programmable computer, to attack By the afternoon the weather repaired. The RAF had lost 34 aircraft, had also been kept to a minimum.
Bletchley about 50 miles northwest of London. field by Morse code. Those dots and dashes were the even more complex Lorenz machine code. The improved. The afternoon attacks were with a majority of the pilots recovered. Fighter Command was surviving.
The site included a gabled mansion with spacious recorded at intercept locations (“Y Stations”) located Colossus was successful, by 1943 proving able to therefore more successful, but scattered The Luftwaffe had lost 75 aircraft with August 24 was another day of
grounds and a lake with ducks. That estate was on the British coast. The intended recipient’s Enigma handle thousands of daily intercepted messages. cloud cover still made overall bombing few pilots or aircrews saved. Luftwaffe maximum effort by Luftflotte II. It sent in
to be the secret headquarters for the Government machine, set up the same way as the sender’s by (At war’s end, Churchill ordered the destruction of results inaccurate. Two RAF airfields pilots called it “Black Thursday.” a variety of attacks using some 200 air-
Code and Cipher School (GCCS) and the Security previous arrangement, would decode the message the Colossus machines because of their top-secret were damaged. Fighter Command lost Goring responded by declaring craft. Southern airfields were hit again,
Intelligence Service (SIS). A plaque quoting back into plaintext. Such a complex system of nature. One has since been rebuilt at the Bletchley a total of 13 aircraft, but all pilots were attacks on the Channel ports and and Fighter Command was stretched
Shakespeare (Henry V, Act II, Scene II) in the man- letter substitution appeared to be unbreakable, but Park Museum based on original design schematics.) recovered. The results for the Germans convoys a “waste,” and ordered to the limit. In the intense combat 20
sion’s entrance hall cites Bletchley Park’s mission and in 1939 the Poles provided the French and British The number of persons allowed to receive Ultra were therefore much less than decisive. that henceforth all efforts would be aircraft were destroyed, including two
accomplishment: “The King hath note of all that they with two reconstructed Enigma machines, and intelligence was strictly limited. Those who knew August 15 wasn’t much better for directed against airfields and aircraft fighters lost to friendly fire. RAF airfields
intend, by interception which they dream not of.” from that start Bletchley Park went on to become the source of the intercepts were never allowed them. The raiders hit some of the same factories. The news convoy attacks across southern England were pounded.
The Foreign Office sought mathematicians, the code breaking capitol of the Allied world. The in areas where they might be captured. When airfields in southern England and would cease was encouraging to That night a small flight of
linguists, Chess champions and crossword intelligence received through those intercepts and information was distributed, there was always bombed the Channel ports. Only four Dowding; however, the correspond- Heinkels followed the course of the
puzzle experts to become cryptanalysts. The subsequent decodings became known as Ultra. a cover story as to how it had been obtained (for RAF personnel were killed, including ing decision to concentrate against Thames to bomb some oil terminals.
intelligence center became known as “Station The code breakers found the Enigma coding example, via high altitude fly-over photography, spot- three pilots. The attacks on the airfields airfields was a great concern. The bombers overshot their target
X,” since it was the 10th intercept station set process too complicated to solve entirely by manual ter planes, spies on the ground, etc.). The “Special were inaccurate, resulting in devasta- August 16 and 17 were relatively and instead mistakenly struck the
up by the British. When the cryptanalysts were methods. Such methods did, however, identify com- Liaison Unit Officers” who delivered the messages tion to surrounding pastures but only quiet, but the 18th became known as the London dock district, causing civilian
hired, they didn’t know their mission would be to mon phrases, like “Heil Hitler” or “please respond.” to Allied commanders destroyed the sheets of moderate damage to the airfields. “hardest day” for Fighter Command. casualties. The next day Churchill
break the codes of what had been advertised as Further, the Germans often aided manual decoding paper after the recipient read them. Messages An attack headed toward Edinburgh Starting at noon, hundreds of attacks and his War Cabinet met and ordered
an “unbreakable machine,” the German Enigma by sending those expressions in plaintext. weren’t allowed to be transmitted or repeated. was picked up by Fighter Command. hit RAF fields all over southern England. nighttime retaliatory attacks against
device. The task would be daunting: the German The code breakers called successful guesses Those who actually did the decoding were The Germans intended it to draw off The British lost 22 aircraft. Churchill sat five German cities including Berlin.
military sent over 3,000 such signals a day. at plaintext messages “cribs.” Routine weather never allowed to see the larger picture of what defenders from the south. The prevail- at Group 11 headquarters to watch the German losses were starting
Dr. Arthur Scherbius, a German engineer, reports often provided excellent cribs, while captured they were doing (“compartmentalization”). ing wisdom was Fighter Command battle unfold. All of that group’s aircraft to climb. In August they lost 774
had invented the Enigma in 1922. (The word codebooks also provided help as the war went Similarly, they weren’t allowed to tell anyone the had its hands full trying to stop the were committed, including the reserve. aircraft and 216 pilots. Most of those
“enigma” comes from the Greek ainigma, meaning on. With a probable plaintext fragment, and nature of their work, not even their families. southern attacks and wouldn’t be able It was on the way home from watching losses were from fighter attacks. Pilot
“to speak in riddles.”) It was first exhibited at the knowledge no letter could be enciphered Everyone in the Bletchley Park intelligence to respond. Due to the extreme range, the epic battle that Churchill uttered and aircrew losses were also rising.
the 1923 Congress of the International Postal as itself, the code breakers could sometimes community was required to sign the Official the 72 He-111s of KG26 were coming his now famous phrase: “Never was so Squadron commanders were reporting
Union in Bern, Switzerland, and was intended for identify a corresponding cipher text fragment. Secret’s Act, which gave their oath to never unescorted from Stavanger. Dowding much owed to so few by so many.” a significant number of accidents due
traveling businessmen to use to provide secu- The leading cryptanalysts Alan Turing, Gordon reveal their work. Churchill later expressed pride had anticipated such a move, and had At the end of the day one statistic to engine failure on take off. There was
rity for their telegrams. As it turned out few Welchman and their team — then managed to in the success of the code breakers, lauding their Group 12 rested and ready to meet it. stood out above all others: on 1 August growing suspicion foreign workers
businesses were interested, but the German design an electro-mechanical device they anach- dedication and secrecy by calling them “the geese The bomber force was decimated. the British had 245 Spitfires and 341 in aircraft plants in Germany were
military quickly took notice of the device’s potential. ronistically dubbed “the Bombe,” because it made that laid the golden eggs and never cackled.” By that evening it was clear Eagle Day Hurricanes; by the evening of the sabotaging newly made engines.
The Wehrmacht would use a total of 40,000 a ticking noise when operating. They connected Only 120 people started at Bletchley Park had generated greater hype than results. 18th the tally was 228 Spitfires and Another factor in the German attri-
Enigma machines throughout World War II. the Enigma rotor wiring to the Bombes using a in 1939. By the beginning of 1944 that number
There were many versions of the Enigma, but schematic (“menu”) based on cribs previously deter- had increased to 7,000; ultimately, by V-E Day,
the standard machine had a keyboard containing mined manually. The Bombes then disproved every 12,000 worked there. Yet, despite all those
letters in the pattern of a normal “QWERTY” incorrect setting and determined potential settings. thousands of potential security leaks, the work
typewriter but without keys for numerals or The Bombes, located in outstation locations, done at Bletchley Park remained unknown
punctuation. The machine contained a scrambler ran 24 hours a day. Almost 2,000 Women’s Royal until Frederick Winterbotham’s (authorized)
system of electrically connected revolving drums Navy Service (WRENS) personnel and over 200 publication of The Ultra Secret in 1974.
(rotors) powered by dry-cell batteries. RAF technicians staffed those locations. Allied supreme commander Gen. Dwight
That arrangement changed the 26 letters German units in the field primarily used the D. Eisenhower said Ultra was “decisive” in
of the alphabet as its operator typed each Enigma, while their higher headquarters used a winning the war. It’s since been estimated the
letter of a message on the keyboard. The original different machine, the Lorenz Cipher, to produce their work of the code breakers hastened the war’s
Enigma, with the three-rotor set up therefore coded messages. The larger Lorenz machine required end by at least two years. Throughout the war
provided (26x26x26) for 17,576 possible start a teletype — a device that allowed conversation the Germans remained unaware their Enigma
states. When a movable ring was reset on which in printed form over telephone lines — and fixed and Lorenz codes had been broken. ★
the letters A to Z were printed, and 10 cables circuits. The code breakers nicknamed the German
were also reset between the letters, there were teletype “Tunny,” and called its coded output “Fish.” — Annie Laura Smith

Bletchley Park mansion Alan Turing The working rebuilt bombe

14 WORLD at WAR 19 | AUG–SEP 2011 WORLD at WAR 19 | AUG–SEP 2011 15

tion rate was the type of ammunition a week was still not being met. late or out of position. What Goering cities to declare the time had come to facing hundreds of RAF fighters during the Blitzkrieg, but they were prepared for
used by the RAF. The Me-109s were Attacks on the Chain Home tow- interpreted as systemic and material finally and fully break the British. the daytime raids; however, and Fighter an air defense struggle over their home-
well armed with 20mm cannon, but ers had caused damage and some weakness was actually a continuing He selected London as the new Command remained far from defeated. land. The Fighter Command defenses
the British were using incendiary temporary loss of coverage. The struggle to achieve effective command- primary target: attacks would switch Dowding was distressed over the civilian were robust, with each component
ammunition in their Browning .303 Germans were therefore increasingly control. Even so, the airbases of Group from airfields and factories to that losses, but he recognized the momen- overlapping the next. That prevented
machineguns. German aircraft that able to surprise Fighter Command and 11 were becoming badly damaged and population center. To give more time tum of the fighting had again turned sudden catastrophic failure. When
were hit therefore tended to catch strike targets unopposed. From the barely functional. Momentum was start- for that change to work its effect, to Fighter Command’s advantage. the Germans knocked out part of the
fire and were rarely able to return to German perspective, however, attacks ing to move in the Luftwaffe’s direction. he also moved back the invasion Attacks on airfields lessened as Chain Home radar system or a Sector
friendly airspace before crashing. on the radar system seemed to have launch-date from 15 to 21 September. more and more effort was directed Control center, the rest of the system
British loses were also climbing. no effect due to the aforementioned 7 September – 5 October: On the morning of 7 September, at London. The high attrition rate of was able to cover the temporary loss.
Dowding asked that Channel convoys deception operation. Goering, though, The Blitz Goering moved his headquarters in the German bombers dropped with The aircraft of Fighter Command
be limited. The large number of aircraft put it all together to mean the British his private train to the French coast. the move to nighttime bombing, were well suited for the missions they
required to defend that shipping were weakening and their radar had The affect of Bomber Command’s He wanted to be in place to personally but so did their bombing accu- were called to fly. The majority of British
invited massive air battles, and most actually been of little use from the start. retaliatory strikes against German cities direct the attack against London. racy (never great to begin). Daytime interceptors were Hurricanes. While not
of the pilots shot down in them were For Fighter Command the biggest struck home with Hitler. In his view From Enigma intercepts the bombing became prohibitive due the most agile fighter of World War II, it
lost due to drowning in the cold water. problem with the radar was estimating those raids were an important political British were informed as to what was to the heavy sustained losses. was rugged, dependable, easy to build
In battles fought over land the British the altitude of tracked attacks. Fighter development. He’d been at his home at happening. Fighter Command knew September 27 brought a small victory and deadly against German bombers.
pilots’ survival rate was excellent, and Command had dispatched interceptors Berchtesgaden since 17 August, moni- it would be a big day; they waited for for the Luftwaffe when a raid hit the The Spitfire was less plentiful. During
aircraft production for Spitfires and to nearly every attack, but the techno- toring the campaign from there. On the the Germans to make the first move. Supermarine factory in Southhampton, the three-month battle the total number
Hurricanes was exceeding losses. The logical inaccuracy in determining alti- 29th he returned to Berlin, having been Mid-morning a group of 70 bombers resulting in the temporary halt of of operational Spitfires varied from
German quota of 100 British fighters tude often meant the defenders arrived moved by the bombing of the German attacked two airfields in the south. At Spitfire production. Even so, by about 250 to 200. Spitfire performance
about 4:00 p.m. radar reported another the end of the month Hitler had to equaled or exceeded that of the best
large enemy contact. From 4:30 to 6:30 indefinitely postpone Operation Sea German fighter, the Me-109. Because the
p.m. over 350 bombers struck targets in Lion. Fighter Command had won. British concentrated on the production
southern England. That was followed by of those two aircraft types, the Germans
attacks on London all night. The fighting Conclusion were never able to force the RAF past the
was intense. All of Group 11 and five tipping point of irreplaceable losses.
squadrons of Group 12 were committed. After three months of combat, the The Germans weren’t prepared to
Twenty-seven RAF aircraft were lost. Battle of Britain evolved into a stalemate fight anything like the Battle of Britain.
The rest of the month saw the con- with the Luftwaffe legendarily but Their Luftwaffe generals had been told
stant night bombing of London. Fighter ineffectively night-bombing British to prepare for a limited territorial war.
Command was losing aircraft, but most cities. The RAF kept control of the They’d therefore produced aircraft
pilots were recovered and new produc- daytime airspace over England. intended for close air support of mobile
tion kept operational aircraft levels with- The first cause of that German defeat warfare near Germany. Their star plane
in acceptable limits. Civilian casualties came from the simple fact the British for close air support, the Ju-87 Stuka dive
were mounting, especially during the were prepared for the battle while the bomber, was slow and nearly defenseless
night raids, which were nearly impos- Germans weren’t. The British hadn’t pre- against fighter attack. The short range of
sible to stop. The Luftwaffe pilots were pared for the mobile ground warfare of their fighters limited escort protection

16 WORLD at WAR 19 | AUG–SEP 2011 WORLD at WAR 19 | AUG–SEP 2011 17

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and exposed their bombers to repeated Germans ended up lurching from crews had been assured the RAF was
attack. As the Germans transitioned objective to objective, with little effort already as good as defeated at the start
to night attacks, civilian losses went given to actually analyze and evaluate of the fighting. During the daylight
up but bombing accuracy dropped. efforts against results. Just when they raids of mid-September, German
Yet another significant difference were realizing results from their attacks bomber formations were faced with
between the Luftwaffe and the RAF on the airfields, they changed tactics. over 600 RAF fighters the pilots of which
lay in the minds and intuition of That demonstrated the inability of proved both capable and determined.
their leaders. Churchill recognized Hitler and Goering to make patient and It was therefore soon clear to all the
Dowding and his Fighter Command rational decisions based on factual data. British were far from defeated. ✪
group leaders were competent and The crucial fact was the importance
prepared for battle. The prime minister Hitler placed on concentrating on SOURCES
therefore watched the battle unfold defeating the will of his opponents. In
Bungay, S. The Most Dangerous Enemy.
but didn’t interfere with it. He also the earlier campaigns against France, London: Aurum Press, 2000.
understood the British people were Belgium and Holland, those nations’ Churchill, W. Their Finest Hour.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1949.
determined to see the conflict through. governments, high commands and Fisher, D. A Summer Bright and Terrible.
He concentrated his personal efforts on citizenry had rapidly become demoral- New York: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2005.
Lund, E. The Battle of Britain: The German Perspective.
supporting that critical morale factor. ized and then lost their will to resist. Montgomery, AL: USAF War College, 1996.
The Luftwaffe was victim to frequent The British, spared by geography Murray, W. Strategy for Defeat: The Luftwaffe, 1933 –1945.
Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1993.
intervention by Goering and Hitler, from having to fight a mobile ground Ziegler, P. London at War. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995.
which often led to poor choices, like battle, hadn’t fallen into that trap.
requiring fighters to carry a 500 lb. bomb Instead of the British, then, it was
that robbed them of speed and agility. the Germans who became demoralized.
The Germans started with a workable The overall course of the Battle of
plan, but it was discarded when Hitler’s Britain was controlled by the RAF and
desire to punish the British took over. played to that service’s strengths and
Over the course of the campaign the advantages. The Luftwaffe pilots and

18 WORLD at WAR 19 | AUG–SEP 2011

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