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1. Introduction: Summarize and define what the MBTI is and what organizations use it for.

answer should make clear connections to the course material (cite and referenced) to support
your work and include how the MBTI uses 4 distinct dichotomies to create 16 possible
personality types. (5 marks)

Define what the MBTI is, cite & reference (use Cherry article and/or lecture/reading)

Ensure you explain all 4 dichotomies and how they relate to 16 styles

Why do companies use it? Hint: recruiting & selection, developing leaders, etc. (Google – cite &

2. Assessment Score: Include your 4-letter personality code and common name. For example if
you scored: ENTJ you would known as “The Commander” (1 mark)

Example: ENTJ The Commander

3. Explanation of the results including:

a. Use your own words, supported with external resources & course concepts, to
summarize your personality type. Your answer requires you to explain your results
across the 4 dichotomies of the MBTI & be properly cited and reference using APA
format. (5 marks)

Cherry article but DO NOT copy & paste, use your own words (paraphrase) and cite & reference

Use first person (“I”) – you’re talking about your own results!

b. Now that you can define your particular personality type, do you agree with it? Include
Agree/disagree statements for your results. Be sure to include one for each of the 4
dichotomies explaining with examples why you either agree or disagree with that
section of the MBTI. (8 marks)

Do you agree, disagree, or partially agree/disagree with each dichotomy (4 total) & PROVIDE EXAMPLES

Example: Extravert - I partially agree as I am a professor and have to speak in public. However, there are
times like at a party where I don’t know anyone that I prefer to stand against the wall and listen instead
of talking.

c. Although not a leadership assessment we have discussed how your traits can relate to
leadership in class. Review your results and identify 3 strengths & weaknesses that
relate to leadership. Be sure that you include evidence from the course material
(modules), cited and referenced to support your opinions. (6 marks)

Provide evidence from the course material (slides, notes, lecture) to support your opinions

Strengths 3

1. First strength Example: Well organized, being well organized means I am more likely to be able
to lead using different examples. In Module 2, Katz & Kahn (1953) say that task oriented leaders
are more likely to have plans to meet goals.
2. Second strength Example: Adaptable, being adaptable means I am more likely to change my
leadership when situations change. In situational leadership (Hersey & Blanchard, 1968) from
Module 3 say that your need to adapt your style to the readiness level of your employees.
3. Third strength

Weaknesses 3

1. First weakness
2. Second weakness
3. Third weakness

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