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Culex sp.

- adult – box
-Size :-Small slender insect
-Colour:- greyish
-Its body consists of:-

- Spherical in shape.
- Carries pair of compound eyes.
- pair of antennae and mouth parts.

-Thorax :-
- Consists of 3 segments (pro-thorax, mes-othorax and meta-thorax)
- Carries 3 pairs of long legs and pair of wings non spotted)

- Abdomen:-
- Consists of 10 segments. -Its body covered with scales, hairs and
Culex sp. - male head region

- Small and spherical

- Carries pair of compound eyes

- Antennae :

- Segmented 14-15 segments )

- Plumose (carries long and dense hairs)

- Maxillary palps :-

- -Segmented (4 - 5 segments)

- Long as proboscis (mouth part).

- Culex sp. - female head region

• Small and spherical

• Carries pair of compound eyes

- Antennae:-

- Segmented ( 14-15 segments)

- Pilose (carries short and few hairs)

- Maxillary palps:-

- Segmented ( 4 - 5 segments )

- Shorter than proboscis ( mouth parts).

Culex sp. - wing
• Long and narrow
• Has base (attached to meso-thorax) and apex free end)
• Has 8 wing veins:-
• Costa run along the anterior margin of wing.
• Sub-costa short not reach to the apex.
• 6 longitudinal veins as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
• 1st , 3rd and 6th veins are single
• 2nd , 4th and 5th veins are forked (end in two branches)
• Wing veins are covered with scales (non spotted)
(colourless wing )
• There is scales on the posterior margin of wing called
Anopheles sp. - adult - box
• As Culex sp. adult but differs in :

• Colour :- greyish , some species have silvery scales

• Wings are spotted ( dark area on its costal margin)

- Anopheles sp. - male head region

• Small and spherical

• Carries pair of compound eyes

- Antennae:-

• Segmented (14 - 15 segments )

• Plumose (carries long and dense hairs)

- Maxillary palps:-

• Segmented (4-5 segments)

• Long as proboscis and end with club-shaped swelling

- N.B. As Culex male but Maxillary palps end with club-shaped swelling.
-Anopheles sp. - female head region

• Small and spherical.

• Carries pair of compound eyes.

- Antennae:-

• Segmented (14-15 segments).

• Pilose (carries short and few hairs).

- Maxillary palps:-

• Segmented (4-5 segments).

• Long as proboscis ( mouth parts).

- N. B. As Culex female but Maxillary palps long as proboscis

- Anopheles sp. - wing

• As Culex sp. but it is spotted especially on costal margin

(has dark areas)
Culex sp. – Egg raft

- Laid in groups (about 250 eggs attached


- Egg:

- Brown in color

- Elongated or ovoid with one end broadly round

carrying micropyle, while the other one is pointed.

- Culex sp. - Larvae
-Elongated, worm like without leg and wingless.
-Its body composed of head, thorax and abdomen.
- globular, broader than long : carries pairs of eyes, pair of short
antennae and pair of mouth brushes.
- Thorax:-
- Composed of prothorax, mesothorax and meta-thorax which are
fused. Each segment has lateral tuft of hairs.
- Abdomen
- Composed of 10 segments. The first seven are similar with simple
lateral hairs.
- 8th segment carries:
- Comb :- several rows of spines
- Respiratory siphon:- tubular (long and narrow ends with
spiracle and carries line of spines (pectin)
- 9th segment is rudimentary.
- 10 segment (anal segment):- carries anus surrounded by four anal
gills at its tip: ventral brush and caudal hairs.
Culex sp. - Pupa

• Shape:- Comma-shaped
• Its body composed of cephalo-thorax (head
and thorax) and abdomen.
• Cephalo-thorax :- bulbous and carries a pair
of respiratory trumpet which are tubular in
shape (long and narrow)
• Abdomen:- elongated, segmented ( 8) and
ends with a pair of paddles.
Anopheles sp. - Egg

- Laid singly.

- Pale brown in colour.

- Boat-shaped with paired lateral air floats ( one on

each side )
Anopheles sp. - Larvae
• As Culex sp. but differs in :-
• Lateral hairs are long and branched (feathery).
• There are palmate hairs on dorso-lateral surface on the
abdominal segments.
• 8th segment :-
• No comb.
• No respiratory siphon:- Respiratory spiracle open dorsally
on 8th segment.
• N.B. The most characteristic feature is absence of
respiratory siphon.
- Anopheles sp. - Pupa
- Shape: Comma-shaped.

- Its body composed of cephalo-thorax

(head and thorax) and abdomen.

- Cephalo-thorax :-
bulbous and carries a pair of respiratory
trumpets which are funnel-shape.

- Abdomen :- elongated, segmented ( 8 )

and ends with a pair of paddles.
- Aedes sp. - Egg

• Laid singly

• Black in colour

• Oval or torpedo-shaped and provided with

- Aedes sp. - larvae

As culex sp. but differs in :-

- 8th abdominal segment carries : -

- Comb :- Single row of spines

- Respiratory siphon:- barrel (short and broad).

- Anal gills are long with rounded end

Tabanus sp.- adult box
- Size:- Large fly (3.5 cm)

- Colour :- yellowish to brown colour.

- Its body composed of head, thorax and abdomen.

- Head:- large and broader than thorax

-Thorax:- Has longitudinal dark stripes

-Carries pair of large wings.


- Composed of 7 segments

- Has dark brown longitudinal stripes on yellow background.

- Tabanus sp.-antenna

- Short and consists of three segments.

- The third segment is the largest with tooth like

projection at its base and its terminal is subdivided into

four annulations.
Tabanus sp.- wing

- Large membranous and clear.

- The 1st , 2nd, 6th wing veins are single.
- The 3rd, 4th, 5th veins are branched.
- 3th ► 2 branches,
- 4th ► 2 branches
- 5th ► 3 branches
- Discal cell between (4th , 5th veins) is hexagonal in shape
Musca domestica- adult box

- Size:- Medium size (7-9 mm)

- Colour :- greyish
-Its body composed of head, thorax and abdomen
-Head :- Carries 2 compound eyes.
-Carries proboscis which is short, soft and retractile under head.
-Thorax :- Has 2-4 black longitudinal stripes
-Carries pair of wings
-Abdomen :- Composed of 4 segments
- yellowish and has median black longitudinal line.
Musca domestica- antenna

- Composed of 3 segments.

- The 3rd segment is the largest and carries arista.

- Arista composed of 3 segments and provided with simple

bristles on both sides till its tip.

Musca domestica- proboscis
- It is soft , retractile and adapted for sucking of fluid only.
- It composed of:
- Rostrum :- composed of :
- Two triangular plates (fulca ).
- Two maxillary palps which are short and composed of one
- Haustellum :-
- Consists of labrum epi-pharynx, hypo-pharynx and labium
- Labellae :- consists of two lobes each one transversed by
pseudo-tracheal channels.
Musca domestica- wing

• It is membranous with simple wing veins.

• The 4th wing vein has acute curve leaving the 1st

posterior cell (between 3rd and 4th veins at apex of

wing) narrow open or nearly closed.

Musca domestica- 3rd larval stage anterior end
- The head segment is pointed anteriorly with black
cephalopharyngeal skeleton.
- The cephalopharyngeal skeleton composed of two
unequal oral hooks followed by hypostomal sclerite then
pharyngeal sclerite.
- The pharyngeal sclerite is divided posteriorly into dorsal
and ventral cornue.
- The ventral cornu has dorsal hump.
- The 1st thoracic segment carries pair of anterior
spiracles (fan-shaped composed of stalk and 5-8 finger
like papillae.
Musca domestica- 3rd larval stage posterior end

- It is rounded with pair of posterior spiracles.

- The posterior spiracles are D-shaped with their sides
opposite to each other.
- Each spiracle has circular button at the middle of its flat
side and contains three S- shaped sinuous slits or
spiracular slits.
Stomoxys calcitrans- adult box

- Resemble Musca domestica but differs in:

- Proboscis is highly chitinized and permanently protruded
- Abdomen has three dark spots on each of 2nd and 3rd
Stomoxys calcitrans- antenna

- Composed of 3 segments.
- The 3rd segment is the largest and carries arista
- Arista composed of 3 segments and provided with simple
bristles on dorsal surface only
Stomoxys calcitrans- proboscis

- Proboscis :- Adapted for piercing and sucking.

- Labium is elongated with proximal bulbous part

- The labellae are small and carry pre-stomal teeth.

- Maxillary palps are shorter than proboscis.

Stomoxys calcitrans - wing

- It is membranous with simple wing veins.

- The 4th wing vein make a gentle curve toward 3rd vein

leaving the 1st posterior cell ( between 3rd and 4th

veins at apex of wing) widely open.

Glossina palpalis - adult - box
- Size:- Larger than Musca domestica

- Colour :- Chestnut brown in colour

- Its body composed of head, thorax and abdomen.

- Head:- Proboscis is long and adapted for piercing and



-Carries pair of large wings.


Abdomen consist of seven visible segments.

Glossina palpalis - antenna

- Composed of 3 segments.

- The 3rd segment is the largest; bent distally directed

forward and carries arista

- Arista composed of 3 segments and provided with

compound bristles (bilaterally branched hairs on dorsal

surface only.
Glossina species - proboscis

- Adapted for piercing and sucking.

- Labium is elongated with proximal bulbous part

(onion shaped bulb).

- Maxillary palps are long as proboscis.

Glossina palpalis - wing

- It is membranous with simple wing viens.

- The 4th wing vein make two curves (first is gentle;

second is sharp) toward 3rd vein leaving the 1st posterior

cell (between 3 , 4 veins at apex of wing) narrowly open.

- Discal cell between (4th , 5th veins) is cleaver in shape.

Sarcophaga sp. - adult - box

- Larger than Musca domestica. ( 2-3 times as Musca).

- Greyish in colour.

- Thorax is grey with three dark longitudinal bands.

- Abdomen has grey and black squares resembling a

Sarcophaga sp. - antenna

- Composed of 3 segments.

- The 3rd segment is the largest and carries arista.

- Arista composed of 3 segments and provided with simple

bristles on both sides till its middle leaving distal end bare
Sarcophaga sp. - 3rd larval stage anterior end
- The head segment is pointed anteriorly with black
cephalopharyngeal skeleton.
- The cephalopharyngeal skeleton composed of two
equal oral hooks followed by hypostomal sclerite then
pharyngeal sclerite.
- The pharyngeal sclerite is divided posteriorly into
dorsal and ventral cornue.
- The ventral cornue has no hump.
- The thoracic segment carries a pair of anterior
spiracles (fan-shaped composed of stalk and 15-20
finger like papillae.
Sarcophaga sp.- 3rd larval stage posterior end

- It is rounded with pair of posterior spiracles.

- The posterior spiracles are C-shaped (open
- Each spiracle contains three longitudinal
spiracular slits which are sub-parallel.
- There is no button
Wohlfahrtia sp. – adult - box

- Larger than Musca ( 2-3 times as Musca domesica.)

- Greyish in colour
- Abdomen has 3 dark spots on dorsal surface of each
Wohlfahrtia sp. - antenna

- Composed of 3 segments.
- The 3rd segment is the largest and
carries arista
- Arista composed of 3 segments and bare
(only provided with short sensory hairs).
Calliphora sp. - adult box

- Larger than Musca domestica.

- Metallic or dull blue in color called blue
bottle fly.
- Proboscis antenna and wing are similar
Musca domestica
Lucillia sp.- adult box

- Slightly smaller than Calliphora sp.

- Metallic green or bluish green (green bottle fly).

- The dorsal surface of thorax is covered with

Chrysomyia sp.- adult box

- Resemble Lucillia sp. in size and colour.

- No hair on the dorsal surface of thorax.

- Abdomen has dark transverse bands.

(Banded Blow fly ).

Oestrus ovis - 3rd larval stage
- Shape :- cylindrical and slightly attenuated anteriorly.

- Size :- 2-3 cm long.

- Colour :- dark yellow.

- Dorsal surface has dark transverse band.

- Ventral surface is provided with spines.

- Lateral sides have fleshy humps.

- Anterior end has equal oral hooks.

- Posterior end has pair of D-shaped posterior spiracle

(deeply situated).
Hypoderma sp. - 3rd larval stage - jar
- Shape: Cylindrical and rounded at both end.

- Size :- 2.5 cm long or more.

- Colour :- yellow to brown.

- Ventral surface is provided with spines.

- Anterior end has equal oral hook.

- Posterior end has pair of kidney-shaped posterior spiracles

(deeply situated).
Cephalopina titillator – 3rd larval stage - jar
- Shape :- cylindrical.

- Size :- 2.5-3.5 cm long.

- Colour :- Whitish.

- Each segment is provided with fleshy tubercles ended with

sharp processes).

- Anterior end :- has equal oral hooks.

- Posterior end :- has pair of posterior spiracle (semicircular

in shape).
Gastrophilus sp.- 3rd larval stage - jar
- Shape: cylindrical and more attenuated anteriorly.

- Size: 2 cm long.

- Colour: reddish to pale yellow.

- Dorsal surface :- provided with spines.

- Anterior end:- more attenuated, demarcated from the

rest of the body with pair of large equal oral hooks

(projected anteriorly).

- Posterior end :- broadly cut and has pair of kidney-

shaped posterior spiracle.

Hippobosca sp.- adult - box
- Shape:- dorsoventrally flattened.

- Size :- 1 cm long.

- Colour :- reddish brown with pale yellow spots.

- Abdomen:- sac like with ill-distinct segmentation.

- Wings:- longer than body.

- Wing veins are crowded together toward anterior

Pseudolynchia canariensis - adult box
- Shape :- dorsoventrally flattened.

- Size :- 6 mm long.

- Colour :- dark brown.

- Abdomen :- sac like with ill-distinct segmentation.

- Wings :- longer than body and wing veins are

crowded together toward anterior.

Ctenocephalides canis (dog fleas ) - Male
- Has both genal ad pronotal combs

- Male has spirally coiled aedgeaus on the 8th abdominal segment.

Spirally coiled
Ctenocephalides canis (dog fleas) - female

- Has both genal and pronotal combs.

- Has C-shaped spermatheca on the 8th abdominal segment.

C- shaped
Ceratophyllus fasciatus – (rat fleas)

- Has pronotal comb only

- Male :- Has spirally coiled aedgeaus on the 8th abdominal segment.

- Female :- has comma or C-shaped spermatheca on the 8th abdominal segment

C- shaped
Xenopsylla cheopis (rat fleas )

- Combs are absent.

- Single row of post-occipital hairs (3) on the posterior margin of head.
- Male:- has spirally coiled aedgeaus on the 8th abdominal segment.
- Female :- has comma or C-shaped spermatheca on the 8th abdominal segment.
Pulex irritans (human Fleas)

- Combs are absent.

- Single post-occipital hair on the posterior margin of head.
- Male:- has spirally coiled aedgeaus on the 8th abdominal segment.
- Female :- has comma or C-shaped spermatheca on the 8th abdominal segment.

Spirally coiled
Haematopinus sp. (sucking lice)- adult - Jar

- Shape :- dorsoventrally flattened and wingless

- Size :- 6 mm long

- Colour:- dark brown

- Body composed of head, thorax and abdomen

- Abdomen is large with festooned margin

-Haematopinus sp. (sucking lice)- adult
- Body composed of head, thorax and abdomen
- Head:-
- Longer than broad or narrower than broad and attenuated
- Antennae composed of 5 segments
- Eyes are absent
- Thorax:-
- Broader than head.
- Composed of 3 segments.
- Each one carries pair of legs (no wings)
- Legs end with one tarsal claw and tibial process
- Abdomen:-
- consists of 10 segments ( 8 visible) with festooned margins.
- The last two segments are modified for external genitalia
- Posterior end of male is rounded with penis sheath
- Posterior end of female is notched
Menopon sp. (biting lice)- adult -jar

- Shape :- dorsoventrally flattened

- Size :- 2 mm long
- Colour:- pale yellow
- Body composed of head thorax and abdomen
- Head is broader than thorax.
Menopon sp. (biting lice) - adult
-Body composed of head, thorax and abdomen
-Head :-
- Broader than thorax and rounded anteriorly.
- Antennas composed of 5 segments
- Eye are present
- Thorax: - narrower than head
- Composed of 3 segments (meso-and metathorax
are fused forming pterothorax)
- Each one carries pair of legs (no wings)
- Legs end with two tarsal claws
- Abdomen :-
- elongated & tapering and consists of 11 segments
(9 visible)
- Each segment is provided with transverse row of
backwardly directed bristles.
Louse egg - Jar

-Size :- 1 mm long
-Colour:- Whitish
- Firmly attached to the hair of animals or
Louse - egg

- Shape :- Oval
- The posterior end attached firmly to hairs.
- The anterior end is operculated.
Cimex lectularius (bed bug ) – adult - jar
-Shape:- dorsoventrally flattened.

-Size:- 4-6 cm long.

-Colour:- dark brown.

- Composed of head, thorax and abdomen.

-Head: Wider than long with 2 compound projecting eye

-Thorax :- wingless

-Abdomen:- with smooth margin (no festoons)

Cimex lectularius (bed bug ) - adult
Body consists of head, thorax and abdomen.
-Head:- pentagonal in shape
- Carries two compound projecting eyes, mouth parts and
antennae (4 segments)
- Thorax:- Consist of pro-, meso- and meta-thorax each one
carries pair of legs
- Wings are absent
- Pro-thorax is deeply notched anteriorly in which head is
- Abdomen:- Consists of 8 visible segments
- Its posterior end is rounded in female
- Bluntly pointed with curved aedeagus in male
Triatoma sp. ( winged bug) - box

- Shape:- Elongated and flattened.

- Colour:- dark brown.
- Body consists of :
- Head:- Long and cone - shaped.
- Carries long proboscis, pair of compound prominent eye
and pair of long, slender antenna (5 segment)
- Thorax:- composed of three segment; each one carries
pair of legs.
- Prothorax carried pair of well developed wings.
- Abdomen:- elongated.
Hard tick - adult (jar)
- Body composed of one segment

- Dark brown in colour

- Dorsal surface is covered by scutum.

- Mouth parts are protruded anteriorly and can seen from

the dorsal surface.

- Festoons may be found at its posterior end.

- Adult and nymph have 4 pairs of legs, while larva has 3

pairs of legs.
Hard tick - male

- Oval or elliptical in shape and festooned posteriorly.

- Has 4 pairs of legs in the anterior half.
- Mouth parts are protruded anteriorly and carried on
capitulum consisting of pair of chelicerae, pair of
pedipalp and single toothed hypostome.
- Scutum covers the whole dorsal surface.
- Anal opening is found at the middle of posterior half of
the body and surrounded by anal plate and adanal
- Spiracles are present on the ventral surface, behind 4th
Hard tick - female
- Oval or elliptical in shape, festooned posteriorly.
- Varied in size according to the degree of engorgement.
- Has 4 pairs of legs in the anterior half.
- Mouth part protruded anteriorly and carried on capitulum.
- Scutum covers the anterior third of dorsal surface.
- Anal opening is found at the middle of posterior half of the body.
- Genital opening is found between the first pair of coxae.
- Spiracle are present on the ventral surface behind 4th coxae.
Hard tick - nymph
- Oval or elliptical in shape, festooned posteriorly.
- Varied in size according to the degree of engorgement.
- Has 4 pairs of legs in the anterior half.
- Mouth part protruded anteriorly and carried on
- Scutum covers the anterior third of dorsal surface.
- Anal opening is found at the middle of posterior half of
the body.
- Genital opening is absent.
- Spiracle are present on the ventral surface behind 4th
- N.B. Resembles female except for:
- Smaller in size
- No genital opening
Hard tick - larva
- Oval in shape and festooned posteriorly.
- Small in size.
- Has 3 pairs of legs in the anterior half.
- Mouth part protruded anteriorly.
- Scutum covers the anterior third of dorsal surface.
Soft tick - adult - Jar

- Oval in shape.

- Scutum is absent.

- Mouth parts are found on ventral surface, not protruded

and can't seen from dorsal surface.

- Has 4 pairs of legs

Soft tick- adult
- Oval in shape.
- Festoons are absent.
- The integument is leathery and provided with radially arranged discs
- Mouth parts found on ventral surface and not protruded anteriorly
- Scutum is absent.
- Has 4 pairs of legs
- Spiracle is anterior to the 4th coxae.
Sarcoptes sp.- male
- Shape :- nearly rounded or globose.
- Size:- Smaller than psoroptes sp.
- Mouth part:- Protruded anteriorly
- Legs:- 4 pairs of legs (First two pairs in anterior half, other
pairs posteriorly).
- Legs :- Short, not projected form the body epimers and
ended with non segmented pedicles, which end with bell-
shaped suckers in all legs except the 3rd pairs which have
bristle instead of sucker.
Sarcoptes sp. - female
- Shape:- Nearly rounded or globose
- Size :- Smaller than psoroptes sp.
- Mouth parts:- Protruded anteriorly
- Legs:- 4 pairs of legs (First two pairs in anterior half, other
pairs posteriorly).
- Legs:- Short, not projected form the body epimers and
ended with non-segmented pedicles; which end with bell-
shaped suckers in 1st, 2nd pairs and while, bristle in 3rd and
4th pairs.
N.B. similar to male except for:
- 1st and 2nd pairs of legs ended with suckers.
- 3rd and 4th pairs of legs ended with bristles.
Sarcoptes sp. - larva
- Shape:- Nearly rounded or globose
- Size :- Smaller than psoroptes sp.
- Mouth parts:- Protruded anteriorly
- Legs:- 3 pairs of legs (First two pairs in anterior half, one
pairs posteriorly).
- Legs:- Short, not projected form the body epimers and ended
with non-segmented pedicles; which end with bell-shaped
suckers which in 1st, 2nd pairs and bristle in 3rd pairs.
Psoroptes sp. - male
-Shape:- Oval.
-Size :- Larger than sarcoptes sp.
-Mouth part:- Protruded anteriorly.
-Legs:- 4 pairs of legs (First two pairs in anterior half, other
pairs posteriorly).
-Legs :- Long and extend beyond the margin of the body.
- Legs are ended with segmented pedicles which end with bell-
shaped suckers in all legs except the 4th pairs which
rudimentary and ends with bristles.
- Posterior end of the abdomen is bi-lobed.
-There is one pair of adanal suckers.
Psoroptes sp.- female
-Shape:- Oval
-Size :- Larger than sarcoptes sp.
-Mouth part:- Protruded anteriorly
-Legs:- 4 pairs of legs ( First two pairs in anterior half,
other pairs posteriorly)
-Legs:- Long and extend beyond the margin of the
-Legs are ended with segmented pedicles which end
with bell-shaped suckers in all legs except the 3rd pair
which has bristles instead of suckers.
Psoroptes sp.- larva
-Shape:- Oval.
-Size :- Larger than sarcoptes sp.
-Mouth part:- Protruded anteriorly.
-Legs:- 3 pairs of legs (2 pairs in anterior half, one
pairs posteriorly).
-Legs:- Long and extend beyond the margin of the
-Legs are ended with segmented pedicles which end
with bell-shaped suckers in all legs except the 3rd pair
which has bristles instead of suckers.
Demodex canis - adult

- Shape:- Elongated and cylindrical

- Size:- 0.2-0.4 mm long
- Body consists of:
- Cephalo-thorax:-
- Carries mouth parts and 4 pairs of short
stumpy legs.
- Abdomen:- transversally striated.
Cyclops (water fleas) male

-Body composed of:-

-Cephalothorax:- Carries two pairs of antennae.

-Abdomen:- Elongated end with two process.

Cyclops (water fleas) female

- Larger than male.

-Body composed of:-

-Cephalothorax:- Carries two pairs of antennae

-Abdomen:- Elongated end with two process and two

egg sacs
Scaly leg disease (Cnemidocoptes
mutans infection of fowl legs)
Hypoderma species third stage
Cephalopina titillator
third larval stage
Gastrophilus species third stage
larvae in stomach of horse
Gastrophilus species third stage
larvae in stomach of horse
Hard ticks
Triatoma species (Winged Bug)
Sarcophaga species
Eimeria sp.- non sporulated Oocyst
- Shape : oval, spherical, ovoid or ellipsoidal (according to


- Size : - varies according to species (20-70 um )

- Oocysts wall :- double layer

- Oocysts contain zygot which fill all space (in fresh oocysts) or

small part in old oocysts.)

- Some species of oocysts may have micropyle or micropyle cap

Eimeria sp. - sporulated oocyst
- Shape:- oval, spherical, ovoid or ellipsoidal (according to species)
- Size:- varies according to species (20-70 um )
- Oocysts wall:- double layer
- Oocyst contains:-
- 4 sporocysts, oocystic residual body and polar granule.
- Each sporocyst contains 2 sporozoites and sporocystic residual body.
- Sporozoites are banana- shaped contain nucleus and globule.
- Some species of oocysts may have micropyle or micropyle cap.
Eimeria sp. – Developmental (endogenous) stages (intestine section)
- Notice the different intracellular stages:-
- Trophozoites:- round in shape with central nucleus.
- Schizont:- rounded in shape with distinct wall,
contains large numbers of nuclei (immature schizont)
or large numbers of merozoites (mature schizont).
- Macrogametocytes:- rounded or oval and nearly equal
the size of oocysts. It contains central nucleus, fine
plastin granules on its inner surface.
- Microgametocytes:- rounded or oval and contain large
number of comma-shaped microgametes. Each one is
slender and slightly bent with a pair of flagella at its
pointed anterior end.
Toxoplasma gondii - tachyzoites

- Shape:- Crescentic or banana-shaped with

one end pointed while the other round.
- Size:- 4-8 x 2-4 um.
- Nucleus:- vesicular lie ear the rounded end.
- Found in blood or peritoneal fluid.
Sarcocystis sp. - jar
- Shape:- Spindle, fusiform or
- Size:- Vary according to species
(macroscopic or microscopic)
- Colour:- Whitish opaque.
- Position:- Its longitudinal axis is
parallel to that of muscle fibers.
Sarocystis sp.- cyst in muscle
- Cyst wall is thick and double layered.

- The outer layer is nucleated.

- The inner layer is homogenous and


- There are septae arise from cyst wall,

dividing the cyst cavity into compartments

filled with bradyzoites. (Periphery of cyst

contains metrocytes).
Sarcocystis sp. - bradyzoites

- Shape:- banana-shaped with one end pointed

while, the other is round.
- Size:- 6-15 x 2-4 um.
- Its body divided into three zones:-
- Fibrillar zone (anterior third):- Filled with dark
stained fibrils.
- Central zone (middle third):- Contains large
numbers of granules.
- Nuclear zone (posterior third):- Contains
vesicular nucleus surrounded by number of
small vacuoles.
Haemoproteus columbae (gametocyte)

- Intracellular (in R.B.Cs).

- It is the only form in R.B.Cs.
- Crescentic in shape and partially
encircling nucleus of R.B.Cs.

Macrogametocytes Microgametocytes
Cytoplasm dark blue pale blue to pinkish
Nucleus Compact diffused pink
Pigment dispersed in Collected in spherical mass at
granules cytoplasm both pole
Leucocytozoon sp. - rounded gametocytes

- Intracellular (in leucocytes).

- It is the only form in leucocytes.
- Round in shape.
- Nucleus of host cell form dark crescentic
mass along one side.

Macrogametocytes Microgametocytes
Cytoplasm dark blue pale blue to pinkish
Nucleus Compact diffused pink
Plasmodium gallinaceum
-Plasmodium gallinaceum – ring form trophozoite:-
-Intracellular in R.B.Cs, measure 2-3 um.
-Thin loop of cytoplasm surrounding a vacuole with chromatin dot
(nucleus ) at one side.
-Plasmodium gallinaceum - Schizont:-
-Intracellular (in R.B.Cs).
- Contains 12 - 32 merozoites.
- Merozoite consists of chromatin dot surrounded by a piece of
- Pigment granules (haemozoin ) collected in single mass between
- Nucleus of parasitized R.B.Cs is dislocated to one side.
Plasmodium gallinaceum - gametocytes:-
- Intracellular (in R.B.Cs).
-Shape :- Ovoid or rounded.
-Macrogametocytes (female gametocytes) Microgametocytes (male gametocytes)
-Dark blue cytoplasın Pale blue cytoplasm
-Small compact nucleus Large diffused nucleus
-Pigment granules surround nucleus Pigment granules distributed all over the cytoplasm.
Plasmodium vivax - ring form trophozoite

- Intracellular (in R.B.Cs.). form about half diameter of blood cell.

- Thin loop of cytoplasm surrounding a vacuole with chromatin dot (nucleus ) at one side.
Plasmodium falciparum - gametocytes
- Intracellular (in R.B.Cs.).
- Usually appears free (remanats of R.B.Cs is ill-distinct)
- Crescentic or banana shaped
- Macrogametocytes Microgametocytes
- Long, slender Short, thick
- Dark blue cytoplasm Pale blue cytoplasın
- Small compact red nucleus Large diffused pink nucleus
- Pigment granules are Pigments are scattered
concentrated near the center
Babesia species - trophozoite
- Intracellular (in R.B.Cs).
- measure 4 - 5 x 1.5 - 2 um.
- Pear-shaped and lies in pair.
- Blue cytoplasm and red nucleus (located near pointed end).
Theileria sp.- trophozoite
- Intracellular (in R.B.Cs).
- Measure 1.5 - 2 x 0.5 - 1 um.
- -Round, oval, ring or comma shaped.
- Blue cytoplasm with red chromatin dot at
one side.
Theileria sp. – schizont (Koch's blue bodies)
- Multiplying form of Theileria in lymphoid tissue (intracellular or intercellular).
- Circular or irregular in shape
- Measure 8 um in diameter
- Blue cytoplasm with large numbers of red chromatin granules.
Trypanosoma evansi

- Monomorphic.
- Shape:- Slender and elongated.
- Size:- 15 - 30 um long.
- Nucleus:- Oval and vesicular.
- Kinetoblast :- Behind nucleus and subterminal.
- Undulating membrane:- Well developed ended with free
- Free flagellum :- Present.
Trypanosoma lewisi
- Monomorphic.
- Shape:- Slender and elongated with pointed posterior
- Size:- 26-34 um long.
- Nucleus:- Oval and situated anteriorly.
- Kinetoblast:- rod-shaped, transversely located and
far away from posterior end.
- Undulating membrane:- Well developed and ends
with long free flagellum.
- Free flagellum :- Long.
Trypanosoma brucei
- Polymorphic (long, intermediate, stumpy).
- Nucleus :- Oval and vesicular.
- Kinetoblast :- Sub-terminal.
- Undulating membrane:- Conspicuous
- Long form :- 25-35 um long with long free
flagellum and pointed posterior end.
- Intermediate form:- (25 um long with free
flagellum; broad posterior end.
- Stumpy form:- 15 um long without free flagellum
and blunt posterior end.
Trypanosoma cruzi – in blood film
- Monomorphic.
- Shape:- Crescentic or C-shaped slender and elongated.
- Posterior end:- Pointed.
- Size:- 15-20 um long.
- Nucleus:- Oval and located at the middle.
- Kinetoblast:- Large, egg shaped, sub-terminal and transversely located.
- Undulating membrane:- Well developed ends with free flagellum.
- Free flagellum:- Present (well developed).
Leishmania species - amastigote form
- Found in endothelial cells or macrophage.
- Shape : Round or oval.
- Size:- 2 - 5 um in diameter.
- Nucleus :- Large red and located at one side.
- Kinetoblast :- rod-shaped and purple in colour.
- Undulating membrane:- absent
- Free flagellum :- absent represented by short
- Cytoplasm :- Blue in colour
Balantidium coli - trophozoite
- Shape:- Ovoid or pear shape.
- Size:- 30-150 x 20 - 120 μm.
- Pellicle:- Covered with cilia.
- Cystosome:- Subterminal at anterior end.
- Cytopyge:- Near posterior end.
- Cytoplasm contains:
- Macronucleus:- Large and kidney shape.
- Micronucleus:- Small and rounded.
- Food and contractile vacuoles.
Balantidium coli - cyst
- Shape:- Spherical to ovoid

- Size:- 40-60 μm

- Cyst wall:- Thick and double layered

- Macronucleus:- compact and visible.

Fish leeches

-They are usually 15-30 mm in length and can easily be seen.

- They are brown in color.
-They have suckers at both ends of their elongate body.
- They are hermaphrodite.
- The oral sucker encloses the mouth armed with chitinous jaws.
- The body has a fixed number of relatively few (34) segments
but may appear to have many more owing to the annulated
body which give the leech the ability to stretch.
Lernaea (anchor worm)

- It is permanent ectoparasite.
- Body is worm like. It measures 1-3 cm.
- Body consists of cephalothorax and abdomen.
- Cephalothorax has four horns which vary slightly
in length.
- Female is light green to brown in color and has two
egg sacs.
- The trunk may thicken gradually towards the
posterior end.
Argulus (fish lice)
• It is Light green to brown in color.
• Female measures 6-7 mm and male measures 4-5 mm.
• Body is dorsoventrally flattened and consists of two
parts; cephalothorax and abdomen.
• Presence of two prominent suction discs and two pairs
of antennae, one pair of eye spot at anterior end.
• Retractile pre-oral stinger is present.
• Four pairs of legs are present on ventral surface.
• Small abdomen is bifurcated.
Chilodonella species

- It is a large, heart-shaped ciliate (60 to 80 µm)

with longitudinal rows of cilia.
- It has a large macronucleus and a small
micronucleus in the lower third of the body.
- It is flat on the ventral side and convex on the
dorsal side
Trichodina species
- Trichodina is a round ciliate that may be disc-shaped or
- It measures 20-1 00 µm in diameter with concentric rows of
cilia and a crown of denticles (presence of a prominent
denticular or "tooth-like“ internal cytoskeleton ring is
- Concave adhesive disc surrounded by a finely striated distinct
and broad band-like border membrane.
- The center of adhesive disc bears a clear area containing some
darker spots, especially at periphery, and encircled by a heavily
impregnated and wrinkled ring of central area.
- The denticulate ring composed of 20-23 denticles.
Trypanosoma species in fish blood
- Body is long and slender ranging from 15-130 micrometer.
- Flagellum varies in length and there is a well developed undulating membrane.
- A large oval nucleus situated near the middle of the body.
Henneguya species (spore)
- Spores are ovoid.

- It characterized by the presence of two anterior polar capsules which contain

a spiral polar filament and two long posterior tail-like processes

(26-40 µm) which is slightly divergent.

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