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OOPS using C++ (PBS-202/PBI-203)

1. Write a program in C++ to print array using pointer.

2. Write a program in C++ to search all occurrence of a substring within a string .
3. Write a program to explain function overloading with different number of arguments.
4. Write a program to explain function overloading with type, and order of arguments.
5. Given that an EMPLOYEE class contains following members:
6. data members: Employee number, Employee name, Basic, DA, IT, Net Salary. Input details
of N employees and print data members of all employees.
7. Write a C++ program to read the data of N employee and compute Net salary of each
employee (DA=52% of Basic and Income Tax (IT) =30% of the gross salary).
8. Write a program to find maximum number out of two numbers using friend function.
9. Note : Here one number is member of class A and other number is member of class B.
10. Create a class Bank with (Cust_Name, Address, Acc_No, Balance). Write a C++ program
to overload the following operators with their implementations (functionalities).
(i) ++ (used to increase the Balance of an object by 1000)
(ii) + (used to increase the balance of an object passed as float parameters).
Ex. B1=B1+2350.5;
(iii) – (used to deduct from balance of an object passed as float parameters).
Ex. B1=B1-1200;
(iv) < (used to compare and print the customer with large balance amount).

11. Write a C++ program to design a class having static member function named
showcount() which has the property of displaying the number of object created of the
12. WAP in C++ to implement all the functionalities of STACK by creating a class Stack.
Assume necessary assumptions.

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