Hematuria MCQ With Answer 2

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1-causes of hematuria are ( catheterization / urine stone / tumor / all of

them )
2- causes of hematuria are ( catheterization / hypophosphatemia / snake
venome / toxic plant )
3- causes of hemoglobinuria are all of these except ( catheterization /
hypophosphatemia / snake venome / toxic plant )
4-Hypophosphatemia is a specific cause for ( Albuminuria / glucouria /
hematuria / hemoglobinuria )
5- Transparent sediment can be seen in ( hematuria / hemoglobinuria /
both / non )
6- In Benzidine test ( Peroxidase , catalase , urease , uricase ) activity of
hemoglobin is responsible for H2O2 decomposition
7-In benzidine test , benzidine can be oxidized due to effect of nacent (
hydrogen / oxygen/ nitrogen / non of them ) that result from ( H2O2 /
H2O / both/ none ) decomposition
8- Greenish yellow , a characteristic color present in case of ( Albuminuria
/ glucosuria / bile uria / ketone urea )
9- Fecal odor a characteristic odor of urine in case of ( Albuminuria /
glucosuria / bile uria / ketone urea )
10- urine ph is acidic except in ( Albuminuria / glucosuria / bile uria /
ketone urea )
Normal constituent of the urine
1. Urea excretion increase in case of ………………………….
( fever – diabetes –adrenocortical activity – all of them )
2. Urea excretion decrease in case of ………………………….
( fever – diabetes –liver disease – both of them )
3. Normal blood urea level ………………………….
( 20-40mg% - 40-60mg% - 20-40gm% - 20-40 gm/day )
4. Normal urine urea level ………………………….
( 20-40mg/day - 40-60mg/day - 20-40gm% - 20-40 gm/day )
5. All urea of the urine is of ………………….source
( endogenous –exogenous –both of them –non of them )
6. Amount of urea in the urine is…………………….total amount of protein in the diet.
( 1/3 -1/4 -1/5 -2/5 )
7. Biuret result from heating of ………………to 180 c
( uric acid – urea – both of them –non of them )
8. Biuret is treated with diluted …………………………….
( copper sulphate – copper acetate – Mg acetate – Mg sulphate )
9. Uric acid is the main end product of……………………..in man
( purine – pyrimidine – polysaccharides – non of them )
10. Normal level of uric acid in blood is ………………………
(2-10mg% - 2-4mg% - 2-10gm% - 2-4gm%)
11. Normal level of uric acid in urine is ……………………… gm/day
(0.7 - 0.5 -0.4 -0.3 )
12. Amount of uric acid excreted in urine depending on …………………
( exogenous – endogenous – both of them – non of them )
13. In horse , uric acid is oxidized into ……………………………
( allantion – alanine – phenyl alanine – non of them )
14. Glutamines is responsible for formation………………. % of Ammonia
( 40 – 60 – 100 – 0 )
15. A.A deamination in kidney is responsible for formation ……………………..% of ammonia
( 40 -60 -100 -0 )
16. …………………….A.A don’t enter in formation of creatine
( glycine – Arginine – methionine – Alanine )
17. ………………………… physiologically increase in urine in children
( creatine- urea – uric acid – ammonia )
18. Normal plasma level of creatine is …………………………..
( 0.2-0.4mg% - 0.4-0.6mg% - 0.2-0.4gm% - 0.4-0.6mg% )
19. Excretion rate of urine creatine is about ……………. Per day
( 60-150mg – 50-60mg -60-150gm – 50-60gm )
20. Creatine level in the blood is about ………………………….
( 0.8-1mg% - 1-2mg% - 0.8-1gm% - 1-2gm% )
21. Creatinine excretion is determined chiefly by …………………………..
( Mm mass – diet protein – body temperature – urine volume )
22. Creatinine coefficient in female ………………… per Kg B.Wt per day
( 18-20mg – 20-24mg – 18-20gm – 20-24gm )
23. Creatinine coefficient in male ………………… per Kg B.Wt per day
( 18-20mg – 20-24mg – 18-20gm – 20-24gm )
24. Normal level of hippuric acid in urine about …………………
( 0.7 – 0.8 – 0.9 – 1 )
25. About ……………….mg/day of A.A is excreted in urine
( 150- 250 – 350 – 450 )
26. Indoxyl sulphate combine with …………………… ( Na – Mg – Cl – K )
To be excreted in urine as ……………………… ( indol – Indoxyl – tryptophan – indican )
27. Indol is detoxified in liver to produce …………………………….
( potassium – indican – Indoxyl – non of them )
Urine introduction
1. Glomerular filtration rate of kidney ………………...
(100ml/min - 150ml/min – 150L/min - 150ml/hour)
2. Effective filtration pressure in kidney glomeruli is ………………………
(26 – 30 -35 -40) mm hg
3. In tubular reabsorption, substances are ………………. Reabsorbed along PTC, loop of
Henle, DCT
(selectively – randomly – haphazard)
4. About ……………… % of water & Na are reabsorbed in GF
(99 – 59 -55 -39)
5. 80% of water is reabsorbed from ……….. (PCT – DCT – LOH ) under the effect of
( concentration gradient – active transport –ADH – Aldosterone )
6. 20% of water is reabsorbed from ……….. (PCT – DCT – LOH ) under the effect of
( concentration gradient – active transport –ADH – Aldosterone )
7. 80% of Na is reabsorbed from ……….. (PCT – DCT – LOH ) under the effect of
( concentration gradient – active transport –ADH – Aldosterone )
8. 20% of Na is reabsorbed from ……….. (PCT – DCT – LOH ) under the effect of
( concentration gradient – active transport –ADH – Aldosterone )
9. K is reabsorbed from PCT in combination with ……………
( Cl- - Mg+2 – Ca+2 )
10. The renal threshold of glucose …………… mg%
( 80 -100 – 180 -280 )
11. If glucose level exceed 180 mg % it will be ……………….
( re absorbed – excreted – return to the blood )
12. Urine volume is effected by ……………….
( season – amount of protein in diet – both of them – non of them )
13. Polyuria occur in case of …………….
( DM – DI – chronic nephritis – all of them )
14. Polyuria occur in case of …………….
( DM – DI – acute nephritis – all of them – burn – diarrhea )
15. oliguria occur in case of …………….
( DM – chronic nephritis – all of them – vomiting )
16. Anuria occur in case of …………….
( DM – DI – chronic nephritis – urolithiasis )
17. Pale yellow of urine occur in case of …………….
( DM – DI – chronic nephritis – all of them )
18. Pale yellow of urine occur in case of …………….
( DM – acute nephritis – burn – diarrhea )

19. Dark yellow occur in case of …………….

( DM – DI - chronic nephritis – vomiting )
20. Urine may have a red color in case of …………….. presence in urine
( HB – bile – fat – pus )
21. Urine may have a greenish yellow color in case of …………….. presence in urine
( HB – bile – fat – pus )
22. Urine may have a milky white in case of …………….. presence in urine
(fat – pus- albumin- any of them )
23. Alkaptonuria is abnormal error in ……………… metabolism
( tyrosine – alanine – methionine – Proline )
24. If excessive amount of phosphate present in urine, it will be ………….. color
( milky white – greenish yellow – reddish –blackish )
25. Alkaptonuria is due to deficiency of homogenistic acid …………….
( oxidase – hydrolase – hydroxylase – reductase )
26. Urineferrous odor of fresh urine is due to presence of small amount of …………..
( urea – volatile fatty acids – pus – ketone body )
27. Acetone odor of the urine is observed in case of …………..
( pyuria – ketosis – Hburia – hematuria )
28. Due to fermentation of urea …………… odor produce
( acetone – offensive – ammoniacal – Urineferrous )
29. In herbivorous animal , urine is alkaline , due to presence of ……………..
( oxalate – phosphate – tartrate – all of them )
30. Long’s coefficient can be calculated by multiplying …………… of SP.G
( last 2 figures with 2.66 - first 2 figures with 2.66 - last 2 figures with 5.66 - first 3
figures with 2.66 )
31. Total……… can be calculated by Long’s coefficient
( solids – salts – acids – fat )
32. SP.G can be raised in case of ………………..
( acute nephrites – DI – chronic nephritis – excessive drinking )
33. SP.G can be fall in case of ………………..
( DI – chronic nephritis – excessive drinking- all of them )
34. In ……………… , urine is normally turbid due to normal glandular secretion
of ……………..
( horse – cow –sheep – goat )
( Na carbonate – Mg sulphate – Ca carbonate – Ca urate )
35. Slightly turbidity in alkaline urine is developed due to precipitation of ……………..
( Ca phosphate – Mg phosphate – Mg carbonate – all of them )
Abnormal urine constituent

1. Albuminuria characterized by increased amount Of

albumin in urine more than…………………

( 50-100-200-500) mg

2. Physiogilocal albuminuria is observed in case

of ……………………………

(severe muscular exercise-After prolonged standing-

High protein meal- all of them)

3. Prerenal albumin appear in case of ………………………….

( nephritis- kidney disease – fever- all of them )

4. Bence-jones proteins are abnormal …………………………

appear mainly in …………………..

( albumin- globulin- glycine – glucose )( myeloma-

leukemia –lymphosarcoma –all of them )

5. triphasic reaction start with ……………………..

( clotting – redissolved- reclotting- non of them )

6. clotting of triphasic protein occur at ………………………. C


7. ………………………………. Is coagulum protein

(albumin-casein- gelatin- glucose)

8. …………………………….. don’t give a white coagulum on heat

coagulation test

(albumin-casein- globulin- glucose)

9. Renal glucosuria in which renal threshold is reduced

to ………………………mg%


10. DM as reason for glucosuria ,

considered …………………………..
( physiological – emotional – alimentary-


11. Aldolase –B deficiency in liver

cause …………………………….

( heredity – essential – both of them – Non of

them )

12. Essential fructosuria due to deficiency

of …………………………….

( glucokinase – hexokinase – fructokinase – all of

them )
13. Galactoseuria is due to deficiency of galactose -1-

…………………… uridyl transferase

( pyruvate – lactate – phosphate – non of them )

14. In Fehling test …………………… make the media


( Na carbonate – copper sulphate – Na.K tartarate )

15. In Fehling test …………………… furnish cupric ion in


( Na carbonate – copper sulphate – Na.K tartarate )

16. In Fehling test …………………… prevent PPT of cupric


( Na carbonate – copper sulphate – Na.K tartarate )

Abnormal constituents in urine
1-Plasma bilirubin is carried by plasma proteins and
about ( .1-1 / .2-2 / .3-3 / 0-0.1 )
2- In Liver , conjugated bilirubin is formed about ( 0.1 /
0.2 / 0.3 / 0.4 ) mg/dl
3- Bile pigments are end products of ( carbohydrate / Hb
/ Lipid / Protein ) catabolism
4-In Liver by UDP glucoronyl transferase , bilirubin is
conjugated with ( gluconic / glucaric / glucouronic / non
of them )
5- Jaundice can be detected when plasma total protein
exceeds ( 0.1 / 1 / 1.5 / 2 ) mg/dl
6- In hemolytic Jaundice , unconjugated bilirubin not
excreted by kidney because of ( Low water solubility /
high water solubility /firm binding with protein / Both A
and C )
7-( conjugated / unconjugated /both of them /non of
them) bilirubin increase in case of hepatic jaundice
8-( conjugated / unconjugated /both of them /non of
them) bilirubin increase in case of post hepatic jaundice
9- ALP increase in case of ( prehepatic / hepatic / post
hepatic / non of them ) jaundice
10- Urobilinogen absence , gave urine ( Pale / Dark /
Normal / Reddish ) color in case of ( prehepatic / hepatic
/ post hepatic ) jaundice
11-Clay color appearance is characteristic sign of (
prehepatic / hepatic / post hepatic ) jaundice
12-Ketosis , a condition present when ketone bodies in
blood excreted ( 2 / 1 / 0.5 /0.25 )mg%
13- Ketosis , a condition present when ketone bodies in
urine excreted ( 3 / 5 / 7 /10 ) mg%
14- Ketosis , a condition present when ( insufficient
carbohydrate / normal carbohydrate metabolism /
sufficient protein )
15- Main causes of ketosis ( High carbohydrate / Low fat
diet / A and B / starvation )
16- Main causes of ketosis ( Low carbohydrate / high fat
diet / A and B / DI(diabetes insipidus) )
17-Rothera test is a specific test for ( Ketone bodies / bile
salt / bile pigment / urea )

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