MATHS Form 4

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1 3 Matrices and Review of form 2 By the end of the - Learners name Previous work Explore
Transformation work. lesson, the learner the covered Math’s
Types of should be able to transformation Bk4
transformation name the types of reflection rotation Pg 273
transformation enlargement
Relate image and - Translation
object under a
transformation on
the Cartesian
4 Matrices and Identify the matrix By the end of the Learners draw - Graph books Explore
Transformation of reflection lesson, the learner Cartesian plane - Square boards Math’s
should be able to and draw the unit Bk4
use the unit square then Pg 273
square to identify reflect it
the matrix of
reflection on the x
axis line y=x, y=-
5 Matrices and Identify the matrix By the end of the Learners draw the - Graph books Explore
Transformation of rotation lesson, the learner unit square and - Square boards Math’s
should be able to rotate it to Bk4
identify the identify the Pg 273
matrix of rotation matrix
about the origin
angle +900, -900,
6 Matrices and Identify the matrix By the end of the Learners draw the Explore
Transformation of enlargement lesson, the learner unit square and Math’s
should be able to enlarge it on Bk4
use the unit centre (0,0) scale Pg 273
square to identify factor 2,3
the matrix of an
7 Matrices and Successive By the end of the Learners find area Chalkboard Explore
Transformation transformation lesson, the learner of image given illustrations Math’s
using reflection should be able to area of object and Bk4
perform determinant of a Pg 274
successive matrix
using reflection
2 1 Matrices and Successive By the end of the Learners perform Chalkboard Explore
Transformation transformation lesson, the learner successive illustrations Math’s
using rotation should be able to transformation Bk4
perform Pg 11
using rotation
2 Matrices and Shear By the end of the Teacher/pupil - Graph books Explore
Transformation transformation lesson, the learner discussion - Square boards Math’s
should be able to Bk4
state the general Pg 5
matrix of a shear
3 Matrices and Describing shear By the end of the Learners - Graph books Explore
Transformation transformation lesson, the learner transform using a - Square boards Math’s
should be able to shear Bk4
transform an Pg 5
object to an
image using a
shear and
describe the shear
4 Matrices and Stretch By the end of the Teacher/pupil - Graph books Explore
Transformation transformation lesson, the learner discussion - Square boards Math’s
should be able to Bk4
state the general Pg 6
matrix of a stretch
5 Matrices and Describing stretch By the end of the Teacher/pupil - Graph books Explore
Transformation transformation lesson, the learner discussion - Square boards Math’s
should be able to Bk4
Pg 7
6 Matrices and Area scale factor By the end of the Learners Chalkboard Explore
Transformation lesson, the learner transform using a illustrations Math’s
should be able to stretch Bk4
establish a Pg 8
between area
scale factor and
determinant of a
3 1 Matrices and Inverse of a By the end of the Learners perform Chalkboard Explore
Transformation transformation lesson, the learner successive illustrations Math’s
should be able to transformation Bk4
determine the Pg 142
Inverse of a
2 Matrices and Isometric and non By the end of the Learners perform Chalkboard Explore
Transformation isometric lesson, the learner the illustrations Math’s
transformation should be able to transformation Bk4
define and
isometric and non
3 Matrices and Application to real By the end of the Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
Transformation life situation lesson, the learner discussion illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4
transformation to
real life situation
4 Matrices and Problem solving By the end of the Learners rotate Chalkboard Explore
Transformation lesson, the learner identity matrix illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4 Pg 154
solve problems on
matrix and
5 Matrices and Review of form 2 By the end of the Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
Transformation work. State the lesson, the learner discussion illustrations Math’s
measures of central should be able to Bk4
tendency state the measures
of central
tendency and
describe how to
calculate them
6 Matrices and Mean using By the end of the Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
Transformation assumed mean lesson, the learner discussion illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4 pg 313
calculate the
mean of an
ungrouped data
7 Matrices and Mean of grouped By the end of the Learners answer Chalkboard Explore
Transformation data using assumed lesson, the learner questions illustrations Math’s
mean should be able to Bk4 pg 314
calculate the
mean of grouped
4 1 Matrices and Cumulative By the end of the Learners calculate Chalkboard Explore
Transformation frequency table lesson, the learner mean illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4 pg 25
make cumulative
frequency table
2 Matrices and Median by By the end of the Learners calculate Chalkboard Explore
Transformation calculation lesson, the learner mean illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4
estimate the
median by
3 Matrices and Median by Orgive By the end of the Learners make Chalkboard Explore
Transformation lesson, the learner cumulative illustrations Math’s
should be able to frequency tables Bk4 pg 29
draw the orgive
and use it to
estimate median
4 Matrices and Quartiles by By the end of the Learners estimate Past paper Explore
Transformation calculation lesson, the learner the median questions Math’s
should be able to Bk4
estimate the
quartiles by
5 Statistics Quartiles by Orgive By the end of the Learners draw an Chalkboard Explore
lesson, the learner orgive illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4
draw the orgive
and use it to
estimate quartiles
6 Statistics Measures of By the end of the Learners calculate Chalkboard Explore
dispersion lesson, the learner upper and lower illustrations Math’s
Range should be able to quartile Bk4
Interquartile range Define range Pg 15
Calculate the
interquatile range
7 Statistics Quartile deviation By the end of the Learners draw Chalkboard Explore
lesson, the learner orgive and use it illustrations Math’s
should be able to to estimate Bk4
calculate the quartiles Pg 31
quartile deviation
5 1 Statistics Variance By the end of the Learners state Chalkboard Explore
lesson, the learner their marks in a illustrations Math’s
should be able to cat then use them Bk4
calculate variance to calculate range Pg 157
2 Statistics Standard deviation By the end of the Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
lesson, the learner discussion illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4
calculate standard Pg 163
3 Statistics Interpret measures By the end of the Learners interpret Graph books Explore
on dispersion lesson, the learner measures of square boards Math’s
should be able to dispersion Bk4
interpret Pg 156
measures of
4 Statistics Problem solving By the end of the Learners solve Chalkboard Explore
lesson, the learner problems on illustrations Math’s
should be able to statistics Bk4
solve problems on Pg 190
5 Statistics Review of form 1 By the end of the Learners solve Chalkboard Explore
work. Geometric lesson, the learner problems on illustrations Math’s
construction should be able to statistics Bk4
solve problems on
6 Statistics By the end of the Learners solve Chalkboard Explore
lesson, the learner problems on illustrations Math’s
should be able to statistics Bk4
solve problems on
7 Statistics By the end of the Learners solve Chalkboard Explore
lesson, the learner problems on illustrations Math’s
should be able to statistics Bk4
solve problems on
6 1 Statistics By the end of the Learners solve Past paper Explore
lesson, the learner problems on questions Math’s
should be able to statistics Bk4
solve problems on
2 Loci Definition of Loci By the end of the Learners - Pair of Explore
and terms used in lesson, the learner construct using a - compass ruler Math’s
loci should be able to ruler and a pair of - Set square Bk4
construct parallel compass only Pg 38
lines , angles 600,
900 triangles i.e.
given two sides
and an angle
3 Loci Common types of By the end of the Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
loci in two lesson, the learner discussion illustrations Math’s
dimension should be able to Bk4
define loci forms Pg 44
used in loci
4 Loci Common types of By the end of the Learners state the Chalkboard Explore
loci in 3 dimension lesson, the learner loci illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4
state the common Pg 47
types of loci in 2
5 Loci Perpendicular By the end of the Learners state the Models of Explore
bisector loci lesson, the learner loci cylinders Math’s
should be able to spheres Bk4
state the common
types of loci in 3
6 Loci Loci of a point at a By the end of the Learners draw a Pair of compass Explore
given distance from lesson, the learner perpendicular ruler Math’s
a fixed point should be able to bisector Bk4
draw a
bisector loci
7 Loci Angle bisector loci By the end of the Learners draw Pair of compass Explore
lesson, the learner ruler Math’s
should be able to Bk4
draw the loci of a
point at a given
distance from a
fixed point and a
fixed line
describe this loci
7 1 Loci Constant angle loci By the end of the Learners draw Pair of compass Explore
lesson, the learner ruler Math’s
should be able to Bk4
draw the angle
bisector loci and
describe it
2 Loci Loci involving By the end of the Learners use the Chalkboard Explore
points under given lesson, the learner knowledge of illustrations Math’s
conditions should be able to angles in the Bk4
draw and describe same segment
a constant angle
3 Loci Intersecting loci By the end of the Teacher/pupil Ruler pair of Explore
lesson, the learner discussion compass Math’s
should be able to Bk4
construct loci
involving points
under given
4 Loci Loci involving By the end of the Learners Ruler pair of Explore
inequalities lesson, the learner construct compass Math’s
should be able to Bk4
construct loci
5 Loci Loci involving By the end of the Learners draw Ruler pair of Explore
chords lesson, the learner inequalities compass Math’s
should be able to Graph books Bk4
construct loci
6 Loci Problem solving By the end of the Discussion Ruler pair of Explore
lesson, the learner compass Math’s
should be able to Bk4
construct loci
involving chords
7 Trigonometry Review of form 2 By the end of the Learners solve Past paper Explore
(3) and 3 work lesson, the learner problems questions Math’s
should be able to Bk4
solve problems on
8 1 Trigonometry Identity By the end of the Teacher/pupil Previous work Explore
(3) Sin2x+cos2x=1 lesson, the learner discussion covered Math’s
should be able to Bk4 pg 64
recall and define
2 Trigonometry Draw graphs of the By the end of the Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
(3) form lesson, the learner discussion illustrations Math’s
y=sinx should be able to Bk4 pg 73
y=scosx draw the graph of
y=stanx y=atanbx
State the
amplitude, period
wavelength and
phase angle
3 Trigonometry Draw graph of By the end of the Learners make Graph books Explore
(3) y=sinx lesson, the learner tables of values Math’s
should be able to and draw graphs Bk4
draw the graph of
y=asin (bx+Ө)
state the
amplitude period
wavelength and
phase angle
4 Trigonometry Draw graph of By the end of the Learners make Graph books Explore
(3) y=cosx lesson, the learner tables of values Math’s
should be able to and draw graphs Bk4
draw the graph of
y=asin (bx+Ө)
state the
amplitude period
wavelength and
phase angle
5 Trigonometry Draw graph of By the end of the Learners make Graph books Explore
(3) y=tanx lesson, the learner tables of values Math’s
should be able to and draw graphs Bk4
draw the graph of
state the
amplitude, period
wavelength and
phase angle
6 Trigonometry Draw graph of By the end of the Learners make Graph books Explore
(3) y=asinbx lesson, the learner tables of values Math’s
should be able to and draw graphs Bk4
draw the graph of
state the
amplitude, period
wavelength and
phase angle
7 Trigonometry Draw graph of By the end of the Learners make Graph books Explore
(3) y=sinx lesson, the learner tables of values Math’s
should be able and draw graphs Bk4
ably to draw the
graph of
state the
amplitude, period
wavelength and
phase angle
9 1 Trigonometry Draw graph of By the end of the Learners make Graph books Explore
(3) y=acosbx lesson, the learner tables of values Math’s
should be able to and draw graphs Bk4
draw the graph of
state the
amplitude, period
wavelength and
phase angle
2 Trigonometry Draw graph of By the end of the Teacher/pupil Graph books Explore
(3) y=atanbx lesson, the learner discussion Math’s
should be able to Bk4
draw the graph of
state the
amplitude, period
wavelength and
phase angle
3 Trigonometry Draw graph of By the end of the Learners make Graph books Explore
(3) y=asin(bx+Ө) lesson, the learner tables of values Math’s
should be able to and draw graphs Bk4
draw the graph of
state the
amplitude, period
wavelength and
phase angle
4 Trigonometry Draw graph of By the end of the Learners make Graph books Explore
(3) y=acos (bx+Ө) lesson, the learner tables of values Math’s
should be able to and draw graphs Bk4
draw the graph of
y=acos (bx+Ө)
state the
amplitude, period
wavelength and
phase angle
5 Trigonometry Draw graph of By the end of the Learners make Graph books Explore
(3) y=atan (bx+Ө) lesson, the learner tables of values Math’s
should be able to and draw graphs Bk4
draw the graph of
y=atan (bx+Ө)
state the
amplitude, period
wavelength and
phase angle
6 Trigonometry Simple By the end of the Learners make Chalkboard Explore
(3) trigonometric lesson, the learner tables of values illustrations Math’s
equations should be able to and draw graphs Bk4
analytically solve simple
7 Trigonometry Simple By the end of the Teacher/pupil Graphs drawn Explore
(3) trigonometric lesson, the learner discussion Math’s
equations should be able to Bk4
graphically solve simple



1 3 Three Common solids By the end of Learners state Models of Explore
Dimension the lesson, the property cubes, cuboids Math’s
Geometry learner should pyramids Bk4
be able to state Pg79
the geometric
properties of
common solids
4 Three Projection of a By the end of Learners project - Real life Explore
Dimension line onto a plane the lesson, the lines onto situations Math’s
Geometry learner should planes - Chalkboard Bk4
be able to illustrations Pg80
project a line
onto a plane
5 Three Skew lines By the end of Learners state Chart Explore
Dimension the lesson, the skew lines illustrating a Math’s
Geometry learner should cuboid and a Bk4
be able to pyramid Pg81
identify skew
6 Three Calculate length By the end of Learners Model of Explore
Dimension between two the lesson, the calculate length cuboid Math’s
Geometry points in a learner should Bk4
cuboid be able to Pg86
calculate the
length between
two points on a
7 Three Calculate length By the end of Learners Model of a Explore
Dimension between two the lesson, the calculate length pyramid Math’s
Geometry points in a learner should Bk4
pyramid be able to Pg87
calculate the
length between
two points on a
2 1 Three Calculate length By the end of Teacher/pupil Nets of solids Explore
Dimension between two the lesson, the discussion Math’s
Geometry points in other 3 learner should Bk4
dimensional be able to Pg88
solids calculate the
length between
two points on
any 3
2 Three Angle between By the end of Teacher/pupil Models of a Explore
Dimension two lines the lesson, the discussion cuboid, Math’s
Geometry learner should pyramids (wire Bk4
be able to models) Pg87
identify and
calculate the
angle between
the two lines
3 Three Angle between By the end of Teacher/pupil wire models of Explore
Dimension a line and a the lesson, the discussion a cuboid, cube Math’s
Geometry plane learner should pyramids Bk4
be able to Pg82
identify and
calculate the
angle between a
4 Three Angle between By the end of Teacher/pupil Wire models of Explore
Dimension two planes the lesson, the discussion a cuboid, cubes Math’s
Geometry learner should and pyramids Bk4
be able to Pg89
identify and
calculate the
angle between
two planes
5 Three Angle between By the end of Teacher/pupil Wire models of Explore
Dimension skew lines the lesson, the discussion a cuboid, cubes Math’s
Geometry learner should and pyramids Bk4
be able to Pg93
identify and
calculate the
angle between
skew lines
6 Three Application to By the end of Teacher/pupil Models of Explore
Dimension real life the lesson, the discussion common solids Math’s
Geometry situation learner should Bk4
be able to apply Pg97-100
3 dimension
geometry to real
life situation
7 Three Problem solving By the end of Learners Past papers Past paper
Dimension the lesson, the answer questions
Geometry learner should questions
be able to solve
problems on 3
3 1 Longitudes and Definition By the end of Teacher/pupil Globe of the Explore
Latitudes the lesson, the discussion earth Math’s
learner should Bk4
be able to Pg101-102
define great and
small circles in
relation to a
including the
2 Longitudes and Radii of small By the end of Learners Globe of the Explore
Latitudes and great circles the lesson, the answer earth wire Math’s
learner should questions model of the Bk4
be able to earth Pg103-104
establish the
between the
radii of small
and great circles
3 Longitudes and Point on a great By the end of Learners read Globe of the Explore
Latitudes circle the lesson, the the position of earth Math’s
learner should planes on the Bk4
be able to locate globe Pg105
points on a
great circle
4 Longitudes and Distance By the end of Learners state Wire model of Explore
Latitudes between two the lesson, the the length of an the earth Math’s
points two learner should arc and use it to Bk4
places on a be able to calculate Pg105
great circle of calculate distance
equator in Km distance
between two
places on the
equator in Km
5 Longitudes and Distance By the end of Learners use the Wire model of Explore
Latitudes between two the lesson, the formula for the the earth Math’s
points two learner should length of an arc Bk4
places on a be able to to calculate Pg106
great circle in calculate distance
nm distance
between two
places on the
meridian in Km
6 Longitudes and Distance By the end of Teacher/pupil Model of the Explore
Latitudes between two the lesson, the discussion earth Math’s
points two learner should Bk4
places on a be able to Pg107
great circle of calculate
equator in Km distance
between two
places on a
great circle in
Nautical miles
7 Longitudes and Point on a small By the end of Learners locate Globe Explore
Latitudes circle the lesson, the points on the Math’s
learner should globe Bk4
be able to locate Pg108
points on the
4 1 Longitudes and Distance By the end of Teacher/pupil Wire model of Explore
Latitudes between two the lesson, the discussion the earth Math’s
points two learner should Bk4
places on the be able to Pg108
latitude in Km calculate
between two
places on the
latitude in Km
2 Longitudes and Distance By the end of Teacher/pupil Wire model of Explore
Latitudes between two the lesson, the discussion the earth Math’s
points two learner should Bk4
places on the be able to Pg109
latitude in nm calculate
between two
places on the
latitude in nm
3 Longitudes and Shortest By the end of Teacher/pupil Wire model of Explore
Latitudes distance the lesson, the discussion the earth Math’s
between two learner should Bk4
points two be able to Pg110
places the calculate the
latitude shortest (via
north pole)
between two
places on the
4 Longitudes and Time and By the end of Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
Latitudes longitude the lesson, the discussion illustrations Math’s
learner should Model Bk4
be able to Pg111
calculate time
in relation to
5 Longitudes and Speed in Knots By the end of Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
Latitudes the lesson, the discussion illustrations Math’s
learner should Bk4
be able to Pg112
calculate speed
in knots
6 Longitudes and Speed in Km By the end of Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
Latitudes per hour the lesson, the discussion illustrations Math’s
learner should Bk4
be able to Pg113
calculate speed
in Km/hr
7 Longitudes and Application to By the end of Learners Chalkboard Explore
Latitudes real life the lesson, the answer illustrations Math’s
situation learner should questions Bk4
be able to apply Pg114
longitudes and
latitudes to real
life situations
5 1 Longitudes and Problem solving By the end of Learners Past paper Explore
Latitudes the lesson, the answer questions Math’s
learner should questions Bk4
be able to solve Pg115-117
problems on
longitudes and
2 Linear Review By the end of Learners state Previous work Explore
Programming Linear the lesson, the inequality covered Math’s
inequalities learner should symbols Bk4
be able to recall Pg118
3 Linear Solving simple By the end of Learners solve Chalkboard Explore
Programming linear the lesson, the inequalities illustrations Math’s
inequalities learner should Bk4
be able to solve Pg119
simple linear
4 Linear Solving simple By the end of Learners solve Chalkboard Explore
Programming compound the lesson, the compound illustrations Math’s
linear learner should inequalities Bk4
inequalities be able to solve Pg120
5 Linear Form linear By the end of Learners form Chalkboard Explore
Programming inequalities the lesson, the the inequalities illustrations Math’s
based on real learner should Bk4
life situation be able to form Pg121
based on real
life situations
6 Linear Representation By the end of Learners - Graph books Explore
Programming o the graph the lesson, the tabulate values - Square boards Math’s
Tabulating learner should from Bk4
values be able to inequalities Pg122
tabulate values
of y from a
linear inequality
7 Linear Graphing By the end of Learners draw Graph books Explore
Programming the lesson, the the graphs Math’s
learner should Bk4
be able to Pg123
represent a
linear inequality
on a graph
6 1 Linear Optimization By the end of Teacher/pupil - Ruler Explore
Programming (solve) the lesson, the discussion - set square Math’s
learner should - Graph books Bk4
be able to solve Pg124
the optimum
solution of the
2 Linear Optimization By the end of Teacher/pupil Graph books Explore
Programming (interpret) the lesson, the discussion Math’s
learner should Bk4
be able to Pg125
interpret the
solution of the
linear inequality
3 Linear Application to By the end of Learners - Ruler Explore
Programming real life the lesson, the answer - set square Math’s
situation learner should questions - Graph books Bk4
be able to apply Pg126
programming to
real life
4 Differentiation Problem solving By the end of Learners Past paper Explore
the lesson, the answer questions Math’s
learner should questions Bk4
be able to solve Pg127
problems on
5 Differentiation Average rate of By the end of Learners draw a Curve drawn Explore
change the lesson, the curve y=x2 Math’s
learner should Bk4
be able to find Pg170
average change
6 Differentiation Instantaneous By the end of Teacher/pupil Curve drawn Explore
rate of change the lesson, the discussion Math’s
learner should Bk4
be able to find Pg171
rate of change
7 Differentiation Gradient of a By the end of Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
curve at a point the lesson, the discussions illustrations Math’s
learner should Bk4
be able to find Pg172
gradient of a
curve at a point
using a tangent
7 1 Differentiation Delta notation By the end of Teacher leads Chalkboard Explore
the lesson, the pupils to discus illustrations Math’s
learner should Bk4
be able to relate Pg173
the delta
notation to rates
of change
2 Differentiation Gradient of y=xn By the end of Learners Chalkboard Explore
the lesson, the differentiate illustrations Math’s
learner should Bk4
be able to find Pg174
the gradient
function of the
form y=xn (n is
a positive
3 Differentiation Definition By the end of Teacher leads Chalkboard Explore
the lesson, the pupils to define illustrations Math’s
learner should terms Bk4
be able to Pg175
Derivative of a
function of a
4 Differentiation Derivative of a By the end of Teacher leads Chalkboard Explore
polynomial the lesson, the pupils to derive illustrations Math’s
learner should Bk4
be able to Pg176
determine the
derivative of a
5 Differentiation Equations of By the end of Learners find Chalkboard Explore
tangents to the the lesson, the the equation of illustrations Math’s
curve learner should length Bk4
be able to Pg177
determine the
equation of
tangents to a
6 Differentiation Equations of
By the end of Learners find Chalkboard Explore
normal to the
the lesson, the the equation of illustrations Math’s
curve learner should normal Bk4
be able to Pg180
determine the
equation of the
normal to the
7 Differentiation Stationary By the end of Learners Chalkboard Explore
points the lesson, the determine illustrations Math’s
learner should stationary Bk4
be able to state points S Pg181
the stationary
points on a
8 1 Revision OF WORK COVERED
and 14
1 3 Differentiation Application of By the end of the Learners state the Chalkboard Explore
stationary points lesson, the learner stationery points illustrations Math’s
should be able to known Bk4
use stationary Pg187
points to solve a
4 Differentiation Curve sketching By the end of the Learners sketch Chalkboard Explore
lesson, the learner the curves illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4
sketch the curves Pg188-189
5 Differentiation Application to By the end of the Learners apply Chalkboard Explore
distance lesson, the learner distance velocity illustrations Math’s
velocity and should be able to and acceleration Bk4
acceleration apply Pg182-185
differentiation to
distance velocity
and acceleration
6 Differentiation Maxima and By the end of the Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
minima lesson, the learner discussions illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4
apply Pg190-191
differentiation to
distance velocity
in finding
maxima and
minima of a
7 Differentiation Problem solving By the end of the Learners answer Past paper Explore
lesson, the learner questions questions Math’s
should be able to Bk4
solve problems on Pg192-193
2 1 Area Area by By the end of the Learners draw Models of Explore
Approximation counting lesson, the learner irregular shapes irregular shapes Math’s
techniques should be able to on a squared book on a squared Bk4
approximate the then count book then count Pg194
area of an squares squares
irregular shape by
2 Area Trapezium rule By the end of the Teacher leads Chalkboard Explore
Approximation lesson, the learner pupils to derive illustrations Math’s
should be able to the rule Bk4
derive the Pg197
trapezium rule
3 Area Application of By the end of the Learners answer Graphs of Explore
Approximation the Trapezium lesson, the learner questions irregular shapes Math’s
rule should be able to Bk4
apply the Pg198
trapezium rule to
estimate area of
irregular shapes
4 Area Mid ordinate By the end of the Teacher leads Chalkboard Explore
Approximation rule lesson, the learner pupils to derive illustrations Math’s
should be able to the rule Bk4
apply the mid Pg199
ordinate rule
5 Area Application to By the end of the Learners answer - Graphs drawn Explore
Approximation the mid ordinate lesson, the learner questions and - Graph books Math’s
rule should be able to draw graphs Bk4
apply to apply the Pg201-202
mid ordinate rule
to estimate area
under a curve
6 Area Trapezium rule By the end of the Learners draw - Graphs drawn Explore
Approximation lesson, the learner graphs - Graph books Math’s
should be able to Bk4
apply to derive Pg200
the trapezium rule
to estimate area
under the curve
7 Integration Problem solving By the end of the Learners answer Past paper Explore
lesson, the learner questions questions Math’s
should be able to Bk4
solve problems on Pg203
are approximation

3 1 Integration Review of By the end of the Learners solve Chalkboard Explore

differentiation lesson, the learner problems on illustrations Math’s
should be able to differentiation Bk4
carry out the Pg207
process of
2 Integration Reverse By the end of the Learners answer Chalkboard Explore
differentiation lesson, the learner questions illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4
interpret Pg208-209
integration as a
reverse process of
3 Integration Integration By the end of the Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
notation lesson, the learner discussions illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4
relate integration Pg209
notation to sum of
areas of
trapezium under a
4 Integration Integrate a By the end of the Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
polynomial lesson, the learner discussions illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4
integrate a Pg211-213
5 Integration Indefinite and By the end of the Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
definite lesson, the learner discussions illustrations Math’s
integrals should be able to Bk4
integrate and Pg214
define a definite
6 Integration Area under a By the end of the Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
curve by lesson, the learner discussions illustrations Math’s
integration should be able to Bk4
integration in Pg212
finding the area
under a curve
7 Integration Application of By the end of the Teacher/pupil Chalkboard Explore
integration to lesson, the learner discussions illustrations Math’s
kinematics should be able to Bk4
apply integration Pg210-211
in kinematics
4 1 Integration Problem solving By the end of the Learners answer Chalkboard Explore
lesson, the learner questions illustrations Math’s
should be able to Bk4
solve problems on Pg217
2 Revision
3 Revision
4 Revision
5 Revision
6 Revision
7 Revision
5 1 Revision
2 Revision
3 Revision
4 Revision
5 Revision
6 Revision
7 Revision
6 1 Revision
2 Revision
3 Revision
4 Revision
5 Revision
6 Revision
7 Revision
7 1 KCSE
8 1 KCSE
9 1 KCSE

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