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• The ever-growing society has made people see Technology as some form of necessity.

 The word “technology” came from the Greek Words techne means art and logos
means word.

 Taking the two words together, Technology Means discourse on arts (Buchanan,

 Concepts like machine and tools were also Attached to the wordtechnology” which
is the More popular sense of the concept nowadays.

-The roles play by technology these days are Very crucial not only to a few but also to
- Each person in the society is directly or Indirectly affected by technology whether He
wills it or not.

- In fact, most people are survived their Everyday lives with great reliance to the
Different technological advancements Already available to the masses.

- These days enjoys such fame and glory because of the many different benefits it
brings to mankind.

- Some would even say that is because of the different leisure activities that
technology can offer to people.
- At present, people work very hard in
Order to save money to buy these
“necessities” while in the past, people
Only used their money for the things
That would help them survive like food,
Housing, and clothing. In effect, anything Outside categories was considered a Luxury.
- However, that is no longer the case at Present
- In general, technology keeps on progressing Due to not only the changing times and
Environment but also to the

- Ever- progressing mind of mankind. It would Not possible for all these technological
Advancements to exist if it where not for the Brilliant, creativeness, and power of
the Mind.

- Although it has been very helpful to people, It is still not immune to criticisms and

Usually, different problems arise when

Either the technological device available

Misused – it was invented to produce

People bad result. People who aware of
Possible danger of use or misuse of
Technology are not keeping still.

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