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Ethical Dilemma Faced by these Technological Advancements

• First, parents argue that these devices make their children Become lazy and unhealthy
O Skipping their meals
O Lack of exercise
O Unaware of the time
O People who are engrossed with these device easily get mad or Annoyed.

- They highly experience alienation because they are lack of Socialization, furthermore
some people will argue about This matter that by using this advancement it will bring
Them closer but the reality is, it is just virtually closer but Not physically or

Ethical Dilemma Faced by these Technological Advancements

Second, moral dilemma
- People, especially children who’s highly experiencing this Dilemma. They’re the one
who are not capable yet of Rationally deciding for themselves what is right and

- It happens because of the availability and easy access to Different websites without
restrictions even it is not Suitable for their age.

- As we go deeper, it can be said that these reasons make Such devices somewhat
unethical because they bring Undesirable consequences to people.

- However, it can also be argued that it is not the fault of The technological devices but
the agent using them or the Ones making them.

Ethical Dilemma Faced by these Technological Advancements

- Responsibility in the sense of being “accountable for” and

“accountable to” is very appropriate to the ethics of technology

- Each person MUST indicate the PRIORITIES, VALUES, NORMS

And PRINCIPLES that’s constitute the grounds for one’s actions
And define one’s contribution to the scientific-technological
- Ethics of Responsibility – focuses on the positive rather than the

- People who are part of the scientific development ought to let

The public know the good in their respective technological

- In this way, the people will be sufficiently aware of what to do

And what not to do.

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