Ipc2022 86833

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Proceedings of the 2022 14th International Pipeline Conference


September 26-30, 2022, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Thomas Dessein1, Brent Ayton1, Alex Fraser1, Shawn Smith1, Mari Shironishi2, Travis Sera2
Integral Engineering, Edmonton, AB, Canada
SoCalGas, Los Angeles, CA, USA

A quantitative framework for risk assessment of natural gas 𝑐 consequences of a failure
storage wells, including the wellhead and connected piping, has
𝐶 conditional expression, which is either true or false
been developed to assess SoCalGas’s underground gas storage
sites in California. The approach has been developed to meet and 𝑐𝑉𝐶 historical incident rate calibration factor for vehicle
exceed the risk assessment requirements of API RP 1171 collisions
(incorporated by reference in U.S. regulation 49 CFR 192.12) 𝐷𝑣𝑖→𝑠𝑖 damage due to the impact between vehicle vi and
and the recent changes to the California Code of Regulations. the wellhead or associated piping section si
Further, several of the recommendations made in the recent
PHMSA study, “Risk Assessment and Treatment of Wells” 𝐹𝑉𝐶 annual frequency of failures (failures/well-year) due
(2021), have been addressed and incorporated. to vehicle collisions
𝑓𝑣𝑖𝑠,𝑠𝑖 factor to account for barriers that reduce the
The framework uses a dynamic fault tree to aggregate the probability of a collision between a vehicle and the
barrier failure rates from over 80 potential failure mechanisms wellhead or associated piping section si
to quantify the combined probability of an accidental release to 𝐼[ ] ‘indicator function’ which equals 1 if the
the atmosphere and the resulting hazards. The modular conditional expression within the [ ] is true and 0 if
architecture allows operators to use threat-specific models with it is false.
differing levels of sophistication. Additionally, the framework
accounts for the interplay between barriers to failure in a well, 𝐿𝑒𝑥𝑝,𝑠𝑖 length of the wellhead or associated piping section
the benefits of continuous monitoring, and the effect that si exposed to the potential for a vehicle collision
wellhead spacing, cement quality, and well-inflow performance 𝑁 number of Monte Carlo simulation trials
have on the expected consequences. p probability of a failure
Priority to develop quantitative models is given to the 𝑃𝐶 probability of failure for well component C
threats that potentially have high probability or high (ex. flange, hanger, tubing, casing)
consequences and to threats with effective mitigation options, 𝑃𝑟 probability of an accidental release event
such as corrosion and external interference threats. For threats
with very low consequences or likelihood of occurrence, simple r risk of a failure
models with conservative assumptions are typically sufficient 𝜎𝑣𝑚 von Mises stress
because the contribution to overall risk is low. This process
𝜎𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 stress component in the axial direction
minimizes the overall analysis complexity and allows mitigations
to be tailored to the higher-risk threats. 𝜎ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 stress component in the hoop direction

This paper describes example assessments to illustrate how

the framework can quantify the benefits of integrity management
activities, such as an erosion monitoring program, continuous
pressure monitoring of the annuli, and adding protections to
minimize risk from vehicle collisions.
Keywords: Underground Gas Storage, Risk Assessment

Contact author: tdessein@integraleng.ca

1 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

SoCalGas and Integral reviewed the literature to establish
The oil & gas industry utilizes risk and reliability estimates
the historical precedent of threats specific to underground gas
to optimize the structural integrity management of pipeline,
storage reservoirs, wells, connected piping, and, more broadly,
facility, storage, and distribution assets. These approaches can be
to similar facilities such as those used for CO2 sequestration,
used to ensure the health and safety of workers and the public,
offshore platforms, and processing plants. A detailed list of
minimize the impacts on the environment, and mitigate financial
sources is provided in Section 9. The following categories of
risk. A quantitative framework for risk assessment of natural gas
sources were reviewed:
storage wells, including the wellbore, wellhead, and connected
piping, has been developed to assess SoCalGas’s underground • Published technical papers and reports focused on risk
gas storage sites in California. The approach has been developed assessments and historical failures,
to meet and exceed the risk assessment requirements of • Failure databases that cover specific equipment used in
API RP 1171 (incorporated by reference in US regulation well completions at storage facilities, and
49 CFR 192.12) and the recent changes to the California Code • US and international standards and regulations.
of Regulations [1, 2, 3]. Further, several recommendations made
in the recent PHMSA study, Risk Assessment and Treatment of The initial list of threats established through the literature
Wells [4], have been addressed and incorporated. review was then supplemented through workshops with subject
matter experts (SMEs) that have long-term practical experience
The framework uses a dynamic fault tree to aggregate the with storage well operation. This effort identified more than
barrier failure rates from potential failure mechanisms to 80 potential threats applicable to natural gas storage in depleted
quantify the combined probability of an accidental release to the hydrocarbon reservoirs. The list of threats was organized into the
atmosphere and the resulting hazards. The modular architecture eleven threat categories shown in Table 1.
allows operators to use threat-specific models with differing
levels of sophistication. Additionally, the framework accounts

Reservoir &
for the interplay between barriers to failure in a well, the benefits



of continuous monitoring, and the effect that wellhead spacing,

Threat Categories
cement quality, and well-inflow performance have on the
expected consequences.
Corrosion • • •
The threats to gas storage wells and the risk framework are
described in Section 2, with Section 2.3 describing the Erosion • • •
constraints and requirements considered when developing the Manufacturing Defects • • •
risk framework to model these threats. The process to model the
Installation Defects • • •
overall well failure rates is described in Section 3, the approach
used to model failure rates of individual barriers in a well is Mechanical Damage • • •
described in Section 4, and the consequence assessment models Equipment Failure • • •
are described in Section 5. The framework can quantify the
External Interference • • • •
benefits of integrity management activities, such as an erosion
monitoring program, continuous pressure monitoring of the Well Intervention • •
annuli, and adding protections to minimize risk from vehicle Incorrect Operations & Maintenance • • • •
collisions. A more in-depth discussion of the use of this
framework for corrosion management is provided in the Weather & Outside Forces • • • •
accompanying paper, IPC2022-86794 [7], and for external Geological Uncertainty •
interference threats is in IPC2022-86734 [8].
2.1 Threat Identification
Both applicable regulations in California – API RP 1171 and
the recent changes to the California Code of Regulations –
require operators to develop a program to manage risk that
includes identifying potential threats to the storage operation
[1, 2, 3]. API RP 1171 includes a high-level description of
common potential threats. While the CalGEM regulations do not
explicitly enumerate potential threats, many are mentioned
throughout the regulation. An operator may supplement these to
identify potential threats more comprehensively.

2 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

2.2 Risk Framework 2.3 Risk Framework Requirements
The basic definition of risk is provided in Equation 1, where p is The solution developed to assess risk for storage wells was
the probability of failure per year leading to an unplanned release designed to have the following characteristics:
and c is a measure of the consequences. The assessed risk has the
• Comprehensively assesses the probability of occurrence as
same units as the consequence measure.
a function of time for all combinations of barrier failures
𝑟 =𝑝 ×𝑐 (1) and failure modes (hole sizes). See Section 4.
• Calculates the gas release rate for each combination of
barrier failures and failure modes, accounting for all flow
A fully quantitative risk framework uses a comprehensive set of
resistance elements along the release path, including the
models to estimate the two elements of risk. The probability of
reservoir inflow performance, and characterizes the
failure requires models for each threat applied separately to each
probability of ignition. See Section 5.1.
well barrier, considering the specific operating conditions and
• Displays the results individually for all scenarios and
component attributes (ex., pressure, wall thickness, yield
aggregates the results by threat, threat category, barrier,
strength, age). Several consequence measures could be assessed,
and release rate. See Section 3.
including life safety, environmental impact, and financial
• Considers that certain threats cause multiple-barrier
impact [4]. Life safety consequences are most often addressed in
failures simultaneously and that these should not be treated
storage risk assessments and are the focus of this paper.
as independent events. Examples include vehicle collisions
However, the total volume of gas released is the most direct
and landslides. See Section 3.
measure of environmental impact and is readily assessed with
• Reflects the influence of monitoring systems on the
the framework described here [4]. Life safety risk for an ignited
sequencing of barrier failures that can go undetected,
natural gas release is assessed by calculating the release rate, the
leading to a release to the atmosphere. See Section 3.
hazard area from the resulting jet fire model, and the thermal
• Accounts for the probability that unscheduled activities
radiation dosage to people or equipment within the area. This
required to address leaks may lead to additional well
dosage is accumulated in time to estimate the number of potential
intervention related failures. See Section 3.
fatalities and whether any equipment in the area would be
• Calculates separate failure probabilities for each measured
damaged or progress to failure with another ignited release (a
metal loss anomaly on the casing. See Section 4.2.
knock-on failure). This calculation accounts for the probability
• Automatically segments the tubing, casing, and cement to
of ignition and the uncertainty in the population present. In this
efficiently capture the differences in release rate with depth
paper, we have focused our discussion on the release rate, jet fire,
due to the changes in cement quality along the well and the
and knock-on calculations, where we have made the greatest
difference in the flow path length. See Section 5.1.
improvements over the approach described in the recent PHMSA
study, Risk Assessment and Treatment of Wells [4]. This solution addresses and incorporates several
recommendations made in the recent PHMSA study, Risk
Using this approach, the rates of failure and the associated Assessment and Treatment of Wells [4]. Examples include
consequences can be quantified so that the operator can accurate estimation of release rates and thermal radiation hazard
demonstrate if the risk of an operation is tolerable. This also zones, methods to optimize well entry frequency based on well
enables the operator to optimize decisions to use resources condition, and the use of structural reliability models to estimate
effectively to reduce the risk. This approach addresses the the probability of failure of measured metal loss anomalies on
shortcomings of relative ranking approaches with limited ability the casing.
to reflect complex threat interactions and other methods that
have a singular focus on specific threats (ex., assessments of 3. METHODOLOGY
corrosion in isolation).
Unlike pipelines, facility equipment, and other single-
Each threat is initially assessed using simple models with barrier pressure containment components, wells can be
conservative assumptions or by reviewing the historical incident constructed with several physical barriers preventing leaks to the
records. For threats with very low consequences or likelihood of atmosphere. To accurately estimate the probability of a release,
occurrence, this approach is typically sufficient because the a model must combine the individual barrier failure probabilities
contribution to overall risk is low. Quantitative models are then to reflect the construction of the well. In a single-barrier well,
developed for threats that potentially have high probability or with flow in the production casing, a failure of the casing above
high consequences and for threats with effective mitigation the top of the cement that surrounds the casing could lead to a
options, such as corrosion and external interference threats. This release to the atmosphere. Double-barrier wells are wells with a
process minimizes the overall analysis complexity and enables secondary annulus that can be monitored for changes in pressure
mitigations to be tailored to the higher-risk threats. resulting from one of the primary barriers being breached. For
these double-barrier wells, multiple barriers need to fail
simultaneously for a release to the atmosphere to occur. An
example of a double-barrier well with tubing-only flow is

3 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

illustrated in Figure 1, showing leak paths through the tubing and AND gate (PAND), which only reaches failure if the input
packer primary barriers. components fail in a prescribed order [5]. Release paths 1 and 2
in Figure 1 above require a PAND gate to correctly model the
interactions between barriers, as shown in Figure 2. Note that a
fault tree is read from the bottom to the top, with basic initiating
events shown as circles in the bottom layer and resulting
intermediate events and the final top event shown as squares that
are found at the output of a logic gate.

flange Release


Release path 1 Release path 2 Release path 3 …


1 2 1 2

Tubing Casing Packer Flange
leak corroded leak leak


Hanger Flange
packer leak leak


FIGURE 1: STORAGE WELL SHOWING A SUBSET OF A dynamic fault tree can be represented equivalently by a
POSSIBLE LEAK PATHS directed graph [6], as shown in Figure 3. This form of the fault
tree is better suited to automation and provides a clear visual
If the barrier failure probabilities are assumed to be small, representation of the release flow paths in the context of a well.
the probability of a release for the example shown in Figure 1 The sequencing constraints (PAND gates), which only reach
can be approximated2 by Equation 2. failure if the input components fail in a prescribed order, are
reflected in the directed graph by the open circles surrounding
𝑃𝑟 ≈ 𝑃𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑔 ∙ 𝑃ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ∙ 𝑃𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 + 𝑃𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑟 ∙ 𝑃𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 + 𝑃𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 (2) the node. Integral has developed a solution that can
automatically generate a directed graph from the information on
If the tubing-casing annulus is monitored for changes in
a well completion diagram or from structured data stored in a
pressure, the mode of failure of the casing affects the sequencing
WellView software database.
of events that can lead to a release. For a burst failure of the
casing to occur, the inner barrier (tubing or packer) needs to fail
tubing hanger flange
after the casing has corroded to a point where it would not handle
the full pressure. Otherwise, the rise in pressure in the annulus
between the tubing and casing can be detected, and the operator
can perform a well workover to remedy the leak before a release packer casing
to the atmosphere can occur. The same concept applies to wells Release
with multiple casing strings.

The combination and sequence of barrier failures required

for a release can be modelled using a dynamic fault tree.
Dynamic fault trees extend the set of logical Boolean gates used
in static fault tree models, AND & OR, to include logic gates that
consider the sequence of events. One example is the priority FIGURE 3: DIRECTED GRAPH

The probability of either of two independent events, A or B, occurring can be answer is 0.0199. This simplification is useful for the purpose of discussion, but
calculated as P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A and B). For small probabilities this in practice we apply the first equation which subtracts the union of the
can be approximated by P(A or B) ≈ P(A) + P(B). For example, if the probability probabilities and extend this for cases with more than two independent events.
of each event is 0.01, the approximation yields P(A or B) = 0.02 while the exact

4 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

The total probability of failure for each barrier is the • internal and external corrosion;
aggregate of the probabilities of failure for each threat. For • erosion;
example, the possible causes of failure of the piping connected • external interference damage from vehicle collisions,
to the wellhead could include corrosion, erosion, vehicle excavation damage, lifting operations, and aircraft crashes;
collisions, or landslides, among others (see Section 2.1). These • manufacturing and installation defects, equipment failure,
aggregate probabilities are used as the inputs to the directed and incorrect operations and maintenance from component
graph nodes shown in Figure 3. failures, with detailed models for tubular connections and
The gas flow rate and resulting hazards are estimated using • mechanical damage from casing wear;
the approach described in Section 5 for each combination of • accidental loss of control of the well during well
barriers (nodes) leading to a release to the atmosphere and is interventions;
repeated for each combination of hole sizes (failure modes) in • lack of zonal isolation from the cement annulus
each barrier. For example, a release case that includes a breach (installation defects); and
through two barriers, with each barrier having three possible • weather and outside force failures from geological hazards,
failure modes, would have nine subcases, one for every possible including landslides and seismic events.
combination of hole sizes. Each subcase has its own probability
of occurrence, release rate, probability of ignition, and resulting The approaches taken for corrosion and vehicle collisions
jet fire hazard area calculated. are described briefly below. Full descriptions are provided in the
accompanying papers, IPC2022-86794 [7] for corrosion, and
4. THREAT MODELS IPC2022-86734 [8] for external interference threats.

4.1 Approach
4.2 Corrosion
The annual failure rate from the applicable threats to each
barrier in the well is modelled using combinations of the As a well ages, metal loss on the casing can grow, increasing
following quantitative methods. the probability of a failure from corrosion. Inspection and repair
programs manage this probability by reducing uncertainty in the
• Structural reliability models use physics-based casing condition and repairing significant metal loss anomalies.
probabilistic models to describe the failure mechanism and Multiple modes of failure are typically considered when
use statistical distributions to directly capture the assessing corrosion. A corrosion defect can fail by a small leak
uncertainty in measurements of degradation, the expected when a small portion of the metal loss goes through the casing
loading, material properties, the rate of degradation, and wall but the surrounding casing is strong enough to contain the
the accuracy of the model (model error). Examples include internal pressure, or by burst when the growth of the corrosion
the corrosion and erosion growth and burst models. defect degrades the pressure capacity of the casing to a point
• Historical failure rates are derived from historical failures where it can no longer contain the internal pressure. These limit
recorded in industry-wide datasets. With the low rates of states are shown in Figure 4 (adapted from [9]).
storage failures, these rates require pooling data from many
operators and typically only represent an average rate of
failure. This approach can be applied to well intervention
related failures.
• Fault tree analysis captures the relationships between
lower-level events that can combine to lead to a higher-
level failed state using Boolean logic (AND & OR gates). Wall
Examples include vehicle collisions and excavation
damage. No Leak
Anomaly Depth

• Bayesian methods can combine expert knowledge,

engineering models and historical data into an interpretable Small Leak
model that can be updated as new data becomes available. Burst
Examples include corrosion growth rates and well Burst
component failure rates.
No Burst
The methods best suited to each threat depend on the type
of data available and the failure mechanism. Many threats can be
modelled with higher fidelity using a hybrid of these approaches. Anomaly Length
The following subset of threats was selected for the initial phase
of model development and analysis, based on a review of threats FIGURE 4: CORROSION LIMIT STATES
with perceived higher risk and the prevalence of the threats
reported in public failure databases.

5 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

The burst failure limit state for well casings is complicated
by the variation in axial loading applied to the casing joints at 2
𝜎𝑣𝑚 = √𝜎ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 2
− 𝜎ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 𝜎𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 + 𝜎𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 (3)
different depths in the well. A study completed through the
United States Department of Energy (DOE) compared full-scale We have applied this model using structural reliability
burst tests of well casing joints with metal loss defects to burst methods to estimate the probability of failure of measured
pressure predictions calculated with industry burst models [10]. corrosion defects on well casing strings. Figure 5 illustrates how
This work concluded that axial loading plays a significant role this model is used to evaluate the impact of a future inspection
and the best model for this application is the Level II analysis on the failure rate using simulation.
found in Part 5 Assessment of Local Metal Loss of API 579
Fitness-For-Service3 [11]. Axial loading should be considered in a) A simulated depth is sampled from a distribution with a
the failure criterion for the following reasons: mean centered on the current reported depth. The depth
is then grown until the next inspection using a rate
1. The axial loads can become sufficiently compressive sampled from a statistical distribution.
that they would reduce the burst pressure capacity. b) A future measured depth is sampled using the tool
2. It is possible to have circumferential metal loss in measurement accuracy and the simulated depth as the
casings that can reach an extent that the failure is mean. The future measured depth is then adjusted
circumferentially oriented due to axial tensile loadings. upward to reflect the conservative deterministic process
used to make repair decisions. The defect would be
The API model burst limit state is calculated using the von
repaired if the von Mises stress is greater than the flow
Mises stress where the hoop and axial stresses are assumed to be
stress (burst failure) or the depth is greater than the wall
the principal stresses in the casing, shown in Equation 3. The
thickness (leak failure). If the defect is not repaired, it
calculation of the axial stress on the casing considers the axially
continues to the third pane (c).
induced stress from pressure changes, thermal strain, bending,
c) A new growth rate is calculated using the adjusted depth
the hanging weight of the casing, buoyancy force, and the
and the defect is grown to the time of the third
frictional loading induced during well construction (negligible
inspection. The depth and von Mises stress are checked
for relatively straight wells). The full details of the calculation of
again for repair consideration. If the simulation passes
the hoop and axial stresses are provided in API 579 [11].
these repair scenarios, the simulation proceeds and
evaluates whether the depth would exceed the burst
depth within the simulation period.

Reported Depth Simulation Depth Future Measured Depth Depth Adjusted in Repair Check

Wall Thickness Wall Thickness

2nd Inspection

Burst Depth
Defect Depth
Defect Depth

Defect Depth

Burst Depth

3rd Inspection

Time Time Time


This question was also studied in a recent project jointly funded by PRCI and However, the physical tests in the project did not consider the effect of axial
PHMSA [12]. The study found that for localized corrosion, where the uncorroded loading and only assessed metal loss with burst failure pressures greater than
sections surrounding the metal loss can provide constraint of the plastic 5,700 psi, well beyond the limits of normal storage operating pressures.
deformations, the von Mises ultimate tensile stress criterion can be exceeded.

6 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

This process is implemented as a Monte Carlo simulation,
which involves repeating the simulation process across many
trials and checking each iteration to establish the portion of
simulations that lead to future leaks or bursts that are not
prevented by the repair checks described above. As described by
Melchers [13], for N trials, the generic method to calculate the
probability of one of these outcomes is estimated using:
𝑝 ≈ ∑ 𝐼[𝐶] (4)

Where Equation (4) is an unbiased estimator of the

probability, and I [ ] is an ‘indicator function’ which equals 1 if
the conditional expression, C, contained within [ ] is true and 0
if it is false.

An example assessment is shown in Figures 6 and 7. This

assessment was generated using 1 million Monte Carlo
simulations. The measured corrosion and estimated failure rates FIGURE 7: EXAMPLE CORROSION WITH FAILURE
five years after the 2022 inspection are shown in Figure 6. The PROBABILITIES COMBINED ACROSS ALL ANOMALIES
cumulative failure rate over time across all corrosion anomalies OVER TIME
is shown in Figure 7.
4.3 Vehicle Collisions
An industry survey of underground storage operators found
a historical failure rate of 1.78 x 10 -5 failures/well-year due to
vehicle collisions across 7,481 wells over approximately 30 data
years for releases with an estimated equivalent diameter of 1 inch
or larger [14]. Therefore, vehicle collisions with aboveground
equipment are a dominant contributor to the overall external
interference rate of 2.21 x10-5 failures/well-year based on data
from Schultz et al. [15, 16] and Folga et al. [17]. The model in
Equation (5) was developed to capture the differences in vehicle
traffic, wellhead and connected aboveground piping size and
strength, and the presence of collision prevention measures such
as bollards.
𝑣𝑛 𝑠𝑛

𝐹𝑉𝐶 = 𝑐𝑉𝐶 ∙ ∑ ∑ 𝑓𝑣𝑖𝑠,𝑠𝑖 ∙ 𝐿𝑒𝑥𝑝,𝑠𝑖 ∙ 𝐷𝑣𝑖→𝑠𝑖 (5)

𝑣𝑖 𝑠𝑖

Damage is assessed using a sharp indenter impact model

developed by DNV for pipeline anchor strikes [18], considering
the vehicle speed and mass, the dimensions and material
properties of the wellhead or piping, and any traffic barriers
present (ex. bollards).

FIGURE 6: EXAMPLE CORROSION ASSESSMENT AS A The estimated failure rate due to vehicle collisions for a
FUNCTION OF DEPTH 5 YEARS AFTER THE MOST given well construction and aboveground context is directly
RECENT INSPECTION proportional to the vehicle traffic rates. The frequency of
scheduled and unscheduled activities involving the use of
vehicles for each well, as well as estimates of the number of
vehicles involved, mass, and speed of those vehicles for each
activity, were used with site traffic networks to determine the
frequency of traffic passing by each well, grouped by speed and
mass. An example of a representative traffic network, colored by

7 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

traffic rates is shown in Figure 8. This heatmap illustrates the approaches full-bore, the flow is limited by the pressure drop
difference in risk due to vehicle collisions between wells located needed to overcome the flow resistance in the reservoir and
on isolated well pads at the boundary of the facility and those frictional losses up the tubing.
located along common thoroughfares at the site.


5.2 Jet Fires
5. CONSEQUENCE ASSESSMENT The thermal radiation from a jet fire is the dominant hazard
resulting from accidental natural gas releases from onshore
5.1 Release Rates
pipelines or facilities. The most widely used model for natural
Each potential release path has a unique geometry resulting gas pipelines in North America is the so-called Potential Impact
in a wide range of possible release rates. In extreme release Radius (PIR) model, a single-point model [19]. The PIR model
scenarios, such as a wellhead rupture, the friction losses as gas has been found to produce reasonable results, with slight
flows through the reservoir and into the wellbore (the well inflow conservatism, when compared to the far-field effects of a jet fire
performance) can be the main element in the flow path restricting such as burn extent and injury [19]. However, in the near-field
the flow. If the well inflow performance and frictional losses where damage to equipment can occur, single-point models can
through all parts of the flow path are not considered, the be overly conservative [20]. Therefore, we have adopted a
estimated release rates can be overly conservative. Since the Weighted Multiple Point Source (WMPS) model, the most
release rate affects the probability of ignition and the size of the accurate of the semi-empirical models [20]. Figure 10 shows a
jet fire hazard area, this can lead to overly conservative estimates comparison of the estimated areas within which human injuries
for the overall risk. and equipment damage are expected, using the simplified PIR
model (a), and the WMPS model for a vertical release (b) and for
A cloud-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) release a horizontal release (c).
rate model has been incorporated into the directed graph solver
to calculate release rates. The flow model accounts for the inflow
performance limits of the reservoir and can estimate gas flow
rates through complex geometries, accounting for the frictional
losses along the potentially tortuous flow path created by
multiple well barrier breaches and by the cement annulus behind
the casing. This process is automated and can process and run
calculations for several different release cases at once to handle
the large number of scenarios considered in a fully quantitative
risk assessment.

The pressure versus depth curves in a well following a

breach in the wellhead for 4 cases, with progressively larger hole
sizes from left to right, are shown in Figure 9. Cases 1 and 2
represent breaches smaller than 1 inch. In these cases, the bulk
of the pressure drop to reach atmospheric conditions occurs at
the wellhead. Cases 3 and 4 demonstrate that as the breach

8 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

Equipment damage

Burn injury onset

(a) PIR Model (b) WMPS Model – Vertical Flame (c) WMPS Model – Horizontal Flame

The WMPS model can reflect the effects of non-vertical The model to assess the knock-on failure potential at a gas
fires, lift-off, and shielding from buildings and the site storage well site consists of:
topography, as described in Smith et al. [21]. Flame lift-off refers
• The weighted multiple point jet fire model described in
to the distance between the release location and the visible flame
Section 5.2 above.
envelope, as shown in Figure 11. The released gas can have
• A transient heat transfer model, which models the
outlet speeds exceeding several hundred feet per second,
temperature and pressure changes within wells and other
resulting in a lift-off distance of more than 50 ft from the gas
pressurized equipment near a jet fire in response to the
travelling upward for only a small fraction of a second (~0.02s)
incident radiation predictions from the jet fire model.
before enough oxygen is incorporated for combustion to occur.
• An equipment failure model, which accounts for the
decreasing material strength capacity as temperature
increases. This model uses the pressure and temperature
predictions from the heat transfer model to determine when
or if a failure of the wellhead components, lateral piping,
or flanges will occur.
• A knock-on timeline model, which combines the three
models above to simulate the progression of knock-on
failures over time following an initial ignited release.
An example simulation is shown in Figure 12 with an
FIGURE 11: WEIGHTED MULTIPLE POINT SOURCE ignited small release on the wellhead that is modelled to progress
(WMPS) MODEL WITH LIFT-OFF to a full rupture of the wellhead. A small leak also occurred
during the simulation on the adjacent well, but the surface safety
5.3 Knock-on Failures valve (SSV) was triggered and prevented the propagation of
knock-on failures to the rest of the well. The initial release is
If wells are closely spaced together, an ignited release from shown in time step 0, the knock-on to the adjacent well occurs in
one well can lead to the failure of an adjacent well, commonly step 9 (see blue arrow), a full wellhead rupture occurs in step 12,
referred to as the domino effect or a knock-on failure. Reports and the adjacent well shut-in section is fully emptied in step 16
from the California Council on Science and Technology and after the SSV has triggered in step 13.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory note the potential for an
ignited well rupture to lead to multiple wellhead failures as well
as the use of risk assessments to identify optimal interventions to
prevent such low-probability high-consequence events [22, 23].
These reports were incorporated into the California Department
of Conservations’ recent rulemaking on gas storage. In addition,
a relatively small, ignited release has the potential to cause heat
damage to the wellhead, reducing its pressure capacity and
ultimately leading to a full rupture of the wellhead.

9 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

An assessment was conducted on an example well using
representative conditions for the threat models listed in
Section 2.1. Figure 13 shows wellbore diagrams for the four
considered well configurations, which include the list below.
Each of these configurations requires different wellhead
components, which are shown in Figure 14.
a) Casing-only flow
b) Tubing and packer installed, representing two different
options based on the sliding sleeve position:
i. dual flow (tubing and casing flow) if the sliding sleeve
at the bottom of the tubing is open to allow flow into
the tubing-casing annulus. Flow shown in orange.
ii. dual barrier (tubing-only flow) if the sliding sleeve is
closed. Flow shown in red.
c) Installing a new casing string inside the existing casing
(an inner string), cemented to surface with case (a)
d) Installing an inner string with case (b)
Figure 15 shows the predicted annual failure rate in 2026.
The annual rates for the casing-only flow and dual flow
configurations are comparable to average rates reported in
literature, in the range of 2.1 x 10-4 to 2.9 x 10-4 failures/well-year
[14, 15, 16].


10 Copyright © 2022 by ASME


Switching to a dual-barrier configuration or installing an

inner string reduces the annual failure rate by approximately an
order of magnitude, to 2 x 10-5 failures/well-year. The results
can also be examined as a cumulative failure rate over time, as
shown in Figure 16 for the casing-only flow and dual-barrier



Starting from a casing-only flow configuration (baseline),

Figure 17 shows the effect that the following mitigations would
have on the failure rate over the next five years, presented as the
cumulative failure rate in 2026. The mitigations are applied
additively in the following order:

11 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

1. Install a tubing string and packer assembly, switching 7. SUMMARY
to tubing-only flow. This transitions the well from a
A fully quantitative framework for risk assessment of
single- to dual-barrier configuration at the expense of a
natural gas storage wells, including the wellhead and connected
reduction in well deliverability.
piping, has been developed to assess SoCalGas’s underground
2. Install sacrificial erosion probes connected to an
gas storage sites in California. The approach was developed to
automatic shutdown valve that triggers if the probe
meet and exceed the risk assessment requirements of
API RP 1171 (incorporated by reference in U.S. regulation
3. Install bollards with reflective markings to improve
49 CFR 192.12) and the recent changes to the California Code
visibility and reduce vehicle impact energy.
of Regulations [1, 2, 3]. Further, several recommendations made
in the recent PHMSA study, Risk Assessment and Treatment of
Wells [4], have been addressed and incorporated.

In the first phase of work, threat models were developed that

cover all eleven threat categories in Table 1. The framework uses
a dynamic fault tree to aggregate the barrier failure rates to
quantify the combined rate of accidental releases to the
atmosphere and the resulting hazards. A flow model capable of
estimating gas flow rates through complex geometries was
implemented that can handle the large number of scenarios
needed for a comprehensive quantitative risk assessment. The
calculated flow rates are used to predict the probability of
ignition and to quantify the thermal radiation from the resulting
jet fire. The jet fire model can handle scenarios with non-vertical
fires, lift-off, and shielding from buildings and the site
topography. The framework combines all these elements along
FIGURE 17: COMPARISON OF MITIGATION OPTION with an assessment of the life safety consequences to estimate
EFFECTS ON THE 2026 CUMULATIVE FAILURE RATE the risk and can quantify the benefit of various mitigation
strategies, enabling an operator to develop an optimal integrity
Each mitigation action in Figure 17 reduces the failure rate, management strategy so that resources are used in the most
but each action has very different costs to implement and effective way to reduce the risk.
maintain. A cost-benefit analysis can be used to evaluate which
actions have the most risk reduction per dollar spent. Other 8. REFERENCES
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