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Feelings and Emotions

 Read the definitions and write the words:

curious nervous excited bored embarrassed jealous
disappointed proud condifent confused
1. ____________: A feeling that you can’t understand something that is happening or what

someone is saying.

2. ____________: A feeling that you can do something well.

3. ____________: Feeling pleased and satisfied about something that you own, have done,

or are connected with.

4. ____________: Sad because something you wanted has not happened, or is not as good

as you expected.

5. ____________: Feeling angry or unhappy because you wish you had something somebody

else has.

6. ____________: Uncomfortable, especially in a social situation.

7. ____________: A negative feeling when you have nothing to do or you lose interest in


8. ____________: Feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm.

9. ____________: Worried about something or afraid of something.

10. ____________: A feeling that you really want to know about something.

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