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On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays every 15 days I have Sena classes, lunch,
and at 1:00 in the afternoon the Sena class starts and I leave at 5 in the afternoon.
Then when I get home I pay attention to the English course at the Sena.

On Thursdays and Fridays I leave school early at 12:30 but we have to wait for the
routes and I arrive home at 1:30 in the afternoon, I change my clothes, have lunch and
start doing homework or sometimes I take a break from them. .

On Saturday mornings I get up at 6 in the morning because at 7 in the morning I have

pre-ifces at school.

When I arrive I buy something for my breakfast, I have a break at 10 in the morning and
I leave the pre-ifces at 12:15 pm my dad picks me up or sometimes I come home by
bus. I get home for lunch and take a short break. Sometimes in the afternoons I go to
my brother's or go out with my friends.On Sundays I rest, sometimes I go to mass or go
out to have fun with my friends since I don't have pending homework, if I have it I start
doing school work. And at night I rest like 9 o'clock at night to get up early
again the next day.

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