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Protection Revision Notes Page 1

Revision Contents include: Power system protection concepts Different of relay technology Over current protection and coordination Three Layered Structure of power systems: Power Apparatus, Protection Equipment, and Control Equipment. Power Apparatus: such as generators, switchgears, transformers, cables, loads, Protection Equipment: Fast response time for detecting faults and controlling circuit breakers to open/close, hence changing the topology of power systems Control Equipment: Control power flow of power systems to maintain the power systems at its normal voltage and frequency. Control functions act continuously to adjust system variables to the rated values. What happens if A Fault Occurs? Causing enormous energy flow through power apparatus which can cause: Damage to power system primary plant apparatus Sever drop of voltage Loss of revenue to utility due to service interruption Possible need for extensive & time consuming reparirs Financial impact on consumer Risk to network stability and perhaps blackout Purpose of Protection: Trip the circuit breakers necessary to disconnect faulted equipment from the power network Minimize the trouble and damage caused by the fault Disconnect minimum plant necessary to clear the fault Operate as quickly as possible on a fault Remain stable/inoperative for all non-fault events Operate (backup), if a fault can not be cleared by the fault near relay or other relays Operate in an appropriate time: generally high fault current (I>>) cleared instantaneously and lower fault current (I>) cleared after an appropriate delay time. Balance between dependability, stability and speed Major Subsystem of A Protection (i) Transducer (CTs and VTs), (ii) Relays, (iii) Battery (DC Supply) and (iv) Circuit Breakers. Main Types of Protections and their operational principle: Please read the summary of page 37 in Protection Slides (1) or page 22 in lecture notes). Different Generations of Relay Technology, Advantages and Disadvantages: Brief summary are: Electricalmechanical: Use coils and magnets, not affected by electrical-magnetic interference, long life and reliable. Static or Solid-state Relay: Use transistors/diodes, integrated circuits and implementation of logic functions to provide flexible in settings, saving space, relay burden reduced, etc. Digital/Numerical Relay: Use microprocessor to provide very flexible, powerful and complex multiple functions. (For more details, please read page 23-28 the lecture notes) Overcurrent Relay Principle Operating Speed: Definite, instantaneous, time delayed Discrimination: - Current setting, Time setting and inversed time/current settings Cost: One of the cheapest forms of protection relays. Overcurrent Relay IEC Characteristics: Standard Inverse (SI) or Standard IDMT
t= 0.14 TMS [ s ] (I/Is)0.02 1

Very Inverse (VI) or Very IDMT Extremely Inverse (EI) or Extremely IDMT Definite Time (DT) See page 45 in protection note. Overcurrent Protection Co-ordination: Principle Overcurrent Characteristics, e.g. SI, VI or EI or DT. Current Setting need to calculate fault currents (Details how to calcualte fault current is given page 2). Grading Margin 2 E R + E CT t = t + tCB + t 0 + t s - between relays; 100

- between relay and fuse:

t = [E R + E F ] t + t O + t S

Time Multiplier Setting (TMS) - after the grading margin obtained (Tutorial provided)

Protection Revision Notes Page 2

Direct Fault Current Calculation Method: For the simple power system in Fig.1 where only one transformer is involved, the direct fault current calculation method is often applied. Per-Unit Fault Calculation Method: For the simple power system in Fig.1, the per-unit fault calculation method is not necessary, but it is applicable. For a learning exercise, the per-unit method is considered to Fig.1. The definition of the per-unit impedance is given;

z ( p.u.) =

Z actual Z ac = Z base Zb

If assume a base of 10MVA, The source impedance (250MVA, 11kV) in per unit =
Z S pu = Z ac 112 kV / 250MVA 10MVA = 2 = = 0.04 Zb 11 kV / 10MVA 250MVA

Fig.1 Radial system with current discrimination The cable 1 For a fault at F1, the system fault current is given by
Z c1 pu =

I F1 =

11000 / 3 (A) Z S + Z L1

Z ac 0.24 10 MVA = = 0.24 2 = 0.0198 Z b 112 kV / 10 MVA 11 kV

The fault level S in MVA at F1 =

Where the source impedance,

ZS =

11000 2 = 0.485 250 MVA

S F1 =

Sb 10 MVA 10 MVA = = = 167.12 MVA Z p.u Z s pu + Z c1 pu 0.04 + 0.0198

ZL1 is the cable 1 impedance between C and B = 0.24 . Hence

The actual fault current at F1 =

I F1 =

11000 / 3 = 8800 ( A ) 0.485 + 0.24

I F1 =

S F1 167.12MVA = = 8772 (A) 3 V 3 11kV

The obtained the result of 8712 (A) close to 8800 (A) Since almost zero impedance between F1 and F2, the fault current at F2 = that at F1 = 8800 (A) The fault current at F3 =
IF3 = 11000 / 3 = 8300 (A ) 0.485 + 0.24 + 0.4

NOTE: Per-Unit Fault Calculation Method is not required in your revision. For the more complicated power system as shown in Fig.2 (Refer to page 30 in protection slides), per-unit fault calculation method is desirable to use.

The fault current at F4 =

IF 4 =

11000 / 3 = 2200 (A ) 0.485 + 0.24 + 0.4 + 2.12

Fig.2 Radial system with current discrimination As some of students have not leant per-unit calculation in your second year, hence all of you only need to master the direction fault calculation method

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