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Review date: March 2021
Version: 5 MSDS according to GHS

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Section 1. Product and company identification

Product use: Naphthenic-based emulsifiable lubricant for metal
cutting, fabrication and finishing.
UN Identification Number 3082
Company address Carrera 50 No. 19-42 Bogotá DC, Colombia +57 (1)

489 8900 Petrobras

company phone 01 8000 919088
+57 (1) 3598084
Emergency telephone Bogotá: +57 (1) 2886012
Rest of the country: 01 8000 916012
Fax +57 (1) 489 8922

Section 2. Hazard Identification

Physical hazards Liquid not classified as flammable, but may burn.

Pictogram No Symbol

- H303. May be harmful if ingested. – Category 5 - H313.

Code, Danger indication and May be
Health Hazards Category harmful in contact with skin. –
Category 5
- H320. Causes eye irritation. - Category 2B
Word of Warning Attention
Prudence Advice - Wash carefully after handling.
- Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling this
- Wear gloves and protective clothing.
- In case of skin irritation: consult a doctor.
Code, Danger indication and - H402. Unhealthy for acuatic organisms. – Category 3.
Environmental Hazard Category

Warning Word Attention

Prudence Advice - Store in a dry place and closed container.
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Review date: March 2021
Version: 5 MSDS according to GHS

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

- Do not disperse in the environment.


Adverse effects on human health Under normal conditions of use it should not present significant
health risks.
Main symptoms Prolonged and repeated contact with the skin can
cause dermatitis.
It can cause nausea, dizziness and gastrointestinal disturbances.

Environmental effects In large quantities, it pollutes rivers and lakes.

Section 3. Composition and information on ingredients

Chemical nature Mineral petroleum oil of paraffinic type, duly refined, composed of hydrocarbons of the alkane and
cycloalkane types, with minor amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons;
and with specific additives to meet the performance characteristics
(emulsifiers, anticorrosives and bactericides).

Ingredients or impurities that Paraffinic hydrocarbons;

contribute to the hazard: Naphthenic hydrocarbons;
Aromatic hydrocarbons;
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons: low content.
Additives: ÿ 5.0% (v/v)

Section 4. First aid measures

Inhalation Move the victim to a ventilated area. If the victim is not breathing,
apply artificial respiration. If the victim is breathing difficult,
administer oxygen at a flow rate of 10 to 15 liters/minute. Seek
medical attention immediately, carrying the product label whenever

Skin contact Immediately remove contaminated clothing and footwear.

Wash the skin with plenty of water, for at least 20 minutes, preferably
in an emergency shower. Seek medical attention immediately,
carrying the product label whenever possible.

Eye contact Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 20 minutes, keeping the
eyelids separated. Preferably use an eyewash. Seek medical attention
immediately, carrying the product label whenever possible.
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Review date: March 2021
Version: 5 MSDS according to GHS

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Ingestion Do not induce vomiting. If the victim is conscious, wash his mouth
with plenty of clean water and have him drink water.
Seek medical attention immediately, carrying the product label
whenever possible.
Note to doctors To minimize damage to the hot product on the skin, do not remove it,
cover the affected part with appropriate gel for burns.

Section 5. Firefighting measures

Suitable extinguishing media Hydrocarbon foam, water spray, dry chemical or carbon dioxide
Unsuitable extinguishing media Direct water jet, due to the risk of dispersion of the burning material.

Specific hazards Combustion essentially produces carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapor
and small amounts of oxides of zinc (Zn), phosphorus (P) and sulfur
(S). Incomplete combustion can form carbon monoxide (CO).

Special procedures Cool the environment and containers exposed to fire with water
spray. Sand can be used to control small fire spots. Move containers
from fire area if this can be done safely.

Special protection for fire control personnel If the fire occurs in a confined space, complete fire protection and
self-contained respiratory protection equipment must be used.

Additional Information In case of fire, always call the fire brigade. Small fires such as those
that can be controlled with a manual extinguisher can usually be
fought by personnel with basic training. Fires should only be fought
by specialized firefighting personnel. Larger fires should be fought
by personnel with advanced fire control training. You must ensure
that an exit route is available.

Section 6. Accidental Release or Spill Measures

Eliminate ignition sources Avoid sparks, flames, and do not smoke in the risk area.
Isolate spill from any ignition source.
Dust control (for solids) Not applicable (liquid product).
Inhalation and contact prevention Wear boots, cotton work clothes, apron and gloves
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Version: 5 MSDS according to GHS

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

with skin, mucous membranes and eyes raincoats, tight chemical safety goggles, and appropriate
respiratory protection.
PRECAUTIONS FOR Contain spilled material if it is possible to do so without risk. Do not
drive and avoid product entering sewage system. Minimize contact
of spilled material with the ground to avoid dragging it into surface
water channels or springs. Contain spill to the smallest area possible.
If water is used to conduct the spill or to clean the area, subsequent
treatment of the contaminated water must be done. Avoid doing it.

Harvest Collect the spilled product by placing it in an airtight
container and keep it properly labeled and tightly closed
for later disposal. Do not use water to avoid dispersion
of the product.
Neutralization Collect the spill with inert absorbent materials (earth,
sand, vermiculite, diatomite).
Provision Do not dispose of with regular trash. Do not dispose of
sinks or bodies of water. Store the material in an
appropriate container for recovery or final disposal. The
final disposal of this material must be accompanied by
a specialist and in accordance with current environmental
Prevention of secondary hazards Prevent the product from seeping into the soil and
reaching the water table or other bodies of water.
Note – Environmental Precautions: If the product contaminates lakes, rivers or sewers, inform the
relevant authorities, according to local legislation.

Section 7. Handling and storage

Technical measures
- Prevention of worker exposure: Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used to
avoid direct contact with the product. Safety glasses and
nitrile gloves.
- Fire and explosion prevention: Empty drums should not be welded, heated or perforated due to
the risk of explosion. The use of pressure to empty the
drums can cause an explosion.

Precautions for safe handling: Ensure adequate ventilation in the premises where the
product is handled or used. All elements of the system that
are conductive and have contact with the product
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Version: 5 MSDS according to GHS

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

They must be electrically grounded. Do not use

tools that can produce sparks.

Tips for safe handling: Handle respecting the general rules of safety and industrial hygiene.


Technical measures: The storage location must have a waterproof floor, free of combustible
materials and with a containment dike to retain the product in the event
of a spill.
Storage conditions

- Suitable: Store in a cool, ventilated environment, away from ignition sources and
at atmospheric pressure. High temperatures can degrade the product. If
stored for long periods at temperatures above 45 °C or heated at
temperatures above 121 °C, toxic vapors and unpleasant odors may form
due to the decomposition of the product. Keep containers closed when
not in use.

- To avoid: Do not store with strong oxidizing agents, heat or flame.

Incompatible materials:

Safe packaging materials

- Recommended: High-density polyethylene and carbon steel coated with sanitary varnish.

Section 8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection Engineering

Control Measures Handle the product in a location with adequate natural or mechanical
ventilation, which is sufficient to maintain vapor concentrations below the
limit of
exposure during work.

Occupational exposure limits. Limit value

(Brazil, Porteria MTb 3214/78, NR 15 Annex11). Not established.

Limit values (USA, ACGIH): Oil mist: TLV/TWA: (40 hours/week) = 5 mg/m3.
Respiratory protection As the product does not release vapors at room temperature, the use of
special protection is not necessary under normal working conditions. But
it can emit vapors or mist when heated. It is recommended to use a
respirator with a chemical filter for organic vapors in low concentrations
and self-contained breathing equipment or assisted air in high
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Version: 5 MSDS according to GHS

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Hand protection Use waterproof gloves (PVC, polyethylene or neoprene) for direct contact
with the product.
Eye protection In operations where projections or splashes may occur, the use of safety
glasses or a face shield is recommended.

Skin and body protection Cotton work suit, and if necessary a waterproof apron (PVC, polyethylene
or neoprene).
Special precautions Keep emergency showers and eye washers available in the premises
where the product is handled.
Hygiene measures Sanitize clothes and shoes after use. Handle with appropriate Industrial
Hygiene precautions, and respect safety practices. Do not eat, drink or
smoke while handling chemicals. Separate work clothes from common

Section 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance - Physical

Clear liquid
- Color: Chestnut (3.0 ASTM)
- Smell: Characteristic of lubricating oil

Characteristic temperatures
Boiling point: Does not apply

Melting point: Does not apply

Flash point (open glass): 170°C

Explosion limits: Not applicable, non-flammable

Vapor pressure: product < 5 mmHg
Density @ 20/4 °C: @ 20 °C 0.889 g/L

- In water: Emulsion form

- In organic solvents: Miscible in hydrocarbon solvents

Pour point °C: -21°C


Viscosity @ 40°C: 44.70 cSt

Section 10. Stability and reactivity

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Version: 5 MSDS according to GHS

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Stability Stable at room temperature and normal conditions

Dangerous reactions It may react exothermically in contact with strong oxidants. Heating above
60°C may cause decomposition of the product.

Incompatibility Strong oxidants (peroxides, chlorates, chromic acid, etc.).

Hazardous decomposition Carbon monoxide, light distillates and coke.

Section 11. Toxicological information (of the product or ingredients)

Inhalation Irritation of respiratory tract after repeated inhalation of mist.

Skin contact People susceptible to dermatitis may aggravate their

condition after repeated contact.

Ingestion It can cause irritation in the mouth and throat and

gastrointestinal disturbances. If it is aspirated and reaches
the lungs, it can cause local irritation or, in more serious
cases, pneumonia of chemical origin.


Inhalation Inhalation of mist or vapors formed by heating the product

may cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the
upper respiratory system.

Skin contact Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to cause permanent damage to the
skin, however, it may cause minor irritations.

Eye contact Accidental eye contact is unlikely to cause permanent

damage, however, it may cause irritation.

Ingestion It should not present acute toxicity upon ingestion.

Aspiration into the lungs may cause local irritation, and in
more severe cases, chemical pneumonia.


Skin contact Prolonged or frequent exposure to the product can damage

the skin and cause dermatitis. Symptoms can be redness,
edema and cracks, due to the elimination of fat.
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Version: 5 MSDS according to GHS

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

of the skin.

Section 12. Ecological information


- Effects on aquatic organisms: Be aware of the possibility of contamination of water bodies whose quality must be
in accordance with the relevant environmental legislation.

- Effects on soil organisms: The product may infiltrate the soil and reach the water table, causing

Additional information: The information presented is relative to the component

principal of the product in question.

Section 13. Treatment and Disposal Considerations TREATMENT AND

Product The treatment and disposal of the product must be technically
evaluated by competent personnel.
Residue The product can be recycled. Disposal in an authorized facility
following national, regional and/or local regulations for the management
of hazardous product waste. Do not dispose of in sewers, bodies of
water or on the ground.

Used packaging The original packaging can be recycled.

Dispose of them in an authorized facility. Do not dispose of in
sewers, water courses or on the ground.

Section 14. Transport information

Roadways: The provisions of Decree 1609 of 2002 must be complied with, “which
regulates the handling and land transportation of dangerous goods by

- Law 769/2002. National Land Traffic Code.

Article 32: The load of a vehicle must be properly packaged, labeled,
packed and covered
in accordance with national technical regulations.
- Ministry of Transportation. Resolution number 3800 of December
11, 1998. By which the design is adopted and
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Version: 5 MSDS according to GHS

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

establish the distribution mechanisms of the single format of the cargo
- The waste of this substance is considered in: Ministry of Health.
Resolution 2309 of 1986, by which it is necessary to dictate special
complementary regulations for the complete execution of the laws that
regulate solid waste and specifically what

regarding special waste.

- Colombian Technical Standard NTC 1692.

Official Designation and Transport

Class UN

Class 9 – Miscellaneous

UN Identification Number 3082

Description name of Hazardous Material None of the components in this product are considered hazardous by

Packing/packing group N/A

Section 15. Regulations / regulations

Labeling and Classification of Hazards: - Colombian Technical Standard NTC 1692.
- Recommendations of the Globally Harmonized System for the
classification and Labeling of chemical products.

Ground transportation. The provisions of Decree 1609 of 2002 must be complied with, “which
regulates the handling and land transportation of dangerous goods by

Preparation of Safety Sheets and - Decree 1609 of 2002.Art 11 Literal D. Emergency Cards NTC 4532 and
Emergency Cards Literal E. Safety Sheets
NTC 4435.

Hazardous waste management - Decree 4741 of 2005 “By which the prevention and management of
waste or hazardous waste generated within the framework of
comprehensive management is partially regulated.”

- Resolution 1362 of 2007 “By which the requirements and procedure

for the registration of Waste or Hazardous Waste
Generators are established.”
- Resolution 1402 of 2006 “Management of hazardous
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Review date: March 2021
Version: 5 MSDS according to GHS

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Section 16. Additional information

Additional Information: Safety data sheet Petrobras Colombia Combustibles SA Under the
recommendations of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification
and Labeling of Chemical Products. The information and
recommendations provided in this sheet were investigated and
compiled from suitable sources qualified to issue them, maintaining
the limits of application of the respective sources. The data is only
related to the specific designated material and may not be valid for
this material in combination with other materials.

NFPA Rating:

NFPA Rating: Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 0

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