Career Development Plan

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Career Development Plan

Zhenglangkun Wang

Trinity Western University

LDRS 432 I2 - Building Leaders II

Prof: Kate Walters

June 13, 2024


I am a dedicated and creative student who is passionate about serving and connecting

with others. With empathy and strong verbal appeal, I can use my social skills to make a positive

impact on those around me. I am highly motivated by building deep and strong relationships with

people around me, supporting a team or contributing to community projects to make a positive

impact on the lives of others. My personality is characterized by a balance of communication

skills and practicality, which allows me to approach challenges with imaginative and strategic


I have many interests, such as making friends, helping others, and studying Buddhist

texts. These interests have guided my academic and professional journey, leading me to pursue

roles that combine these elements. I value collaboration, empathy, and continuous learning, and

these values drive my attitude towards work and personal growth. In group tasks in courses, I

will focus on communication and collaboration among team members, including resolving

conflicts between group members. This has given me strong verbal mediation skills.

Birkman Report:

According to the Birkman Report, my interests include literature, music, and social

service. These interests are very consistent with my actual situation. I enjoy attending concerts,

charity events, literary discussions, and solving complex challenges. The descriptions of interests

in the Birkman Report accurately reflect my passions. Usual style describes how I typically

behave in a variety of situations. The Birkman Report states that I generally display a sociable,

thoughtful, and compassionate style. I identify with this because I often seek to build consensus,

put myself in other people's shoes, and ensure that work is innovative. Needs represent the

conditions that help me work at my best. The Birkman Report highlights my focus on alone time,

personal feelings, and a relaxed schedule. I find this to be very accurate, as the quality and

efficiency of the work I get done is very high when I am alone and at peace, and when my

schedule is not tight. Stress behaviors indicate how I might react when under stress. The report

suggests that under stress, I might become overly sensitive, avoidant, or impatient. While I agree

with this to some extent, I have also developed effective stress management strategies, such as

mindfulness and seeking feedback, to help me better cope with stress.

The Birkman Report shows that I may be most interested in the fields of literature, music,

and social services. I strongly agree with the literature field because I love reading and watching

works of art with literary and analytical value, whether it is books or movies. Music is also an

indispensable part of my life. I search for new songs on music software almost every day. Social

services are the field I want to work in in the future because I am eager to serve the public and

bring inner peace.

Vocation, often referred to as a calling, is the sense of purpose and direction that guides

one's professional and personal life. It goes beyond the mere pursuit of a job or career to

encompass a deeper alignment with one's values, passions, and skills. Vocation is about finding

work that not only meets practical needs, but also provides a sense of meaning and contribution

to the greater good. For me, vocation means harmoniously integrating my personal interests, core

values, and professional skills into a cohesive path that is both fulfilling and has a positive

impact. Pursuing a career that not only plays to my strengths but also resonates with my intrinsic

motivations and aspirations. My understanding of vocation includes a desire to continually grow,

learn, and contribute to society in a meaningful way. It is about finding a balance between

personal satisfaction and social contribution, ensuring that my work is consistent with my

identity and beliefs. Based on my skills, interests, and values, I believe my vocation is the

intersection of serving society and helping others. Specifically, I am drawn to careers that allow

me to use my empathy and communication skills to improve relationships among people in the

community. One potential career that aligns with this is counseling. This field requires a blend of

empathy, communication skills, and patience to create a good social experience that enhances the

user's inner comfort and allows their psychological problems to be resolved. In Robert

Waldinger's Ted Talk "What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on

Happiness” (Robert, 2016), the speaker emphasized that the quality of our relationships has a

significant impact on our happiness and overall life satisfaction. This insight resonates with my

understanding of my profession because it emphasizes the importance of meaningful connections

and contributions to the well-being of others. Waldinger's talk emphasized that true satisfaction

comes from participating in activities that build positive relationships and promote the well-

being of others, which is consistent with my desire to help others through my work.

Being a counselor requires empathy, active listening, and the ability to build rapport with

clients. These are key elements of effective counseling and have been emphasized by many

sources. For example, according to the American Psychological Association (APA), successful

counseling relies heavily on the counselor’s ability to connect with clients and provide a

supportive environment (APA, 2021). Additionally, a study published in the Journal of

Counseling Psychology highlighted that counselors’ empathy and active listening skills

contribute significantly to positive treatment outcomes (Elliott, Bohart, Watson, & Greenberg,


To approach my career path, I first need to obtain a doctorate in psychology, then

complete a supervised internship or practicum, and finally pay for a counselor's license before I

could get it and start my career as a psychological counselor.



American Psychological Association. (2021). The importance of empathy in therapy. Retrieve


Elliott, R., Bohart, A. C., Watson, J. C., & Greenberg, L. S. (2011). Empathy. Psychotherapy,

48(1), 43-49. doi:10.1037/a0022187

Waldinger, R (2016, January). What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on

happiness. TED Conferences.

Wang, Z. (2024). The Custom Birkman Report Set. BIRKMAN.

Zhenglangkun Wang
Phone: 778-321-4378 email:

Summary of Qualifications
 1 year of real estate marketing experience
 2 years of volunteer experience in churches
 2 years of psychological counselor assistant experience

Non-Profit Skills
 Organize community members to shovel snow in winter
 Supervise volunteers to distribute food to homeless people

Psychological Counseling Skills

 Provided crisis intervention and short-term counseling services to individuals experiencing
acute mental health issues
 Delivered psychoeducation to clients and their families on mental health issues, treatment
options, and coping strategies
 Participated in community outreach programs to promote mental health awareness and

Real Estate Experience

 Conducted market research and analysis to identify property listings and investment
 Assisted senior agents in property showings, client meetings, and transaction coordination
 Conducted property inspections and prepared comparative market analysis reports
 Learned about legal aspects of real estate transactions, including contracts and disclosures

Bachelor of Arts, Leadership (Not graduated)
Trinity Western University, Richmond, BC

Volunteer Organizations
 Tutor: Improving academic performance maths
 Community Outreach Volunteer: Supporting for community events

Volunteering, hiking, film appreciation, international political research

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