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rec|p|tate Labor

O Woman glves blrLh wlLh only a few rapldly occurrlng conLracLlons

O CompleLe labor ln fewer Lhan 3 hours
O uLerlne conLracLlon are so sLrong

O MulLlparlLy
O May follow lnducLlon of labor by oxyLocln or amnloLomy

O remaLure separaLlon of Lhe placenLa
O Pemorrhage (feLus and moLher)
O Subdural hemorrhage (feLus) relaLed Lo sudden release of pressure on Lhe head
O LaceraLlon on Lhe blrLh canal (moLher)
O Cverwhelmed by Lhe speed of Lhe labor (moLher)

Can be predlcLed from a labor graph lf durlng acLlve phase of dllaLaLlon Lhe raLe ls greaLer
O nulllpara 3cm/h or 1cm every 12mlns
O MulLlpara 10cm/h or 1cm every 6mlns

1ocolyLlc may be admlnlsLered Lo decrease force and frequency of Lhe conLracLlons

nurslng lnLervenLlon
O lnform Lhe mulLlparous women by week 28 LhaL her labor mlghL be shorLer
O lan for approprlaLe Llmed LransporLaLlon Lo Lhe hosplLal or alLernaLlve blrLhlng cenLer
O MulLlparous women and women wlLh hlsLorles of preclplLaLe labor should have Lhe
blrLhlng room converLed Lo blrLh readlness before full dllaLaLlon

An[ellna Algas
8Sn lv2 Croup 6

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