Nombre Apellido Project Security

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Samsung Confidential

Project Security Pledge

By signing this document, I confirm my understanding that the __ _______project, in which I am
participating, involves important and sensitive information the company. I hereby agree to comply with
all information security regulations and guidelines, and pledge to undertake the following actions to
protect the company’s sensitive information assets:

1. I will neither speak about any information regarding this project outside the company or in
public areas inside the company nor leak them to colleagues, acquaintances, friends, partner
companies or any other person or on the internet (portals, blogs, social network service).

2. Prior to delivering project-related information (e.g., sample, mock-up, drawing,
specification, roadmap, source code, binary) to any other person (including anyone in a
related team of the company), I will check whether the person has signed the Project ○
Security Pledge and receive approval from an executive-level manager of my team.
3. I will keep all samples and mockups locked up when not in use. I will conduct daily
inventory of them by physically checking the status. ○
4. I will only use a sample authorized by Samsung and will never photograph or film any of
samples or mockups for any purpose (including for internal report). ○
5. I will never take out samples or mockups without complying with the carry-out procedures
or for any purpose other than the company work purpose. ○
6. I will not expose samples and mockups to anyone who is not participating in the project. If
required to transport, I will carry them myself. ○
7. Prior to any collaboration with a partner company, I will check whether the partner company
has signed the NDA and submitted Project Security Pledge, and frequently remind it of the
importance of maintaining this project‟s security.

8. When I prepare the project related information or material, I will conspicuously mark them
“Samsung Confidential”. If required to deliver them to a partner company, I will attach
„Legal Notice‟ to them and let the partner company know that they are Samsung‟s intellectual ○
properties and any unauthorized disclosure of them is accompanied by legal liabilities.
9. I will not perform or test any functions on Samples or install software, which may cause the
leakage of the project related information, including benchmark or photo sync. ○
10. I will comply fully with the non-disclosure and trade secrets agreements with the third
parties related to the project, and will not share with others the confidential information
and/or trade secrets of the third party in a manner that constitutes breach of such agreements.

11. I will participate in security trainings and keep in mind and comply with security guidelines
for strategic project. I will immediately report to Information Security Assurance Group of
any event of security breach.

By signing below, I confirm that I will always comply with what is listed above and that I understand
that my failure to do so may result in disciplinary actions and civil and criminal liabilities under the law.


Employee’s Name (Printed) Employee’s Signature

Date Department Employee Number

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