The Shema and The First Commandment in First Corinthians Preview

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Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen

zum Neuen Testament · 2. Reihe

Herausgeber / Editor
Jörg Frey (München)

Mitherausgeber / Associate Editors

Friedrich Avemarie (Marburg)
Judith Gundry-Volf (New Haven, CT)
Hans-Josef Klauck (Chicago, IL)

Erik Waaler

The Shema and The First

in First Corinthians
An Intertextual Approach to
Paul’s Re-reading of Deuteronomy

Mohr Siebeck
Erik Waaler, born 1958; 1984 ‘Chand. Theol.’ degree from The Norwegian School of
Theology in Oslo; 1996 ‘M. Th. in Missiology’ degree from Fuller Theological Seminar;
1987–1993 lecturer in the field of the New Testament at the Indonesian Bible Institute
in east Java; 1994–1995 guest lecturer at Singapore Bible College; 1995–2005 lecturer at
NLA School of Religion, Education and Intercultural Studies in Bergen, Norway; since
2005 associate professor; 2005 PhD.

ISBN 978-3-16-149833-6 / eISBN 978-3-16-157498-6 unveränderte eBook-Ausgabe 2019

ISSN 0340-9570 (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe)
The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbiblio-
graphie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at

© 2008 by Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, Germany.

This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form (beyond that permitted
by copyright law) without the publisher’s written permission. This applies particularly to
reproductions, translations, microfilms and storage and processing in electronic systems.
The book was printed by Laupp & Göbel in Nehren on non-aging paper and bound by
Buchbinderei Nädele in Nehren.
Printed in Germany.

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