Final Dialogue

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A: Good morning. My name is---------Head of human resources. Please take a sit to start

with the interview. (jed of juman risources, plis teik a sit to star wit de interviú)

B: Good morning, my name is----------. Nice to meet you (nais tu mit yu)

A: Nice to meet you to, my name is-----------. As you know, I'm looking for an architecture

intern. So, let´s start with the interviwe. What can you tell me about your studies? (as yu

nouk aiam lukin for an arkitekture intern, so les star wit the interviú) (wat can yu tel mi

abaut yur stadies)

B: I studied Architecture in UTP university. Also I recently took a curse in Landscape

Architecture. (ai estadied arkitetkture in utp university, olso ai recentli tuk a curs in

lanskeip arkitektur)

A: Do you have work experience? ( du yu jav work expiriens)

B: Yes, I do. I did an intership for a year in a construction company and I have worked

for 6 months in another company. It was a great experience for me. (ai did a interchip for

a yier in a constractiion compani an ai jav worked for six mons in anoder compani, it guas

a greit expiriens for mi)

A: Great. Have you ever had any outstanding experience? (greit jav yu ever jad eni

ounstandin expiriens)

B: Yes, I have. The last year I worked as a trainer, I learned a lot about how companies

work. I usually find motivation at work. I am very risky and I like to take challenges ( de

las yier ai worked as a treiner, ai lerned a lot abaut jow companis Works, ai uchualy fain

motiveichon at work. Ai am very riski and ai laik to teik chalens )

A: That is very interesting, so tell me about life achievements. (laif achivmens)

B: Well, finishing my education is a great achievement for me. I had to study hard and

support myself. I think it is a big accomplishment if you study what you really like. (i jad

to stadi jar and suport maiself, i thin it is a big acomplishmen if yu stadi wat yu rilly laik( A:

What is the biggest challenge you have ever encounter?

B: I’ve had to overcome many obstacle to continue studying. However, I was perseverant

and organized, so I succeded in the end. (aif had tu overcom mani obstacol to cintinuo


A: What are your goals for the future?

B: Well, I would like to work in a big international company to develop my creative

potential and manage different projects. Also I will take a master abroad. ( ai wuld laik

to work in a big internacional compani to develap mai creatif potencial and manach

diferen proyecs)

A: Good, that's very nice and ambitious of you What can you tell me about your free time and

your life style?

B: In my free time I like dance and listen to music, also in my life style I love drawing and

designing. I also enjoy doing outdoor activities. ( i lav drowin and ai designin, ai olso

enyoi duing autor activitis)

A: Wow, that is very relaxing. So, to finish the interview. Do you have any questions for me?

B: Yes. Can you tell me about the salary?

A: It is a full time position and you will have to travel a lot. The salary 3.000 soles B:

Great. What would be my responsibilities?

A: Well, You have applied to be one of our junior architects so you will help to prepare designs,

complete construction documents, write up building plans, and overall assist

the architect. (yunior arkitets, so yu wil jelp to priper desaigns, complot constratchion

documens, rait ap buldins plans, and overall assest de arkitek)

B: OK. There are a lot of duties. It is good I am very competitive and responsable person.

I hope I get the job. (dere are a lotof dutis)

A: Of course, so, we will be contact by phone you tomorrow to tell you about the results

of this selection process. ( Wui will bi contac bai fon yu tumorrow tu tel yu abaut de resolts

of dis selechion proces)

B: Ok thanks.

A: Bye, thank you.

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