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1610372 People Resourcing and Development

M Code: 6017

Final coursework

Table of Contents


Overview of the case..............................................................................................................3

The objective of the study......................................................................................................3

Analysis and Content.................................................................................................................4

Critical analysis of how issues on diversity in Baxter influence an organization's work/life


A critical discussion of how Baxter Company can develop a culture that supports work/life

Critical analysis of the challenges and issues facing Baxter Company regarding Work/life

Critical evaluation of the existed ethical considerations that may help the company to be
more work/life balance...........................................................................................................8

Critical analysis of how the work/life balance strategies can influence employee retention
in Baxter Company.................................................................................................................9

Recommendations and Conclusions........................................................................................10


YEAR : 2019-2020
TARIQ AL ZADJALI ID No.1610372 People Resourcing and Development
M Code: 6017


Overview of the case

The company's Fortune 500 US Corporation is based in Deerfield, Illinois. Baxter

International Inc. Medicines for hemophilia, kidney, metabolic disorders, and other chronic
and acute conditions are the focus of research. Throughout the financial year 2017
( 2020), biological research and medical devices created $10.6 trillion in sales
through two companies. The business manufactures recombinant and blood serum antigen for
hemophilia and other blood diseases in the Baxter Bioscience industry. Treatments for
immune disease and other chronic and acute blood problems are used for plasma therapy.
Baxter medical supplies manufacture anesthesia by inhalation, contract production, and
completion supplies for kidney failure or permanent renal cellulose insufficiency for
peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis equipment ( 2020).

The balance between life and work is a lack of competition between work and other facets of
life. It's the balance in which family and intimate lives are balanced. Intimate. The work-life
balance consists of flexible steps requiring employees to take, but not limited to, more life
programs. In the late 1970s and 1980s, it was first used in the US and the UK. Recently
developed the term 'work-life balance' ( 2020). The compromise between work
and home is a general phrase used to characterize a worker's schedule and other facets of life.
Life may include other than job economy, family, and social duties or leisure activities.
Internet development has been quickly implemented by smartphones, forums, video chat, and
other technology tools. Such innovations allow people to work regularly from 9 to 5
(, 2020).

The objective of the study

 To identify Baxter Company's work-life balance strategy.

 To analyze the problems which influence Baxter Company’s work/life balance.
 To analyze the culture that promotes the balance of work and family life at Baxter.
 To assess Baxter's challenges to Baxter's work-life balance

YEAR : 2019-2020
TARIQ AL ZADJALI ID No.1610372 People Resourcing and Development
M Code: 6017

Analysis and Content

Critical analysis of how issues on diversity in Baxter influence an organization's

work/life balance

According to Sirgy and Lee (2018), Baxter Company must offer a continuous stream of
products and services that add value through innovation, to meet its increasingly diverse and
sophisticated customer requirements. Dynamic activities with different perspectives and
knowledge bases can achieve this type of innovation. To improve this, employees with
multiple backgrounds need to create a dynamic and successful workforce that can fulfill their
full potential in their jobs and employees. Baxter strongly advocates organizational diversity
and workforce training as a primary management approach under the definition (,

The consistent and continuous reduction in working hours: By changing working habits
and developing organizational structures, Baxter works aggressively to reduce workdays.
Baxter seeks to enhance the workplace environment and underlines the significance of the
enhancement of efficiency and job results of successful time management as well as different
working types. This is expected to increase efficiency and reduce overtime. Baxter also calls
for compensation to be used for leave (Deery et al., 2018). The corporate approach involves
educational programs for executives and executive management at Baxter Company to
familiarize themselves with. Similar steps, including a surveillance program to ensure that
their employees exceed their expected time, are implemented. Many steps to encourage the
use of paid holidays were taken: to reserve many days and months for several workers to take
these holidays; to make weekly leave available; to continue my five-day holiday plan in
Baxter Company with a straight five days period (Abendroth, 2018).

Empowerment of women: According to the journal of Dizaho, Salleh and Abdullah (2017),
in February 2011 Baxter International Ltd. (Japan) also signed a statement of action by the
leaders of the women who created the "Female Society in February 2016" in support of a
Japanese cabinet-leading Declaration on Action (, 2020). Baxter accelerates
programs to empower women and encourages the constructive role of supporting workers'

YEAR : 2019-2020
TARIQ AL ZADJALI ID No.1610372 People Resourcing and Development
M Code: 6017

diversity. In the belief that diversity can contribute to creating an exciting environment where
individual workers are motivated to realize their potential at Baxter Company Baxter
considers employee diversity and work-life balance as an essential management strategy. As
stated by Sirgy and Lee (2018), Baxter is a key focus on empowerment and encourages the
constructive involvement of women administrators to raise the number of women
administrators. With many successful employee development programs as well as the training
of an acceptable workforce, Baxter has set its 10 percent target for 2020 in Baxter
International Ltd, Japan. They have gradually progressed to success (, 2020).

Inclusion and divergence: Baxter respects and values both men's shared and extraordinary
abilities. Baxter incorporates groundbreaking technology. Their joint statement on
biodiversity reflects the commitment of all various people and values to global cooperation
and recognition. This statement has been translated and distributed to 22 languages in all
regions. Despite the wealth of data held in credit rating agency databases, the coverage of the
company in Baxter is not all included. Although the listing of third party originations is also
not riskless as mapping across risk categories is difficult and inconclusive in Baxter, another
technique that is mostly used by online platforms to increase their inventory of loans.

A leader in creating a work-life relationship: In 1990, even before the adoption of the
Child Care Leave Act, Baxter introduced babysitting and shorter working time programs.
These programs were improved to meet the needs of changing Baxter company employees.
Childcare exits the system, giving workers who return to work for up to a compensated 10-
day leaves within three months of being introduced to their children. This applies to staff
younger than two years of age. When qualifying workers enter high school, a shortened full-
day program requires at least 27 different hours of service to fulfill the standards for each of
Baxter's varied ways of life. The corporation has also produced documentation on relevant
programs and provided comprehensive copies to administrators and program customers to
facilitate knowledge and coordination about childcare processes in Baxter Company's
employees. to ensure a successful return to work. This metric shows that their collaborative
activities have gradually expanded workplace knowledge over two decades (Rosli et al.,

Promoting jobs and training for disabled people: Baxter urges that everyone who is
affected or not should be treated equally and should be able to use their talent according to

YEAR : 2019-2020
TARIQ AL ZADJALI ID No.1610372 People Resourcing and Development
M Code: 6017

fundamental values in the quest for success and productive jobs. The administration should
love its neighbor and support the world and the work. The first formal job schemes, which
were recorded in Baxter in the first quarter of the twentieth century, were for people with
intellectual disabilities. The residents, often known as "inmates," are custodians for both
indoor and outdoor occupations, many of which have contributed to the economic operation
of the Baxter company facility.

A critical discussion of how Baxter Company can develop a culture that supports
work/life balance

According to Spieler et al. (2017), work-life balance is a challenge for workers for decades to
come. When our job is fruitful and productive, you need time to focus on your health,
personality, relationships, and family in the Baxter Group. There are two main factors in
Baxter's equation of balanced workplace life: corporate activity and the level of employee
acceptance. The organization's understanding of the work-life balance should be based on
four activities:

Maintain systemic integrity: If employees struggle from stresses, jobs, or personnel, their
job load in the Baxter Business decreases due to an agile schedule. This helps Baxter
employees learn what to expect at work and can reduce fear through promising continuity.
Continuous work can prevent personal stress and play a major role in a good balance between
work and life (Parakandi and Behery, 2016). To manage organizational integrity risks
effectively, Baxter Company Ltd needs a correct combination of tools based on compliance
and value. Although this mix would suit the particular institutional context, the Baxter
Company Ltd. ethics strategy has little to do with management. Features of a single actor
rarely fully explain the misconduct of the company. More broadly, no ethical business
practices include the tacit and, if not explicit collaboration between others, representing the
principles, attitudes, beliefs, language and behaviors, which describe the operating culture of
an organization.

Encourage the whole day for short breaks: Pauses are necessary for physical and
emotional health. Acting without breaks leads to a variety of safety and productivity issues,
and the dedication of Baxter Business will decrease. The device like impersonal behavior can
be easily equated with professionalism. Many bosses stay in their offices and interact barely

YEAR : 2019-2020
TARIQ AL ZADJALI ID No.1610372 People Resourcing and Development
M Code: 6017

with employees in Baxter. One should always take time to reach the people who are around
in Baxter even if one’s schedule is packed. Remember, one should be prepared to be
vulnerable and open when asking someone to share how they feel.

Flexible allowance for schedules: Various approaches to work may be introduced

depending on the company. Remote work may be used for maintaining productivity in an
official period unavailable for staff. For example, when an infant is sick, working parents
may maintain hours of work when they are out of tension as they give Baxter Company jobs
at home.

Facilities for vacation: Franksiska and Bomba (2018) said that for other businesses, holidays
in the Baxter Business are limited to 2 weeks. However, studies show that this is not enough
and that holiday advantages not only improve the balance between work and life but increase
productivity. This is especially true of smaller companies and start-ups, who routinely
position staff while such job environments are unclean. Another factor is that employees are
not offering managers in Baxter Company’s exemplary benefits, but are using the poor
reputation of the benefits they benefit from their leave allowances (Golden, Sweet and
Chung, 2017).

Critical analysis of the challenges and issues facing Baxter Company regarding
Work/life balance

Challenges faced by Baxter Company regarding work-life balance:

Deficiency in management: It is difficult to cope with the company's unregulated workload

or confusion, as Baxter leaves the "dark cloud." Aspects such as illness and testing will cause
children to feel as though all their power in the Baxter Company is losing in their particular
circumstances. Results show that process changes deficiencies of ES are mostly related to the
packaged and integrated nature of software for the enterprise system, particularly the
configurability, integrated processes, and multiple options, integration of data and processes,
streamlined and standard processes. Organizations have to invest in continuous product
development, market analysis, and process and product improvements to harmonize new
processes and management roles of the Baxter organization to eliminate limitations and

YEAR : 2019-2020
TARIQ AL ZADJALI ID No.1610372 People Resourcing and Development
M Code: 6017

Resource shortage: The right services do not affect the organization of life or should not. An
example of significant weaknesses in the absence of an AP or a good child. Competition for
natural resources is rising as economic growth in developing countries accelerates. It leads to
the problem of resource shortages for companies in several sectors: resources are under
pressure and prices are rising. Despite the urgency of the challenge, however, many
companies fail to recognize the growing impact of scarcity of resources on their businesses
and how they operate. They tend to use obsolete program models which do not represent
higher costs or reduce disrupted distribution risks in Baxter Company.

Impractical criteria: Employment and working conditions will comfortably reach incredible
expectations. Stress is called unreasonable expectations for work, personal holidays, or
overloading. Nakano and Tsuge (2018) stated that the strains of personal life contribute to
working if it takes time for family or friends to eat on the job. Consider families whose
programs are intensively planned, which affect their mothers, or when others (e.g. monthly
visits to parents) have expectations of each other or when athletes need to participate in
further training sessions or matches or when partners choose to attend the evening courses. In
Baxter, there is a secure mix of risks to meet so many requirements.

No helping partnerships: Unfinished working environments, unexpected steps, or credit

default create a complex, unproductive atmosphere in which employees feel isolated. If one
supports or feels interference from other individuals, anger and deceit are induced in the
household (Činčalová, 2020).The general partnership, a limited partnership and a non-helping
partnership at Baxter Business. In other words, company income and the dividends that are
paid to shareholders are charged. In Baxter Corporation, on the other hand, the benefits of
collaborations are not duplicated as such.

A gesture without support: Resilience defines how well people can live with it and find a
way forward in difficult situations in Baxter Company. It is impossible to restore endurance if
energy levels are low and reduced due to all the various obstacles. Adaptability includes the
way people have to live with it and work out a way forward. If the energy content is low and
reduced due to various obstructions, resilience cannot be restored in Baxter Company.

YEAR : 2019-2020
TARIQ AL ZADJALI ID No.1610372 People Resourcing and Development
M Code: 6017

Critical evaluation of the existed ethical considerations that may help the company to be
more work/life balance

According to Alrowwad et al. (2018), workers share responsibility and responsibility for their
employers. Employees must discuss their jobs and ethical non-work obligations. Baxter
International takes numerous steps to maintain a much greater work-life balance. Several
practices in Baxter Business allow workers to achieve harmony between work and life. A
variety of initiatives are incorporated into its subsidiaries including flexible employment,
caregivers, and therapy, children's emergency, and lactation facilities. Such programs allow
the organization to build a healthy working life. The planning theory known as the alternative
employment arrangements is one of the most common ideas of recent times. The
programming pattern will also differ from conventional working hours. Flexibility is the core
principle of alternative Baxter Business systems (Blazovich, Smith and Smith, 2018).

Franksiska and Bomba (2018) said that employers have flexible scheduling arrangements for
workers to promote non-work management-related duties. Alternative working arrangements
include flex-time, compression workweek and job sharing, networking, and Baxter company
part-time alternatives. An employee in Baxter Business will tailor his time of work to his
advantages. Staff will test whether and when their job is finished. Such programs make it
easier for workers to operate. 79 percent said they would be more satisfied with their flexible
work plan, and 87 percent said they would be less stressed.

Nakano and Tsuge (2018) stated that the objective is to provide emergency childcare, health,
and lactation services to encourage people to work in a workplace. After a child is born,
many women think about their jobs. While maternity leave is a positive choice, they continue
to think about returning to work after maternity leave. A childcare facility is a huge help for
workplace satisfaction. When a worker gives childcare and lactation to her female workers,
she works, takes fewer days, and takes care of her career. Workers may attend or return early
in the morning to ensure their children are cared for in the area at the late evening conference
(Blazovich, Smith and Smith, 2018). When an enterprise provides its employees with such
facilities, employees are not keen to do the job. These facilities allow workers to collaborate
with their employers more closely. The debate above shows that the actions of Baxter
International help the company balance its work life.

YEAR : 2019-2020
TARIQ AL ZADJALI ID No.1610372 People Resourcing and Development
M Code: 6017

Critical analysis of how the work/life balance strategies can influence employee
retention in Baxter Company

An adjustment policy is aimed at raising awareness of climate change in civilization. It is a

framework in which future Baxter climatic risks can be managed, prioritized, and
coordinated. To be effective, an adaptation plan as an ordinary part of the decision-making
process will lead to climate risk. Employee engagement is one obstacle encountered in this
current 21st century by businesses worldwide. The business managers have the task of
retaining professionals to prevent high sales (Deery et al., 2018). Everyone needs a healthy
working-life relationship to be happy. The work-life balance is designed for the creation and
maintenance of a positive and safe work environment in which workers can balance their
work and family obligations and thus increase employee participation and productivity. These
institutions are incapable of working where the existing community does not recognize the
balance between working life and many also abandon the business. The happiness of working
life, however, is a crucial factor in workers ' productivity (Blazovich, Smith and Smith,

Fassin and Thang (2016) stated that a win-win scenario is like an optimal compromise for
employees and employers between work and family life. In the case of Baxter Corporation,
the harmony of work-life has two side advantages. Due to their background and support from
their employees, the availability and application of work-life balance strategies minimize
working-life stresses and enhance the companies' positive assessment. If employees achieve a
healthy job and life, the workplaces at Baxter Company typically look calmer and more
exciting. A poor working-life balance affects not only the sales and productivity of
employees but also their performance. When employees find it difficult to adequately balance
their official duties and lives, often they are deceived to resign. These approaches to work
results and living balance often relate to behavior, such as better job satisfaction, higher job
values, reduced absenteeism, better performance, greater involvement, and loyalty.
Employees are less willing to surrender with more balanced jobs and life ( 2020).

Nakano and Tsuge (2018) stated that work and living balancing strategies such as flexible
work plans, flexibility, sharing, retail, counseling, emergency child care, and lactation
facilities allow staff to feel easy and supported by Baxter Company in managing their
families and their lives. Employees can work in their jobs without tension or anxiety due to

YEAR : 2019-2020
TARIQ AL ZADJALI ID No.1610372 People Resourcing and Development
M Code: 6017

work-life balances. Their productivity and happiness of the work are increased politically. If
a company improves its employees' wellness services, they may feel they are in the
organization and they may try to achieve their heart and soul. So they're not going to think
about leaving the service. In an organization with this high level of satisfaction, sustainable
workers are retained. This may affect the morale of Baxter's workers by approaches for work-
life balance.

Recommendations and Conclusions

Some recommendations are provided here for the successful implementation of HR


 Human resources experts will provide their respective employees with work-life
management approaches. This will be done for new hires during the induction phase.

 Both staffs at all stages of the Baxter Company must be given the required training

 HR analyzes Baxter Company costs of deployment and results.

 The organization requires staff to use these services to provide vital facilities such as
high-speed wireless telephones and the Internet and to provide easy assistance to

 Work-life harmony strategies must be developed and applied consistently to inspire

the personnel.

The balance between working and living with the other important elements of life like family,
sport, social life, family jobs, volunteer commitments, etc. They have a strong balance
between work and life because they have time in their life for all of these things. Today's
population has several overlapping activities, such as commuting, caring for babies, living at
home, charitable work, married couples, and elderly adult programs that overwhelm
individuals, households, and neighborhoods in which they live. Conflicts between work and
personal life are a serious problem. The work-life balance seeks to build and sustain a safe
and welcoming work atmosphere that allows workers to align their jobs with personal
responsibilities, increasing the company's employee satisfaction and profitability.

YEAR : 2019-2020
TARIQ AL ZADJALI ID No.1610372 People Resourcing and Development
M Code: 6017

The modern 21st Century motto is Job and Life. Work and life balance have a significant
influence both on the efficiency and success of the organization and its employees as well as
is a very important issue in human resources management. It has benefits for employees and
employers as a company problem. For all businesses, this is important to achieve their own
business goals and personal goals. The success of an organization is dependent on the
implementation of its work-life balance policies. Therefore, Baxter company needs to
implement successful work-life balance strategies and to monitor them regularly to improve
the company and its employees.


YEAR : 2019-2020
TARIQ AL ZADJALI ID No.1610372 People Resourcing and Development
M Code: 6017


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YEAR : 2019-2020

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