Mastermind 2 Unit 10 Class Video Worksheet-1

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Unit 10 Fact or fiction

Before you watch

1 Work in groups. Read and follow the instructions.
Think of two stories about your life—one should be true and one should be untrue. Take it
in turns to tell your two stories. The listeners should guess which is true and which is untrue.
Which student is the most convincing story teller and why?

While you watch

2 Work in pairs. Watch the video to 01:55 and make notes about each
story in the table. Discuss if you think the stories are T (true), or F (false).
Woman 1 Man 1 Woman 2 Man 2 Woman 3

Story 1 Story 2
Woman 1
It is false, in my opinion I think it is
Man 1 It is posible and it sounds I think it is true because with that kind of
realistic. problem it could be true
Woman 2
It could be possible, orangutans are friendly No, I don’t think so. Swimming with
sometimes dolfines is dangerous.
Man 2
It is possible, I met two people with the
same day of birth and they aren’t twins.
Woman 3
I think its not true, because most of the It could be possible, there are many
important fruits or vegetables are red. stories like those.

3 Watch the video to the end to check your answers from Exercise 2.

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masterMind LEVEL 2

4 Answer the questions.

1 Where did Woman 1 go on holiday?
She went to island Casaliance.

2 On what part of his body did Man 1 have to have an operation when he was younger?
He has it in his column because he used to do athletics.

3 What did Woman 2 see in Bali?

She saw dolphins swimming in the indian ocean.

4 On what day was Man 2 born?

He didn’t told the day of birth.

5 Why were Woman 3’s friends annoyed with her?

Maybe the situation was not good for them and uncomfortable.

After you watch

5 Write the words from the box next to the correct definitions.

autograph (n.) frolic (v.) rehabilitate (v.) sanctuary (n.)

security check (n.) speech (n.) stress fracture (n.)

1 play in a happy way with a lot of energy and movement: frolic

2 a place you can be safe or comfortable: sanctuary
3 a formal talk: speech
4 search of a person and their baggage at an airport: security check
5 a small break in a bone caused by regularly putting heavy pressure on it: stress fracture
6 a famous person’s name that they sign for someone else to keep: autograph
7 help someone to return to health so that they can be independent: rehabilitate

6 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs from the box.

do give go miss peel sign

I’ve been (1) doing athletics since I was a little girl and the other day I saw a famous
athlete at the airport! He (2) went through the security check ahead of us
and I thought that I had (3) missed my chance to talk to him. But luckily, when I went
through, he was just sitting (4) peeling an orange and waiting for his plane. So I went
over to him and asked him to (5) sign an autograph for me. He said that he was in
the U.S.A. to (6) give a speech to young athletes and he invited me to go along!

Over to you

7 Discuss these questions with a partner.

1 How often do you lie? I rarely lie, I don’t like to do it. But I think sometimes is good to do it because it can
help us in some situations.
2 Do you think you are good at lying? Why or why not? Well, sometimes I sound very credible and sometimes no.
3 What is a “white lie”? Do you think it’s OK to tell a white lie? I think it’s not Ok, because we can hurt people. So,
it’s always better tell the truth.
4 Are you good at telling when other people are lying? What signs do you look out for? Yes, I have a power to know
who is telling me the truth, and it’s because there are some signs for example, the gestures, body movement
5 Which of the speakers on the video do you think was the most convincing liar and why? The second woman.

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