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#include <iostream> current->next = newNode; delete current;

#include <vector> } cout << "Element deleted successfully.\n";

#include <algorithm> current = newNode; return;

using namespace std; } }

} previous = current;

class Node { current = current->next;

public: void searchElement(int searchElement) { }

int value; Node* current = head; cout << "Element not found in the linked list.\n";

Node* next; int index = 0; }

}; while (current != nullptr) {

if (current->value == searchElement) { void modifyElement(int value, int newValue) {

class LinkedList { cout << "Element found at index " << index << "\n"; Node* current = head;

public: return; while (current != nullptr) {

LinkedList() : head(nullptr) {} } if (current->value == value) {

current = current->next; current->value = newValue;

void createList() { index++; cout << "Element modified successfully.\n";

int size; } return;

cout << "Enter the size of the linked list: "; cout << "Element not found in the linked list.\n"; }

cin >> size; } current = current->next;

Node* current = nullptr; }

for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { void deleteElement(int value) { cout << "Element not found in the linked list.\n";

cout << "Enter the element " << (i + 1) << ": "; Node* current = head; }

int value; Node* previous = nullptr;

cin >> value; while (current != nullptr) { void addElement(int newValue) {

Node* newNode = new Node; if (current->value == value) { Node* newNode = new Node;

newNode->value = value; if (previous != nullptr) { newNode->value = newValue;

newNode->next = nullptr; previous->next = current->next; newNode->next = nullptr;

if (i == 0) { } else { if (head == nullptr) {

head = newNode; head = current->next; head = newNode;

} else { } } else {
Node* current = head; cout << "Enter the size of the array: "; } else {

while (current->next != nullptr) { int size; cout << "Element not found in the array.\n";

current = current->next; cin >> size; }

} arr.resize(size); }

current->next = newNode; cout << "Enter the elements of the array: ";

} for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { void modifyElement(vector<int>& arr) {

cout << "Element added successfully.\n"; cin >> arr[i]; cout << "Enter the value to modify: ";

} } int value;

} cin >> value;

void displayList() { auto it = find(arr.begin(), arr.end(), value);

Node* current = head; void searchElement(const vector<int>& arr) { if (it != arr.end()) {

while (current != nullptr) { cout << "Enter the element to search: "; cout << "Enter the new value: ";

cout << current->value << " "; int searchElement; int newValue;

current = current->next; cin >> searchElement; cin >> newValue;

} auto it = find(arr.begin(), arr.end(), searchElement); *it = newValue;

cout << "\n"; if (it != arr.end()) { cout << "Element modified successfully.\n";

} cout << "Element found at index " << distance(arr.begin(), it) << "\n"; } else {

} else { cout << "Element not found in the array.\n";

private: cout << "Element not found in the array.\n"; }

Node* head; } }

}; }

void addElement(vector<int>& arr) {

void displayMenu() { void deleteElement(vector<int>& arr) { cout << "Enter the new value to add: ";

cout << "UTILITY MENU\n"; cout << "Enter the value to delete: "; int newValue;

cout << "1. Linked List Operations\n"; int value; cin >> newValue;

cout << "2. Array Operations\n"; cin >> value; arr.push_back(newValue);

cout << "0. Exit the program\n"; auto it = find(arr.begin(), arr.end(), value); cout << "Element added successfully.\n";

} if (it != arr.end()) { }


void createArray(vector<int>& arr) { cout << "Element deleted successfully.\n"; int main() {
int choice; cin >> newValue; default:

while (true) { list.modifyElement(value, newValue); cout << "Invalid choice. Please enter again.\n";

displayMenu(); break; break;

cout << "Enter your choice: "; } }

cin >> choice; case 3: { } while (listChoice != 0);

switch (choice) { int value; break;

case 1: { cout << "Enter the value to search: "; }

LinkedList list; cin >> value; case 2: {

int listChoice; list.searchElement(value); vector<int> arr;

do { break; int arrayChoice;

cout << "LINKED LIST MENU\n"; } do {

cout << "1. Create a new linked list\n"; case 4: { cout << " ARRAY MENU\n";

cout << "2. Modify an existing value\n"; int value; cout << "1. Create a new array\n";

cout << "3. Search for an element\n"; cout << "Enter the value to delete: "; cout << "2. Modify an existing value\n";

cout << "4. Delete an element\n"; cin >> value; cout << "3. Search for an element\n";

cout << "5. Add a new element\n"; list.deleteElement(value); cout << "4. Delete an element\n";

cout << "6. Display the linked list\n"; break; cout << "5. Add a new element\n";

cout << "0. Return to main menu\n"; } cout << "0. Return to main menu\n";

cout << "Enter your choice: "; case 5: { cout << "Enter your choice: ";

cin >> listChoice; int value; cin >> arrayChoice;

cout << "Enter the value to add: ";

switch (listChoice) { cin >> value; switch (arrayChoice) {

case 1: list.addElement(value); case 1:

list.createList(); break; createArray(arr);

break; } break;

case 2: { case 6: case 2:

int value, newValue; list.displayList(); modifyElement(arr);

cout << "Enter the value to modify: "; break; break;

cin >> value; case 0: case 3:

cout << "Enter the new value: "; break; searchElement(arr);


case 4:



case 5:



case 0:



cout << "Invalid choice. Please enter again.\n";


} while (arrayChoice != 0);


case 0:

cout << "Exiting the program. Goodbye!\n";

return 0;


cout << "Invalid choice. Please enter again.\n";


return 0;

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