Phase5 - MorenoTomás

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Querido alumno,
Se le solicita completar y enviar este formato al Entorno de Evaluación de
acuerdo a las instrucciones de las diferentes guías de actividades. Toma en
cuenta que este formato es requerido en todas las Fases del curso, así que
asegúrate de entender qué, cuándo y cómo completarlo.
 Fase 1 - Declaración de objetivos y temas.
 Fase 2 - Diseño de Recursos de Aprendizaje.
 Fase 3 - Implementación Piloto de Recursos de Aprendizaje (Componente
práctico - Práctica remota).
 Fase 4 - Evaluación de Recursos de Aprendizaje.
 Fase 5 - Análisis de los recursos de aprendizaje.

Tabla 1. Proceso de desarrollo de recursos


The main topic of the VLO is the simple present tense, its
Temas (conocimiento) grammatical rules, and the daily routines and activities that
students engage in as part of their daily lives.

The language skills addressed in the VLO include writing,

Habilidades lingüísticas reading comprehension, interpreting images, and listening

Otras habilidades Formation of affirmative, negative, and interrogative

sentences. Use of frequency adverbs. Irregular verbs in the
simple present. Expression of universal facts and general

Fundamental utility for communicating habitual actions,

Justificación de los universal truths, and scheduled events in the present tense. By
temas y habilidades. mastering this grammatical structure, students can express
daily routines and activities clearly and effectively.
Learning the simple present also helps develop fundamental
language skills, such as listening comprehension, oral and
written expression, as well as the ability to formulate questions
and answers in English. By understanding how and when to
use the simple present, students can communicate with
greater confidence in everyday and academic situations.
Regarding daily routines and activities, the simple present is
essential for describing what we regularly do in our lives. From
simple actions to more complex descriptions of our daily
routines," the simple present allows us to talk about our daily
activities with precision and clarity.
By learning to express daily routines and activities in English,
students not only improve their language proficiency but also
acquire practical communicative skills that will be useful in
various contexts, from informal conversations to formal

Secondary school 6th-grade students, aged between 11 and 13

Población years old. These young individuals spend their free time
engaging in activities such as playing soccer, volleyball,
swimming, watching movies, and listening to music. Some of
these students set goals to complete their high school
education to move to the city, pursue a technical or
professional career to improve their family's economic

 Students will be able to communicate daily routines and

Objetivos/resultados del habitual activities using the simple present tense
aprendizaje accurately and clearly.
(habilidades)  Students will be able to identify and apply the
grammatical rules of the simple present tense, including
forming affirmative, negative, and interrogative
sentences, as well as using frequency adverbs correctly.
 Students will develop listening and reading
comprehension skills when interacting with materials
that present examples of the simple present tense used
in everyday contexts.
 Students will demonstrate confidence in expressing
themselves orally and in writing using the simple
present tense in real-life situations, such as describing
daily routines and habitual activities.
 Students will understand the importance of the simple
present tense in English communication and recognize
how this grammatical structure is used to express
general truths and scheduled events in the present


Tipo de recurso Virtual Learning Object - VLO

Herramienta The VLO was developed in eXeLearning because it is an open-

seleccionada para crear source, free tool that can be used offline, as the institution
el recurso. lacks connectivity. This tool facilitates the creation of
educational content, allowing the creation of interactive
materials, multimedia elements, interactive activities, and
educational games. It also facilitates exporting content in
multiple formats.

Enlace del recurso**


¿Contiene el OVA todos sí No X

los tipos de recursos y
actividades solicitados
en la Tabla 1 del anexo?

¿Contiene la OVA las 8 sí No X

secciones solicitadas en
el anexo?

Diferentes elementos he established elements for the VLO were added.

incluidos en el OVA.

¿Te reuniste con el tutor Yes, approximately four times.

del curso para recibir
comentarios sobre tu


¿El VLO fue validado por el profesor? (Esto depende de los ajustes)

sí No

Tipo de instrumento de Quantitative instrument (survey), through which the VLO "Simple
evaluación Daily" is evaluated for sixth-grade students at José Eustasio
Rivera School. This instrument allows for a precise and specific
evaluation of every aspect of the VLO. Graphs are used to show
opinions about its classroom use.
Enlace del instrumento 1YFiSpTnv3hdFnHqP17jUbJFgKtsdlKU6/edit?

¿El instrumento de sí No X
evaluación fue validado
por el profesor?

Modalidad de implementación:
The students used the VLO as an interactive tool to learn about the simple present tense
in English and its application in daily life. They used it to explore grammatical concepts,
practice sentence formation, and improve their listening and reading comprehension
through interactive activities and practical exercises. The students start with an
introductory video where the objectives and content of the VLO are presented. Then,
preparatory activities for the topic are conducted and then they will be able to find audio
recordings were played presenting everyday situations in which students had to identify
the use of the simple present tense, reading comprehension exercises and written and
oral production activities.
At the end of the VLO activities, a written survey is conducted with the students to
evaluate the use of the VLO in class.

Prueba de aplicación:


Informe de resultados, análisis e interpretaciones:

Presentar los resultados puros de la evaluación. Incluya gráficos y descripciones de datos
tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos. Sacar interpretaciones y conclusiones. Organice
este análisis en las categorías utilizadas en la herramienta de evaluación. Contrastar los
hallazgos con los contenidos de las referencias bibliográficas del curso. Responde las
preguntas presentadas en la guía de actividades.

Graphs of the survey results

 Question 1

1. Is the virtual learning object easy to access with its

respective file on your computer?

Very poor
43% High
Very high

Graph 1

Graph No. 1 reflects that 57% of the respondents, when asked, rated it very highly,
indicating that the VLO used in class for the topic was easy to access. The remaining 43%
admitted to giving a high rating.
In this regard, we can say that the majority of surveyed students were able to easily use
the VLO.

 Question 2

2. The digital educational resource adapts to any operating

system: windows, mac, Linux, etc.?

Very poor
Very high


Graph 2

Graph No. 2 shows that 100% of the respondents, when asked, considered the access to
the VLO to be high; it can be concluded that they were able to access it regardless of the
system, although it was only used on Windows.

 Question 3
3. The virtual learning object offers ease of navigation
throughout its content, and allows users to go back and forth
as many times as needed.?

Very poor
14% Poor
43% High
Very high


Graph 3

Graph No. 3 shows that 43% of the respondents, when asked, said that the ease of
navigating through each item was very high, another 43% rated it as high, and 14%
expressed that it was acceptable. This indicates that some students found it difficult to
locate each section of the VLO.

 Question 4

4. The virtual learning object appropriate content with

images and videos that facilitate the learning process?

Very poor
43% High
Very high

Graph 4
Graph No. 4 shows
that 57% of the respondents, when asked, rated it very highly, indicating that the images
and videos used in the VLO were suitable for the topic. The remaining 43% expressed a
high rating. It can be concluded that the multimedia elements created for the resource
were appropriate.

 Question 5

5. The virtual learning object it can be used on any device

with or without an internet connection?

Very poor
29% Poor
Very high


Graph 5

Graph No. 5 reflects that 71% of the respondents, when asked, consider that they can
access the VLO with and without the internet; it can be concluded that when it was used
offline, they found it difficult to explain which file they should open within the folder to
start the resource.

 Question 6
6. The virtual learning object provides instructions for explor-
ing its content (topics and activities)?

Very poor
43% High
Very high

Graph 6

The graph No. 6 reflects that 43% of the surveyed individuals, when asked, consider that
instructions were needed to start exploring the VLO; it can be concluded that it is
necessary to attach some instructions for its use to the resource.

 Question 7

7. The virtual learning object offers clear and simple naviga-

tion to explore the content of activities related to the topic?

Very poor
29% 29% Poor
Very high


Graph Graph 7 No. 7 reflects

that 43% of the
respondents who were asked said that navigation was easy.
 Question 8
8. Does the virtual learning object function correctly, with no
broken links or errors?

14% Very poor

Very high


Graph 8

Graph No. 8 reflects that 86% of the respondents who were asked said that the links
worked correctly and no errors occurred.

The students approve of the use of the VLO as it is developed; however, it must
be clear what the order is for developing each proposed activity.

Según los resultados, ¿el VLO está validado por la población piloto?

● Sí, sin ajustes.

● Sí, pero se necesitan algunos ajustes.

● No, se necesitan muchos ajustes.

The design, development, and implementation of content within a virtual learning
object require adequate planning, aiming for students to comprehend and
internalize the content. It was evident that the use of the VLO "Simple Daily"
brings benefits as it allows interaction with ICT tools, reinforcing their use, both in
students and teachers. Virtual learning objects are very useful for facilitating
teaching-learning processes, enabling dynamic, interactive, and innovative classes
for students. In addition to academically contributing to students' learning
process, digital educational resources also enable teachers to be constantly
trained to find pedagogical strategies supported by ICT.

Ajustes finales:
Adjustments were made according to the tutor's observations. Several
adjustments to the initial design had to be made, focusing the VLO not only on
grammar and being entirely in English, so that students can adapt to learning in
the area.

Phase 5.
B. Respond to these questions:

 Write the reference of the book:

Book name (ELT): “Headway"

Authors: Liz and John Soar.
Year: 2019, 5th Edition
Editorial: Oxford University Press

 (To what extent) does the book develop the topics?

It is divided into 6 levels, to meet the levels of the Common European

Framework of Reference, from beginner to advanced, allowing students to
progress gradually in their language learning. Each level is organized into
thematic units covering a variety of relevant topics of interest to students,
which facilitates the integration of the language into real-life situations.

 Evaluate the pedagogical and didactic design of the book regarding the
topics (objectives, topics, activities, texts, images, etc.).

The objective of each thematic unit is clearly and precisely defined at the
beginning. The topics are varied and relevant to high school students,
allowing them to relate the language to their daily lives and interests. These
topics include travel, technology, culture, among others, which makes
language learning more meaningful and engaging. This ELT provides
students with a variety of activities and resources that help them develop
their language skills in a meaningful and communicative way. Its images
are clear and relevant, and help reinforce understanding of the concepts
and vocabulary presented in the text.

 Provide specific examples of activities proposed in the book for that


Headway books may include activities such as crossword puzzles, word

searches, role-playing games or picture association activities.
 Do you consider appropriate the way the textbook addresses the topics
and skills? Why?

This book presents the topics and skills in a progressive manner, starting
with basic concepts and gradually advancing to more complex topics. The
book addresses the four main language skills: listening comprehension,
speaking, reading comprehension, and writing. In addition, it should offer a
variety of activities that allow students to practice and improve in each of
these areas. Based on their real-life activities and be applicable in different

● What is missing or how can the book improve?

Textbooks are a valuable tool, supplementing them with multimedia

resources such as videos, audio recordings, and online and offline activities
can enhance the learning experience and make it more interactive and
engaging for students.

 Would you recommend this textbook to language teachers to develop

such topics?

The book offers a wide range of topics and activities designed to help
students develop language skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading
comprehension and writing and addresses the grammar and vocabulary
parts in a clear and accessible way, making it a useful tool for teachers who
wish to provide their students with a solid foundation in the English
language. The progressive structure of the book and the variety of activities
available allow teachers to adapt their teaching to the specific needs of their
students and keep them engaged in the learning process.

 Do you consider that complementary material is needed to achieve the


It can be useful to enrich the learning experience and help students achieve
their goals more effectively. “Headway” is a solid and comprehensive
textbook; some students may need additional practice to reinforce the
concepts presented in the book.

 Would that material be printed or digital?

The material should be printed since many educational institutions do not

have the tools to do it digitally, as in the IE where I am currently working.
Although it could be used digitally.

Study 1: Designing and Study 2: Creation of Study 3: (write here a

assessing virtual Virtual Learning Objects possible (research) title for
learning objects to for the Development of the process carried out
foster English for Technological Skills and with your VLO. Follow the
specific purposes in the Learning of English examples of studies 1 and
higher education. as a Foreign Language. 2.)
*Identify the VLO
created by high school
students for English
language learning
students for learning
*Recognizing the *Understanding the use of
attitudes and beliefs the simple present tense in
attitudes and beliefs that everyday activities.
students have about the
*The VLO targeted ICT design and *Identifying the structure
Objectives of the VLO’s. descriptors and English design and development of the Simple Present.
descriptors of VLOs in the
development of their ICT * Expressing daily
competencies; *Describe activities orally and in
the digital writing using the Simple
digital skills that middle Present tense.
school students have
that enable them to
design and implement
VLOs for English
and implementation of
the ova
Intended topics and skills. Four Virtual Learning The creation in the Simple Daily:
Objects (VLO) were classroom of *Grammatical (rules,
designed to incorporate virtual learning objects in forms, examples)
English for Specific the classroom develops *Like and dislikes.
Purposes (ESP) their competencies in *Habits and routines
learning at a public information and
university in Colombia. communication
Each VLO comprised a and communication
series of Virtual technologies and
Learning Scenarios facilitating the learning of
(VLS), including a English.
vocabulary bank, a set
of activities related to
the six linguistic
competencies (listening
comprehension, oral
interaction, oral
production, reading
comprehension, writing
production, writing
interaction), and an
assessment and
feedback sections
Each VLO included
twelve activities and
twenty-four tasks of
varied contents in Virtual technological tools
VLO is designed in
Exelearning. Various with online platforms,
Exelearning and used
educational resources such as
Platforms and tools for the other tools such as:
were incorporated to JClic, Pixton, Hot
design of the VLO. Genially, Canva,
make the experience Potatoes, Moovly,
Educaplay, Vimeo,
more appealing: Powtoon, Scratch and
YouTube, Drive.
Genially, Canva, Vyond, among others
Educaplay, Vocaroo,
Powtoon, Youtube,
among others.
139 students from
Software Engineering
(18), Journalism (22),
Bachelor of Arts in
Average of 160 students 6th grade students of the
Natural Sciences (50)
Intended population. from the lower levels, Jose Eustasio Rivera
and Nursing (49)
6th and 7th grades School- Leticia Amazonas
enrolled in the
University English
Courses (UEC) and five
teachers participated.
The methodology was
segmented into 6
phases to conceive:

1. Preliminary
2. The first pilot
of the four VLO
Warm-up actvity
and testing.
3. Surveys Planning, action,
Steps or phases of the Activities
implementation observation and
whole process. Conclusions
to students and reflection.
4. Update of the
5. Second pilot of
6. Online
publication of
the devices and
Data-gathering tools and The quantitative The impact of the VLO Three moments were
techniques. approach. was measured through chosen for data collection
The impact of the VLO an exit survey asking The first, through direct
on students' about the different observation, with the
perceptions of their aspects that a VLO entire population.
progress was measured requires. observation, with the
through entry and exit entire population. As a
surveys composed of a second moment, the
5-point Likert scale, sample of volunteers was
multiple choice and considered.
open-ended questions. of volunteers. Thus, these
students provided
sufficient information to
respond to the research
problem and answered the
the research problem and
responded to the semi-
structured interviews
interviews, with 14 open-
ended questions that were
questions that were
subsequently transcribed.
Finally, as a third moment
in the collection of data,
questions were asked
about the impact that
the impact of the ova
design for the institution,
in order to find out if they
the impact of the design of
the ova for the institution,
in order to find out
whether they were
accepted by the students
to whom they were
This is related to the
fact that the VLOs were
designed taking into It was evident that the
Recognize the benefits of
consideration students’ use of the VLO "Simple
the use of ict
needs, context and Daily" brings benefits as
to establish new ways of
likes and included it allows interaction with
interacting with
tasks that students ICT tools, reinforcing
the other through
found engaging and their use, both in
technologies, since it is
effective for learning at students and teachers.
evident that it favors the
Data analysis and results. their own pace. Virtual learning objects
student to get involved in
Some limitations of this are very useful for
his own learning process
study include the fact facilitating teaching-
and to
that most of the learning processes,
with his or her own
students were not able enabling dynamic,
learning process and is
to fully interact with interactive, and
able to make sense of it.
the second VLO innovative classes for
prototypes to verify if students.
the changes
incorporated satisfied.

Other important facts.

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