Lost But Won

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Lost But Won

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/56344972.

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: One Direction (Band)
Relationship: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Harry Styles,
Alpha Louis Tomlinson, Strangers to Lovers, True Mates, Sharing a Bed,
Scenting, Fluff, Humor, Happy Ending, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Golf,
New York City
Language: English
Collections: Omegaverse Fic Fest
Stats: Published: 2024-06-19 Words: 16,520 Chapters: 1/1
Lost But Won
by 2tiedships2


“If you start out by talking about your weekend of golfing I swear to god I will stab you with
a pen,” Louis said by way of greeting. “You’ll have to give me a few minutes though so I can
see if I even own a pen. But the warning stands.”

“Hello to you too, dearest Louis,” Niall yelled from where he still sat on the couch next to

There was a clunk on the floor and what sounded like shoes hitting the wall as Niall
announced, “We have a guest. You might want to save stabbing me until you don’t have a

“Well if they are obsessed with golf then…” Louis trailed off as he made his appearance in
the living room.

Harry’s mouth dried up. This was not the alpha that Niall had described.

When Harry loses his passport after a weekend trip to see Niall, the inconvenience of being
stranded in America becomes a little more bearable after meeting Louis. Or a lot more


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Please do not share with anyone associated with the
band/people used as fictional characters in this story.

Note; I do not allow any translations or reposting of my fics.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

See the end of the work for more notes

Harry frantically searched through all of his bags. Again.

“Harry, if we don’t leave in the next ten minutes there’s not even a chance of you catching
your flight,” Niall warned.

“Fuck off, I know,” Harry growled. He would not cry. He would not cry. “I’m not going
anywhere even if I do make it in time if I can’t find my fucking passport though.”

“Shit,” Niall cursed quietly. “I’ll check my room again. And the freezer for good measure.”

“Thanks,” Harry muttered, more focused on emptying every possible crevice of his bag in the
hopes of his passport being found.

“Nothing. Not even the freezer,” Niall advised as he returned to find Harry dumping out all of
the contents of his bags. “And I hate to say this but even if you find it, you’ve missed your

“How did this happen?” Harry mumbled to himself. “The bag I had it in didn’t leave your
flat. And there’s no one here to steal it.”

Harry narrowed his eyes at the Irishman standing in front of him. “Unless you took it?”

Harry regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth and watched as Niall took a step
back with a hurt look on his face.

“I’m sorry,” Harry quickly amended as he worked to put his belongings back in his bags. His
passport obviously wasn’t there so no need to keep his shit all over the place. “I’m just
freaking the fuck out, Niall. I know you didn’t take it. You just happened to be here for me to
place the blame on for my own stupidity.”

Niall’s face softened as he knelt down on the floor to help Harry clean up. “I know, mate. I
would have done the same thing, to be honest. Placing the blame on literally anyone but
yourself is definitely the way to go.” Niall gave a reassuring pat to Harry’s shoulder as he
continued. “I’ll take it if you want though. I usually place the blame for my mistakes on
Louis so I suppose it’s my turn to shoulder some.”

Harry let out a garbled laugh. The lump in his throat still remained but he gave himself a
mental pat on the back for keeping any tears from falling. He was a strong omega who would
not let this travesty get the better of him, thank you very much.

“So now what?” Harry asked once the pair had gotten his bags repacked. Hopefully Niall had
all of the answers because Harry had no idea what to do when you lost your passport in
another country.

Niall raised an eyebrow at his friend. “You seriously think I know the answer to that? You’re
the smart one in this relationship, remember?”
Harry sighed and got up from where he was sat on the floor. Flopping down on the couch he
advised, “I have no fucking idea. If I’m the smart one in this friendship then I wouldn’t have
lost the damn thing in the first place.”

“True,” Niall agreed as he took a seat next to his friend. “Let’s start by retracing your steps,
shall we?”

“But where am I supposed to live for the next ten years?” Harry questioned, disregarding
Niall’s suggestion. Where he was going to live while stranded in a foreign country seemed
like the more pressing matter. “I mean, maybe not ten years but however long it takes to be
able to get home.”

He was immediately smacked upside the back of his head while simultaneously being
whacked in the chest with a throw pillow.

“You’ll stay with me you fucking idiot!” Niall responded adamantly. “Although be advised if
you ever ask such a stupid question in the future you will be kicked out.”

“Fucking ow,” Harry grumbled, rubbing the back of his head. “It’s not just you though. Your
roommates get back soon don’t they? You may be cool with me staying here but I don’t know
them. They might not be appreciative of my taking up space.”

Niall waved the comment away. “We’ll move you back into Zayn’s room.”

“But…” Harry started.

“Trust me,” Niall continued, giving Harry no chance to argue. “Zayn will be more than happy
to have a reason to continue to live with Liam. He's there most of the time anyway so it’s no
big deal.”

“And Louis?”

Niall gave Harry a look that he had never seen before. He had no idea what that expression

“Trust me a second time,” Niall said with a smirk. “Louis will not mind you staying here.
Well, he might. But not in a bad way.”

Harry furrowed his brow. “What does that mean? You’ve never even told me much about

Niall shrugged and stood up, grabbing one of Harry’s bags as he headed back to Zayn’s

“Golfing is much more important than talking about my alpha roommate,” Niall said over his
shoulder. “Who, for the record, happens to be single.”

Harry rolled his eyes as he got up to drag the rest of his stuff back to the bedroom that he had
been staying in for the last three days. Niall’s roommate was irrelevant to anything. It was
nice of his friend to let him stay here but Harry’s sole focus was figuring out how to get
home. He had a job to get back to. And if he didn’t work, he didn’t get paid. Nothing else


“Where has Louis been staying this weekend?” Harry inquired as he browsed Uber Eats for
the local restaurants.

Niall shrugged. “He’s probably been in and out while we were at the course and such but I
would guess he hijacked Liam's couch to avoid our excitement of a weekend of golfing.”

“He doesn’t like to golf?” Harry asked with a frown. Not that the revelation was much of a
shock considering most of his friends didn’t enjoy the sport. But it would have been nice to
find someone else who appreciated the game.

“If he’s desperate for a reason to procrastinate, sometimes he’ll join me in a game of EA
Sports. That’s about the extent of it.” Niall paused before continuing, “To be honest, he’s
actually not bad at that game. We should set up a time to play.”

“I'm busy,” Harry mumbled as he looked at the Uber Eats ratings for yet another pizza place.

Niall snorted. Harry shot him a look.

“No offense, H. But how busy are you going to be when you’re stranded in another country?
The UK Consulate isn’t open all day.”

“I sent an email to my boss,” Harry advised, grabbing his laptop to check if he had gotten a
response yet. “I’m hoping he’ll agree to let me work remotely. My job isn’t exactly the work-
from-home type but maybe there’s something I can do in order to get paid.”

Niall raised a questioning eyebrow. “Did you tell him you lost your passport? Or did you
come up with something better that gives the appearance that this wasn’t your fault?”

Harry frowned. “I told him the truth. It’s not like I lost it on purpose.”

“You never know,” Niall said, waggling his eyebrows. “It’s possible you subconsciously lost
it so you could stay here with me.”

“And Louis,” Niall amended at the sound of a key turning in the front door. “Are you ready
to meet my single, alpha roommate?”

Harry rolled his eyes. “We live in different countries, Ni. There’s no need to play

“I don’t think I’ll need to,” Niall stated. Harry ignored the comment.


“If you start out by talking about your weekend of golfing I swear to god I will stab you with
a pen,” Niall’s roommate said by way of greeting. “You’ll have to give me a few minutes
though so I can see if I even own a pen. But the warning stands.”

“Hello to you too, dearest Louis,” Niall yelled from where he still sat on the couch with

The entrance to the apartment was down a short hallway so Harry couldn’t make out the
figure yet. Despite the alpha’s dislike of golf, Harry somehow found it endearing that that
was the first comment he made. Of course, the fact that Harry was still sitting in the flat’s
living room was sure to quickly end any discussion of golfing.

There was a clunk on the floor and what sounded like shoes hitting the wall as Niall
announced, “We have a guest. You might want to save stabbing me until you don’t have a

“Well if they are obsessed with golf then…” Louis trailed off as he made his appearance in
the living room.

Harry’s mouth dried up. This was not the alpha Niall had described. 'Dark hair, blue eyes,
nice bum and a sarcastic little shit’ was the description Harry was familiar with. Technically
that description may be accurate, but Niall had certainly left out a lot. Like, a lot .

If Harry didn’t know any better he would think that Louis was also a bit speechless as he
watched the man open and close his mouth with no words coming out. Harry had no idea
what that meant considering, by default, Harry was not the alpha’s type.

He was no one’s type, to be honest. Harry firmly believed that he was supposed to present as
an alpha. Not that he had a choice in the matter. But he certainly had the build of an alpha.
His countenance was perhaps more beta or omega-y but, with his body type, there was no
way he would present as an omega. And yet here he was. Practically shunned by alphas
because of his looks. Because no alpha wanted to have their dominance questioned by an
omega who was bigger than them.

Harry was pulled out of his thoughts as Niall gave introductions. “Louis, this is my dearest
friend, Harry. And Harry, this is my sometimes charming but mostly annoying flatmate

Harry gave a small wave to Niall’s flatmate as Louis directed his words at their mutual
friend. “Lovely introduction, Niall. Remind me to find that pen.”

Niall burst out in laughter, obviously not noticing the tension in the room as Harry and Louis
continued to stare at each other. Harry was internally squirming as Louis stood immobile on
the other side of the room as he looked Harry up and down. It wasn’t the usual look of
dismissal that Harry tended to receive which may, or may not, be a good thing.

It suddenly dawned on Harry that he was still sitting down. It was obvious that he wasn’t
some tiny omega, but Louis may not realize his height. As soon as he stood up he was sure
that Louis would turn away and dismiss him like so many other close minded knotheads who
would not accept anything but the average omega. Which, oddly enough, is what Louis
looked like. With his compact build and curves, he was practically the definition of a proper

“Okay, what the fuck is happening here?” Niall asked, looking between Harry and Louis.
“Why are you both staring at each other like that? It’s creeping me out.”

Louis cleared his throat before crossing the small room and extending a hand. “It’s nice to
meet you, Harry. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“You have?” Harry asked, proud of himself for being able to form words. He was fairly
certain he had never met anyone with such a beautiful countenance.

Louis brushed his thumb over the top of Harry’s hand before pulling back. Harry didn’t know
if it was intentional or not but the gentle touch resulted in a blush taking over Harry’s cheeks.
Thankfully Louis turned to Niall before he could see it but, from the way the alpha’s nostrils
flared, Harry was fairly certain Louis was smelling his arousal. Damn pheromones.

“Loads of information,” Louis said blandly, giving Niall a look that wasn’t particularly
friendly. Louis turned back to Harry. “I was told that you are a friendly omega with curly hair
and green eyes. And that you are an excellent golf player.”

“Excellent. Excellent golf player,” Niall inserted. “What else is there to know?”

Louis rolled his eyes as he sat down on the nearby armchair, mumbling something that Harry
couldn’t make out.

“Anyway,” Niall continued. “With that awkward as fuck introduction out of the way, you
should know that Harry will be staying with us for a bit.”

Harry grunted but didn’t say anything. Not only did he have the issue of a lost passport but he
was now in the company of his dream alpha. An alpha that Harry could absolutely not fall


Harry flopped face down on Zayn’s bed. It was hopeless. He was officially stranded in
America for the rest of forever.

“Um, Harry?” a soft voice asked from across the room. “Are you okay?”

“No,” Harry mumbled into Zayn’s pillow. He turned his head enough to be able to see Louis
leaning against the doorway of the room and he quickly planted his face back into Zayn’s
pillow. He didn’t want to see the look of concern in Louis’ eyes. Or whatever it was.

Louis had disappeared fairly quickly the previous night. Niall had objected but Louis claimed
he had work to catch up on before the start of the work week and had shut himself in his
bedroom before Harry and Niall had even ordered their food. Unfortunately, even the smell
of their Chinese wasn’t strong enough for Harry to forget about Louis’ sandalwood and
amber scent. Harry savored the smell, despite knowing the alpha had clearly dismissed him.
Harry had spent the night reminding himself that it didn’t matter considering a relationship
would never work.

“I’m sorry I left so quickly last night,” Louis said softly. It sounded like he had stepped
farther into the room. “I truly did have work related things to catch up on. In hindsight, I see
how it may have looked. So I’m sorry.”

Harry lifted his head to look at Louis. He couldn’t help but ask, “How it may have looked?”

Louis gave him a knowing look. As if Harry was supposed to know what this stranger would
mean by such a look.

When Harry didn’t respond, Louis elaborated. “That I, as an alpha, was trying to flee the
scene. And I have a feeling you may have had previous alphas do just that.”

Harry smiled at Louis’ use of the term “flee the scene”. It was fitting considering how Louis
had threatened to stab Niall with a pen.

“It’s okay,” Harry said quietly when he noticed the alpha’s comforting pheromones. It made
Louis’ words ring true.

“Can I come in?” Louis asked gently. Harry almost laughed as Louis looked down at the floor
as if he hadn’t even realized he had walked halfway into the room already.

“Sure,” Harry responded with a half shrug. He was still sprawled face down on Zayn’s bed
with no intention to move from his pathetic state.

Harry almost jumped as Louis sat down on the edge of the bed, the close proximity to the
alpha had traitorous butterflies taking flight in his stomach.

“How can I help?” Louis asked, reaching out as if to comfort Harry with a touch before
pulling back. “I take it you went to the British Consulate about your passport?”

Harry nodded. “I don’t qualify for an emergency travel document and I don’t have the
appropriate paperwork to get a new passport or emergency Visa. So I’m basically screwed.”
He let out a deep sigh and looked at the alpha sitting next to him. “I mean, how the fuck was
I supposed to know I would lose my passport? Since I don’t own a car I didn’t even think to
bring my drivers license. And obviously I’m not going to travel with my birth certificate or
all the other crap the Consulate wants me to bring.”

“I don’t think anyone plans to lose their passport, love,” Louis said with a soft smile. “Do
you have someone at home that could maybe mail you the required documents?”

Harry let out another sigh. “My mum is the only one with a key to my place. I haven’t called
her yet.”

“I see,” Louis said. Something like the look of relief flashed across his face as he reached out
to take his hand. Harry watched as Louis looked at their adjoined hands and Harry wondered
how the alpha felt about him, an omega, having a larger hand.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have nice hands?” Louis asked with a smile.

Harry shook his head as much as he could considering his face was still mashed into Zayn’s
pillow. “I think they’re kind of boney.”

Louis gave his hand a squeeze before saying, “Not at all. You could be a hand model if you

“I might have to do that if I can’t get home to go back to work,” Harry grumbled. He closed
his eyes and took a deep breath, noticing the hint of lavender under Louis’ sandalwood and
amber scent. If only he could curl up in the alpha’s scent maybe he could relax and be able to
think more clearly on his next steps.

“Anyway,” Louis said, glancing at his watch. “Niall won’t be home for about an hour and I’m
scheduled to go have a kickabout at the park with some friends. Would you like to join? It
might take your mind off of stuff.”

“Trust me. You don’t want me to join you in a kickabout. My coordination on the field is
severely lacking.” Harry advised. “Besides, I should probably call my mum to figure things

“Maybe later then,” Louis said, pulling his hand back. Harry missed the contact immediately.
“We can’t have you staying in this flat for your entire stay here. Niall will drive you insane.”

Harry laughed. Surprising himself that he could do such a thing in his current crisis.

“Thanks, Louis,” Harry said as the alpha stood up. He really didn’t want him to go but Louis
had his own life. Harry wasn’t even supposed to be here.

“You know,” Louis said, stopping in his tracks and turning back to face Harry. “You never
actually answered my question. Is there anything I can do to help?”

Harry bit his lip. There was no fucking way he could ask what he wanted to ask. Louis was
practically a complete stranger. But he was stranded in a foreign country. Maybe that would
make it less weird if he asked.

Louis inclined his head, looking at Harry with a thoughtful expression. “I’ll be right back.”

Harry didn’t have time to react before Louis was out of the room. He had no idea what Louis
may be doing but in the meantime Harry decided to at least pretend he was okay. He hauled
himself up and was sitting on the edge of the bed when Louis returned.

“It might be a little small,” Louis said, a soft blush forming on his cheeks. “But I thought
maybe you could use something with an alpha’s scent?” He held out a blue jumper and
continued, “Obviously I won’t be offended if you don’t want it. You may not even like my
scent. But just in case?”

“I, um, thank you,” Harry said softly as he took the jumper from Louis. He wasn’t sure if
Louis knew this was something Harry actually needed or if he was just being a thoughtful
alpha. “I, um, didn’t want to ask but this is the perfect way for you to help.”
Louis beamed. Harry was fairly certain he had never met such a beautiful man in his life. Let
alone an alpha.

Louis glanced at his watch again and winced. “I’m so sorry I have to leave. But if you want
to talk when I get back I’m more than happy to lock Niall out so we can get to know each
other. You know, besides the pathetic description Niall gave both of us.”

Harry hugged Louis’ jumper to his chest and nodded. “I’d like that, yeah. Maybe not locking
Niall out but getting to know you.”

Louis chuckled. “I can compromise.” He thumbed towards the door and turned to leave. “I’ll
see you later, Harry.”

“Later,” Harry responded, more to himself as he held Louis’ jumper to his nose and inhaled
deeply. It wasn’t a solution to his problems but he felt an immediate release of tension from
his body.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled out his phone to call his mum for help.


“You look ridiculous,” Niall stated, handing Harry a Playstation controller. “I mean, you do
realize that jumper is, like, two sizes too small right? And if Louis gets home to find you
wearing it…”

Harry furrowed his brow when Niall drifted off. “If Louis gets home to find me wearing it …
what? Can you elaborate on that half sentence?”

Niall focused on loading PGA Tour for a friendly tournament. It seemed like he was talking
more to himself than to Harry when he said, “Let’s just say Louis does not give scented
clothing to just anyone.”

“You keep track?”

Niall laughed. “I don’t go inspecting his wardrobe on a regular basis but I think I know him
well enough to know that he doesn’t. I suppose I could be wrong.”

Harry internally purred at the thought of Louis letting him borrow his jumper when it’s not
something he normally did. Maybe the alpha had sensed that Harry needed it after all.

“Well, I only packed enough clothes for the weekend,” Harry pointed out. “It’s only logical
that I would wear it given I’ve worn all of my other clothes. No need to read into it.”

“Mhmm,” Niall mumbled as the game started. “Make sure to point out that logic to Louis.”

As if on cue the door to the flat opened.

“I bought a packet of pens, Niall!” Louis yelled as the sound of shoes hit the wall. “You
might want to watch your back.”
“Consider me frightened,” Niall responded blandly with a roll of his eyes.


Niall snorted. Harry looked away from the television to see Louis staring at him. Harry had a
sense of deja vu from the previous night as Louis stood immobile and looked at him from
across the room.

“Told you,” Niall said, keeping his eyes on the screen.

“You literally told me nothing,” Harry shot back, doing his best to pretend Louis wasn’t
looking at him. Or the jumper that he was wearing. Or both.

“I’m going to go get changed,” Louis announced, exiting the room as quickly as he had

“There’s a totally logical explanation!” Niall yelled after him. “Just ask.”

Harry punched his friend in the arm. “You know, Ni. You seemed completely normal when
we were chatting and playing golf online. I can’t decide if I like you in real life, or if our
friendship should have remained virtual.”

Niall broke out in his loud Irish cackle. Once settled, he gave a friendly pat to Harry’s leg and
said, “I’m so happy we decided to meet in person, H. Personally, I don’t think my online
persona is any different but if it is then I’m glad you get to see the real me.”

Harry shook his head fondly as he focused on the game. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough of a
distraction to keep him from thinking about the alpha down the hall.


LOGICALLY you may need a t-shirt. But Louis does NOT leave clothes on the kitchen table
for the taking. I also think that fucking thing is dirty despite it looking professionally folded.
Beware. Ni.

Harry read the sticky note that Niall had left next to the plain white t-shirt laying on the table.
Then reread it three more times before placing it to the side and picking up the shirt. Louis’
scent was so strong that Harry had to question whether Niall was correct in saying it might be
dirty. Maybe Louis had slept in it overnight? The thought alone had slick pooling in Harry’s
underwear. Fucking hell.

He still hadn’t gotten permission from his boss to work remotely so Harry was forced to call
in sick for the second day in a row. Which left him with nothing to do but wait. His mum was
sending his ID and birth certificate express mail but it would still be days until he received it.
Although with his luck the package would get lost somewhere between the UK and New

Harry slipped Louis’ t-shirt over his head and took a deep breath. It honestly startled him at
how quickly his mind and body relaxed. Louis clearly had the most comforting pheromones
Harry had ever come across.
Harry thought back to the previous night when Louis had joined them in the living room.
Louis had plopped down on the couch so close to Harry that their thighs were touching. He
didn’t know if the proximity had been intentional or not but neither he nor Louis had moved
to give the other space. Harry had lost every round of their game because he had been so
distracted. Especially after Louis had leaned over and whispered into Harry’s ear about how
he looked good in Louis’ t-shirt.

“Underwear,” Harry said to the empty room as he felt a bit more slick leave him. “First on
my list … buy more underwear.”

Harry nodded to himself as he made a cup of coffee. Niall and Louis wouldn’t be back from
work for hours. He might as well do a bit of shopping while exploring the city. For better, or
worse, he was stuck here so he should at least try to enjoy it.


+44 3369 282828: Hi Harry. It’s Louis. I hope it’s okay that Niall gave me your number. I
was wondering if maybe you’d like to take a break from talking about golf and join me for
dinner tonight.

+44 3369 282828: Nothing fancy so no need to worry about what to wear. T-shirt and
trousers will do.

+44 3369 282828: Or we could do something else if you prefer?

Harry stood in the middle of Macy’s and stared at the incoming texts. Why was Louis texting
from a UK phone number? The alpha obviously had an English accent but Louis seemed
settled in his flat with Niall and even had a full time job. Harry had seen no indication that
Louis was living here temporarily, so having a UK phone number didn’t make sense.

Harry internally rolled his eyes as he remembered he knew practically nothing about the man.
So far he had learned additional details of what he really looked like. Harry now knew that
Louis played football, had a mystery job, and was exceptionally good at playing EA Sports
golf for someone who didn’t like the sport. Of course, most importantly, he was a caring
alpha who didn’t shun Harry for his looks.

And that was pretty much it. He obviously should have asked Niall more about his flatmates
before traveling halfway across the world. Although, to be fair, actually meeting Louis hadn’t
been in the plan to begin with. It was only because Harry lost his damn passport that had
resulted in them crossing paths.

+44 3369 282828: Did I text the wrong number? Sorry to disturb whoever is receiving these.

Harry scrambled to come up with a response before Louis thought that he was ignoring him.

H: Hi Louis. Sorry for the delay. Niall gave you the correct number. Why do you have a UK
+44 3369 282828: I’m afraid the answer to your question is information that is only revealed
over dinner. ;)

Harry smiled to himself. How could he possibly say no to such an amazing person? Not
wanting to seem too eager to see the alpha, he waited a few moments before responding.

H: I’d love to. :)

+44 3369 282828: Perfect. Let’s avoid Niall’s judgements until later and meet somewhere
besides the flat. There’s a small park on the corner of W 12th and 7th ave. The 1/2/3 train
will get you there. Meet at 6?

H: Sounds perfect.

+44 3369 282828: Awesome. Gotta get back to work. See you at 6. Xx

Harry couldn’t help smiling as he added Louis into his contacts before pocketing his phone. It
was only dinner, right? He ate dinner with friends all of the time with no attachments.
Besides, Louis had to be just as aware as Harry was that he wouldn’t be in the country for
much longer. Dinner was not something that would lead to anything beyond a short term

Harry’s stomach dropped at the thought of that. He was drawn to Louis in a way that he had
never been with anyone else. It wasn’t just the way that Louis treated him. It was deeper than

Harry shook his head to clear his thoughts and continued to weave through the massive
department store to find some clothes to last a few days.


“How did you find this place?” Harry asked, admiring the posters, graffiti and paintings
lining the walls of the dead-end alley leading to the door of Freeman’s restaurant. “This is
definitely a hole-in-the-wall restaurant.”

Louis looked at him and smiled. God he was beautiful. “I googled hole-in-the-wall New York
City restaurants. Since I’ve never been here before I can only hope that it has good food.”

“Well, I’m already impressed that you even found it,” Harry replied as Louis opened the door
to the restaurant and ushered him in.

They hadn’t talked much on the way from their meeting place to the restaurant. The train they
had taken to the 2nd Avenue stop had been packed, giving little opportunity to properly hear
each other. And the five minute walk from the train had mostly been observations about their
surroundings. It seemed Louis didn’t venture down this way very often so the streets were
just as foreign to him.

Once seated, Harry dived right in with the question that had been on his mind the entire day.
“So now that we’re here,” Harry started, taking the menu offered by the hostess. “Are you
going to reveal why you have a UK phone number?”

Louis chuckled. “Straight to business then, is it?”

Harry gave a shy smile. “It just surprised me. Plus, that mobile number has to be customized.
What is that about?”

“You’re cute, Curly.” Louis said, giving Harry’s foot a nudge under the table.

“I wouldn’t say that,” Harry mumbled as all of the reasons why he wasn’t cute ran through
his mind. His body type being at the top of the list, of course. “But thanks, I guess.” He said a
bit louder to address Louis’ comment.

“What do you mean?” Louis asked with a frown. “You don’t think you’re cute?”

Harry shook his head, embarrassed that he had made the comment. Or more accurately, that
Louis had heard it. Harry needed to work on his mumbling skills.

“Do you know what you’re ordering?” Harry asked cheerfully in an attempt to change the
topic. “Everything on the menu looks great.”

“Harry…” Louis prodded softly, giving his foot another nudge. “If you don’t like the word
‘cute’ I can rephrase. But I can sense that’s not the issue.”

Harry sighed, currently wishing he was a beta so he didn’t have pheromones that gave his
feelings away.

“Look at me, Louis,” Harry finally said, waving a hand at himself. “I’m not cute.”

“I literally just told you that you are,” Louis countered. “Cute, attractive, gorgeous, stunning.
Take your pick. I’ve got more.”

Harry’s cheeks flushed. “Thanks, Lou. I just don’t get compliments that often. I guess I don’t
know what to do with them.”

“Let me guess,” Louis said, leaning over the table to close some of the distance between
them. “It’s because you’re not the average omega.”

Harry gave a single nod. While true, he was slightly ashamed to be admitting this to the alpha
across from him.

“I see.” Louis tapped his index finger on his chin as if deep in thought. “Should we body
swap? Because I’m sure you noticed that I’m not the average alpha.”

Harry giggled. “Sure, let’s try it. Any idea how to make that work?”

Louis grinned and reached over to give Harry’s left dimple a poke. “Nope. But if you really
want to try it I’ll start researching immediately.”
“Immediately?” Harry questioned. “Can you at least reveal why you have a UK phone
number? I’m dying here. The suspense is real.”

Louis broke out in loud laughter. “Okay, Curly.” He pointed to the menu. “Figure out what
you’re ordering and then I’ll tell you.”

Harry shot Louis a glare. The alpha just laughed and opened up his own menu. Apparently
Harry needed to work on his mumbling and glaring skills when it came to Louis.

“I think I’m going to go with a burger and chips,” Harry stated. The menu was extensive and
he didn’t want to spend ages figuring out what to order.

Louis looked up from his menu with a raised eyebrow. “You mean a burger and fries?”

“Nope,” Harry replied. Popping the P. “I’m English. It’s chips.”

Louis laughed. “Hate to break it to you, love. But you’re in America.” Louis waved his arm
around as if to demonstrate the fact. “Order chips and you’re going to get a bag of crisps. Or
a half bag of crisps. The other half will just be air.”

Harry let out an exaggerated sigh. “Fair enough.”

“For what it’s worth,” Louis said, tone serious. “I’m glad you’re here. In America, that is. I’m
sorry you missed your flight and are having a horrible time trying to get home but … I’m
happy to have found you.”

Harry beamed. Losing his passport was definitely on his list as being one of the worst
experiences of his life. But being here had Harry questioning all of his life decisions on the

“Thanks, Louis.” It’s all Harry could come up with in response. He certainly had plenty of
things to say but he was afraid that he would reveal too much. He couldn’t let Louis know
how attracted he was to him. It was dangerous ground given Harry would have to break ties
with him within a week or two.

“So,” Louis started, pulling Harry out of his thoughts. “Phone number.”

Harry perked up. “Fucking finally.”

“No, I meant can I have your phone number?” Louis teased, eyes twinkling. “I think it would
be more personalized if you gave it to me as opposed to going through Niall.”

Harry gave him a bland look, resulting in Louis laughing hard enough that his eyelids
scrunched up so much that Harry wondered if the alpha could even see out of them.

Once Louis had settled, he explained. “I texted from my company mobile. I have a US
number for local calls, but since my few friends here stick to mostly texting, I don’t really
bother carrying it around. Even if I wanted to call Niall or Zayn, neither of them would
answer. It’s, like, against their religion or something. Neither of them go to church but, who
Harry grinned. Niall was such a character. Even when they had zoom calls Niall had
remained off camera most of the time. Being anti-talking on the phone made sense.

“Anyway,” Louis continued. “I was at work and figured if you actually wanted to talk talk on
the phone then my UK number would be best.”

“But why ,” Harry insisted. Louis’ explanation seemed to be going nowhere fast.

Louis smiled, seeming amused by Harry’s impatience. “I live in London.” Louis stated.
“That’s my permanent residence. Hence the phone number.”

Harry fish mouthed. Louis laughed. Harry scowled. Louis poked his cheek where his dimple
would show if Harry had been smiling.

“How are you gentlemen doing?” Their waitress asked, having appeared out of thin air. “Are
you ready to order or do you need more time?”

“ Fries. ” Louis silently mouthed to him. Harry gave him a Look before turning to the
waitress to place his order. Harry didn’t miss the soft laughter that came from across the

Once they had both ordered and handed their menus to the waitress, Harry placed his full
attention back on Louis.

“I feel like you’re about to throttle me if I don’t explain quickly,” Louis mused, drumming
his fingers on the table. “Or are you good if I give a long, in depth explanation?”

“Lou, please,” Harry practically begged. His inner omega seemed to scream at the need to
know if he would see this amazing alpha after Harry returned home.

A look of surprise crossed Louis’ face but quickly disappeared making Harry question if it
had even happened. Or what it could mean.

Louis gave Harry a soft smile. “I usually work out of our London office. I’m here in America
to get a team in place in the office here. I met Niall at a bar my first week in New York and,
being the social butterfly that he is, he asked if I wanted to move into his open room instead
of living in a fancy flat all by myself. My company would have paid for the place, but living
alone in this city didn’t sound as appealing as squeezing into a flat with two fun lads.”

“You guys get along as if you’ve known each other for years,” Harry noted. “How long have
you been here?”

“About eight months? Ish?”

Harry raised an eyebrow. “Ish?

“I was supposed to be here for six months,” Louis continued. “But they requested that I
extend the temporary move to a year. I’ve been having a great time, so I agreed. Of course,
my agreement resulted in Niall deciding that I could never move back home.”
“Sounds like Niall,” Harry responded. He was at a loss for what else to say though. It seemed
like having a loss of words around Louis was becoming a theme. He really fucking wanted to
know if Louis would move back to London when his year in America ended. But he kept his
mouth shut.

“So yeah,” Louis said. His eyes searched Harry’s face as he concluded. “Who knows how
long I’ll be here. But since it was originally only six months I kept my mobile number. I
don’t want anyone else stealing it so I’m keeping it no matter what.” Louis waggled his
eyebrows. “If you believe in talking to people over the phone you can call me anytime.”

“I do believe in that,” Harry said softly. “Thanks, Lou.”

“Did Niall call me Lou when you were talking online?” Louis questioned. “I mean, I like it.”
He rushed on. “Just curious if you got the nickname from him or if it was all you.”

“I … think it was me?” Harry responded, trying to think back on his conversations with Niall.
The Irishman had rarely mentioned Louis in the first place so the nickname must have
slipped on Harry’s own accord.

“Well, I like it, Curly.” Louis winked.

“My hair’s not really that curly, you know,” Harry stated, pointing to the mop on his head as
if Louis hadn’t noticed.

Louis smirked. “I have a sense about these things. It has the perfect waviness that would
result in the perfect curls.”

Harry opened his mouth to respond but the waitress appeared again with a tray piled with

Louis looked between the waitress and Harry as he commented. “That was fast.”

“ Chips ,” Harry stressed, “Are fairly quick to make.”

Louis shook his head fondly. “You’re soooo cute.”

Harry ducked his head in an attempt to hide his blush, placing his focus on the food in front
of him.

Louis gave Harry a soft kick in the shin as he advised. “Whether you’re here for three days or
three weeks I’m going to make you accept my compliments, love.”

“But I’m not cute,” Harry argued, stuffing a french fry in his mouth.

“What about me?” Louis asked, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Am I cute?”

Harry cocked his head while considering and Louis’ eyes flew to the side of his neck where
his mating spot would be.
‘Um,” Harry mumbled, unable to ignore the rush of heat flooding his face. And other other
body parts. And the wetness now in his pants. Good God he was a mess. Literally. What was
going on with him?

Louis choked on the sip of water he had taken. Harry clenched his ass cheeks to try to keep
his body in check.

“Sorry,” Harry apologized, wishing he would dissolve into the floor. It’s not like he had
control over his slick but this had never happened to him before. The few alphas he had been
with had never caused Harry to become so undone. And all Louis had done was glance at his
mating spot in the middle of a restaurant? He had never even heard of such a thing

“I changed my mind. You’re not cute,” Louis said quietly as he leaned across the table.
“You’re so fucking hot. And smell so fucking good. And for fuck’s sake, Harry. How the hell
am I supposed to even concentrate on eating?”

Harry couldn’t look at him. He shouldn’t be embarrassed. He shouldn’t . Louis was

complimenting him for fuck’s sake. He kept his eyes glued to his plate of uneaten food, his
appetite completely gone.

“Excuse me,” Louis said loudly. Harry glanced up to find Louis waving down their waitress.

“No, Lou,” Harry objected, feeling that Louis was about to ask for the check. He couldn’t be
the cause of leaving this lovely place the alpha had picked out. “Let’s stay and eat.”

Louis ignored him as the waitress appeared at the table, glancing between the pair with a
knowing smile.

“Can we get a box for these?” Louis asked, pointing to their plates. “And the check.”

“Absolutely,” the waitress responded. “I’ll be right back.”


Sandalwood, amber and that lovely hint of lavender flooded his senses. Harry’s words died
out and the pair just looked at each other in silence.

Soft laughter sounded from the side of the table. “I would wish the two of you a good night,”
their waitress said, setting two boxes and the check between them. “But I have a feeling
you’ll do just fine without any wish from me.”

“Oh my God,” Harry mumbled, dropping his face into his hands. He was fairly certain his
cheeks were going to become permanently scarlet based on the amount of embarrassment he
was going through during this outing.

“Have a good night, gentlemen,” the waitress chirped, taking her leave.

“You too,” Louis said to her retreating figure as he began filling the to-go boxes. “Ready to
head home, Curly?”
“Home? You found my passport?” Harry asked cheekily, unsure where the sudden boldness
came from.

Louis laughed but his face quickly sobered. “I’m not sure I could confirm that, even if I had
found it.”

The words were quiet and Harry couldn’t be sure if they were directed at him or if Louis was
talking to himself. Either way, his inner omega purred at the thought that Louis might not
want him to leave.


“I thought the two of you were going to dinner,” Niall said by way of greeting.

“We did,” Louis responded as they found Niall lounging on the couch, with an unknown
person next to him, video game controller in both of their hands. “And I will give you both a
burger and fries if you don’t ask any additional questions on the matter.”

“Chips,” Harry mumbled from behind Louis.

Louis glanced back to him, giving an exaggerated eye roll. The grin on the alpha’s face offset
any attempt of appearing exasperated.

Niall bit his lip, looking between Louis, Harry and the two boxes of food that Louis was
holding. “I can’t decide.”

“I’m with Niall on this one,” the stranger agreed, glancing between Louis and Harry.
“Something is off. Or maybe on. Leftover food might not be worth finding out what it is.”

Niall pointed to the person next him. “What Zayn said.”

Harry winced at the fact that Niall’s second roommate was here. While it may have been nice
to meet him, the fact that Harry was still staying in his room made this very awkward.

“You have five seconds to decide,” Louis stated. Quickly counting down. “Five… four…
three… two…”

“Food,” Niall and Zayn said in unison.

“We can squeeze information out of them later,” Niall side-whispered to Zayn.

Louis shook his head as he handed over the boxes. “Not part of the deal.”

“I’m going to go, um…” Harry started, thumbing towards the direction of Zayn’s bedroom.
He knew that it was rude of him to leave so quickly but he needed to change. He recognized
Zayn as being an omega and if Harry stayed in the room for much longer he would be able to
smell Harry’s slick. Questions were sure to be asked despite Louis providing them food.

“Spill,” Harry heard Niall demand as he turned the corner towards the bedroom.
Harry halted, waiting to see what Louis would say.

“You’re absolute shit at introductions, Ni,” Louis said in response. “Zayn, that was Harry.”

Harry assumed it was Zayn who laughed. “I figured.” He paused before noting, “Is he
wearing your t-shirt?”

“No,” Louis lied. Harry looked down at himself as if to confirm he was, in fact, wearing
another one of Louis’ t-shirts. “Plus that’s a question. Eat your food. We’ll be back in a few.”

Harry quickly walked towards Zayn’s bedroom and closed the door to ensure Louis didn’t
suspect him of eavesdropping. Not that there was anything worth hearing, but just in case.

Louis was standing in the hallway, eyes on his mobile when Harry exited the room. The alpha
looked up at him and frowned. “You changed.”

“Yes?” Harry answered, confused as to why the revelation would cause this reaction from the
alpha. “That was why we left the restaurant wasn’t it? I was a mess.”

Louis pushed himself off of the wall and took Harry’s hand, leading him into Louis’
bedroom. He closed the door behind him and Louis pulled him to the side of the bed,
gesturing for Harry to take a seat.

“You weren’t a mess, love,” Louis said once they were alone. “We totally could have left if
you were too uncomfortable. But that’s not why I requested the check so abruptly.”

“You didn’t seem very comfortable with me, though,” Harry noted, his cheeks once again
flushing at how strongly his body had reacted to Louis’ glance at his mating spot.

Louis smiled and squeezed his hand. “You can correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like
omegas getting a bit wet is, like, a normal thing. Especially in clubs and such. Or am I

This conversation was definitely not what Harry was expecting when he was pulled into
Louis’ room.

“Let’s just say, I own a lot of underwear,” Harry said, ducking his head to avoid seeing
whatever reaction Louis would have to that. “As do most omegas, I think. Some omegas take
suppressants to help limit getting wet.” He paused for a moment, before admitting, “I don’t
get many interested alphas that would result in me getting really slick though so I don’t
bother with suppressants.”

“God, that has to be so fucking annoying,” Louis mumbled, more to himself. “Do you keep
an extra pair of underwear hidden in your desk drawer at work? Just in case you run into
someone, or something, that gets you aroused during the day? Or whatever the fuck may
happen where your omega betrays you.”

Harry snorted softly and nodded. “I do.”

“Fucking hell,” Louis responded. “I obviously thought I would present as omega but I’m so
fucking glad I didn’t.”

Harry wasn’t sure how to reply to that but it didn’t matter as Louis continued, “Anyway,
sorry I got off topic. The point is that I think most people are used to all of the scents around
them. I may have been thrown off there for a minute but I would have been fine staying.”

“And omegas deal with wet pants,” Harry stated. “Sooooo…”

“It was either we leave when we did, or I would have had to get up and punch the alpha who
was sitting behind you,” Louis said as if that was the most obvious reason for abandoning
their dinner. “I’m not big on violence so I felt leaving was best.”

“Wait, what?” Harry exclaimed. Because what ? “Clearly I missed something.”

All Louis said was, “I’m sorry.”

Harry frowned. “Why? For what? I’m so confused. And, um, why didn’t you tell me

Maybe if Louis had said something earlier Harry wouldn’t have had to spend so much time
being mortified thinking he was the one that ruined their time together due to his body’s

Louis winced. “I swear to you I’m not one of those overbearing knotheads who thinks their
omega can’t take care of themselves. I know you can. But the dude had this look of pure
hunger when he was looking back at you. And then he gave me this look as an alpha
challenging another alpha for claim over the omega in question. Which, in this case, was you.
So I got the check and left before my inner alpha caused me to do something stupid.”

Harry wasn’t sure if he should be upset that Louis hadn’t explained earlier, or honored that
there was a second alpha who might have had an interest in him. That had certainly never

“I’m really sorry, Harry,” Louis continued. “I didn’t tell you on the way back because I was
embarrassed and needed to calm down. But I know you thought leaving so abruptly was your
fault, when it wasn’t.”

Harry nodded in confirmation. Louis leaned over and bumped Harry in the shoulder as he
said, “Bet you didn’t expect the real reason to be two alphas about to go head to head over
you though, huh?”

Harry laughed. “I didn’t even know that was a thing. And certainly not over someone like

“To be fair,” Louis said, intertwining their fingers. “I didn’t know it was a thing either. Well,
I’ve read about it, I guess. But it’s so old school I didn’t think the physical challenge shit still
happened. Alphas are interested in the same omega all the time, no need to literally fight over
them. Of course it’s possible that the alpha at the restaurant didn’t want a challenge but he
sure as hell looked like it.”

“Interesting,” Harry said to himself. “And weird.”


Harry shrugged. “I can’t even find one alpha in London who is remotely interested in me.
And I’m in America for less then a week and suddenly have two alphas ready to fight over

“I don’t believe you,” Louis replied firmly. “There have to be alphas lining up for you across
the ocean.”

“More like running away,” Harry grumbled, looking down at his lap. “I guess I’m too tall for
them or whatever.” Harry glanced quickly at Louis before admitting, “I thought you were the
same that first night. You went to your room so quickly…”

Louis fish mouthed. It took a few moments for the alpha to respond. “I swear, if I had known
you were living in a city full of insecure knotheads I would have skipped out on doing my
work, quit my job, and stayed here with you instead.”

Harry laughed. “I wouldn’t have let you do that but I appreciate the thought.”

The room fell silent as the pair just looked at each other. Harry had never experienced the
concept of ‘comfortable silence’ until now. Comfortable silence with Louis’ hint of lavender
progressively becoming more prominent. Harry was going to need to change his pants again
if they didn’t leave the room.

Harry cleared his throat and watched as Louis’ cheeks flushed. Despite needing to get home
to his job, Harry once again wished that his time in America wouldn’t be so short. Louis may
have a flat in London, but there was no guarantee that it would result in them seeing each
other again.

Louis gave a small peck to Harry’s cheek as he stood up, announcing, “I’m starving. And
since I gave our food away, I guess we’ll have to order in.”

Harry smiled. “Maybe Freeman’s delivers.”

“That’ll be the first restaurant we check.”


“Morning, Ni,” Harry greeted groggily, joining his friend in the kitchen.

Niall jumped in surprise and swung around from where he had been pouring a cup of coffee.

“Bloody hell, H. What are you doing up?” Niall asked, hand to his chest as if calming his
heart rate. “You’re not being forced to leave for work at 8:30 am. Sleep in. Enjoy your
vacation. Or whatever we should call this.”
“True about not working,” Harry grumbled, plopping down on a kitchen chair. “I just got
another email from my boss. HR won’t allow me to work remotely. Which means I have to
burn through my sick time until I’m able to get back.”

“Fuck, man. I’m sorry,” Niall said, taking a seat across the table. “I’ve still been searching,
you know. For your passport.”

Harry gave him a strained smile. “Thanks, Ni. I appreciate that.”

“So what are you going to do?”

Harry shrugged. “Explore the city, I suppose. Take the time to catch up on sleep. And …

Niall furrowed his brow when Harry didn’t continue. “What’s up, mate? Maybe this is how
you always are in the morning, but something seems off.”

“Don’t mind me,” Louis greeted as he entered the kitchen. “Just need to grab some coffee and
I’m … um…”

Louis stopped and looked at Harry. The deep breath Louis took did not go unnoticed and
Harry knew the alpha could tell that his scent was much stronger than usual.

Niall huffed and looked between the pair. “Will at least one of you finish your sentence

“No worries, Ni,” Harry said, standing up and heading out of the room. “I’ll talk to you about
it later.”

Louis grabbed Harry’s wrist before he could get out of the kitchen and asked, “Will you,
Harry?” The alpha looked him up and down. “ Will you be able to ask later?”

Harry did his best to pretend he had no idea what Louis was referring to. “Of course,” He
said with a shrug. “Sorry to disrupt your morning lads. I’ll see you later tonight, yeah?”

Louis held onto his wrist and squeezed. It took all of Harry’s willpower to not whine.

“Okay, seriously,” Niall said, getting up and crossing his arms in front of him. “What the fuck
is happening here?”

Louis looked at Harry with a raised eyebrow, as if signaling for him to explain before Louis
spoke on his behalf.

Harry dropped his eyes to the floor. He could not look at Louis as he said, “I think I’m going
into heat. I think . I could just be sick or something since my heat isn’t scheduled for like a
month and a half.”

“Well, fuck,” Niall mumbled. “Do you go into heat early often?”

Louis was still holding onto his wrist. Harry shook his head. “Never.”
He looked up at Niall, avoiding eye contact with Louis, and repeated, “Never. Which is why I
figure I’m just sick. Maybe overly tired due to all the stress of my passport and work and

“You’re going into heat, Curly,” Louis said softly.

“Can I ask you a question, Niall?” Harry asked, giving a pointed look at Louis. He paused,
knowing that even if Louis did leave the room he would probably still hear him and Niall
talking anyway. “Actually nevermind. This is New York City, I'm sure Google will have the

“Google has a lot of answers,” Niall noted, looking between the pair again. “But a lot of them
are wrong.”

Trying to lighten the mood Harry countered, “You have a lot of answers too, Ni. Pretty sure
most of them are wrong.”

Niall rolled his eyes and gave Harry a soft punch on his arm. “Pa-lease. I’m like a human

“Does your encyclopedia include the five star heat services in New York City?” Louis asked.
Harry finally managed to look at the alpha to find a torn expression on his face. Harry had no
idea what that could mean.


That was Niall’s only response and Harry wanted to melt into the floor in embarrassment.
Louis was not supposed to be a part of this. Although, to be fair, neither was Harry. He was
supposed to be in England, nowhere near the start date of his heat.

“It’s just in case,” Harry stressed. Louis squeezed his wrist again. “I swear it might be just a
cold or something.”

Niall bit his lip as he proceeded to look between Harry and Louis once more, finally saying,
“Sorry, H. I don’t know of anywhere. I can text Zayn if you want though. Unless you know
of somewhere, Lou?”

Louis’ head snapped over to Niall. Harry didn’t know what Niall saw in Louis’ face but the
Irishman held his arms up in mock surrender and advised, “I’m only answering the question
in very general terms. I give no instructions or suggestions on steps to take.”

Niall pointed towards the door. “I, um, really need to leave for work though. I’m pretty sure
I’m on my boss’ hit list for all the times I’ve been late. I’ll text you in a few, H.”

Harry didn’t have time to respond before Niall stepped around him and was out the door.
Leaving Harry alone with the flat’s alpha.

“I’m sure you need to get to work too, don’t you?”

Louis said nothing as he deflated into a kitchen chair. Harry had no idea how to react. First
Louis seemed determined on not helping Harry find somewhere he could go to for his heat
and now the alpha somehow looked resigned.

Harry had no desire for coffee but started to make himself a cup for something to do while he
waited for whatever was about to come.

“I know it’s a personal question, but I have to ask,” Louis started. Harry looked over his
shoulder to find the alpha looking down at his hands. When Harry didn’t say anything he
continued, “Do you usually use a heat service?”

Harry smiled to himself. He wasn’t sure why given the situation, but answered, “No. Never.”

Louis was by his side in an instant. “You’ve never used a service but you’re looking for one
here?” It was practically a demand when Louis asked, “Why?”

Harry may be freaking the fuck out but he shrugged as if he were unfazed by Louis’ question.
“I figure that my heat may be shorter if I have someone helping me. My mum mailed my
documents express so they should be here in the next two days or so. If I’m going into heat I
need to be up and about as soon as possible. As much as I like it here, I do need to get back to
my job, Lou.”

Louis gave him a bland look. “You’re not sick, Harry. I bet you started going into heat last
night, didn’t you?”

Harry shrugged and confirmed nothing. Louis was right though. He had woken up drenched
in sweat and hadn’t been able to go back to sleep as he tried to figure out why his heat was
starting early.

“And you can’t go walking around the city in your condition,” Louis stated. “You can’t.”

Harry rolled his eyes. “It’s a big city, Lou. There are so many scents out on the street no one
will even notice. If I leave soon I’ll be safe and sound before I break out into full heat.”

“Harry, please,” Louis said, taking his hand. That torn look was back. Maybe a bit of
pleading? “We can figure something out.”

Harry glanced down at their adjoined hands and almost sighed in relief at the comforting
touch. Did Harry want to go to a heat service? Of course not. But he wasn’t about to spend
his heat alone in Zayn’s room when Louis was in the bedroom next to him. And he sure as
hell couldn’t have the alpha helping him. They were two people living in different countries.
He couldn’t afford to get attached. Not with the uncertainty of whether Louis would be
transferred back to his London office anytime soon.

“There’s not much to figure out, Lou,” Harry said quietly. “There aren’t many options in my
current position. And from what I can tell, a heat service is the best solution. I’ll find
somewhere that has a good vetting system for the alphas and be in and out in a couple days.”
“And come back with another alpha’s scent on you?” Louis asked, releasing Harry’s hand and
crossing his arms over his chest. “Not to be demanding, or whatever, but choose a different
option. Please.”

Harry took a step back from Louis and his strong pheromones. Harry didn’t know Louis well
enough to know all of the subtle shifts in his scent, but if he had to guess Harry would say
Louis was … jealous?

Harry crossed his arms over his chest, mirroring Louis, and asked, “Why do you even care,

Louis opened his mouth to respond but Harry cut him off when he continued, “You said last
night that you’re not an overbearing alpha. We’ve known each other, like, two days. We live
in different countries. I don’t understand what the big deal is.”

“Because you’re my mate , Harry!” Louis shouted, waving his hands around in a nonsensical
pattern as if that would explain everything. “I know you feel it. Take two seconds and stop
being so self deprecating about your height and how other alphas have treated you and maybe
you would realize it too.”

It was Harry’s turn to try to say something but was cut off. “I’m sorry if you feel I’m being an
overbearing alpha but I can’t let you go out and be knotted by some random guy who is only
doing it for a fucking paycheck. You deserve better.”

Harry blinked as Louis’ words sank in. Harry had felt that deeper connection but hadn’t
considered that it was because Louis was potentially his mate.

Louis furrowed his brow but remained silent, giving Harry the opportunity to respond.

“When did you know?” Harry finally asked.

Louis' eyes softened. “From the moment I saw you. Your scent confirmed it.”

“And then you locked yourself in your room.”

Louis sighed. “It’s not like I planned on coming home to find my mate sitting on the couch. I
needed a minute to process it.”

“So I take it that you want to help me with my heat then?” Harry asked, running a hand
through his hair. Louis being his mate explained why he went into heat early, but he was left
completely lost on how to respond. Especially in his current state.

“I don’t think I can,” Louis said, dropping his arms to his side. “And that’s the problem.”

Harry’s heart sank. What problem? Did Louis not want to accept him as his mate?

“I need to go,” Harry stated, rushing out of the room to return to the privacy of Zayn’s room.
He couldn’t bear to look at Louis another second. Why the fuck would he point out that they
were mates but not want to help him? Was Louis going to deny their bond? If Louis hadn’t
acknowledged it out loud, Harry could have returned to England none the wiser. And, sure,
he would probably feel like he was missing part of himself by doing so, but at least he
wouldn’t have had the blunt rejection.

“Harry, wait!”

The flat was too small and Louis easily caught up to him, grabbing him by his wrist and
practically dragging him into Louis’ bedroom.

“Sit.” It wasn’t an alpha command but Harry could admit that he wouldn’t mind if it had
been. He immediately pushed the thought out of his head and sat on the edge of the bed.

Louis took a seat next to him, close enough so they were thigh to thigh.

“It’s not what you think,” Louis started, taking his hand and intertwining their fingers.

Harry snorted. It was exactly what he was thinking and they both knew it.

“Just … let me get this out, okay?” Louis asked. Almost begged from the sound of it.

Harry grunted in response but said nothing.

“Harry, you’re not even in full heat and you’re driving me insane. You’re driving my alpha
insane. I mean, for fuck’s sake, I thought I was going to die when you cocked your head like
that in the restaurant. I know it wasn’t intended to display your mating spot but it sure as hell
felt like it. It’s not that I don’t want to help you with your heat, love. It’s that I don’t know if
I’ll be able to control myself, knowing that you’re my mate. I can’t bond with you right now.
You know that right? You’ll be gone in a week and my alpha will go absolutely feral with not
being able to be with you.”

Harry finally looked Louis in the eyes and saw the truth in them. He smelled the truth in the
alpha’s pheromones.

“You could control yourself,” Harry said quietly. “I know you can. And if you knot me then
at least I can return to England with your scent on me. It would ward off those alphas you
seem to think are lining up for me.”

Louis huffed a laugh. “That’s something, I suppose.” He bit his lip and Harry could
practically see the gears turning in his head as he considered what to do.

“Louis, please help me,” Harry pleaded, squeezing the alpha’s hand. “I can’t do this on my
own knowing my mate is right down the hall and I sure as hell don’t want to go to a heat

Louis raised an eyebrow in question. “So you do believe that I’m your mate? You would
accept me?”

“I just never thought it would happen,” Harry said. “It feels like no one ever finds their true
mate in this world. And we weren’t even supposed to meet in the first place which makes it
even harder to believe.”
“We could have met once I’m back in London,” Louis noted. “Which may be sooner rather
than later at this point.”

“So…” Harry prompted. “You’ll help, yes?”

Louis pushed Harry down on the bed and crawled on top of him. “Of course I will.”

“You couldn’t have said that, like, a half hour ago?” Harry huffed. “My brain is tired of

Louis leaned down and dug his nose into the crook of Harry’s neck, scenting him deeply.

“I may need to have you wear a scarf or something, love,” Louis said into his shoulder. “I’m
serious about the possibility of not being able to control myself.”

Harry shrugged as best he could. “I won’t complain if you do, I promise.”

Louis sat up enough to be able to look him in the eyes. “You sure as hell will when you have
to leave your alpha to go back to your job halfway around the world. If you accept the bond,
your omega is not going to have a moment’s peace unless I’m with you.”

“Zoom?” Harry asked, hopefully.

Louis laughed, but quickly sobered. “Zoom works for you and Niall doing your virtual
golfing shit. You need physical touch from your alpha when you first bond or else you run the
risk of intense touch deprivation.”

Harry furrowed his brow as he wrapped his arms around the man on top of him. “You make it
sound like you’ve researched this. Bonded mates, that is.”

“I have,” Louis said as he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Harry’s lips. It felt like a
promise. “I’ve always hoped I would find my mate. Did I think it would really happen? No.
But I was still curious what it might be like.”


“Yeah?” Louis frowned as he seemed to notice the strained look that Harry knew was on his
face. “What is it, love?”

Harry slowly blinked, trying to stave off his drop into heat as long as possible. He really
wanted to be here and enjoy his first time with Louis.

“I think you being here is making my heat progress faster,” Harry stated. “Which fucking
sucks because I want to be with you. Like, really with you right now. But I don’t know.”

“Tell me what you need, Curly,” Louis said, running his fingers through Harry’s hair.

Harry winced, slightly embarrassed at the fact, but advised, “It’s been awhile since I’ve been
with anyone. I might be really tight. Obviously not too bad since I’m in heat and desperate
for a knot but I may need some prep.”
Harry reached between them and ran a knuckle along Louis’ hard cock. Louis hissed at the
contact and Harry gave him a wicked grin. He really wanted to drag this out but knew it
wouldn’t be possible.

“I’ll take care of you, love,” Louis assured, kissing him again. “Do you black out or
anything? Or are you aware of your surroundings? I just want to know what to expect.”

“I … don’t know,” Harry said. His cheeks flushed as he admitted. “I’m aware when it’s just
me because I have to give my body relief. But, um, I’m not sure about when I’m with an
alpha. Hopefully I’ll be aware though. I want to be here with you.”

Louis inclined his head and asked, “Have you not been with an alpha before?”

“Of course I have,” Harry responded a bit defensively. “I’m not a virgin.”

Louis’ lip quirked up slightly. “I meant when you’re in heat.”

“Oh,” Harry said, his brain was becoming fuzzy at an insanely fast rate. But he shook his
head and answered, “No, I haven’t.”

“I’m so honored,” Louis said, the crinkles by his eyes becoming more prominent with his
wide smile.


“Yes, baby?

“I’m really fucking hot.”

Louis grinned. “Yes, you are.”

“No, I mean…”

Louis cut him off with a kiss. “I know, love. Let’s get you out of those clothes, yeah? I’ve got
you, Curly. I promise.”


The first thing Harry noticed upon waking up was being held close to Louis, one arm draped
around Harry’s chest and legs intertwined. He shifted to turn over to face the alpha but was
held in place before he could move.

“A couple minutes, love,” Louis whispered near his ear. “I need my knot to deflate so I can
pull out.”

Harry only nodded, not yet fully awake. His mind drifted down to the feel of Louis inside
him and whined. With their bodies connected like this Harry had the strong sensation that he
had been missing part of himself until now.
Louis gave a lingering kiss over Harry’s mating spot and he felt a twinge of pain. That woke
him up.

“Did we bond?” Harry croaked. His throat was scratchy as if he had been screaming or

Louis smiled into his neck. “Almost twice. But, no. You do have quite a bruise on your neck.
Well, several of them. But I didn’t break the skin so you’re safe.”

Harry frowned. “Safe?”

Louis kissed his shoulder as he ran his hand up and down Harry’s chest. “Safe isn’t a good
word. I just mean that the mating bond has to wait. Like what we talked about earlier. Do you
remember that discussion?”

Harry nodded. Disappointment flooded through him. He remembered all the reasons why, but
finding one’s mate was so rare he didn’t want to wait. Maybe he should have quit his job so
he could remain in America until Louis was ready to move back to London.

“It won’t be long, love,” Louis assured. He likely sensed Harry’s disappointment. “Maybe
even by your next heat.”

Louis held Harry’s chest tight as the alpha started to pull out of him, his knot having deflated
enough to do so.

“Okay, turn over, Curly,” Louis said softly. “I want to see your beautiful face.”

“My hair isn’t that curly,” Harry reminded Louis as he shuffled around to turn over to face
the alpha.

“Would you prefer that I call you Wavey?” Louis asked as weaved his fingers through
Harry’s hair. “There’s no disputing you have some uncontrollable waviness going on.”

He smiled at his mate. “No, I think I like Curly better.”

Louis gave him a quick kiss on his lips and smiled. Harry searched his face and found that
the alpha looked absolutely exhausted.

“What day is it?” Harry asked, wrapping his arm around Louis’ small waist. Louis’ compact
frame had been one of the first things he had noticed but it was only now, seeing Louis naked
in front of him, that Harry realized how much smaller he really was. For an alpha, at least.
They certainly made an interesting pair.

Louis smirked as if sensing Harry’s thoughts. “How do you feel about having such a tiny
alpha? Should we pretend that our secondary genders are backwards when we meet new

“You’re not tiny,” Harry objected, pinching Louis’ waist. “I just never thought I’d find
someone who accepted me for me.”
“Someone like you?”

Harry gave a half shrug. “An alpha who isn’t so alpha-y that he can’t accept an omega who
many look like they would challenge their dominance.”

Louis giggled. “Alpha-y?”

Harry rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.”

“I get it,” Louis said softly, brushing his thumb along the side of Harry’s neck. There was
another twinge of pain and he knew Louis hadn’t been kidding about Harry having quite a
few bruises.

“And to answer your question,” Louis continued. “It’s Friday. Probably about five now. Give
or take.”

Harry furrowed his brow, trying to remember when his heat had started. Tuesday?
Wednesday? He had no idea. Time had been elusive ever since Louis had walked into the flat
after a weekend of golfing with Niall. Which was … Sunday.

“So three days? Or more like two and a half?” Harry finally asked after remembering it had
been Wednesday when his heat started. “That was fast.”

“How long is your heat usually?”

“Five days or so,” Harry replied. “Although it seems more like five years with me being out
of it but still having to take care of my body's needs.”

“Well, you were quite needy,” Louis teased. Although Harry could see the truth in his tired
eyes. “I can’t even imagine you having to go through that alone. And hopefully you won’t
have to ever again.”

Harry smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Just like before his heat had started, Harry could feel
the promise in it. The promise to be there for him. For each other.

“You’re tired, Lou,” Harry said as he pulled back. “You want to take a nap?”

“I want to make you food,” Louis said. Trying, and failing, to hold in a yawn. “But maybe we
could take a nap first, yeah.”

Harry nodded, pulling out of Louis’ arms enough to turn back on his other side so he could
be the little spoon. Louis wrapped his arms around him and kissed him on the shoulder before

“I want to make you food,” Louis repeated as he drifted into sleep.

Harry had probably slept plenty during his heat, but being wrapped in Louis scent like this,
he was quick to fall into a deep sleep as well.

“Why did I agree to this again?” Louis grumbled, wrapping his arm around Harry’s waist as
they waited for Niall to take his turn. “I was completely fine beating the two of you at EA
Sports … from the comfort of our couch.”

“Because you’re almost-mate asked you to come and you dutifully agreed,” Niall said as he
stepped up to the tee.

“Almost-mate?” Harry asked Niall before turning to Louis for some sort of translation of
what an ‘almost-mate’ was.

“Yeah, you know,” Niall said while seamlessly hitting the ball, “Like you’re mates but you’re
not, like mates -mates because you’re not bonded.”

“I have no idea how to respond to that,” Louis stated, hiking Harry’s golf bag onto his
shoulder as they proceeded down the course.

No golf cart was needed as Harry had chosen a course in Queens for Louis’ outdoor golfing
experience. The course was a lot smaller and simpler than where he and Niall had played
over the weekend so the distance was walkable.

“We’re mates whether we bond or not,” Louis continued. “Harry could return to England and
avoid me for the rest of his life and we would still be mates.”

Harry knew that would never happen but his stomach lurched at the mere thought of not
seeing Louis again. As if sensing Harry’s thoughts, Louis took his hand and gave it a tight
squeeze before letting go. Harry would have preferred to keep his hold on Louis, but he knew
carrying the heavy bag would make it difficult on the alpha.

“The life of a beta seems so much simpler,” Niall noted, eyeing Louis’ golf ball that was
sitting a much farther distance from the hole than both Harry and Niall’s.

“You’d probably spend a lot less money on underwear,” Harry deadpanned.

Louis tripped over a piece of grass and landed face down on the ground, Harry’s clubs
tumbling out of the bag.

“I can’t believe you just said that,” Louis wheezed amidst his laughter. He made no move to
stand up and remained splayed out on the course, turning his head enough to look up at Harry
with a smile that seemed to be filled with pride.

“Do I want to know?” Niall asked, having stopped to wait for Louis to get up.

“No,” Harry and Louis said in unison as Louis peeled himself off of the ground.

“Moving on then,” Niall announced.

“I think I twisted my ankle,” Louis said as he sorted out Harry’s golf clubs. “I’m thinking I
should sit the rest of the game out. I’ll jump back in once I can swing a club using my thumb
instead of my entire body.”
“Oh, my god,” Niall mumbled as he continued to walk towards where Louis’ ball lay on the
green. “Absolutely not.”

Despite his complaints Louis wasn’t that bad on the course and he continued to improve with
each hole. Harry ignored Niall’s knowing look every time Harry may, or may not, have done
a poor job of hitting the ball. But Louis had never seen Harry golf in person before so the
alpha probably didn’t realize that he was intentionally missing shots that he would usually
have no problem with.

They were finishing up hole seventeen when Louis sidled up to Harry’s side and said, “Don’t
think I don’t know you’re not playing your best, Curly. I haven’t missed the looks Niall has
been giving you. I don’t want any pity points. Or lack of points.”

Harry squawked and jumped away from the alpha, stammering, “What do you … I would
never … huh?”

Niall cackled from where he was settling at the tee. “You honestly think he wouldn’t notice?
Our Louis here is as sharp as a tack.”

“And I doubt you would travel halfway across the world to spend a weekend golfing with
Niall if you were this shit,” Louis pointed out, poking Harry in the arm.

Harry deflated. “Fine.” He conceded. “Our final hole I’ll do my best. Which might not be
great, just so you know.”

“Show me what you can really do, Styles,” Louis said with a wink. “I want to see my omega
in top form.”

“You could have said something a long time ago,” Harry grumbled. “I wouldn’t be so far
behind Niall.”

Louis shrugged. “It was sweet of you and I didn’t want to ruin it.”

“You two are disgusting,” Niall said, picking up his golf bag to move to the final hole. “Like,
truly disgusting.”

Louis elbowed Harry before picking up their own bag and side-whispered. “He’s just

“How could he not be?” Harry replied with a grin. “You’re the most amazing person in the
world. And you’re mine.”

Niall feigned gagging as he walked ahead of them causing Harry and Louis to crack up

As with the entire game, Harry was first up at the tee. He took his stance, which was
definitely better form than he had been playing the whole game. With a swing, the ball shot
across the field and onto the putting green. It was about a meter from being a hole in one.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Louis yelled, throwing his hands in the air. “ That’s how you
normally play?”

Niall snorted.

“To be fair,” Harry noted. “As I previously mentioned, this golf course is a lot smaller than
the other courses I play on.”

Louis raised an eyebrow. “So what you’re actually saying is that you brought me to the kiddy
golf course.”

“Of course not,” Harry argued.

“One hundred percent,” Niall stated. “Even I’ve been playing a little worse than usual.”

Louis folded his arms over his chest and announced, “I hate you both.”

Niall merely shrugged. “You would have given up on the second hole if we left you behind.”

“Would not have,” Louis grumbled.

Harry ducked down and kissed Louis’ cheek before whispering in his ear, “You’re cute.”

Louis grunted but didn’t say anything else as he took his turn at the tee. He didn’t make it
close to the greenway but at least it has been a straight shot.

“Nice, Lou,” Niall said, truthfully. “You really are getting better. We should make this a
weekly thing. I think you secretly enjoy it.”

“As long as I can swing the golf club with the touch of a finger I’m in.”

Harry chuckled and Niall shot him a look.

“I know I shouldn’t have to point out the obvious,” Niall said. “But that is not what I meant.”
The Irishman looked between Harry and Louis, eyes thoughtful, and added, “Plus, I think we
need to get in some flatmate bonding time as much as possible. Who knows how long it will

“Aww, Ni Ni,” Louis cooed, throwing his arms around Niall and giving him a tight hug.
“You’re the best, you know that? You’ll always be my favorite Irish flatmate.”

Niall pulled back and gave him a bland look. “I’m fairly certain I will be your only Irish

“Semantics,” Louis said, waving his hand in the air as if to brush away Niall’s comment.

Niall shooed him away as he got his ball ready for his final shot.

“I fucking hate you both,” Louis grumbled, as Niall’s ball landed inches away from where
Harry’s ball had landed.
Before Louis could pick up their bag of clubs Harry barrelled into him and wrapped both
arms around his shoulders. Louis almost lost his footing but Harry kept them both upright as
he dug his face into the crook of Louis’ neck and breathed in deeply before pulling back.

“For fuck’s sake,” Niall grumbled. “Get a room.”

Louis waggled his eyebrows. “You said that yesterday, remember?”

Harry flushed just thinking about everything they had done in Louis’ room the previous day.

“A hotel room,” Niall amended as he picked up his golf bag and headed down the course.


Harry flopped down face first on Louis’ bed and cursed the British Consulate. Of course he
would never curse his mum but he wasn’t particularly happy with her at the moment either.
He certainly had to give her credit for being thorough, but she had been a little too thorough
in the documents she had mailed.

Before he had headed to the Consulate, Harry had glanced through the envelope to make sure
all the required documents were there. Unfortunately, he had not noticed the letter his mum
had obtained from Harry’s boss with a demand to return to work. Immediately. Unlike last
week, he now qualified for an emergency travel document. Even worse (better?) is that the
worker who started the processing seemed to really believe in Harry’s boss’ demand. Harry
was assured that he would have the necessary documentation to get on a flight within the next
two days.

Two days.

Technically, Harry still had a week of sick time to use. And he knew that the demand to
return to work wasn’t an actual threat. His boss probably filled it out as a nice gesture, having
assumed Harry wanted to get home as soon as possible.

But … two days. Two days and he could go home. Would go home. And he would be
separated from Louis, his mate, for who knows how long.

He didn’t bother to stop the tears that started to fall on Louis’ pillow. How long would they
be apart? Would his alpha be back in London for Harry’s next heat? Logically, he knew Louis
was right when they discussed the emotional disaster that would ensue if they bonded and
then immediately had to separate. But, fuck, Harry wanted to be bonded with his mate.

“Are the Consulate people going to let you go home or do we get to keep you?”

Harry turned his head towards the door and found Niall leaning against the frame, arms
crossed with a bright smile on his face.

“Oh,” Niall said, his smiling quickly fading upon seeing Harry’s tear streaked face. “I … take
it that things didn’t go well? Did your mom forget to send something?”
Harry hastily wiped the tears away as he sat up. “It’s not that.” He cleared his throat in an
attempt to get rid of the lump that had formed. “My mum was great. I got everything I needed
and I should be able to fly home soon.”

Niall frowned as he crossed the room and took a seat next to him. “So what’s wrong? Why
the tears? You need to get back to work, don’t you?”

Harry looked down at his lap and mumbled, “Of course. But…”


Harry glanced at his friend and gave a single nod.

“His contract was only supposed to be for six months, you know,” Niall said. Harry went
back to looking at his hands. He refused to cry in front of his friend. “I’m sure he’ll do
whatever he can to go back to England as soon as possible.”

Harry sighed. “I know.”

“Even if that does mean abandoning me,” Niall grumbled. Harry let out a garbled laugh that
resulted in Niall punching him lightly in the arm. “You’re stealing him from me. You realize
that, H? You are stealing my flatmate!”

Harry couldn’t help smiling at Niall’s mock outrage. “I don’t think Louis would ever let
himself be stolen by anyone. Even though we’re mates we could still go about our lives as if
we had never met.”

“That’s true,” Niall agreed. “I also think your passport isn’t lost.”

Harry snapped his head to look at the Irishman. “Did you find it? After all of this, you found

Niall laughed and shook his head. “No.” Harry raised a questioning eyebrow. “No, I think it
ran away so you would be forced to stay here and, in turn, find your mate. Oh, and steal my

Harry giggled, slightly impressed at Niall’s ability to pull him out of his despair so easily.

“I guess I shouldn’t complain too much, huh?” Harry replied thoughtfully. “It’s better to be
separated for a short time than to have never met at all.”

“That’s the spirit!” Niall exclaimed, jabbing him in the thigh with his index finger. “Soon
you’ll be mates -mates. Then you can force Louis onto the golf course so he can be good
enough to keep up with us when you come to visit every other month.”

Harry smiled and shook his head fondly. “How convenient that you have everything mapped

Niall grinned. “Saves you the trouble.” He looked around the bedroom and asked, “Where is
that fucker anyway? He should be home by now.”
“I love that you’re looking around the room as if he's been here the whole time,” Harry said,
standing up and stretching his arms above his head. “He texted that he had to work late.”

Niall looked at him skeptically. “You’re leaving in a few days and he’s working late? He
never works late. Did he say what he’s working on? Or why?”

Harry shrugged. “I barely even know what he does, remember? I’m positive we’re meant to
be together for the rest of our lives but, think about it, we hardly know much about each
other.” He paused to consider that statement. “Wow, that’s crazy.”

“No argument here,” Niall said, the corner of his mouth ticking up. “You’re both officially on
the crazy train.”

Niall quickly sobered and asked, “I know you have Lou now, H. But you’ll still come and
visit again sometime right? Maybe not every other month, but still. I love our virtual
relationship and online golf tournaments but this weekend, turned week, has been soooo
much fun.” Niall paused before continuing, “Well, I could have done without the sounds you
and Louis were making during your heat, but besides that.”

Harry blushed just thinking about what his friend may have overheard during those few days.
(And the Saturday after his heat) He moved on before Niall could expand on the topic. “Of
course I’ll come and visit. And of course Louis will too. Our weekend golfing was the most
fun I’ve had in ages, Ni. I’ve gotta save up some money but I’ll definitely be back.”

“Excellent!” Niall clapped his hands together and stood up. “Now let's go order some
takeaway and get a tournament started while we wait for Louis to get back.


They were on their third game, empty boxes from their Chinese scattered across the coffee
table, by the time Louis entered the apartment. He looked absolutely knackered.

“Shit, Lou,” Niall said, glancing up from their game. “You look like shit. Did your precious
software program, like, implode or something? You’ve never gotten home this late from work

Louis plopped down on the couch next to Harry, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before
saying, “And I have to go back in early tomorrow.”

Harry paused their game and looked at his alpha. He really did look exhausted. Not the happy
exhausted that he had been after helping Harry with his heat. Some emotionless sort of

“Is everything okay?” Harry asked tentatively. Louis had told him that he worked with
software development, but details were still elusive so Harry had no idea what could have
possibly happened to result in the extra work Louis was putting in.

Louis leaned back into the couch cushions and nodded. “Yeah, everything’s good. Really
good.” Harry raised a questioning eyebrow at the man who looked like he was about to fall
asleep at any second. “I’ve just had to make some unexpected adjustments to our team, per
instructions from the higher ups. And obviously those instructions included getting things
done immediately.”

Niall frowned. “Is that normal? Or because the New York office is still fairly new? Seems a
bit shady, if you ask me.”

Louis shrugged. “It doesn’t happen often, no. But it is mostly because of the new office
needing immediate adjustments. It’s no big deal. It will be finished in a couple days.” He
reached over and ran his fingers through Harry’s hair. “I’m sorry, Curly. These types of
orders have never come to the New York office. It’s obviously the worst timing since we’re
supposed to spend as much time as possible together.”

“It’s okay,” Harry whispered, turning back to the television in an attempt to focus on
something else. His time to spend with Louis had been cut even shorter given Harry would
probably be flying out on Wednesday.

“Excuse me but no fucking way is it okay !” Niall yelled, tossing his game controller to the
side. Harry’s throat tightened as Niall said the words Harry had really wanted to say. “Did
you tell your boss that you found your mate? That he’s only here for, like, another day? If
they can’t wait one fucking day for you to do whatever the fuck you need to do you shouldn’t
be working there.”

“Niall,” Louis warned. “There’s only so much I can do as an employee.”

“Yeah, but you’re obviously a valued member of the company if they have you relocating to
another country to start up a new branch. They can wait one fucking day!”

Louis sighed and stood up. “It’s complicated and I need to take a quick shower.” He turned to
Harry and ran his thumb across his cheek as he softly said, “I know you’re probably not tired,
my omega. But maybe you could join me for a cuddle in bed?”

Despite the turmoil going through him at this new development, Harry internally purred at
Louis saying ‘my omega’. Harry nodded stiffly and took Louis’ outstretched hand, following
him to his bedroom.

“I just need to wash the city germs off of me,” Louis advised as he directed Harry to sit on
the bed. “I’ll be right back. Five minutes tops.”

Harry nodded dumbly, Louis’ words barely registering as his mind wandered to all of the
time he was going to lose spending with his alpha.


“Got your passport, H?” Niall said by way of greeting as he entered the flat. “Or your travel
document thingy.”

Harry looked up from where he was checking the front pocket of his bag for the tenth time to
ensure his ID and required documents were secure.
“All set,” Harry said cheerfully, trying his best to make his smile look sincere. “That and my
ridiculously expensive plane ticket.”

Niall smirked. “Maybe you shouldn’t have lost your passport and then you wouldn’t have had
to buy a last minute ticket. Just saying.”

Harry scowled at Niall but said nothing. He knew his friend was trying to distract Harry from
the lack of Louis’ presence but Harry was fairly certain this was one thing Niall wouldn’t be
able to help with.

Due to Louis’ work schedule, Harry had barely even seen his mate the past two days.
Tuesday had been the same as Monday where Louis had gotten home around nine in the
evening already exhausted. They had spent some time cuddling and scenting each other
before falling asleep but that was it. Even worse was that Louis was gone before Harry had
even woken up this morning. He hadn’t even said goodbye.

Harry blinked quickly in an attempt to keep any more tears at bay. Louis had apologized
profusely about not being there for him, but Harry couldn’t help but think that maybe Louis
was avoiding him. Was it possible the alpha was okay with them not being together? That
Harry should just go back to England and forget about having found his mate?

“I know what you’re thinking, H,” Niall said softly as he took a seat next to him on the
couch. “I guarantee once Louis gets whatever he’s working on complete, he will be back in
England as soon as possible. There’s no fucking way he’ll stay here to finish out the year that
he agreed to.”

“I know,” Harry lied. Because he most certainly did not know. Maybe he believed that up
until Sunday. But not anymore. Had Louis even tried to work with his employer so he could
wait a day or two before beginning the project he was working on?

“Thanks for coming home from work early, Ni,” Harry said, bumping his friend in the
shoulder. “It means a lot that you came to say goodbye in person.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to accompany you to the airport?” Niall asked, frowning
slightly. “I’m totally up for hanging out until your flight is about to leave.”

“Don’t be silly,” Harry said, shaking his head. “It’s almost an hour and a half trip. I’ll be just

“Okay,” Niall responded. Harry could tell he was disappointed but appreciated his friend not
pushing the matter.

“I should probably get going though,” Harry noted, looking at the time on his phone. Getting
from Manhattan to JFK airport wasn’t particularly difficult, but it was time consuming via
public transportation. And he didn’t want to risk missing his flight. Again.

“I’ll walk you out,” Niall said, patting Harry’s thigh as he got up. “Maybe I’ll be a gentleman
and carry your suitcase down those three flights of stairs and everything.”
“Aww,” Harry cooed, checking the front pocket of his bag one final time. “You’re such an
amazing friend.”

“Truth,” Niall said with a nod. “Which is why I will continue to beat you in our upcoming

”In your dreams,” Harry said with a grin. Harry gave one last glance in the direction of
Louis’ empty bedroom before turning and heading out the door.


“Forget something, Curly?”

Harry whipped around in the direction of a familiar voice and found Louis sitting on the
stoop of the neighboring building.

“No?” Harry squeaked, completely confused. Why was Louis here? He was supposed to be at

Louis got up and made his way to where Harry and Niall stood. Harry glanced at Niall who
had a knowing look on his face. “What is happening?” Harry asked, glancing between the
pair before settling on Louis and asking, “What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean?” Louis asked as if his appearance was completely expected. “Last time
you tried to go to the airport you lost something important. I’m here to make sure that doesn’t
happen again.”

“I’m … what … what do you mean?” Harry stammered.

Louis huffed and placed his hands on his hips, giving Harry a stern look. “Did you really
think I would let my mate go back to England without me? Really, Harry? I’m offended.”

Harry looked between Louis and Niall again. Was this really happening? Maybe he was
hallucinating the whole exchange.

“But your job…” Harry started.

“Can wait,” Louis finished. He grabbed a suitcase that Harry hadn’t noticed sitting next to the
stairs. “I’ve worked enough in the past two and a half days to last a few weeks. Now let’s go
or we’ll miss our flight. And I refuse to be one of those people.”

Niall snorted. Harry scowled. Louis just shrugged and took Harry’s suitcase out of Niall’s

“Let’s go home, love,” Louis said quietly, standing on his tip-toes and giving Harry a sweet
kiss. “It’s time that we get to know each other, just the two of us, don’t you think?”

Harry nodded, grinning wide at his alpha. His mate. “I couldn’t agree more.”
End Notes

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