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Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Version 1

Wealth Aspire Plan UID : M433200014L420

Feb 13, 2024 16:40:42

Your Sales Illustration
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited

This shall form a part of the policy contract

Proposer Ms. LISIA MAITY Age : 25 years Gender : Female
Life Insured Ms. LISIA MAITY Age : 25 years Gender : Female

Premium Allocation Percentage

Policy Details UIN 109L100V05 Investment Option
Self-Managed Liquid Plus : 0% Magnifier : 0%
Sum Assured 500000
Income Advantage : 0% Maximiser : 50%
Plan Option Classic
Assure : 0% Super 20 : 0%
Policy Term(in years) 10
Enhancer : 0% Capped Nifty Index : 0%
Premium Paying Term 10 years
Asset Allocation : 0% Creator : 0%
Premium Frequency Annual
Multiplier : 0% Value & Momentum : 0%
Amount of Installment Premium 50000
Pure Equity : 50% Protector : 0%
GST Rate 18%
Builder : 0% MNC : 0%

Rider Name Sum Assured Annual Premium Installment Premium without Installment Premium with GST Rider PPT Rider Term
Accidental Death Benefit Rider Plus - - - - - -
Waiver Of Premium - - - - - -

Premium Summary (in Rs.) Base Plan Riders Total Installment Premium
Installment Premium without GST 50,000 0 50,000
Installment Premium with First Year GST 50,000 0 50,000
Installment Premium with GST 2nd Year onwards 50,000 0 50,000

How to read and understand this benefit illustration?

Prepared for: Ms. LISIA MAITY Wealth Aspire Plan Page 1

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Version 1

Wealth Aspire Plan UID : M433200014L420

Feb 13, 2024 16:40:42

Your Sales Illustration
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited

This benefit illustration is intended to show what charges are deducted from your premiums and how the unit fund, net of charges and taxes, may grow over the years of the policy term if the fund
earns a gross return of 8% p.a and 4% p.a. These rates, i.e. 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. are assumed only for the purpose of illustrating the flow of benefits if the returns are at this level. It should not be
interpreted that the returns under the plan are going to be either 8% p.a or 4% p.a. Net yield mentioned corresponds to the Gross Investment Return of 8% p.a., net of all charges but does not consider
mortality, morbidity charges, underwriting extra, if any, guarantee charges and cost of riders, if deducted by cancellation of units. It demonstrates the impact of charges exclusive of taxes on the Net
Yield. Please note that the mortality charges per thousand Sum Assured in general, increases with age.

The actual returns can vary depending on the performance of the chosen fund, charges towards mortality, morbidity, underwriting extra, cost of riders, etc. The investment risk in this policy is borne
by the policyholder, hence, for more details on terms and conditions please read sales literature carefully.

Part A of this statement presents a summary view of year-by-year charges deducted under the policy fund value, surrender value and the death benefit, at two assumed rates of return. Part B of this
statement presents a detailed break-up of the charges, and other values.

Part A

(Amounts in Rupees)
Policy Values at 4% Gross Investment Return Policy Values at 8% Gross Investment Return
Mortality / Mortality / Commission
Policy Annualized Other Fund at Surrender Death Other Fund at Surrender Death
Morbidity GST Morbidity GST payable to
Year Premium Charges* End of Year Value Benefit Charges* End of Year Value Benefit
Charges Charges intermediary
1 50,000 475 4,679 797 45,868 42,328 500,000 475 4,692 796 47,680 44,140 500,000 3,750
2 50,000 432 4,436 609 94,100 91,740 500,000 429 4,493 608 99,727 97,367 500,000 2,000
3 50,000 385 5,213 600 143,549 141,779 500,000 376 5,346 599 155,173 153,403 500,000 2,000
4 50,000 335 6,010 591 194,248 193,068 500,000 318 6,255 588 214,242 213,062 500,000 2,000
5 50,000 282 6,826 582 246,232 246,232 500,000 254 7,223 577 277,173 277,173 500,000 2,000
6 50,000 227 7,812 599 299,353 299,353 500,000 185 8,403 591 344,037 344,037 500,000 2,000

7 50,000 169 8,697 594 353,785 353,785 500,000 111 9,529 583 415,240 415,240 500,000 2,000
8 50,000 109 9,605 589 409,562 409,562 500,000 28 10,728 574 491,067 491,067 500,000 2,000
9 50,000 46 10,536 583 466,718 466,718 500,000 0 12,003 575 571,746 571,746 571,746 2,000
10 50,000 7 11,491 583 530,253 530,253 530,253 0 13,359 581 662,552 662,552 662,552 2,000

Prepared for: Ms. LISIA MAITY Wealth Aspire Plan Page 2

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Version 1

Wealth Aspire Plan UID : M433200014L420

Feb 13, 2024 16:40:42

Your Sales Illustration
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited


I, ............, have explained the premiums, charges and benefits under the policy fully to the I, ............, having received the information with respect to the above, have understood the
prospect/policyholder. above statement before entering into the contract.
Place :
Date : 13/2/2024 Date : 13/2/2024

___________________________________ ______________________________
Signature of Agent/Intermediary/ Official Signature of Prospect/Policyholder

Prepared for: Ms. LISIA MAITY Wealth Aspire Plan Page 3

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Version 1

Wealth Aspire Plan UID : M433200014L420

Feb 13, 2024 16:40:42

Your Sales Illustration
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited

This shall form a part of the policy contract

Proposer Ms. LISIA MAITY Age : 25 years Gender : Female
Life Insured Ms. LISIA MAITY Age : 25 years Gender : Female

Premium Allocation Percentage

Policy Details UIN 109L100V05 Investment Option
Self-Managed Liquid Plus : 0% Magnifier : 0%
Sum Assured 500000
Income Advantage : 0% Maximiser : 50%
Plan Option Classic
Assure : 0% Super 20 : 0%
Policy Term(in years) 10
Enhancer : 0% Capped Nifty Index : 0%
Premium Paying Term 10 years
Asset Allocation : 0% Creator : 0%
Premium Frequency Annual
Multiplier : 0% Value & Momentum : 0%
Amount of Installment Premium 50000
Pure Equity : 50% Protector : 0%
GST Rate 18%
Builder : 0% MNC : 0%

Rider Name Sum Assured Annual Premium Installment Premium without Installment Premium with GST Rider PPT Rider Term
Accidental Death Benefit Rider Plus - - - - - -
Waiver Of Premium - - - - - -

Premium Summary (in Rs.) Base Plan Riders Total Installment Premium
Installment Premium without GST 50,000 0 50,000
Installment Premium with First Year GST 50,000 0 50,000
Installment Premium with GST 2nd Year onwards 50,000 0 50,000

Part B

Gross Return : 8% Net Yield : 5.63%

Annualized Fund
Premium Premium - Policy Additions Fund
Policy Annualized Mortality Guarantee Other Fund Before at Surrender Death
Allocation Premium GST Admin to Management
Year Premium Charge Charges Charges* FMC End of the Benefit Benefit
Charge Allocation Charge the fund Charge Year
1 50,000 3,500 46,500 475 796 450 0 0 0 48,422 742 47,680 44,140 500,000
2 50,000 2,500 47,500 429 608 450 0 0 0 101,270 1,543 99,727 97,367 500,000

Prepared for: Ms. LISIA MAITY Wealth Aspire Plan Page 4

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Version 1

Wealth Aspire Plan UID : M433200014L420

Feb 13, 2024 16:40:42

Your Sales Illustration
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited

3 50,000 2,500 47,500 376 599 450 0 0 0 157,569 2,396 155,173 153,403 500,000
4 50,000 2,500 47,500 318 588 450 0 0 0 217,547 3,305 214,242 213,062 500,000
5 50,000 2,500 47,500 254 577 450 0 0 0 281,446 4,273 277,173 277,173 500,000
6 50,000 2,500 47,500 185 591 600 0 0 0 349,340 5,303 344,037 344,037 500,000

7 50,000 2,500 47,500 111 583 630 0 0 0 421,639 6,399 415,240 415,240 500,000
8 50,000 2,500 47,500 28 574 662 0 0 0 498,633 7,566 491,067 491,067 500,000
9 50,000 2,500 47,500 0 575 695 0 0 0 580,554 8,808 571,746 571,746 571,746
10 50,000 2,500 47,500 0 581 729 0 0 5,000 672,682 10,130 662,552 662,552 662,552

Prepared for: Ms. LISIA MAITY Wealth Aspire Plan Page 5

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Version 1

Wealth Aspire Plan UID : M433200014L420

Feb 13, 2024 16:40:42

Your Sales Illustration
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited

Gross Return : 4% Net Yield : 1.64%

Premium Premium - Policy Additions Fund Fund
Policy Annualized Mortality Guarantee Other Fund Before Surrender Death
Allocation Premium GST Admin to Management at
Year Premium Charge Charges Charges* FMC Benefit Benefit
Charge Allocation Charge the fund Charge End
1 50,000 3,500 46,500 475 797 450 0 0 0 46,597 729 45,868 42,328 500,000
2 50,000 2,500 47,500 432 609 450 0 0 0 95,586 1,486 94,100 91,740 500,000
3 50,000 2,500 47,500 385 600 450 0 0 0 145,812 2,263 143,549 141,779 500,000
4 50,000 2,500 47,500 335 591 450 0 0 0 197,308 3,060 194,248 193,068 500,000
5 50,000 2,500 47,500 282 582 450 0 0 0 250,108 3,876 246,232 246,232 500,000
6 50,000 2,500 47,500 227 599 600 0 0 0 304,065 4,712 299,353 299,353 500,000

7 50,000 2,500 47,500 169 594 630 0 0 0 359,352 5,567 353,785 353,785 500,000
8 50,000 2,500 47,500 109 589 662 0 0 0 416,005 6,443 409,562 409,562 500,000
9 50,000 2,500 47,500 46 583 695 0 0 0 474,059 7,341 466,718 466,718 500,000
10 50,000 2,500 47,500 7 583 729 0 0 5,000 538,515 8,261 530,253 530,253 530,253

*Details of charges (if any)

Notes :
1. Refer the sales literature for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
2. Fund Management charge is based on specific fund options
3. In case rider charges are collected explicitly through collection of rider premium, and not by way of cancellation of units, then , such charges are not considered in this illustration. In other cases,rider charges are included in other charges.

*FMC is inclusive of GST

As per IRDAI requirements, the Illustrated Net Yield is prior to mortality charges, explicit charges for any investment guarantees and any GST levied on the policy.


I, ............, have explained the premiums, charges and benefits under the policy fully to the I, ............, having received the information with respect to the above, have understood the
prospect/policyholder. above statement before entering into the contract.
Place :
Date : 13/2/2024 Date : 13/2/2024

___________________________________ ______________________________
Prepared for: Ms. LISIA MAITY Wealth Aspire Plan Page 6
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Version 1

Wealth Aspire Plan UID : M433200014L420

Feb 13, 2024 16:40:42

Your Sales Illustration
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited

Signature of Agent/Intermediary/ Official Signature of Prospect/Policyholder

Prepared for: Ms. LISIA MAITY Wealth Aspire Plan Page 7

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Version 1

Wealth Aspire Plan UID : M433200014L420

Feb 13, 2024 16:40:42

Your Sales Illustration
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited

In "Your Sales Illustration" Policy Values are as of year end and assume:
- Premiums are paid when due.
- No withdrawal is made.
- No underwriting extra.
- Current rates of taxes, levies and policy charges remain unchanged.
- GST and levies have been considered as per the current tax laws and prevailing practices of the Company.

Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with All Unit Linked Life insurance plans are different from Traditional
returns based on future performance of the Investment Funds insurance plans and are subject to different risk factors. The name
managed by ABSLI. For the purpose of this illustration, we have of the investment funds and that of this plan do not in any way
used 8% and 4% as the higher and lower rates of investment returns indicate the quality of the plan or future returns. Investment funds
respectively, in the calculations. Hence the table of policy values are subject to investment risks associated with the capital markets
shows benefits at two different rates of assumed future investment and unit prices may go up or down reflecting the market value of
returns. These assumed rates of return are in accordance with the the underlying assets. Past performance is no guarantee of future
guidelines issued by the Life Insurance Council and are not results.
guaranteed. They are not the upper or lower limits of what you
might get back, as the value of your policy is dependent on a
number of factors including future investment performance.

Fund Name Segregated Fund Identification No Fund Name Segregated Fund Identification No
Liquid Plus ULIF02807/10/11BSLLIQPLUS109 Income Advantage ULIF01507/08/08BSLIINCADV109
Assure ULIF01008/07/05BSLIASSURE109 Enhancer ULIF00213/03/01BSLENHANCE109
Creator ULIF00704/02/04BSLCREATOR109 Asset Allocation ULIF03430/10/14BSLIASTALC109
Magnifier ULIF00826/06/04BSLIIMAGNI109 Maximiser ULIF01101/06/07BSLIINMAXI109
Multiplier ULIF01217/10/07BSLIINMULTI109 Super 20 ULIF01723/06/09BSLSUPER20109
Pure Equity ULIF02707/10/11BSLIPUREEQ109 Value & Momentum ULIF02907/10/11BSLIVALUEM109
Capped Nifty Index ULIF03530/10/14BSLICNFIDX109 Protector ULIF00313/03/01BSLPROTECT109
Builder ULIF00113/03/01BSLBUILDER109 MNC ULIF03722/06/18ABSLIMUMNC109

I, ............, have explained the premiums, charges and benefits I, ............, having received the information with respect to the
under the policy fully to the prospect/policyholder. above, have understood the above statement before entering into
the contract.
Place :
Date : 13/2/2024 Date : 13/2/2024

___________________________________ ______________________________
Signature of Agent/Intermediary/ Official Signature of Prospect/Policyholder

Prepared for: Ms. LISIA MAITY Wealth Aspire Plan Page 8

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Version 1

Wealth Aspire Plan UID : M433200014L420

Feb 13, 2024 16:40:42

Your Sales Illustration
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited


Basic Sum Assured Rs. 500,000
Policy Term 10 years
Premium Paying Term 10 years

Your Policy Premium

Basic Premium Rs. 50000
Annual Policy Premium Rs. 50000
Premium Paying Mode Annual
Instalment Premium Rs. 50,000

The total Sum Assured multiple for this policy is 10 times the total Annual Premium (excluding rider premium, if

Prepared for: Ms. LISIA MAITY Wealth Aspire Plan Page 9

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