Unit 2 - Patient Assessment Study Guide

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Lead Up
○ Body substance isolation
○ What do I need/need to change to be safe?
○ Order of importance:
1. Self
2. Crew
3. Bystander
4. People involved
5. Patient
○ What is the cause?
■ Mechanism of Injury - how the patient got hurt
■ Nature of Illness - suspected injury
● Additional Resources Needed
○ Ambulance? Navarro? The police?
● Life Threats
○ Respiratory failure (breathing), massive hemorrhage (big cut = major blood loss),
airway obstruction, brain injury (see VITALS + EMS)
● Introduction
○ Hi, my name is Emily Kim
● Training
○ I am a level one student trainer
○ Do I have your permission to….?
○ Or implied consent
○ Follow my finger. Where are we? Where do you live?
○ Ox4 (oriented x4)
■ Expressed consent
■ Person - Who are you?
■ Place - Where are you?
■ Time
● Short term - What is the score?
● Medium term - What class did you have on Monday?
● Long term - Where did you do over the summer?
■ Event - What’s happening right now?
● Decision Making Capacity
○ Patient does not have DMC due to age
RTE - Rapid Trauma Exam: How You Figure Out the Things That Will Kill Your Patient in
the Next 5 Minutes
1. Level of responsiveness
a. AA - alert and aware: will open eyes and track surroundings
b. A - alert: open eyes
c. V - verbal: opens eyes to verbal stimulus
d. P - pain: opens eyes to pain
e. U - unresponsive
2. Head
a. Skull, face/jaw (open + close)
3. Neck + Spine
b. JVD
c. TD
4. Chest + Breathing
a. Top of chest + sides
b. 30/40% of body weight
5. Shoulders + Arms
a. Break em
6. Abdomen
a. Under ribs (liver on left, spleen on right), SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO FEEL
b. Lumps in belly
7. Pelvic bone
8. Legs
a. Kick kick
b. Also check CMS

Other Acronyms
SOAP: Subjective Information
○ Signs and Symptoms
○ Allergies
○ Medications
○ Pertinent Past History
○ Last ins + outs
○ Events surrounding: what was happening when you got injured?
○ Onset: what happened?
○ Provocation/Palliation: what makes it worse/better?
○ Quality: what is the pain like? DO NOT GIVE THEM OPTIONS
○ Radiation: where does the pain go?
○ Severity: on a scale of 1 - 10 + what’s your 10?
○ Time
○ *Note - when taking Hx, remember to include PERTINENT NEGATIVES
■ What they said no to

Bodily Acronyms
● DCAP - Deformities + Depressions, Crepitus/Contusions,
Abrasion/Avulsion/Amputations, Penetrations + Punctures
○ Crepitus - a grating sound or sensation produced by friction between bone and
cartilage or the fractured parts of a bone
○ Contusions - bruising
○ Abrasion - scrapes
○ Avulsion - tearing off
● BTLS - Burns, Tenderness, Lacrimations/Lacerations, Swelling/Stroke signs/Sucking
○ Lacrimations - abnormal crying
○ Lacerations - deep cuts or tears
○ Sucking wounds - when they breathe, stuff gets sucked into the wound
● TD - Tracheal Deviation
○ If the trachea is moved to one side
● GTMPS (abdomen) - Guarding, Tenderness, Masses, Pulsating masses,
○ Guarding: tensing of the abdominal muscles to guard inflamed organs
○ Edema: swelling caused by fluid
● ROM - Range of Motion
● CMS - Circular Motion Sensation
○ Check both sides at the same time to check for evenness
● JVB - Jugular Venous Distention
○ If the neck vein is distended
● LS - Lung Sounds
● LNMP - last normal menstrual period
● NKDA - no known drug allergies


● Blood pressure
○ Normal: 120/80
○ Hypertensive crisis (SUPER HIGH BP): systolic >180 and/or diastolic >120
○ Hypotensive crisis (SUPER LOW): <90/<60
● Respiratory rate
○ 12-16 breaths per minute in teens
○ Too high resting rr: >24
○ Too low: <8
■ If patient goes into respiratory arrest (no breathing)
● activate EMS
● use BVM (bag valve mask)
● Check pulse for 10 secs max, if none, CPR
● Heart rate
○ Normal: 60-100
● Pulse ox
○ Normal: >95%
● Pupils
● Transport decision
○ Alert emergency medical services if:
■ Expert staff says so
■ CPR in progress
○ When? send patient to Level III or higher trauma center

Standardized charting format
● Subjective info: everything you were told
○ Symptoms, allergies, history (Hx), prescriptions (Rx)
○ Background info: how you got there, what you were told (Per PT)
● Objective info: everything you observed DURING the encounter
○ Head to toe assessment, focused assessment, vitals, surroundings
● Assessment: your differential diagnosis/what you assess to be wrong
○ For us, will be a range of possibilities, not just one definite thing
● Plan: everything you did to your patient during the patient contact
○ Vitals @15L/min

● The chart is NEVER wrong
○ Except when it is; patients can petition for changes
○ Changes will only be made if proven
Responder Health
● Physical, mental, nutritional, and relational help


● *can be eclectic (lives on surface)

○ Airborne (aerosolized)
○ Droplet
○ Contact
○ Blood borne
○ Genetic
● Biohazard classifications: applies to humans, veterinary/insects, and agriculture?
○ Biosafety Level 1 organism- low transmissibility, high treatment, high curability
(athletes foot)
○ BS 2 - high transmission, high treatment, high cure (flu)
○ BS 3 - low transmission, can be high treatment, low curability
○ BS 4 - high to moderate transmission, low curability
■ OR low transmission, no effective treatment
■ Only two facilities in the USA: USAMRIID (in Maryland), CDC labs in
○ BS 4 ExC - Extraterrestrial contamination
■ Only one facility in the USA: NASA
PPE - Personal protective equipment
● Gloves, gown, eye protection, mask
○ surgical/cloth - prevents from you spreading it
○ N-95 - the teal blue ones that Dad wears that makes lines on his face, straps go
behind head and under chin, good fitting one = cannot smell
■ KN-95 don’t need to be fit tested because not meant to be as protective
○ filtered respirator
■ thicker
○ PAPR - powered air purifying respirator
■ hood all around the head with filtered air connected to hose, nothing gets
● Advanced PPE: HAZMAT (think of sock scene in Monster’s Inc) (identify, isolate,
decontaminate, destroy)
○ Level D - basic construction yard stuff
○ Level C - filtered respirator for bacteria but not chemicals, chemical resistant
booties, and gloves duct taped to suit;
○ Level B - everything from level C + puncture chem resistance booties, SCBA (self
contained breathing apparatus, the breathing tanks)
○ Level A - Hollywood yellow suit on the outside that’s rip/puncture/chemical
resistant with level B in the inside?, hard hat, SCBA on the inside of the yellow, 3
layers of gloves, chemical resistant shoes w/ chemical resistant grip


● Gastrointestinal (GI) tract
○ Oral cavity - the mouth; tongue, teeth, etc
○ Esophagus - located in throat; transports food from mouth through throat down to
the stomach
○ Stomach - hollow organ; holds food while it’s being broken down by stomach
enzymes; released into the small intestine
○ Small intestine - 22 foot long muscular tube; breaks down food and absorbs the
nutrients; released into large intestine
○ Colon/large intestine - connects small intestine to the rectum; removes water
from waste and stores solid waste
○ Rectum - connects colon to anus; receives stool from colon and holds until
○ Anus
● Biliary system
○ Pancreas - secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine
○ Liver - secretes bile that helps to digest food in the small intestine and processes
nutrients absorbed from the small intestine
● Gallbladder - stores and concentrates bile from liver then releases
it into the small intestine


● Skull - located in the head
● Vertebral column - the spine; head to tailbone
● Collarbone
● Shoulder blades
● Rib cage
● Pelvic girdle
● Hands, arms, feet, legs

UNIT 3: MUSCLE SYSTEM (2 of each muscle on each side)

● Head
○ Occipitofrontalis, orbicularis oculi, nasalis levator labii, levator labii superioris
alaeque nasi, orbicularis oris, temporalis, zygomaticus minor/major, platysma,
mentalis, sternocleidomastoid, trapezius
● Arms
○ Deltoid, biceps, pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, brachioradialis
● Torso
○ Pectoralis major/minor, serratus anterior, rectus abdominis, abdominal external
● Hand
○ Abductor pollicis brevis, lumbrical muscles, flexor carpi ulnaris, transverse carpal
ligament flexor retinaculum
● Foot
○ musculus adductor hallucis, adductor hallucis oblique head, musculus flexor
accessorius, musculus abductor hallucis, musculus flexor digitorum brevis
● Legs
○ Tensor fascia, iliopsoas, pectineus, adductor longus, gracilis, sartorius, rectus
femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, fibularis, longus, tibialis anterior, soleus
and gastronemius,


● Nose - allows air into body and blocks out impurities
● Lungs - collects air, filters, and distributes
● Trachea - windpipe; throat to center of lungs; allows air from face to lungs
● Pharynx - back of throat; routes air coming in to the larynx
● Larynx - near adams apple (voice box); routes air to the trachea and lungs
● Accessory organs:
○ Oral cavity - mouth
○ Ribs - around lungs
○ Diaphragm - underneath lungs; helps to inhale and exhale


● Protects from infection and keeps a healthy balance of fluids throughout the body
● Organs
○ Bone marrow - makes white blood cells and red blood cells and platelets
○ Thymus - most active before puberty; makes t-cells, a type of white blood cell
○ Lymph nodes - about 600 throughout the body; monitors and cleans lymph (fluid
made up of white blood cells), clears out damaged and cancer cells, store
lymphocytes (infection fighting white blood cells)
○ Spleen - left side under ribs and above stomach; filters blood and removes old
and dysfunctional cells, keeps red blood cells and platelets on hand
○ Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue/MALT - mucus membrane that lines different
parts of the body; finds and destroys germs
○ Lymph - aka lymphatic fluid; extra fluid that drains from cells and tissues in the
body that isn’t reabsorbed into the capillaries; contain lots of different things, like
proteins, minerals, fats, damaged cells, cancer cells and germs; also transport
white blood cells
○ Lymphatic vessels - tubes that form network throughout the body
○ Collecting ducts - empty lymph into veins
○ Tonsils - trap pathogens from food and air;


● Male
○ Pubic bone - protects internal organs
○ Bladder
○ Semenal vesicle - produces fluids that make up semen
○ Ejaculatory duct - delivers sperm to urethra
○ Prostate - produces fluids that nourish and transport sperm
○ Epidemius - transports sperm from testes to sperm vesicle
○ Penis
○ Urethra - carries urine and semen out of body
○ Scrotum - protects testicles
○ Testicle - makes sperm and testosterone
● Female
○ Fallopian tube - channel between ovaries and uterus - holds the egg, site of
fertilization, moves fertilized egg to the uterus
○ Ovaries - produce eggs and make hormones
○ Fundus - connects body to fallopian tubes
○ uterus - where fertilized eggs are implanted
○ Cervix - connects uterus to vagina and allows fluids to come and go, also
○ Endometrium - tissue lining womb; sheds during menstruation and thickens
during pregnancy
○ Vagina - passage for blood and mucosa tissue (lines the uterus) to exit during
○ Vaginal canal - childbirth and sexual intercourse


● Hormones - tell your body what to do and when to do it
● Endocrine system - monitors amount of hormones in blood
● Glands - produce and release hormones
○ Hypothalamus - located in the brain; controls the endocrine system; uses info
from the nervous system to determine when to tell other glands to produce
○ Pituitary - base of brain; makes hormones that controls other glands
○ Thyroid gland - front of neck; controls metabolism
○ Parathyroid - control calcium
○ Adrenal - one on each kidney; control metabolism, blood pressure, sexual
development, response to stress
○ Pineal - releases melatonin; controls sleep
○ Pancreas - makes insulin; controls blood sugar
○ Ovaries - 2 in the lower abdomen; release estrogen
○ Testes - release testosterone; affects sperm production, muscle strength, sex

UNIT 8: NERVOUS/neurological? SYSTEM

● Brain - medulla, pons, midbrain, diencephalon, cerebellum, cerebral hemispheres;
regulates every bodily function
● Spinal cord - brain down the back; coordinates reflexes and transmits motor commands
from the brain to the body and sensory info from the body to the brain
● Nerves - begin at spinal cord and extend throughout the body; made up of neurons that
help you feel sensations and move muscles


● (2)Kidneys - blood enters through renal artery, filters, transports waste to ureter; useful
blood transported back up through the renal vein and throughout the body
○ Nephrax - filtering unit
○ Renal tube - drains unit and joins other tubes that takes urine to ureter
○ Renal pelvis - center of kidney; collects, funnels, and prevents backflow of urine
○ Transitional epithelium - prevents urine from leaking back into kidney as it’s
● (2)ureter - connects kidney to bladder
● Bladder - connects to urethra; stores waste until full
● Urethra - waste expelled through this, pee exits the body
● Internal asphyctic - stopper for bladder

● Function:
○ Barrier from infections
○ Shields body from temperature, harmful substances
○ Gathers sensory info
○ Regulates body temperature
● Consists of the skin, hair, nails, sweat glands

● Heart, arteries, veins, capillaries
● Aorta - carries oxygenated blood from heart to circulatory system

Organs part of multiple systems:

● Bladder? - reproductive? And urinary
● Urethra - reproductive and urinary
● Ovaries - reproductive and endocrine system
● Testes - reproductive and endocrine system
● Pancreas - endocrine and digestive system

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