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Directions: Make a plan for undertaking learning recovery in your school by completing the table below. Check your plan for alignment across columns and review other indicators given for the
rubric of this plan.


TOPIC : Literature as Means of Expressing & Resolving Personal Conflicts TEACHER(S) :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Missed Current Existing Stand Mastery Mastery Rubric Intervention Plan For Timeline
Expectatio Expectations & Skill or Curricular for
Standard Standard Curricular Alone or Focus
Materials Teaching
and LCs and LCs Materials Layered ns & Skill Breakdown Remediation
In Breakdown *Standards/ Strategies
*Standards/ LCs that are and Action
LCs that are merged
stand alone (as stated in
(as stated in column 4)
column 1)
CONTENT CONTENT Knowing an The identified N/A
STANDARD: STANDARD: author’s missed standard UNPACKED POWER Tier 1 Universal Existing The partially
English 7 - Q3 English 10 - intention for will be layered in LEARNING COMPETENCY: Instruction materials will covered LC
Q1 writing a with the current Q1 Evaluate the author’s involving the show the use of will be covered
literary piece standard: intentions for writing literature use of the CER the CER in week 10 of
The learner
will help an as a means of expressing and scaffold from scaffold. Q1 in four
demonstrates The learner individual MERGED LC: resolving one’s internal most to least class
understanding demonstrates make more
of: Philippine Evaluate an conflicts using meetings.
understanding informed
literature in the of how world author’s multimedia Differentiation
choices in intention for A-M-T CLASSIFICATION: resources will be done by Meeting 1:
Period of literature and using literature
Emergence as a other text types as a means of writing MAKE-MEANING showing content Modeling of
tool to assert literature as a different (students will how identifying
serve as ways expressing
one’s identity; of expressing and resolving means of information on use several the author’s
expressing and MASTERY EXPECTATIONS the given sources and intentions in
strategies in and resolving one’s internal The student is expected to be
listening to and personal conflicts. resolving one’s contexts. forms) and by writing
internal able to: environment literature aid
viewing of conflicts, also 1. State a claim about how
informative and how to use conflicts. See procedures (group, pair and one in
the author’s intention in below. individual work) expressing
short narrative strategies in writing literature aid one
texts; word linking textual and resolving


relationships information, in expressing and Students will be personal
and repairing, resolving internal checked on their conflicts
associations; enhancing conflicts. mastery by
informative communication 2. Cite evidence from the looking at rubric Meeting 2:
speech forms; public speaking, literary text that show scores on Guided
and use of emphasis that an author’s exercises Practice1
direct/reported markers in intention for writing involving group, using text to
speech, persuasive literature is a means of pairs and identify the
passive/ active texts, different expressing and individual work. author’s
voice, simple forms of resolving one’s internal intentions in
past and past modals, conflicts. Technology may writing
perfect tenses, reflexive and 3. Explain how the be used in the literature and
and sentence intensive author’s intention for scaffold such how it aids one
connectors. pronouns. writing literature as as: in expressing
cited from the literary 1.Videos and and resolving
LEARNING LEARNING text help one express films uploaded personal
COMPETENCY: COMPETENCY: and resolve his/her in the LMS conflicts and to
internal conflicts. using think- be answered
EN7RC-III-g- EN10LT-Ii-18: aloud model. by 5 groups
9: Identify the Evaluate 2. Use of apps
STUDENT LEARNING that enable Meeting 3:
author’s literature as a TARGETS students to Guided
intentions for way of
highlight text or Practice 2
writing expressing and 1. I can state a claim annotate and using text to
resolving one’s about how the author’s ICT equipment identify the
personal intention in writing for the viewing author’s
conflicts literature aid one in of the films and intentions in
expressing and videos writing
resolving internal literature and
conflicts. The CER how it aids one
2. I can cite evidence from scaffold will be in expressing
the literary text that done from most and resolving
show that the author’s to semi and on personal
intention for writing to least conflicts to be
literature is a means of scaffolded. The done in pairs.
expressing and Chunking
resolving one’s internal Complexity type Meeting 4:
conflicts. and Meta- Independent


3. I can explain how the cognitive form of Practice using
author’s intention for scaffolding are 1 video and 1
writing literature as also integrated. printed text as
cited from the literary resources.
text helps one express Video 1 on
and resolve his/her Just Lather,
internal conflicts. That’s All by
Tellez and
Printed Text of
the same short
story. Students
will answer this

*adapted from National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET)


1 2 3 4
Performance Indicators
Emerging Developing Proficient Distinguished
State a claim about how the I can identify the author’s intentions I can describe the author’s I can state a claim about how the I can state several claims about
author’s intentions in writing in writing literature as a means in intentions in writing literature as a author’s intentions in writing how the author’s intentions in
literature aid one in expressing expressing and resolving one’s means in expressing and resolving literature aid one in expressing and writing literature aid one in
and resolving internal conflicts. internal conflicts. one’s internal conflicts. resolving internal conflicts expressing and resolving internal
Cite evidence from the literary I can cite the lines from the text that I can cite a part from the text that I can cite evidence from the literary I can cite and annotate various
text that show that an author’s show the author’s intentions in supports the claim that the author’s text that show that an author’s parts from the literary text that show
intentions for writing is a means writing literature. intentions in writing literature is a intentions for writing is a means of that an author’s intentions for
of expressing and resolving expressing and resolving one’s writing is a means of expressing
means of expressing and resolving
one’s internal conflicts. internal conflicts. and resolving one’s internal
one’s internal conflicts. conflicts.
Explain how the author’s I can state how the author’s I can describe how the author’s I can explain how the author’s I can explain and justify how the
intentions for writing literature as intentions for writing literature as intentions for writing literature as intentions for writing literature as cited and annotated parts from the
cited from the literary text help cited from the literary text help one cited from the literary text help one cited from the literary text help one literary text help one express and
one express and resolve his/her express and resolve his/her internal express and resolve his/her internal express and resolve his/her internal resolve his/her internal conflicts.
internal conflicts. conflicts. conflicts. conflicts.

CER Rubric:
2 1 0
Acceptable Partially Acceptable Not Acceptable

A statement that answers the question or Gives a correct and complete answer Gives a correct but incomplete answer Gives an incorrect answer or does not
the problem posed give any answer at all


Evidence Provides and marks appropriate and Provides appropriate but insufficient part Does not provide nor mark any part of
Text from article or problem cited to sufficient parts of the information of the information presented that the information presented that supports
support the claim presented that support the claim supports the claim. May also include the claim.
some inappropriate evidence. Marks may
not be related to the described evidence.

Reasoning Provides an explanation that shows the Provides partial or incomplete Does not provide any explanation about
Explanation of how or why the cited texts connection or relationship of the evidence explanation that shows the connection or how or why the evidence are related to
support the claim to the claim. relationship of the evidence to the claim. the claim, or provides an explanation not
related to the claim or evidence.



1. I would like to invite everyone to direct your attention to our screen as we watch the summarized and animated version of the Greek mythology story of The Myth of Daedalus
and Icarus.
2. Before watching the video, say: I will provide all of you with the transcription of the video narration. We will watch this video and while doing so, keep this question in mind:
Does the author’s intention for writing the story serve as a means to express and resolve one’s internal conflicts? So let’s find out. The class will then watch the video
complete with a subtitle for better comprehension of the story.
3. Again, the question to answer is: Does the author’s intention of writing the story serve as a means to express and resolve one’s internal conflicts? Let me first share what I think
about the question. I will now share with you my thoughts about how this text is written, especially since this is a classic Greek mythology story tackling the complexity of human
nature and how one deals with internal struggles and challenges mirrored by the characters of Daedalus and Icarus. As I analyze the story’s purpose and intention, I will CLAIM
that the author’s intention in writing the literary text serves as a means to express and resolve one’s internal conflicts. I will now write this claim in the first box of the
organizer labelled CLAIM.



CLAIM: The author’s intention in writing the literary text serves as a means of expressing and resolving one’s internal conflicts



4. Then say: How do I support my claim? What words, phrases, elements, or scenes in the story support my claim? My EVIDENCE for my claim is based on certain lines and
scenes from the story that emphasize the author’s intention of making the readers/viewers reflect on their own Internal conflicts, values, and beliefs such as “Just as
Daedalus ignored the consequences of defying the natural laws of mortal men in the service of his ego, Icarus was also carried away by his own hubris”; “With
every creation, Daedalus challenged human limitations that had so far kept mortals separate from Gods, until finally, he broke through”; “Though skilled and
celebrated, Daedalus was egotistical and jealous, worried that his nephew was a more skillful craftsman, he murdered him”; They were the first mortals to fly.
Icarus was overwhelmed with the ecstasy of flight and overcome with the feeling of divine power that came with it. Daedalus can only watch in horror as Icarus
ascended higher and higher, powerless to change his son’s life”; and “In the end, both men paid for their departure from the path of moderation dearly, Icarus
with his life, and Daedalus with his regret”. To remind myself that these statements serve as my pieces of evidence, I will highlight these in the narration transcription
provided for the video. I will also list these statements in the second box of the CER organizer labeled as EVIDENCE.


CLAIM: The author’s intention in writing the literary text serves as a means of expressing and resolving one’s internal conflicts



“Just as Daedalus ignored the consequences of defying the natural laws of mortal men in the service of his ego, Icarus was also carried away by his own hubris”;
“With every creation, Daedalus challenged human limitations that had so far kept mortals separate from Gods, until finally, he broke through”; “Though skilled
and celebrated, Daedalus was egotistical and jealous, worried that his nephew was a more skillful craftsman, he murdered him”; They were the first mortals to fly.
Icarus was overwhelmed with the ecstasy of flight and overcome with the feeling of divine power that came with it. Daedalus can only watch in horror as Icarus
ascended higher and higher, powerless to change his son’s life”; and “In the end, both men paid for their departure from the path of moderation dearly, Icarus
with his life, and Daedalus with his regret”


5. Next say: Why do I say that the author’s intention of making the readers reflect through the cited lines and scenes above helps one express and resolve their personal conflicts?
What is my REASONING? My reasoning goes this way: Though the story is one taken from Greek mythology, its general theme and intention for writing speak volumes
of the universal conflicts humans experience and undergo – pride, ego, regret, grief, and many more. In the story, it is evident that Daedalus is prideful and egotistical
and experienced immense grief and regret at the end of the story. Icarus on the other hand is stubborn and hard-headed which ultimately cost him his life. As readers,
this story leads us to reflect on the many internal battles we face and glean meaningful insight from the experiences and choices of the main characters, Daedalus
and Icarus. It makes us realize that these internal conflicts are More importantly, this literary piece can serve as a means for any reader to know how an internal
conflict can be resolved or even avoided. Therefore, the author’s intention in writing this literary piece served as a means of expressing and resolving one’s personal conflicts.
For me to remember my reasoning, I will now write these ideas in the third box of the CER organizer labeled REASONING.


CLAIM: The author’s intention in writing the literary text serves as a means of expressing and resolving one’s internal conflicts


“Just as Daedalus ignored the consequences of defying the natural laws of mortal men in the service of his ego, Icarus was also carried away by his own
hubris”; “With every creation, Daedalus challenged human limitations that had so far kept mortals separate from Gods, until finally, he broke through”;
“Though skilled and celebrated, Daedalus was egotistical and jealous, worried that his nephew was a more skillful craftsman, he murdered him”; They were the
first mortals to fly. Icarus was overwhelmed with the ecstasy of flight and overcome with the feeling of divine power that came with it. Daedalus can only watch


in horror as Icarus ascended higher and higher, powerless to change his son’s life”; and “In the end, both men paid for their departure from the path of
moderation dearly, Icarus with his life, and Daedalus with his regret”


Though the story is one taken from Greek mythology, its general theme and intention for writing speak volumes of the universal conflicts humans experience
and undergo – pride, ego, regret, grief, and many more. In the story, it is evident that Daedalus is prideful and egotistical and experienced immense grief and
regret at the end of the story. Icarus on the other hand is stubborn and hard-headed which ultimately cost him his life. As readers, this story leads us to reflect
on the many internal battles we face and glean meaningful insight from the experiences and choices of the main characters, Daedalus and Icarus. It makes us
realize that these internal conflicts are More importantly, this literary piece can serve as a means for any reader to know how an internal conflict can be
resolved or even avoided. Therefore, the author’s intention in writing this literary piece served as a means of expressing and resolving one’s personal

6. So to examine the author’s intention and the literary text’s ability to help one express and resolve personal conflicts, I did the following steps as shown in our CER organizer
and you can do the same:
a. First, I watched the video and read the transcribed narration with the question in mind: “ Does the author’s intention for writing the story serve as a means to
express and resolve one’s internal conflicts?”
b. Second, I made a claim that answers the question. And the claim I wrote is: The author’s intention in writing the literary text serves as a means of expressing
and resolving one’s internal conflicts.
c. Third, I looked for parts and scenes from the video and text that can serve as evidence to support my claim. So, the evidence I wrote are: (see details above)
d. Fourth, I gave my reason as to why I chose certain parts and scenes as evidence and linked it with the claim I made. To do reasoning, I first justified the author’s
intention and connected it to the parts and scenes that further prove the author’s purpose. Next, I identified the specific internal conflicts faced by the two main characters in the
story, Daedalus and Icarus, and discussed the universality of these internal conflicts. Because these internal conflicts are also experienced by the readers at some point in their
lives, I made a point that readers can now learn from the experiences of the characters and glean meaningful insight on how to make more informed decisions in expressing and
resolving their own internal conflicts. I concluded that the evidence I cited helped support my claim. The reasoning, then, that I wrote in the CER organizer says: (see details
7. So now we will try these steps again with another text.


MEETING 2: Guided Practice 1- Most Scaffolded
Types of Scaffolding: Chunking Complexity
Types of Differentiation: Differentiation by Content, Process and Environment

8. Read the short story entitled “ The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry. You can click the link for reference
9. Ask the question: Does the author’s intention for writing the story serve as a means to express and resolve one’s internal conflicts?
10. Students will keep in mind this question when reading the assigned text. Divide the class into 5 groups. Distribute to each group a copy of the CER Worksheet. All the

groups need to identify their answers for CLAIM, EVIDENCE, and REASONING. Students will be asked to highlight and annotate the evidence part.

Texts/Article: THE GIFT OF MAGI by O. Henry

Question: Does the author’s intentions for writing literary text serve as a means of expressing and resolving one’s internal conflicts?

CLAIM (Choose 1 correct answer)

A. The short story does not prove the author’s intention for writing literature as a means of expressing and resolving conflicts because it does not let the readers
reflect on their own values and beliefs.
B. The short story proves the author’s intention for writing literature as a means of expressing and resolving one’s personal conflicts by making readers
reflect on their own values and beliefs.
C. The short story proves the author’s intention for writing literature which is to let the leaders reflect.
D. The short story shows the author’s intention for writing literature but lacks the qualities of expressing and resolving one’s personal conflicts.

EVIDENCE (Choose 2 correct answers)

A. "Dell," said he, "let's put our Christmas presents away and keep 'em a while. They're too nice to use just at present. I sold the watch to get the money
to buy your combs. And now suppose you put the chops on”.
B. "Della's beautiful hair fell about her, ripping and shinning like a cascade off brown waters".
C. "Jim, darling," she cried, "don't look at me that way. I had my hair cut off and sold it because I couldn't have lived through Christmas without giving
you a present. It'll grow out again--you won't mind, will you? I just had to do it. My hair grows awfully fast. Say 'Merry Christmas!' Jim, and let's be
happy. You don't know what a nice-what a beautiful, nice gift I've got for you."


D. Jim looked about the room curiously. "You say your hair is gone?" He said, with an air almost idiocy.

REASONING (Choose 1 correct answer)

A. The author’s purpose in writing the short story is to reflect that true love conquers all and with it, one can help express and resolve any similar
internal conflict.
B. The author’s purpose in writing the short story does not reflect that true love conquers all and with it, one can help express and resolve internal conflict.
C. The author’s purpose in writing the short story is to empathize with the circumstances the characters had experienced.
D. The author’s purpose in writing the short story is to overcome challenges in life and come out victorious amidst poverty.

11. Ask every group to answer the questions following the CER format.

12. Ask students to explain their choices for Claim, Evidence and Reasoning to the whole class during the activity processing. In their explanations, have students discuss how
they selected the Claim, mark the Evidence, and pick on the Reasoning to support their answers.

MEETING 3: Guided Practice II – Semi-Scaffolded

Types of Differentiation: Differentiation by Content, Process and Environment

13. Distribute the text entitled “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant.

14. Ask a question that students will keep in mind when reading text: Does the author’s intention of writing the story serve as a means to express and resolve one’s
internal conflicts?

15. Pair up the students and ask each pair to formulate their Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning. Then have pairs answer the box below the text for Claim and Evidence and write
their Reasoning with corresponding text highlights.

16. Ask students to explain their choices for Claim and Evidence. In their explanations, have students discuss how they selected the Claim, wrote and marked the Evidence and
picked on the Reasoning. Ask students to also identify the flow of the Reasoning part beginning with a restatement of the claim, a definition of key terms in the question, the
application of the definition to the evidence, and conclusion of how evidence supports the claim.


Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Texts/Articles Texts/Article: “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant Texts/Articles

Question: Question: Question:

Does the author’s intention for the writing the literary
text served as a means of expressing and resolving
one’s internal conflicts?

Claim Claim (Choose 1 correct answer) Claim

A. Guy de Maupassant’s intention in writing the
story “The Necklace” which is to let the (Provide the Claim)
readers self-reflect served as means of
expressing and resolving one’s internal
B. Guy de Maupassant’s intention in writing the
story “The Necklace” which is to let readers be
informed serve as a means of expressing and
resolving one’s personal conflicts.
C. Guy de Maupassant’s intention in writing the
story “The Necklace” which is to let readers get
persuaded served as a means of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts.
D. Guy de Maupassant’s intention in writing the
story “The Necklace” which is to let the readers
be entertained served as a means of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts.

Evidence Evidence (Choose 2 correct answers) Evidence

The evidence that support my claim are:
(Provide the Evidence) A. “Madame Loisel came to know the ghastly
life of abject poverty.”


B. “Suddenly she discovered, in a black satin case,
a superb diamond necklace; her heart began to
beat covetously.”
C. “She came to know the heavy work of the
house, and the hateful duties of the kitchen.”
D. “She danced madly, ecstatically, drunk with
pleasure with no thought for anything in the
triumph of her beauty, in the pride of her
success, in a cloud of happiness made up of this
universal homage and admiration, of the desires
she had aroused, of the completeness of a
victory so dear to feminine heart.”

Reasoning Reasoning Reasoning

(Provide your Reasoning)

My chosen evidence support my claim because….

MEETING 4: Independent Work – Least Scaffolded

Types of Differentiation: Differentiation by Content

17. Present a text in two versions: Text (Just Lather, That’s All by Hernando Tellez ), which was given ahead of time and Video (Film adaptation of “Just Lather, That’s” All by
Hernando Tellez ). Let the students read the short story, “Just Lather, That’s All” by Hernando Tellez. While watching the video, the students will annotate/ highlight important
points to remember from the printed text provided.

18. Ask a question that students will keep in mind when reading the text and watching the video: Does the author’s intention of writing the story serve as a means to
express and resolve one’s personal conflicts?

19. Ask students to work individually and supply their claim, evidence, and reason in the CER organizer below For the Evidence part, students will highlight and annotate from
the text provided for them.


TEXT/VIDEO: “Just Lather, That’s All” by Hernando Tellez




20. Ask students to explain their answers for Claim, Evidence and Reasoning. Ask students to also identify the flow of their Reasoning part beginning with a restatement of the
claim, a definition of key terms in the question, the application of the definition to the evidence, and conclusion.


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