Writing Live 09 Symposium

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ABOUT PERFORMA 09 Performa 09, the third edition of the internationally acclaimed biennial of new visual art performance

presented by Performa, takes place in New York City from November 122, 2009. The three-week festival showcases new work by more than 170 of the most exciting artists working today, in an innovative program breaking down the boundaries between visual art, music, dance, poetry, fashion, architecture, graphic design, and the culinary arts, presented in collaboration with a consortium of more than 80 arts institutions and 25 curators across the city. Performa is a non-profit multidisciplinary arts organization established by RoseLee Goldberg in 2004, dedicated to exploring the critical role of live performance in the history of twentieth century art and to encouraging new directions in performance for the twenty-first century. Performa launched New Yorks first performance biennial, Performa 05, in 2005, followed by Performa 07 in 2007. www.performa-arts.org BIENNIAL FUNDING AND SUPPORT Performa Commissions and the Performa 09 biennial are supported by grants from The TOBY Fund, The Rockefeller Foundations New York City Cultural Innovation Fund, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Starry Night Fund of Tides Foundation, the David & Elaine Potter Charitable Trust, State Corporation for Spanish Cultural Action Abroad, Peter Norton Family Foundation, The Orentreich Family Foundation, The French-American Fund for Contemporary Art, the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, the New York Council for the Humanities, The Polish Cultural Institute in New York, The Trust for Mutual Understanding for Polish and Russian Artists, Etant Donnes: The French American Fund for Performing Arts, a Program of FACE, Artis Israeli Contemporary Art Fund, The MAP Fund, a program of Creative Capital, supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, Flanders House, the new cultural forum for Flanders (Belgium) in the United States, The Korea Foundation, the Mondriaan Foundation, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York State Council on the Arts, Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council, Culture Ireland, The National Endowment for the Arts, Consulate General of the Netherlands, Office of Cultural Affairs, Consulate General of Israel, Moon and Stars Project and the American Turkish Society, The Foundation for Contemporary Arts, the Performa Patrons Circle, the Performa Producers Circle, and the Performa Visionaries. PERFORMA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laurie Beckelman, Irving Benson, Todd Bishop, Toby Devan Lewis, Wendy Fisher, Stephanie French, Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn, RoseLee Goldberg, Ronald Guttman, Barbara Hoffman, Michael Kantrow, Bill Kornreich, David Orentreich, David Raymond, Illya Szilak, Julie Thornton, Joseph Varet PERFORMA STAFF RoseLee Goldberg (Founding Director and Curator), Esa Nickle, Defne Ayas, Mark Beasley, Tairone Bastien, Lana Wilson, Kim Schnaubert, Virginie Bobin, Shelley Gross, Mike Skinner, Ashley Prymas, Grace Kim, Emily Krell, Lyra Kilson, Sherrard Bostwick, Lillie DeArmon, Joanne Cheung, Marc, Arthur, Manuel Scheiwiller, Joan Healy, Madeleine Kate McGowan, Mehdi Brit, Georg Scherlin, Pierce Jackson, Griffin Frazen, Patricia Milder, Darius Miksys, Cian McConn, Marc Arthur, Paula Court Interviews with biennial artists and musicians will be available on www.artonair.org. Art on Air is the official radio station of Performa 09.

A Performa Education Project produced by Performa, Open Dialogues and thespacebetweenwords Writing Live 09 is an experiment in art, writing and performance. Writing Live Fellows: Rebecca Armstrong, Rachel Lois Clapham, Tyler Coburn, Patricia Milder, Mary Paterson, Ryan Tracy, Kenny Ulloa, Peter Walsh Collaborating Artists : Charles Bernstein, Kabir Carter, Richard Kostelanetz, Tan Lin, Alexandre Singh. http://performa-arts.org/blog/performa-09/writing-live/ Writing Live is at the Performa Hub (41 Cooper Square)

November 21, 2009


QUESTION 1 Name 2 the name your family or partner calls you (nick-name) 3 the city you live in 4 what you `do 5 your home town 6 University course you are doing or did recently (course, subject and location) 7 the subject and result of your lowest High School grade 8 a job you had in 2008 9 a book you are reading for pleasure 10 a book you have not read because you tried and found it off-putting or too difficult 11 your worst job ever 12 current writerly fascinations 13 Football team you or your partner supports 14 what job you are doing now 15 the most you have been paid for a art/writing commission 16 a book you are really looking forward to reading 17 favorite word 18 a mild fascination that could develop into an obsession if you had more time. 19 links ANSWER 1. Rebecca Armstrong 2. bo 3. New York 4. make art, write, think 5. Danville, PA 6. Islands and(as) Altered States, English Literature, taught, Los Angeles 7. Calculus, B 8. home school tutor for professional tennis player 9. Stempenyu: A Jewish Romance by Sholem Aleichem 10. Things That Talk: Object Lessons from Art and Science ed. Lorraine Daston 11. working at the Gap 12. medieval and early Renaissance gender-switching, the boundaries of language (where the body starts), violence, silence 13. Queen Elizabeth I (who figures prominently in 12) delighted in bear-baiting. When I go to sports, I cheer whenever anything happens, regardless of team. 14. ad hoc writer, tutor 15. depends on what counts as a commission, anywhere from 2 copies to $1,000. 16. Im really enjoying Andre Lepeckis Exhausting Dance. 17. brain as a verb (he brained her, she brained him, they brained them) 18. memorization of originally spoken older texts, memorization in general. 19 Under construction at rarmstrongworks.com and available at http://www.lmcc.net/art/residencies/workspace/2009/session/rs-armstrong.html 1 Rachel Lois Clapham 2 Poo 3 Bradford 4 Curator and Writer 5 Manchester 6 MA Contemporary Art Theory Goldsmiths College 7 Physical Education: E 8 Curator of NahnouTogether Now at Tate Britain 9 an exhibition of socially engaged art 10 Will Self `How the Dead Live 11 Deleuze & Guattari `A Thousand Plateaus 12 Sanitary Waste Collector (Dog Units) Fullwood Prison 13 live writing, performance criticism, improvisation, contingency and the porosity of text 13 Leeds United 14 Co-Director of Open Dialogues 15 1500 16 Jeff Nuttall `Bomb Culture 17 marginalia 18 Second Life. 19 www.opendialogues.com 1. Tyler Coburn 2. ________ 3. New York City 4. Im an artist and critic by night, and have rather boring, Clark Kentish day jobs by, ahem, day 5. New York City 6. Oof. Its been a long, long while. One of the best classes I took, at the end of my undergrad at Yale, was Literatures of Judgment and Forgiveness, taught by psychoanalytic critic Shoshana Felman. Shes written a book of the same name that I recommend 7. It must have been a science class 8. I was a staff writer for Rhizome @ the New Museum 9. The Difference Engine, by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling. Pretty middling as literature, definitive in the steampunk genre and very relevant to a project Im working on. 10. Tropic of Cancer. Ive picked it up five-odd times. Not difficult or off-putting, per se, but has never welcomed me beyond page 50. 11. I once interned in marketing at Dolce & Gabbana. The work was dreadful, but the people pretty remarkableI have odd memories of getting lessons in Foucault and Derrida in the lunch-canteen. 12. Alongside the steampunk, Ive been reading a lot of science-fiction. 13. Im shit with the sports, but do love my tennis. Sharpova is quite a dresser and really owns the court. 14. A mix of things. I work part-time at Harris Lieberman, as a contributing editor to ArtReview, and do freelance event photography and commercial production to round things out. 15._________ 16. Salt: A World History. Its been on my list for ages. 17. __________ 18. Second Life 19. http://www.tylercoburn.com/

1-Patricia Milder 2- 3- New York City 4- Graduate Student/Writer/Yoga Teacher 5- Los Angeles, CA 6- Currently at the School of Visual Arts, Art Criticism and Writing MFA 7UmCalculus, A- 8- Teaching Yoga 9- There is no reading for pleasure in graduate school. 10- I half attempted to read Susan Buck-Morsss Dialectics of Seeing before seeing her speak last year but didnt give it much of a chance. 11- . 12. Discovering a more creative approach to serious critical inquiry. Always clarity. 13. Yankees. 14- Working for Performa, teaching a lot of yoga around Manhattan. 15- 16- A friend just gave me Lorrie Moores first novel, A Gate at the Stars, but I have to wait until the semester is over to start it. 17- I never pick favorites 18- Pottery. 19- www.patriciamilder.com 1. Mary Paterson; 2. baboon; 3. London; 4. writer and producer; 5. London; 6. MA Film and Visual Cultures, Middlesex University; 7. Physics, B; 8. General Manager, Extant; 9. Peter Ackroyd, First Light; 10. James Joyce Ulysses ; 11. jewellery shop assistant there was an air lock on the door and the shop was lined with mirrors; 12. brevity; 13. none; 14. General Manager, Extant/ Writer in Residence, Live Art Development Agency/ Co-ordinator, the Western Wedge/ Evaluator, Open Doors/ Co-Director, Open Dialogues; 15. 1000; 16. Margaret Atwood, Lady Oracle; 17. soporific; 18. physics; 19. www.opendialogues.blogspot.com 1-Ryan Tracy 2-Ryan 3- Brooklyn, NY 4- Composer, Performer, Writer 5- Redding, California 6- Masters in Music Composition, Mannes College of Music, NYC 7- Chemistry, C 8- Contributor for the New York Press 9 -Salt: A World History by mark Kurlansky 10 not because its off-putting or too difficult, but A la recherche has lost me a few times now 11 temping for a fashion designer for 8 hours 12 all of it, the internet, defining art, definitions in general, art and morality, music 13 a fierce tennis fan 14 the job we call day 15- $175 16 Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace 17- Yes 18- Musical Illiteracy 19 countercritic. com, myspace.com/ryantracyworld, collectiveopera.com, for the NY Press, for Chez Bushwick. 1-Kenny Ulloa 2-Ken 3- Brooklyn 4- digital technician 5- Queens / Elmont, Long Island 6writing tutorial, Brooklyn College 7- Health Class, F 8- I went to Prague for a Head & Shoulders advertisement, and the clients were from Russia and Saudi Arabia it was weird. 9- this book of new poetry i found at a consignment shop, it doesnt have a title, but it does have an illustration of a hot air balloon and a tiger on it. 10- Underworld by Don Delillo , difficult because i cant necessarily fit in into my coat pocket .. and i get self conscious being the guy reading the big book on the subway. 11- I used to spray people with womens fragrance at Macys 12- dramatic and over analytic essays about commercial hiphop culture 13 never got into sports 14- purchasing digital equipment for Armani, explaining to them why computers cost so much 15- 250 16- George W. Bush Memoirs 17- elbow 18- Google. 19- ________ 1 Peter Walsh 2 My older brother John used to call me Pedrito and sometimes Pete, but most people do use Peter 3 Brooklyn, NY 4 Artist, critic, curator 5 Baltimore (although I was born in New York City) 6 I guess it must be said: I dropped out of college in 1981! 7 AP Physics got an F from my now good friend Neil Mackie 8 Walking my son Louis to sleep at 3am 9 just finished Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh 10 Infinite Jest 11 Working at an art museum for low pay and no benefits 12 being coherent within experimental forms 13 mountain-climbing 14 administrator at a law school 15 $350 for writing; more for art projects and curating 16 Keynes: The Return of the Master, Robert Skidelsky 17 Ive been enjoying short, old words like: fickle, stitch, hoard and cobble 18 drawing portraits by looking at people, not photos 19 http://www.peterwalshprojects.us http://www.plebiscite2004.org http://baltolink.org


Charles Bernstein Charles Bernstein is author of All the Whiskey in Heaven: Selected Poems (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, forthcoming March 2010), Blind Witness: Three American Operas (Factory School, 2008); Girly Man (University of Chicago Press, 2006), and My Way: Speeches and Poems (Chicago, 1999). He is Donald T. Regan Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Pennsylvania. More info at epc.buffalo.edu. Kabir Carter Kabir Carter's activities move between sound, performance, and installation. He examines and manipulates conventions found in psychoacoustics, audio production, and architecture, and he focuses on the effect of acoustic communications technology on both private space and the public sphere. His work has been presented and realized at apexart, Bronx Museum of the Arts, Diapason, Jersey City Museum, Performa 07, Socrates Sculpture Park, The Studio Museum in Harlem, and throughout the United States. Richard Kostelanetz Richard Kostelanetz. Earl of Wordship. Thanks, tho NOT sure what I should do, since I do NOT do live performance in part. Because of the influence of my critical writings on the subject upon myself. I've noted the date and time, and will appear. Since I'll assume travel costs, may I please request a higher fee if can afford? Thanks. WHERE are you coming from? www.richardkostelanetz.com Tan Lin Tan Lin Tan Tan NYC write Athens, OH RWAD101 C- SEMINAR PARADISE LOST prof JSF everything is unilluminated mowing SMS RSS microblog huh? writer $11,012 Man w/o Qualities volume 2 ugly index : footnote http://writing.upenn.edu/pennsound/x/Lin-Video.html Alexandre Singh Currently based in New York, Alexandre Singh explores a variety of media and exhibition formats, working in literature, collages, installations and performances. His works often combine elements of reality with fiction, reassessing historical and narrative conventions, and questioning systems of knowledge and interpretation. Recent projects include The Marque of the Third Stripe; a series of environmental installations based upon a gothic novella written by Singh, reimagining the life of Adi Dassler, founder of the Adidas sports empire. Singh was born in Bordeaux (France) in 1980, he received a BFA from Oxford University (UK) in 2001 and an MFA from the School of Visual Arts (New York) in 2005.

ABOUT WRITING LIVE Writing Live is a continuation of the ongoing Not For Sale public education series, which features artists, authors, and critics discussing the current issues in performance and new media, and the related task of writing about and art and artists whose work encompasses several disciplines at once. Writing Live develops previous Not For Sale activities including Writing on Performance and New Media - a two part symposium during PERFORMA05 and the PERFORMA Summer Workshops of 2006. Directed: RoseLee Goldberg & Defne Ayas. Co-ordinated by: Rachel Lois Clapham (Writing Live Fellow), Rebecca May Marston (Writing Live Fellow) and Mary Paterson (Writing Live Fellow). Writing Live 2007 was part funded by Arts Council England. Writing Live 2009: US Directors RoseLee Goldberg and Defne Ayas (Performa), Associate Patricia Milder. Curators Rachel Lois Clapham and Mary Paterson in association with Claire MacDonald. Writing Live 09 is supported by Arts Council England

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