Hall-2004-Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Diversity

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WETLANDS, Vol. 24, No. 1, March 2004, pp.

䉷 2004, The Society of Wetland Scientists


Dianne L. Hall1,3,6, Michael R. Willig1, Daryl L. Moorhead2, Robert W. Sites3, Ernest B. Fish4, and
Tony R. Mollhagen5
Ecology Program
Department of Biological Sciences
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas, USA 79409
Department of Earth, Ecological and Environmental Sciences
University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio, USA 43606

Enns Entomology Museum
Department of Entomology
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri, USA 65211
Department of Range, Wildlife and Fisheries Management
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas, USA 79409

Water Resources Center


Department of Civil Engineering

Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas, USA 79409
Present address: Department of Water Resources
St. Johns River Water Management District
Palatka, Florida, USA 32178

Abstract: Wetland habitats continue to be lost at a unsettling rate, especially freshwater emergent wetlands
that are isolated geographically. These are the predominant wetlands found in arid and semi-arid environ-
ments, where they serve as foci of regional biodiversity. This is especially true of the playa wetlands of the
Southern High Plains of Texas, USA. The factors that determine and maintain biotic diversity in these
wetlands are understood poorly. Consequently, this study examined the effect of island biogeographic and
landscape features on the diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in playa wetlands. Macroinvertebrates were
collected from playas three times during the spring and summer of 1994 and categorized as resident or
transient taxa based on life history strategies. Diversity was estimated using taxonomic richness (richness)
and Fisher’s log-series alpha (␣). Surrounding land-use practices influenced resident richness, whereas playa
surface area affected resident and transient richness, as well as resident ␣. However, relationships differed
among sampling dates. Regression analyses suggested that transient richness and ␣ were influenced more
by insular characteristics than by landscape features. The converse was true for resident richness and ␣.
Therefore, both insular and landscape characteristics affected the diversity of macroinvertebrates in playa
wetlands, but impacts were dependent on life-history strategy and time since inundation (i.e., sampling date).
Consequently, conservation and management efforts targeting macroinvertebrates in playa wetlands will need
to focus on the wetlands and characteristics of adjacent watershed features.

Key Words: playas, wetlands, aquatic macroinvertebrates, diversity, richness, theory of island biogeogra-
phy, landscape ecology, Southern High Plains

INTRODUCTION tinue (Dahl 2000). This is especially true for fresh-

Despite the increase in wetland conservation efforts water emergent wetlands (Dahl 2000), particularly
over the past two decades (Emergency Wetlands Re- those that are geographically isolated (i.e., surrounded
sources Act 1986), substantial losses of wetlands con- by uplands; Tiner et al. 2002). Between 1986 and

78 WETLANDS, Volume 24, No. 1, 2004

1997, approximately 486,000 hectares of freshwater birds (Baldassarre and Fischer 1984, Sheeley 1988,
emergent wetlands were converted to other uses (Dahl Davis and Smith 1998). Given their abundance and
2000). Such wetlands are common in arid and semi- diversity in these wetlands, it is surprising how little
arid regions and, consequently, are foci for biodiver- is known about the factors that affect macroinverte-
sity in these areas (Bolen et al. 1979, Holland and Jain brates.
1981, Haukos and Smith 1994, Brendonck and Wil- Because playas are aquatic islands within a terres-
liams 2000, Tiner et al. 2002). Agriculture is one of trial matrix, island biogeography (MacArthur and Wil-
the major threats to wetlands in these regions (Guthery son 1967) and landscape ecology (Naveh and Liber-
and Bryant 1982, Grue et al. 1986), with 51% of the man 1983, Risser et al. 1984) provide conceptual bases
losses in emergent wetlands from 1986 to 1997 attrib- for studying macroinvertebrate diversity and coloni-
utable to agriculture (Dahl 2000). Given the impor- zation. The theory of island biogeography predicts that
tance of these wetlands to regional biodiversity (Bren- size of an island and its proximity to a source of col-
dock and Williams 2000), it is important to determine onists determine the equilibrium number of species on
the factors that shape and maintain the biodiversity of an island, with larger islands and those nearer a source
these wetlands; otherwise, prudent policies for their of colonists harboring more species than smaller or
conservation and management will remain illusive more distant islands. Although originally proposed to
(Hughes and Hunsaker 2002). account for differences in species diversity on oceanic
Playas of the Southern High Plains, USA are ex- islands, the tenets of island biogeography have been
amples of isolated, freshwater emergent wetlands that used to explain successfully the differences in species
continue to be threatened by agricultural activities. diversity among mountain tops (Brown 1971), urban
These shallow basins are a conspicuous part of the parks (Gavareski 1976), lakes (Fryer 1985), vernal
landscape, with more than 19,000 playas occurring on pools (Ebert and Balko 1987), individual leaves (An-
the Llano Estacado or Southern High Plains region of drews et al. 1987), and carrion (Doube 1987). Simi-
Texas (Playa Lakes Joint Venture 1993). Playas are larly, insular characteristics such as island area and
the predominant surface hydrologic feature and are im- proximity to sources of colonists that provide the basis
portant for ground-water recharge into the underlying for island biogeography theory could help explain dif-
Ogallala Aquifer (Zartman et al. 1994, 1996, Scanlon ferences in aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity among
and Goldsmith 1997). The land around playas is playa wetlands.
among the most intensively cultivated areas in the As a complementary view, landscape ecology em-
United States (Bolen et al. 1979). Consequently, most phasizes the influence of the surrounding matrix on
of these wetlands are strongly modified by agricultural species diversity of habitat islands (Harris 1984). In-
activities (Guthery and Bryant 1982, Bolen et al. 1989, deed, characteristics of the surrounding landscape of-
Luo et al. 1997, Luo and Smith 1999). ten have a considerable effect on insular species di-
As wetlands in a semi-arid environment, playas are versity (Tilghman 1987, Green et al. 1994, Natuhara
the major habitat for a profusion of aquatic and wet- et al. 1999). In some instances, the surrounding land-
land plants (Haukos and Smith 1997). They serve as scape has been more important than the size of a hab-
breeding areas for numerous birds, amphibians, and itat in determining its species diversity (Webb et al.
macroinvertebrates (Bolen 1982, Seyffert 1985, An- 1984). The landscape perspective also may be relevant
derson et al. 1999, Hall et al. 1999) and are important in determining the diversity of aquatic macroinverte-
as stopover points for migrating waterfowl, cranes, and brates in playa wetlands because land-use character-
shorebirds using the Central Flyway of the United istics can have profound effects on the biota of water-
States (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1988, Haukos bodies (Newbold et al. 1980, Rundle and Ormerod
and Smith 1994, Davis and Smith 1998). Although 1991, Ormerod et al. 1993, Rundle and Attrill 1995,
less frequently studied than plants and birds, aquatic Townsend et al. 1997).
macroinvertebrates are one of the most diverse and These two perspectives are not mutually exclusive.
abundant groups of organisms in these wetlands (Sub- MacArthur and Wilson (1967) realized that differences
lette and Sublette 1967, Parks 1975, Merickel and in the matrices between islands, such as prevailing
Wangberg 1981, Hall 1997, Hall et al. 1999, Anderson winds, water currents, and climate, affected species di-
and Smith 2000). They appear in playas within days versity. Similarly, landscape ecology (Forman 1995)
of inundation and quickly become abundant, occupy- recognizes the importance of habitat size and the spa-
ing many trophic levels (Hall et al. 1999). Thus, mac- tial distribution of habitats. Species diversity likely re-
roinvertebrates are important trophic components of sults from a combination of insular and landscape fac-
these ecosystems. Most research on aquatic macroin- tors. If landscape characteristics are most important,
vertebrates in playas has focused on their importance differences in diversity of aquatic organisms in playas
as food resources for migrating waterfowl and shore- should reflect surrounding land uses and watershed at-

clay) and surrounding land use. Geographic informa-

tion for each playa basin and watershed was developed
by digitizing the playas from Natural Resource Con-
servation Service county soil survey maps (GIS; ARC/
INFO, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
Redlands, CA). United States Geological Survey 7.5-
minute topographic quadrangle maps were used for
geographic control. Land-use information was ob-
tained from aerial photographs, taken twice a year for
crop evaluation purposes, and data from the Farm Ser-
vice Agency offices in each county. This information
was then ground-truthed to verify the interpretation of
the imagery.
Three main types of land use predominate on the
Southern High Plains: agricultural crops (AGR),
rangeland (RNG), and grasslands in the Conservation
Reserve Program (CRP). Agricultural practices consist
of crops such as sorghum, cotton, and wheat. The Con-
servation Reserve Program (Food Security Act 1985)
was established to encourage farmers to remove highly
erodible soil from agriculture and to plant native veg-
etation in its place. On the Southern High Plains of
Texas, the native vegetation is grassland. However,
grazing is prohibited on CRP grasslands. Because of
the unpredictable flooding of playas, many farmers
have entered lands surrounding playas into the CRP.
Playas were classified based on the predominant
(ⱖ50 percent of area) land use (AGR, RNG, CRP)
Figure 1. Locations of sampled playas on the Southern within 100 m of the perimeter of the basin. Three size
High Plains of Texas, USA. categories were distinguished within each land-use
group: small playa basins were ⱕ10 ha, medium basins
ranged from ⬎10 to ⱕ20 ha, and large basins were
tributes. However, if insular characteristics are more ⬎20 and ⱕ33 ha. These size categories encompassed
important, diversity should be influenced by ‘‘island’’ approximately 98 percent of playas in the four-county
characteristics such as depth, areal extent of the sur- area of this study. Playas also were classified by size
face water, and the number and proximity of surround- according to water surface area at each time period.
ing playas. The objective of this study was to examine Because the areal extent of water and the number of
the effects of insular and landscape characteristics on sampled playas changed with time, playas were as-
two aspects of the diversity of aquatic macroinverte- signed to one of three groups (small, medium, and
brates in playa wetlands (taxa richness and Fisher’s large) based on their position in the overall size dis-
log-series ␣) and thereby elucidate the determinants of tribution of playas within each sampling period (i.e.,
macroinvertebrate diversity in playas. lower, middle, or upper third, respectively; Table 1).
Estimation of playa surface area was based on the
position of the water’s edge, marked with stakes
METHODS placed at each cardinal point soon after initial inun-
dation. Playas were assumed to dry uniformly. Be-
Study Area
cause most playas are slightly elliptical (Reeves
Playas from a four-county area adjacent to and in- 1966), surface area was calculated as the area of an
cluding Lubbock County, Texas, USA (latitude, 33⬚ ellipse,
20⬘ N to 34⬚ 20⬘ N; longitude, 102⬚ 45⬘ W to 101⬚ 00⬘
A ⫽ ⌸ ⫻ L ⫻ W/4
W) were sampled for macroinvertebrates three times
over an eight-week period, the approximate duration where L is the length of the longest axis of the playa
of inundation, during the spring and summer of 1994 and W is the length of the perpendicular axis. Surface
(Figure 1). Classification of playas was based on size area was calculated for each playa at each sampling
of basin (i.e., extent of the underlying layer of Randall period. In addition, average water depth and a visual
80 WETLANDS, Volume 24, No. 1, 2004

Table 1. Areal extent (*hectares) of playa surface water used to categorize playas as small, medium, and large in each sampling period.
The number of playas in each category is enclosed by parentheses. Sampling period 1, May 26–June 7; period 2, June 20–28; period 3,
July 11–14 (1994).

Size Categories
Period Small Medium Large
1 3.31–6.34 (13) 6.49–10.01 (12) 11.58–23.44 (13)
2 2.23–3.76 (9) 3.95–6.16 (8) 7.22–18.15 (8)
3 0.98–2.48 (4) 3.39–4.62 (3) 4.87–9.82 (3)

estimate of the percentage of the playa surface covered organisms with drought-resistant life stages that usu-
by emergent vegetation were recorded during each ally have no autonomous means of emigration or im-
sampling period. An estimate of emergent vegetative migration. In contrast, transients are organisms that,
cover was used because a quantitative floristic survey for the most part, have limited or no drought-resistant
of these wetlands was beyond the scope of this project life stages and are capable of active movement be-
(Wood et al. 2001). tween playas during their life cycle, usually as flying
adults. Because these differences in dispersal ability
could be paralleled by differences in response to in-
Invertebrate Collection and Identification
sular or landscape characteristics (Batzer and Wissin-
Sampling began approximately three weeks after ger 1996), resident and transient taxa were analyzed
playas were inundated by spring storms (Hall 1997). separately. To avoid problems associated with succes-
At each sampling, 50 points were located at random sional changes in macroinvertebrate composition
within each playa using random number tables to in- (Moorhead et al. 1998), separate statistical analyses
dicate the direction of the transect and the distance were conducted for each sampling date.
between consecutives samples. At each point, two sur- Taxonomic diversity was evaluated in two ways: as
face, six subsurface, and five benthic samples were taxonomic richness (the number of distinguishable
taken, resulting in 100 surface, 300 subsurface, and species, morphospecies, or higher taxonomic groups;
250 benthic samples per playa. This protocol was Appendix 1) and as Fisher’s log-series ␣ (Fisher et al.
based on preliminary sampling of a playa not included 1943), which is sensitive to richness and the abun-
in this study. An aquatic D-net was used for surface dance of species. The latter index assumes an under-
and subsurface samples, and a single-bore corer (2’’ lying log-series species abundance distribution but is
inner diameter) was used for benthic samples (Hall robust with respect to deviations from that distribution
1997). (Taylor 1978). Fisher’s log-series ␣ (Magurran 1988)
Initially, macroinvertebrates from surface and sub- is calculated as
surface samples were preserved in 95 percent ethanol,
␣ ⫽ [N (1 ⫺ x)] / x,
whereas benthic samples were preserved in 10 percent
formalin. After macroinvertebrates were separated where x is estimated by the iterative solution of
from debris and sediment, all specimens were trans-
S / N ⫽ { (1 ⫺ x) / x } {⫺ln (1 ⫺ x) }
ferred to 80 percent ethanol. Individuals were identi-
fied to the specific level when possible (Appendix 1). and S is the number of species, morphospecies, or
Voucher specimens were deposited in the Enns Ento- higher taxa, with N equal to the number of individuals.
mology Museum, University of Missouri-Columbia, Fisher’s log-series ␣ is not unduly influenced by sam-
the Illinois Natural History Survey Annelida Collec- ple size, and an underlying log-series distribution is
tion, Champaign (Oligochaeta), and the Aquatic Insect more applicable than others, given the ephemeral na-
Collection of the Kansas Biological Survey, Lawrence ture of playa lakes and the resultant adaptations of
(Chironomidae). their faunas (Hall 1997). Nevertheless, the species
abundance distribution of each playa in each time pe-
riod was tested for deviations from a log-series distri-
Statistical Analyses
bution via Chi-square goodness of fit analysis to verify
Because playa lakes are ephemeral, their aquatic in- the appropriateness of Fisher’s log-series ␣ as an index
habitants have developed strategies for enduring or of macroinvertebrate diversity in playa lakes (Magur-
avoiding periods of desiccation (Wiggins et al. 1980). ran 1988).
Macroinvertebrate inhabitants were categorized into Several multivariate analyses were used to elucidate
two groups based on these strategies. Residents are the effect of insular and landscape characteristics on

Table 2. Insular and landscape characteristics used in multiple re- nificance of independent variables in determining the
gression analyses. factors associated with variation in dependent vari-
ables (e.g., resident or transient richness).
Insular Characteristics
Average size of the playas within a three km radius
Average water depth RESULTS
Distance to the nearest playa
Number of excavated pits in the playa Richness
Percent of the playa surface area with emergent vegetation
Size of the nearest playa (based on basin size) Approximately 190,000 individuals representing
Total number of playas in a three km radius 107 taxa were collected in this study. These taxa rep-
Total area of playas (based on basin sizes) within a three km resented 81 genera, 47 families, 13 orders, 7 classes,
radius and 3 phyla (Appendix 1). Richness differed over time
Landscape Characteristics and with life history strategy. Overall macroinverte-
Number of culverts draining into the playa brate richness ranged from 23.6 to 32.6, depending on
Number of roads in the watershed sampling period, with the greatest values achieved dur-
Percent of the watershed in cotton ing the second sampling period. Richness of resident
Percent of the watershed in the Conservation Reserve Program taxa ranged from 7.2 to 9.8, and was greatest during
Percent of the watershed in rangeland the first and second sampling periods. Richness of
Percent of the watershed in sorghum transient taxa ranged from 13.8 to 22.8 and was great-
Percent of the watershed in wheat est during the second and third sampling periods.
Size of the watershed These trends in taxa richness generally were consistent
Slope of the watershed
regardless of land use or size of playas.
The effects of land use, basin size, and surface area
on richness varied over time and between resident and
taxonomic richness and Fisher’s log-series ␣ (hereafter transient faunas. Differences in surrounding land use
referred to as richness and ␣, respectively) The effects accounted for significant variation in resident richness
of playa size and surrounding land use (AGR, CRP, after the effects of playa area and basin size were re-
RNG) on richness or ␣ were assessed separately during moved but only during the first sampling period (AN-
each time period using analysis of covariance (Proce- COVA; F ⫽ 4.306; P ⫽ 0.022; df ⫽ 2,33). Average
dure ANOVA, SPSS Inc. 1990). Covariates (surface resident richness was greatest in playas surrounded by
area of the playa and basin size) were used because rangeland and lowest in playas surrounded by agri-
resident and transient taxa have disparate colonization culture. Transient richness was not associated signifi-
abilities. Because resident taxa withstand periods of cantly with surrounding land use in any sampling pe-
desiccation and do not emigrate when playas dry, the riod.
size of the basin (i.e., the extent of the available ref- Resident and transient richness were associated sig-
uge) might be important. However, most transient taxa nificantly with covariates during the second and third
must immigrate to a playa after the playa fills; con- sampling periods, respectively. During the second
sequently, the areal extent of the surface water might sampling period, resident richness was associated neg-
be an important cue for these taxa (Fernando 1959). atively with playa surface area (F ⫽ 7.033; P ⫽ 0.015;
Stepwise multiple regression was used to assess the df ⫽ 1,20); the positive relationship between transient
combined effects of insular and landscape character- richness and basin size was intriguing but was not sig-
istics on richness and ␣ (Procedure REGRESSION, nificant (F ⫽ 3.902; P ⫽ 0.062; df ⫽ 1,20). During
SPSS Inc. 1990). Eight insular and nine landscape the third sampling period, transient richness was re-
characteristics (Table 2) were used as independent var- lated negatively to playa surface area (F ⫽ 10.559; P
iables. Insular characteristics included those variables ⫽ 0.023; df ⫽ 1,5), but resident richness showed no
concerned with physical aspects of the playa or the relationship to either covariate.
distribution and size of surrounding playas that might A combination of insular and landscape character-
affect macroinvertebrate colonization. Conversely, istics contributed to variation in richness. During the
landscape characteristics were attributes of the inter- first sampling period, a significant amount of variation
vening matrix surrounding each playa (i.e., the playa’s in transient richness was attributed positively to the
watershed). amount of emergent playa vegetation (r2 ⫽ 0.35) and
An increased probability of committing a Type I negatively to the number of culverts (r2 ⫽ 0.11) drain-
error occurs when considering multiple statistical tests. ing into the playa (Model R2 ⫽ 0.46, P ⬍ 0.001). In
To minimize this likelihood, Bonferroni’s sequential contrast, resident richness was not significantly related
adjustment (Rice 1989) was used to evaluate the sig- to any of the insular or landscape characteristics during
82 WETLANDS, Volume 24, No. 1, 2004

Table 3. Significant relationships between diversity variables and variables used in ANCOVA and stepwise multiple regression analyses
in each sampling period. (IB ⫽ island biogeographic variable; L ⫽ landscape variable).

Multiple Regression Variables

ANCOVA Variables Avg.
Playa Distance
Size in Average to Number % Size of
Sampling L Basin Playa 3 km Water Nearest of Pits Emergent Nearest
Diversity Variable Period Land use Size Area Radium Depth Playa in Playa Vegetation Playa
Resident richness 1 x
2 x x
Resident ␣ 1
Transient richness 1 x
2 x x
3 x x
Transient ␣ 1 x
2 x x
3 x

the first sampling period. During the second sampling ranged from 1.4 to 2.2 and was greatest during the
period, transient richness was associated positively second sampling period. In contrast, transient ␣ re-
with the amount of playa vegetation (r2 ⫽ 0.08) and mained essentially constant, between 3.9 and 4.0
negatively to average water depth and the abundance across sampling periods.
of roads (r2 ⫽ 0.16) in the watershed (Model R2 ⫽ Even after the removal of variation due to playa
0.76, P ⬍ 0.001). Examination of parital correlation size, differences in surrounding land use never ac-
coefficients revealed a significant positive correlation counted for significant variation in ␣, based on anal-
between water depth and the amount of the watershed ysis of covariance. During the first sampling period,
planted in winter wheat. However, depth accounted for resident ␣ (after Bonferroni adjustment) approached
over twice the amount of unique variation in transient significance with playa surface area (F ⫽ 4.936; P ⫽
richness compared to winter wheat during this period 0.033; df ⫽ 1,33; adjusted P must be ⱕ 0.025 to be
(r2 ⫽ 0.52 and 0.24, respectively). Resident richness considered significant) and the relationship was posi-
was affected positively by the size of the nearest playa tive. However, this relationship was not found in the
(Model R2 ⫽ 0.22, P ⫽ 0.018). During the third sam- second or third sampling periods. Similarly, transient
pling period, transient richness was associated nega- ␣ was not associated with either covariate in any sam-
tively with average water depth (Model R2 ⫽ 0.56 P
pling period.
⫽ 0.013), whereas resident richness showed no signif-
Variation in ␣ usually was attributed to a combi-
icant relationship with insular or landscape character-
nation of insular and landscape characteristics based
on stepwise multiple regression analyses. In the first
sampling period, resident ␣ was associated positively
Diversity with the percent of the watershed containing sorghum
Chi-square analyses revealed that Fisher’s log-series (Model R2 ⫽ 0.36, P ⬍ 0.001), whereas transient ␣
␣ was an appropriate diversity index to characterize was related positively to the amount of emergent playa
playa lakes. Depending on sampling period, 90–96% vegetation (Model R2 ⫽ 0.25, P ⫽ 0.002). During the
of playas had taxon abundance distributions that were second sampling period, resident ␣ again was associ-
not significantly different from a log-series distribution ated positively with the percentage of the watershed
(P ⬎ 0.05). planted in sorghum (Model R2 ⫽ 0.31, P ⫽ 0.004),
Fisher’s log-series ␣ varied over time and differed whereas transient ␣ was related positively to the
between resident and transient faunas. Overall mac- amount of emergent playa vegetation (r2 ⫽ 0.43) and
roinvertebrate ␣ ranged from 4.2 to 5.6 and was great- negatively with average water depth (r2 ⫽ 0.12) in the
est during the second sampling period. Resident ␣ playa (Model R2 ⫽ 0.55, P ⬍⬍ 0.001). As was seen

Table 3. Extended

Multiple Regression Variables

% of % of
Number of Area of Number of Number of % of % of Watershed % of Watershed
Playas in 3 Playas in 3 Culverts Roads in Watershed Watershed in Watershed in Winter Size of Slope of
km Radius km Radius into Playa Watershed in Cotton in CRP Rangeland in Sorghum Wheat Watershed Watershed


with transient richness, playa depth and the extent of scape characteristics than were transient taxa (Table
watershed planted in winter wheat were significantly 3). Because resident taxa cannot migrate between ba-
and positively correlated, but depth accounted for sins, land use and landscape characteristics within wa-
more of the unique variation in transient ␣ than did tersheds might reasonably show stronger effects on
winter wheat (r2 ⫽ 0.34 and 0.26, respectively). In the resident taxa than on transients. Moreover, the influ-
third sampling period, transient ␣ was related nega- ence of landscape characteristics on resident taxa was
tively with average water depth (r2 ⫽ 0.59) and posi- most apparent during early inundation when resident
tively to the percentage of the watershed planted with taxa were most abundant (Hall 1997). Recent work by
sorghum (r2 ⫽ 0.19; Model R2 ⫽ 0.78, P ⫽ 0.005). Luo et al. (1997) linked increased sedimentation of
Resident ␣ was positively related to the slope of the playas, based on sediment depth and loss of playa vol-
watershed (Model R2 ⫽ 0.47, P ⫽ 0.028). ume, to cultivation within the watershed and suggested
that sedimentation was a serious threat to playa wet-
DISCUSSION lands. Indeed, sedimentation may decrease hatching
success of resident taxa by deeply burying resting stag-
Playa lakes host a diverse macroinvertebrate fauna
es (Takahashi 1977, Scott and Grigarick 1979), there-
despite their temporary nature and the requisite phys-
by affecting overall macroinvertebrate diversity (Euliss
iological adaptations of their aquatic inhabitants. In
and Mushet 1999); this relationship, however, has not
fact, they harbor a greater number of species, families,
been studied in playa wetlands. Euliss and Mushet
orders, and classes than do permanently flooded playas
that have been incorporated into stormwater systems (1996) and van der Kamp et al. (1999) have shown
of local municipalities in west Texas (Wolf 1996). greater runoff from cultivated watersheds than from
This diversity, as measured by taxonomic richness and those supporting grasslands. If increased runoff leads
Fisher’s log series ␣, is attributable to both insular and to permanent inundation of playas, resident taxa that
landscape characteristics. Overall, taxonomic richness depend on a period of desiccation for phenological de-
seemed to be more influenced by characteristics of the velopment will not persist. It is unlikely that agricul-
playas themselves, and taxonomic diversity (the dis- ture within playa watersheds will cease, but the estab-
tribution of individuals among taxa) seemed to be lishment of a buffer zone of perennial, native vegeta-
more effected by characteristics of the surrounding wa- tion adjacent to playas could both reduce sedimenta-
tershed (Table 3). However, these relationships are de- tion and surface-water runoff from cropland
pendent on both the time since inundation and the dis- watersheds (Haukos 1994, Luo et al. 1997, Luo and
persal strategies of the wetland taxa. Smith 1999) and thereby enhance diversity of resident
Resident taxa seemed to be more sensitive to land- macroinvertebrates.
84 WETLANDS, Volume 24, No. 1, 2004

Transient taxa were more influenced by insular and Frost 1996). However, as has been pointed out by
characteristics than were residents (Table 3), possibly Wissinger et al. (1999), duration is often positively
because transient taxa are true colonists (sensu Mac- related to wetland size. Therefore, studies relating rich-
Arthur and Wilson 1967). Nonetheless, neither playa ness to either size or duration must be aware of the
basin size nor surface area was the predominant factor confounding effects of such a relationship. In fact, sev-
influencing transient diversity. Instead, the amount of eral studies of macroinvertebrates in temporary habi-
emergent vegetation, one likely dimension of habitat tats show a positive correlation between habitat size
heterogeneity, and playa water depth were the most and duration (Stout 1964, Reisen, 1973, Nolte 1989,
influential factors. The relationship between emergent Brooks 2000, Boix et al. 2001), leaving it unclear as
vegetation and aquatic macroinvertebrates has been to whether the macroinvertebrate richness is a function
noted in many studies of wetlands (Krull 1970, Voigts of area or habitat duration.
1976, Neck and Schramm 1992, Ward and Blaustein In this study, there was no significant relationship
1994, Streever et al. 1995, Leslie et al. 1997, Bren- between playa surface area and duration (r ⫽ ⫺0.08,
donck and Williams 2000, de Szalay and Resh 2000, P ⫽ 0.319). In contrast, there was a positive correla-
Zimmer et al. 2000, Battle and Golladay 2001, Wood tion between depth and duration (r ⫽ 0.81, P ⬍ 0.000).
et al. 2001) and is not surprising given that vegetation However, there was either no correlation (1st period)
is used by wetland invertebrates for food, oviposition- or a negative correlation between depth and species
ing sites, and as refuges from predators. In addition, richness (r ⫽ ⫺0.70, P ⬍ 0.000; r ⫽ ⫺0.71, P ⫽ 0.021;
increased vegetative cover is important for other playa 2nd and 3rd periods, respectively). This is not to say that
fauna, including amphibians (Anderson et al. 1999) habitat duration has no effect on macroinvertebrate di-
and birds (Haukos and Smith 1991, Anderson and versity in playa wetlands as richness was greatest dur-
Smith 1999). Similarly, water depth is an important ing the second sampling period. However, habitat du-
factor determining the abundance and community ration was not examined as a structuring factor in this
structure of aquatic macroinvertebrates in wetlands study because of the confounding effect of localized
(Voigts 1976, Riley and Bookout 1990, Magee et al. rainfall events which are common to this region. More
1993, Leslie et al. 1997, Zimmer et al. 2000). It was specifically, playas with increased macroinvertebrate
not surprising to see a consistent effect of vegetation diversity resulting from the retention of water for lon-
and water depth on the diversity of aquatic macroin- ger periods of time (i.e., there is a longer period for
vertebrates regardless of sampling period. colonization for transient taxa) could not be distin-
A critical prediction of the theory of island bioge- guished from playas with increased macroinvertebrate
ography is that richness increases with island size. diversity due to a rewetting of dry perimeter soils and
However, this relationship remains equivocal for tem- the concomittant re-emergence of resident taxa.
porary environments. Several studies of temporary The shape of species abundance distributions (log-
ponds do not support this relationship (Driver 1977, series) suggests that the organization of communities
Garcia-Valdecasas et al. 1984, Lake et al. 1989, within these wetlands is dominated by one or only a
Schneider and Frost 1996), nor does this investigation. few factors (May 1975, Magurran 1988). Moreover,
Yet, other studies do (Stout 1964, Reisen 1973, Ebert previous studies on the vegetation of playas (Haukos
and Balko 1987, Spencer et al. 1999, Brooks 2000). and Smith 1993, 1994) and phyllopods of other tem-
The ephemeral nature of temporary ponds may pre- porary habitats (Donald 1983) suggest that macroin-
clude the attainment of an equilibrium between ex- vertebrate communities of playa lakes may be con-
tinction and immigration (Wiggins et al. 1980, Lake trolled by unpredictable precipitation events. Haukos
et al. 1989, Moorhead et al. 1998). When the assump- and Smith (1993, 1994) have shown that playa vege-
tion of equilibrium conditions cannot be met, predic- tation depends, in part, on the timing and frequency
tions concerning species-area relationships may not be of inundation in preceding years. If transient macro-
valid (Simberloff and Abele 1976). For this reason, invertebrate taxa select habitats based on vegetational
playa size may not be a useful characteristic in the characteristics, the presence of transient taxa similarly
conservation or management of aquatic macroinver- should reflect historic inundation regimes or basin cul-
tebrate diversity in these wetlands. tivation history (Euliss et al. 2002). Moreover, resident
Southwood (1977) suggested that time (flood dura- assemblages may reflect interactions of land use and
tion sensu Mitsch and Gosselink 2000) is the limiting inundation history because the development of some
resource in ephemeral environments, with biotic inter- resident taxa is related to the moisture regime of the
actions of secondary importance. This hypothesis has preceding year (Donald 1983).
been supported by many studies of temporary water- Given the appreciable diversity of aquatic macro-
bodies (Wiggins et al. 1980, Jefferies 1989, Boulton invertebrates in playa wetlands and their importance
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88 WETLANDS, Volume 24, No. 1, 2004

Appendix 1.

Phylum Subphylum Class Subclass Order Family

Annelida Oligochaeta Opisthopora Lumbricidae
Tubificida Tubificidae

Hirudinea Rhynchobdellida Glossiphoniidae

Pharyngobdellida Erpobdellidae
Mollusca Gastropoda Pulmonata Basommatophora Lymnaeidae
Arthropoda Cheliceriformes Chelicerata Arachnida Acari Arrenuridae

Uniramia Insecta Pterygota Ephemeroptera Baetidae
Odonata Aeshnidae
Hemiptera Belostomatidae


Coleoptera Haliplidae




Appendix 1. Extended.

Genus Specific Epithet Authority Designation

unknown resident
Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparède resident
Limnodrilus sp. resident
unknown resident
Helobdella triserialis (Blanchard) resident
Erpobdella punctata (Leidy) resident
Fossaria cockerelli (bakerilymnaea) Pilsbry & Ferriss resident
Physella (Costatella) bottimeri (Clench) resident
Planorbella (Pierosoma) tenuis (Dunker) resident
Arrenurus dentipetiolatus Marshall resident
Arrenurus undescribed sp. resident
Eylais sp. transient
Hydrachna sp. transient
Piona floridana Cook resident
Callibaetis sp. transient
Anax junius Drury transient
Lestes disjunctus Selys transient
Enallagma civile (Hagen) transient
(Tramea, Pantala, Sympetrum) transient
Belostoma flumineum Say transient
Corisella edulis (Champion) transient
Corisella tarsalis (Fieber) transient
Rhamphocorixa acuminata (Uhler) transient
Sigara alternata (Say) transient
Trichocorixa reticulata (Guérin-Méneville) transient
Trichocorixa verticalis (Fieber) transient
Gerris marginatus Say transient
Mesovelia mulsanti White transient
Buenoa margaritacea Torre-Bueno transient
Notonecta undulata Say transient
Saldula pallipes (Fabricius) transient
Microvelia sp. transient
Haliplus triopsis Say transient
Haliplus tumidus LeConte transient
Brachyvatus sp. transient
Copelatus sp transient
Cybister fimbriolatus (Say) transient
Eretes sticticus (Linnaeus) transient
Hygrotus nubilus (LeConte) transient
Laccophilus fasciatus terminalis Aubé transient
Laccophilus quadrilineatus quadrilineatus Horn transient
Neobidessus sp. transient
Thermonectus nigrofasciatus ornaticollis (Aubé) transient
Uvarus lacustris Say transient
Dineutus sp. transient
Gyrinus sp. transient
Helophorus linearis LeConte transient
Berosus exiguus (Say) transient
Berosus infuscatus LeConte transient
Berosus miles LeConte transient
Berosus styliferus Horn transient
Enochrus hamiltoni (Horn) transient
Hydrophilus triangularis Say transient
Paracymus confusus Wooldridge transient
90 WETLANDS, Volume 24, No. 1, 2004

Appendix 1. Extended. Continued.

Phylum Subphylum Class Subclass Order Family


Diptera Ceratopogonidae




Crustaceae Branchiopoda Anostraca Branchinectidae


Conchostraca Caenestheriidae
Notostraca Triopsidae
Ostracoda Podocopida Cyprididae


Appendix 1. Extended. Continued.

Genus Specific Epithet Authority Designation

Tropisternus lateralis (Fabricius) transient
Bagous sp. transient
Lissorhoptrus simplex (Say) transient
Listronotus grypidioides (Dietz) transient
Listronotus filiformis (LeConte) transient
Listronotus scapularis (Casey) transient
Notiodes aeratus (LeConte) transient
Forcipomyia sp. Coquillett transient
morphospecies 1 transient
morphospecies 2 transient
morphospecies 3 transient
Ablabesmyia sp. transient
Apedilum sp. transient
Chironomus sp. 1 resident
Chironomus sp. 2 resident
Clinotanypus sp. resident
Cricotopus sp. resident
Cryptochironomus sp. transient
Dicrotendipes sp. resident
Endochironomus nigricans (Johannsen) resident
Labrundinia sp. transient
Parachironomus sp. resident
Polypedilum sp. resident
Procladius bellus (Loew) transient
Procladius (Holotanypus) sp. transient
Tanypus sp. resident
Tanytarsus sp. resident
Culex tarsalis Coquillet transient
morphospecies 1 transient
Notophila sp. transient
morphospecies 1 transient
morphospecies 2 transient
morphospecies 3 transient
morphospecies 4 transient
morphospecies 1 transient
morphospecies 2 transient
Odontomyia sp. transient
Eristalis sp. transient
Tabanus prob. subsimilus Bellardi transient
Branchinecta lindahli Packard resident
Branchinecta packardi Pearse resident
Streptocephalus dorothae Mackin resident
Streptocephalus texanus Packard resident
Thamnocephalus platyurus Packard resident
Caenestheriella setosa (Pearse) resident
Leptestheria compleximanus (Packard) resident
Lynceus brevifrons (Packard) resident
Triops longicaudatus (LeConte) resident
Megalocypris gnathostomata (Ferguson) resident
Cyprinotus antillensis (Broodbakker) resident
Pelocypris tuberculatum (Ferguson) resident

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