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Graph Theory and

Basics of Graph
Euler Graph

A given connected graph or multigraph G is an Euler

graph if and only if all vertices of G are of even

At each step, we move across an edge whose deletion does not

result in more than one component unless we have no choices.
At the end of the alog, there are no edges left and the
sequence of edges we moves across forms an Eulerian line
Euler Path/Cricuit/Unicursal
Konigsberg Bridge Problem
Hamiltonian Graph
Hamiltonian circuit in a connected graph is defined as
a closed walk that traverses every vertex exactly once
except of course the starting vertex at which the walk
also terminates
Hamiltonian Circuit
Seating Arrangement Problem

• In a complete graph with n vertices there are (n-1)/2 edge

disjoint Hamiltonian circuit, if n is an odd number >=3

• A simple graph G have a Hamiltonian Circuit such that the degree

of every vertex in G be at least n/2, where n is the number of
vertices in G
Chinese Postman Problem
Chinese Postman Problem
Chinese Postman Problem
Chinese Postman problem
Travelling Salesman Problem

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