Three Speech

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The Three-Speech

Purpose: To introduce structure and organization into your speech-creating process.

Primary Objective: Choose a subject matter. Then come up with the three main points.

 Strive to choose a creative adjective. (The three most powerful movies I have
seen, not just Three really good movies I saw.)
 You must have a personal pronoun in your topic statement. (Correct
phrasing=The three ways I enjoy cooking a turkey. Incorrect=The three steps to
cook the perfect turkey. The first example is a three speech. The second example
is an informative speech.)
 Your subject area can be anything you want. There are no limitations to this.
You may want to run it by me first just in case.
 Common topics to potentially avoid=Three places or vacations or locations you
like to visit. AND Three most influential people or some variation that talks about
three people.

Guidelines: The speech must be between 2:30-4:00 minutes.

Please observe note card rules. (White, 3 X 5, single-sided, only one card, and minimal
notes written on it.)

The Whole Point of this Speech: You need to have an Attention Getter that leads us into
the clear topic statement. After the clear topic statement, you should clearly state what
your three main points (Preview) will be. You should also have a conclusion, which
should contain a restatement of your three main points (Review) followed by a closing
statement. The review SHOULD NOT be the last thing you say. Also include transitional
statements between main points.


1. Attention Getter
2. Statement of Topic
3. Preview
4. 1st Main Point
5. Transition
6. 2nd Main Point
7. Transition
8. 3rd Main Point
9. Review
10. Closing

This speech should show some kind of creativity. (Clever introduction, conclusion,
transitions…something). What are you good at?
No outline will be required for this speech.

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