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Technology In Telephones

The telephone is the most widely used telecommunication device in the world,
with billions of phone sets in existence all over the world. Phones are easy to
use and relatively inexpensive communication interactions. The telephone not
only created a way to communicate with others regardless of distance and
time. It has also affected many other areas.
The technology in telephones are important in human life especially in the
modern time. The technology of the phones is very helpful like in
communication, commerce, government, culture, privacy and more. Other
than that, without the telephone it is difficult to conduct business.
The inventor of the first telephone is Alexander Graham Bell. He was an
inventor, scientist and engineer who was credited with inventing and patenting
the first practical telephone. Bless him for his invention of the first telephone.
Telephone has gone through rapid variable innovations. It is flexible,
bendable and foldable. It even capable to holographic.
Lastly, there are many future innovations that not yet to discover. The
telephone has a good future to come as it is part of our necessity today. So,
the future inventors will have to be creative to invent more useful and brilliant
innovations to make it attractive yet easier to use.

Name : Nurhanani Husna bt. Ruslan

Class : 5 Iman
Mykid : 090413080208
School : SK Toh Tandewa Sakti

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