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Task 1

The pie chart and line graph illustrate the statistics about three kinds of employers in 2003 and the rate
of joblessness from 1993 to 2003 in Australia.

In general, the proportion of workers who borning in Australia accounted for the highest percent, while
the lower than this was the figure for ESC and NESC. Additionally, the total levels of unemployment in
the country experienced a decrease, but NESC was still dominating over the period.

Regarding the origin of employment, it was clear that the percentage of native Australian workers was
the highest, with more than three-fourths of the total. Meanwhile, 14% and 10% were the results of NESC
and ESC, respectively.

Moving on to the total level of no job, about 7% of no-work people came from non-English-speaking
countries in the initial year. After that, it decreased rapidly and reached about 3% in 2003, but this
remained the dominant over a decade. Both ESC and Australia had a similar pattern and followed a
downward trend. They started at a close point with about 4% and fell sharply to nearly 1% and 2%,

Task 2

Some individuals use their private details such as a home address, contact number, and so on in order to
sign up for social media or have a bank account. In my opinion, despite the negative of stolen information
and money, it has a positive aspect of managing your finances and is beneficial in contact.

The primary reason is the risk of stealing personal information from online thefts. In the digital era, the
demand for using social media such as Facebook or Zalo with many purposes, so private information
online increases rapidly to have an account for these apps. However, the rate of cybercrime has risen
dramatically, which is associated with the high number of people deceived by criminals. They use the
stolen personal details from the robbed victim on the social network to cheat your friends, your parents,
and your relatives to receive their money or other issues. Moreover, some lawbreakers use this
information to have the exact timetable of their children with the opportunity to kidnap them when their
parents are not beside them.

On the flip side, the digitalization of private details provides users with some benefits. One of these is
the convenience of having a bank account. By using a smartphone, they can connect to the bank online
and conduct transactions to manage their finances, so customers don’t have to go to the bank directly.
Moreover, if buyers don’t have cash in their wallets, they can use a QR code to send their money to the
manager’s bank account. In addition, social networks help netizens overcome the geological barrier.
These benefits not only simplify logistical aspects of life but also enrich social interactions, illustrating
the positive aspects of sharing personal information online.

In conclusion, though it has a lot of benefits, some criminals take advantage of these benefits to steal
your information. Therefore, we need to raise awareness about the cybercriminals issue to avoid being

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