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Student:Viviana Muñoz Garcia



Teacher:Christopher Castillo


A sweet canine revenge
On the afternoon of October 3rd in the town of Atequiza, a very unexpected and unusual event
happened in a municipal park, where they have conditioned spaces for pets, a place for small breed
dogs and another for large breed dogs, to prevent accidents, but this time this methodology did not
work. That day like any other, a tiny dog was brought ,she was adorable and chubby,her name was
Chongui,she liked to go there because it was a peaceful place to make new friends and exercise.
Unfortunately, that day, in the space for small dogs there was no one who could socialize or play
with her, which made her feel lonely and unhappy; So, her owner looking for a solution took her to
the space for large dogs to make her feel more accompanied, which worked, because there was a
considerable amount of pets in that space. In the attempt to fit in by Chongui, she began to approach
a special dog, since it was not very big like the other puppies and was less dangerous for her. The
puppy accepted her very quickly and they started to play, which unfortunately no one knew (more
than Chongui’s owner), is that Chongui had problems of bipolarity and anger, which led her to do
things that no one believed her capable of because of her size and the appearance that she gave at
first sight. When they started to live together the two puppies, everything started very well, with quiet
and innocent games, until the games started to become a little rougher; just at that moment
Chongui’s favorite pink collar was destroyed by the dog, which at that moment she wore, which made
her furious, her eyes became full of anger, and her fangs began to come out, and in the blink of an
eye … The large breed dog was being attacked by Chongui. Everyone who witnessed that was
surprised because Chongui, in a very intelligent but cruel way, attacked him directly in the neck,
piercing his jugular. Unfortunately, the dog died due to blood loss, and his owner did not even reach
to take him to the nearest hospital when the puppy had already died.
The whereabouts of Chongui are unknown, since right after the incident, her presence and that of
her owner was no longer there, it is believed that they left the city so that Chongui would not be
sacrificed for her atrocious act. Even so she is still being sought by the authorities and that she
serves her sentence, since the owner of the large breed dog protests for the “unfair” death of his
faithful companion.

Small dog kills large dog in park after collar incident
A shocking incident occurred in a municipal park in Atequiza, a town in Jalisco, Mexico, on October
3rd afternoon, when a small dog named Chongui attacked and killed a large dog after he destroyed
her pink collar. The park, which was popular among pet owners, had separate spaces for small and
large breed dogs to prevent accidents, but this time the measure proved to be ineffective.
According to witnesses, Chongui was brought by her owner to the space for large dogs because
there were no other dogs to play with in the space for small dogs. She was a chubby and adorable
dog who looked harmless and friendly. She befriended a large dog who accepted her quickly and
they started to play. However, no one knew that Chongui had bipolarity and anger issues that made
her do things that did not match her size or appearance. Her owner was aware of her condition but
did not warn anyone about it.
The situation escalated when the large dog tore off Chongui’s favorite collar during a rough game.
The collar was a gift from her owner and she cherished it very much. This enraged Chongui who
attacked him directly in the neck with her fangs and pierced his jugular. The large dog bled profusely
and died due to blood loss before his owner could take him to the nearest hospital. He was a loyal
and gentle dog who did not deserve such a fate.Chongui and her owner disappeared from the scene
after the incident and their whereabouts are unknown. It is speculated that they fled the city to avoid
Chongui being sacrificed for her act. The authorities are looking for them to face justice. The owner
of the deceased dog demands compensation for the “unfair” death of his faithful companion. He has
filed a complaint against Chongui’s owner and hopes that he will be held accountable for his

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