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ABSTRACT x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION . 1 Rationale 1 Statement of the Problem 3 Objectives of the study . 3 Hypothesis of the study..... 3 Significance of the study .. 4 Definition of terms . 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES .. 8 Mirrored Gender: Depiction of Sexuality . 8 What is Man: Depicted by Magazines 11 Magazine as a Powerful Tool ...11 Man in his Masculinity .... 12 Effects of Men and Sexuality in Media Advertising . 13 Conclusion .. 19 CHAPTER III FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY...... 20 Theoretical Framework.. 20 Figure 1 ... 22 Conceptual Framework .... 23 Figure 2 ...... 24 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH METHOD......... 26 Research Design.... 26

Research Instrument....27 Sources of Data.. 29 Data Gathering Procedure .29 Criteria for Selection of Printed Advertisements 29 Population and Sampling Techniques....30 Statistics - Table 1..31 Scope and Limitations..33 CHAPTER V PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA 35 FGD Answers 35 Table 2.1 38 Table 2.2 40 Table 2.3 ....43 Table 2.4 ....45 Table 2.5 47 Table 2.6 50 CHAPTER VI SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIOINS ..52 Summary of Findings ...54 Conclusion .56 Recommendation ..57 BIBLIOGRAPHY 59 APPENDICES 61 Appendix A .61 Appendix B .63 Appendix C 73 Appendix D 96


An undergraduate research submitted to the Department of Media Studies Faculty of Arts and Letters

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Arts (AB) in Communication Arts

Diolata, Bezallel Mae C. Malabanan, Monica Lalaine V. Manalo, Jazzel Llaneli E. Robleza, Mary Lourdes T. Sy, Louie Sheilla Trinidad, Jake 4CA5 February 1, 2011

In this study we reassessed the thesis of Richard Elliott and Christine Elliott entitled Idealized images of the male body in advertising: a reader-response exploration in the Philippine context and thereby seek to contribute to the understanding of the interpretative methodology that was applied in the foreign context of this study where the reaction of men to the representation male bodies with explicit sexual content in advertising were explored and examined. Several themes like homophobia, gender stereotyping, the legitimization of the exploitation and use of sexuality in marketing and the disassociation with ideal unattainable muscular ideals were found in the foreign context of the study. However, the researchers will not depend on these given themes instead the classifications will be based on the results conducted among the chosen sophomore Communication Arts male respondents. Using the Philippines, specifically male sophomore readers of the Communication Arts degree program in the Faculty of Arts & Letters, University of Santo Tomas, as a case study; we sought to explain this phenomenon by generating new themes that coincide with the Philippine setting. The Philippines is a patriarchal society wherein male are seen as the dominant figure however, in the recent publication of the different media uses, males are now becoming the new object of sexuality even in a conservative society. Themes that may emerge from this study will include those that may affect the ego and image of the dominant sex. This study will use the reader-response exploration theory and the methodology that will be used is qualitative analysis falling under the case study genre. In the Philippines, women in advertisements whether in print or commercial are often criticized and studied as an ultimate sex object. Numerous studies were

conducted focusing only on the image and effects to women on the society. On one hand, portrayals of men in advertisements are also very visible but there has been no critical studies and analysis done in the Philippines. Thus, the researchers believe that exploring this line of study is of utmost importance in the society.

KEYWORDS: magazine advertisements, sexual content, male readers, perception

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