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May 1st, 2023

Sabrina Woo
9450 S 43rd St.
Franklin, Wisconsin, 53132

Hello! I am writing to express my interest in becoming an Emerging Arts Intern in Art

Starts Creative Connections program. Since last month, I’ve kept up to date with my interest in
this position after hearing about it from Christina Dresang in my Filmmaking Class through MKE

I found this program extremely interesting and in line with my passion to further expand
and discover my creative arts pursuit professionally. I strongly believe that in order to grow, I
step out of my comfort zone by putting myself out into diverse communities to expose myself to
these new experiences of different art mediums and collaboration with other artists. What stood
out to me the most about Art Start was the emphasis placed on the value of creatively
developing communication skills for critique, team building, and leadership. I also hold in high
regard, the encouragement to accessibly explore creative arts interests with the proper
resources and utilize this to channel these skills in meaningful/impactful ways for communities
around me. By being given the opportunity to get hands-on experience with networking, further
developing digital skills, project management, and creative experimentation for self-expression, I
have confidence that this internship will provide me with a clear-vision and strengthened pursuit
of my artistic goals during and after my high school career.

I am an ambitious artist eager to further develop my experience with digital art and
collaborative skills with peers. Examples of my experience in digital art include filmmaking and
graphic design. Currently, I am a part of MKE Films Take 2: Filmmaking course for high school
students. This course included a collaborative film project each semester and creating individual
films. Recently, I had my individual short film and class film from the recent fall semester
screened at the Oriental for the MKE Film Festival. I am also a part of my school’s Visual Arts
Team, Visual Arts Classic (VAC), a high school art competition held throughout Wisconsin. This
competition includes teams of up to 12 students who work on individual and team art
challenges. Being apart of the Visual Arts Team for the past two years at Franklin High School
has taught me a lot about teamwork and efficient communication between different individuals.
In the past, I have attended UWM’s Summer Arts-Eco Pre-College courses for HS Drawing and
Digital Art 101, and I am involved with Franklin High School’s video production, drawing, and
painting classes. In regards to my hands-on experience with teamwork, last year, I have
coached 3rd and 4th grade girls lacrosse, this year I coach for 5th and 6th grade girls lacrosse,
and currently I am an athlete on my school’s varsity Lacrosse team. Also, I work through Onsite
Staffing as a Catering Temps for local Milwaukee events. My involvement with these listed
organizations has enabled me to understand the imperativeness of efficient teamwork that I can
apply in many different environments, especially with the diverse ideas collaborative ideas from
individuals. I hope to utilize my current knowledge and skills to be able to expand them
creatively and socially, as this is a position I am able to foresee in my future.

Sabrina Woo

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