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Nama: Aprilliya Indah Sugiarto

NPM: 2214050051
Creative Writing – Draft Short Story

The Magical Brush

Lily was a young girl who had a passion for painting. She
spent most of her time in her art studio creating her
masterpieces. One day she visited an art exhibition that she
went to every year with her mother. Lily's eyes widened as
she gazed at the vibrant paintings before her, "Mama, let's
take a look!"
Among the many masterpieces, one painting stood out to
her. It was a world of fairies, and magic. “Wahhh it’s
stunning,” she admired the painting.
As she stood there, an old man approached her, noticing
her fascination. "Ah, you have an eye for art," he said with a
warm smile.
While keeping her eyes on the painting, Lily asked “Is this
yours, sir?.”
“Yes, it's mine,” the old man replied. “What is your name
little girl?.”
“My name is Lily,” she replied.
“You must like painting,” the old man said.
“Yes, I love painting,” her eyes lighting up. “And I'll be a
great painter in the future,” she added confidently.
The old man grinned at Lily's answer. "I have something
for you," searching through his bag. "This brush is magical.
Try it and see."
"Magical? Thank you, sir, I'll prove it," Lily replied with
an excited smile, eagerly grasping the brush.
Lily's heart skipped a beat as she took it, feeling an
unusual energy coursing through her fingers. She was thrilled
and couldn't wait to try the brush at home.
After returning home, Lily immediately started painting with
the new brush. She became completely engrossed in her work,
creating a beautiful world of fairies and magic.
“Ahh finally, I can create my fairy world.” Exhausted but
exhilarated she wanted to show it to her mom, but Lily
accidentally fell asleep.
While sleeping, Lily felt something was wrong and woke
up. When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a strange
place. Confused and frightened, Lily tried to process the
situation, “Aww it hurts,” she pinched her cheek.
As she looked around the strange place, Lily reached into
her pocket and found her brush. She was lost in thought, her
mind still reeling from the old man's words. She dismissed it
as mere oddity, but now, as she looked around, she felt
goosebumps rise.
Suddenly, she was surrounded by a group of fairies, their
wings shimmering as they hovered around her. Lily gasped,
"Oh my god, a fairy. I'm not dreaming."
The fairy queen with her ethereal beauty, Reina, stood
before her. Her eyes piercing with curiosity "Who are you?."
“I’m Lily,” she replied, “I got a special brush from an old
man, who told me it was magical. I used it to paint a world of
fairy and I ended up here.”
The fairies listened intently, their faces a mix of
fascination and suspicion. To prove her story, Lily pulled out
her brush and began to draw. As she finished the sketch, a
small rabbit materialized before her eyes. The fairies gasped
in amazement, and the queen nodded in approval.
"You are indeed a human with brush magic," Queen Reina
said. "We welcome you to our world, Lily. Pixie, take her on a
tour of our realm."
Pixy, the kind-hearted and lively fairy, was thrilled to take
Lily on a tour of the fairy world. As they set out, Lily was
initially overwhelmed by the vastness of the world around her.
The plants and animals were enormous compared to her tiny
size, and she struggled to keep up with Pixy's energetic pace.
"Wow, everything is so big!" Lily exclaimed, her voice
trembling with excitement and a hint of fear.
"Ah, yes, it can be a bit daunting at first," Pixy replied with
a chuckle. "But don't worry, I will accompany you all the way.
We'll start with something simple. Let's help the other fairies
with their daily chores."
Pixy led Lily to a field where fairies were busy harvesting
crops. Lily watched in awe as the fairies effortlessly
controlled the plants and animals to help with the harvest. She
tried to mimic their movements, but her attempts were clumsy
and ineffective.
"Don't worry, Lily," Pixy reassured her. "It takes time and
practice. Let me show you how it's done."
Pixy demonstrated how to control the plants and animals,
and Lily eagerly followed along. With each attempt, Lily's
skills improved, and she began to feel more confident. As the
day went on, Pixy introduced Lily to various fairy activities.
They helped a group of fairies build a new home by using
their magic to shape and mold the materials. Lily was amazed
by the fairies' creativity and skill.
"Wow, you're all so talented!" Lily exclaimed.
"Thank you, Lily," Pixy said with a smile.
Later that day, the fairies needed help transporting their
harvest. Pixy suggested that Lily use her brush magic to create
a sturdy cart. Lily hesitated at first, but Pixy encouraged her to
give it a try.
"Go on, Lily," Pixy said. "You can do it!"
Lily took a deep breath and began to paint the cart with her
brush. As she finished, the cart materialized before her eyes.
The fairies cheered and clapped, impressed by Lily's skills.
"You're a true fairy, Lily!" Pixy exclaimed.
"Thank you, Pixy," Lily said, her eyes shining happily.
Hearing that Lily had helped the fairies, Queen Reina
organized a dinner party and invited all the fairies to celebrate
the arrival of Lily. The fairy kingdom was abuzz with
excitement as the night of the grand feast approached. Pixy
had been busy preparing for the event, and Lily was eager to
help. As the sun began to set, Lily and Pixy worked together
to set the table and prepare the dishes. Lily was particularly
excited to help with the strawberry jam, a fairy favorite.
"Wow, this is going to be so much fun!" Lily exclaimed.
"I'm glad you're excited, Lily," Pixy replied. "We fairies
love strawberry jam. It's a special treat for us."
However, not everyone was pleased with Lily's presence.
Ondina, Fay, and Metis, three fairies who were known for
their mischievous nature, were particularly unhappy about it.
They resented Lily and felt that she didn't belong among
them. Just then, the three fairies snuck into the kitchen and
added a dash of hot pepper to the strawberry jam. Lily and
Pixy were too busy to notice.
As they worked, Lily couldn't help but notice that three
fairies, Ondina, Fay, and Metis, were acting suspiciously.
They seemed to be whispering to each other and glancing at
Lily with a mixture of jealousy.
"What's going on?" Lily asked Pixy.
“Emm… nothing,” Pixy replied, her brow furrowed in
When everything was ready and guests began to arrive,
Queen Reina welcomed everyone with a warm speech.
"Welcome, dear friends," Queen Reina said, her voice
warm and inviting. "Tonight, we gather to celebrate the arrival
of our new friend, Lily. She has brought joy and magic to our
lives, and we are grateful for her presence among us."
The fairies all applauded, and Lily's face flushed with
"Thank you, Queen Reina," Lily said, her voice trembling
with gratitude. "I'm so honored to be a part of this fairy
Queen Reina smiled, her eyes shining with warmth. "You
are a true fairy, Lily. Your kindness and magical abilities are a
gift to us all."
The fairies all nodded in agreement, and Lily felt a sense
of belonging wash over her. Just as everyone was about to sit
down to eat, Lily proudly presented the strawberry jam as the
main course. The fairies all reached for their spoons, but as
they took their first bites, their faces contorted in surprise and
"Ow, what's this?" one of the fairies cried, spitting out the
Queen Reina let out a loud cry of pain, having eaten the
strawberry jam. The other fairies also cried out in pain, and
the atmosphere became chaotic and unmanageable.
"Ah, Lily, what happened to the strawberry jam?" Queen
Reina asked, her face turning red with anger.
"I-I don't know, Queen Reina," Lily replied nervously.
Queen Reina understood the situation and thought that Lily
was just a child. Then, the dinner party was canceled because
the situation was no longer conducive. Lily felt guilty and
apologized to the fairies, but the fairies didn't pay attention to
her. Seeing this, Ondina, Fay, and Metis felt very pleased
because their plan had succeeded.
"Ha ha, we did it!" Ondina, Fay, and Metis exclaimed,
their faces turning happy.
"Ah, Lily, you're so clumsy," Ondina said mockingly.
"Y-yes, I'm sorry," Lily replied.
"Sorry? You should be sorry," Fay said curtly.
"Leave her alone, Fay!" Pixy exclaimed.
"Ah, don't worry, Pixy," Queen Reina said. "We'll just have
to be more careful next time."
After the incident, Lily felt guilty and wandered away
from the fairy kingdom, sitting by the lake. She was lost in
thought, wondering how this could have happened. While
holding her brush magic, she began to paint the fish she saw
in the lake. As she painted, each fish came to life before her
eyes. Just as she was busy painting and thinking about the
problem she had caused, a fairy appeared before her. Lily
looked at her suspiciously because she was different from the
other fairies, her wings were not shiny, and her face was
"Who are you?" Lily asked, her voice trembling with fear.
"My name is Malakai," the fairy replied. " I was watching
you and was intrigued by your magic brush. Give it to me!"
Knowing her evil plan, Lily tried to run but Malakai was
too fast. She stumbled and fell, her brush magic slipping from
her grasp.
"Please, stop!" Lily begged.
"Ha ha ha, you're so weak," Malakai laughed, her voice
dripping with sarcasm. "You're no match for me."
Lily tried to paint something to defend herself, but she
couldn't because she was too scared.
"You're just a child, Lily," Malakai sneered, her eyes
gleaming with malice. "You don't know how to use your
magic properly. Give it to me, I'll use it to rule this world,
that's the real power."
"Stop your evil plans, Malakai," Lily commanded.
Malakai snarled, her face twisted in anger. "You'll never
stop me," she spat, her hands flashing with dark magic.
Lily felt a surge of anger and determination. She knew she
had to find a way to defeat Malakai and save the fairy
"I won't give up," Lily declared. "I'll find a way to defeat
you and save my home."
Malakai laughed, "We'll see about that."
Lily tried her best to avoid Malakai's dark magic and tried
to paint something. But as she didn't have the magic to match,
Lily was overwhelmed. Just then, Pixy and some other fairies
appeared, concerned about Lily's safety.
"Are you okay, Lily?" Pixy asked, her voice worried.
"I'm fine," Lily replied, her voice shaking with fear. "But
Malakai is trying to take my brush magic."
Pixy and the other fairies quickly joined forces to attack
Malakai. Malakai was caught off guard and struggled to
defend herself.
"You're no match for us!" Pixy exclaimed.
Lily took advantage of the distraction to grab her brush
magic and paint a cage. As Malakai was weak from being
attacked by many fairies, he was successfully trapped in the
cage created by Lily.
Seeing this, the fairies were very grateful and relieved
because the long-time troublemaker in their kingdom was
finally contained. Ondina, Fay, and Metis, who had witnessed
the event, felt guilty because they had been mean to Lily.
"Wow, Lily, you're so brave!" Ondina exclaimed.
"Yes, you're very clever," Fay added.
"You're a true hero, Lily," Metis said.
"Thank you, Lily," Queen Reina said proudly. "You've
saved our kingdom from a great threat."
"I'm just glad I could help," Lily replied, she blushed at the
praise, feeling happy and proud of herself.
After successfully saving the fairy world with the Lily
magic brush, the fairies celebrated with a dance party. All the
fairies cheered and danced with joy, they felt grateful for
Lily's presence.
“Lily, you're also good at dance,” said Pixy with a big
“Ha ha ha really?” Lily replied while she danced silly.
Seeing the happiness radiating from the fairies' faces, Lily
felt relieved and smiled widely. However, the joyful sounds
from the fairies began to fade. When she opened her eyes, she
found herself in her art studio without realizing it.
“Hah? I’m back?” Lily shocked.
She immediately searched for her painting of the fairy
world. Lily looked at it, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness
and excitement. She had just returned from the fairy world,
where she had saved it from destruction. She felt a deep
connection to the world and its fairies, but she knew that there
were many other worlds in need of her help.
“I will surely miss them a lot, goodbye fairies,” said Lily.
Then, she looked at the magic brush and asked excitedly,
“Which world should we save next, buddy?"

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