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Encircle the correct answer. Read it twice.
1. What is the most common type of texture used in pop songs?
A. Hypertone B. Monophonic texture C. Polyphonic texture D.Homophonic
2. Which music genre is characterized as the fastest?
A. Slowcore B. Polyphonic texture C. Hypertone D. Monophonic texture
3. Which type of texture consists of only one melody played by a single person?
A. Polyphonic texture B.Homophonic texture
C. Monophonic texture D.Sound layering
4. In which type of texture do multiple melodies play at the same time?
A. Monophonic texture B. Slowcore c. Polyphonic texture d.Sound
5. What is the slowest genre of music?
A. Hypertone B. Slowcore C. Texture D. Tempo
6. What process involves combining sounds to make them thicker and fuller?
A. Sound layering B. Tempo C.Texture D. Polyphonic texture
7. Which term refers to the musical time that can vary from slow to fast?
A. Hypertone B. Tempo C. Sound layering D. Texture
8. What term describes the overall quality and sound of music based on the layers of
instruments or melodies and harmonies?
A. Sound layering B. Polyphonic texture C. Tempo D. Texture
9. Fast music expresses __________ emotions.
A. negative B. positive C.texture D. mixed
10. __________ music expresses sadness and sorrow.
A. slow B. fast C. tempo D. rock
11.There are three ___________ different types of musical textures.
A. three B. two C. five D. one
12. The quality of sound that can be thin or thick is called _________.
a. rhythm B. tempo C. texture D. slowcore
13. What are the examples of monophonic texture?
A. Happy Birthday and Alphabet song
B. Row, row, row, row, your boat song
C. Are you sleeping (Brother John)? song
D. None of the above
14. What are the examples of polyphonic texture?
A. Happy Birthday song
B. Alphabet song
C. Row,row, row, row your boat and are you sleeping (brother john)? Song
D. None of the above
15. What are the examples of homophonic texture?
A. Old macDonald song
B. ABC sung with guitar accompaniment
C. Itsy bitsy spider
D. None of the above
16-20 Write True if the statement is correct and False if not.
_________16. Musical textures can be solo or with other sounds.
__________17. An orchestra has a thin sound.
__________18. Everyone sings the same melody but begin at different times in a round song.
_________19. The parade music is slow .
__________20. A man playing violin produces thick sound.

READ EACH QUESTIONS CAREFULLY. Encircle the correct answer. Good luck!
1 .This is an artwork that has dimensions of length and width, but DOES NOT possess depth.
The examples of it are drawings, paintings, and prints that are made up of shapes.
a. Two-Dimensional Art B. proportion C. Three-Dimensional Art d. shape
2. It can be measured in different dimensions namely, height, length, and width. It is produced
by carving or shaping stone, wood clay, or other materials. NOT FLAT like the two
dimensional art.
A. Two-Dimensional art c. proportion
B. Three- Dimensional Art D. shape
3. ___________ is an example of two dimensional art where one may draw trees, flowers,
or various shapes.
A. Doodling C.shape
B. Color d. size
4.__________ is an example of two dimensional area defined by a line, space, color, or
A. doodling c. shape
b. color d. size
5. The following are NOT example of three-dimensional art, which one is TRUE?
A. Drawing c. poster
B. pottery and sculpture d. photographs
6. The following are examples of two-dimensional art EXCEPT?
A. paintings c. photographs
B. drawings d. pottery
7. The way in which particular objects relate to one another is called ________.
A. shape C. proportion
B. size d. color
8. These are examples of a three-dimensional object, EXCEPT:
a. square and pyramid c. cube
b. cone and cylinder d. flat rectangle
9. _______ it is an artwork that moves when the wind blows. They move naturally.
a. sculpture c. mobiles
b. pottery d. photographs
10. Which of the following is true about creating mobiles?
A. We can use recyclables materials such as cardboards, papers, baskets, leaves, strings,
and other found. materials
B. We can use books, coins and stones
C. We can use marbles and plastic
D. None of the above
11. The most popular example of mobiles are nursery mobiles, why is that?
A. These are baby nursery displays that parents hang above a crib.
B. To provide entertainment and a relaxing view while stimulating their baby’s imagination.
C . It uses gentle cranes, blooming flowers, wise owls, soaring airplanes, and brilliantly-
colored automobiles for their design.
D . All of the above
12. _______ is the act of forming or carving something using a soft hard material such as
clay, wood, and others to produce 3d artworks of animals, fruits, objects, and people, among
a. shape B. carving C. photograph D. sculpting.
13. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Sometimes, artists intentionally make things out of proportion to emphasize a particular
part of an object.
B. A cube is an example of two dimensional art
C. Sculpture is a form of two dimensional art
D. None of the above
14. The following statements is NOT true, except:
A. Sculptures cannot be painted on
B. Children do not enjoy creating sculptures
C. Mobiles cannot be blown by the wind
D. Sculptures can be made using found objects
15. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Pottery and sculpture are examples of two-dimensional art
B. Doodling is an example of three dimensional art
c. All two-dimensional pieces are made up of shapes.
D. none of the above
16-20 Identification and True or False. Identify the answer. Write on the space provided.
________16. Sculpting is an act of forming or carving something using a soft or hard
materials such as clay, wood, and others to produce 3D artworks of animals, fruits, objects,
and people among others.
________17. Sometimes, artists intentionally make things out of proportion to emphasize a
particular part of an object.
________18. A cube is an example of two dimensional art.
________19. Sculptures cannot be painted on.
________20. Proportion is a two dimensional are defined by a line, space, color, or texture.

Encircle the best answer. Read it twice.
1. What is ring rhythmics?
A. A type of dance B..A type of rhythmic gymnastics
C. A type of singing D. A type of painting
2. What equipment is used in ring rhythmics?
A. Hoops B. Sticks C. Ring D. Balls
3. What skills do you learn in ring rhythmics?
A. Swimming B. Rolling, throwing, and catching C. Cycling D. Reading
4. What is a wand used for in school?
A. Drawing B. Writing C. Physical education classes D. Singing
5. What is done at the end of a school year involving wands?
A. A parade B. A field demonstration C. A concert D. A graduation ceremony
6.. How are wands decorated?
A. With flowers B. With colorful ribbons and trimmings
C. With stickers D. With leaves
7. Why is kicking a ball good exercise?
A. It helps you make friends B. It helps you develop strong legs
C. It helps you learn to sing D. It helps you read books faster
8. What is the purpose of stretches like leg warm-ups before physical activity?
A) To make the legs colder
B) To overextend the muscles
C) To gently prepare the body
D) To prevent injuries
9. What should you do to prepare your body for exercise?
A) Eat a lot of junk food
B) Do stretches like leg warm-ups
C) Drink soda
D) Avoid physical activities
10.What should you do if you are unsure of the height of the ring for ring rhythmics?
A) Use any height you want
B) Ask your teacher for guidance
C) Guess the height
D) Don't use the ring at all
11.What type of balls are recommended for young beginners?
A) Iron balls B) Plastic and rubberized balls
C) Glass ball D) Wood balls
12. __________ requires focus so that control of the hands is consistent.
A. bouncing a ball B. catching a ball
C. throwing a ball D. shooting a ball
13. ___________ needs a target or a partner to catch the ball.
A. catching a ball B. throwing a ball
C. bouncing a ball D. shooting a ball
14. __________ needs focus and calculation on the distance it will come from.
A. Throwing a ball B. shooting a ball
C. bouncing a ball D. catching a ball
15. __________ needs regular practice or drill so that the jump and the throw are
A. Shooting a ball B. throwing a ball
C. bouncing a ball D. catching a ball
True or False Questions:
1. Wand rhythmics is a type of rhythmic gymnastics.
2. You should be exposed to physical activities to develop your interest in sports.
3. The height of the ring should be according to your age.
4. Hoops are bigger than rings.
5. Ring rhythmics involves skills like rolling, throwing, and catching.

Encircle the best answer. Read it twice.
1. When should you present your ID card if you get lost?
A. Immediately to anyone nearby B. Only to friends or other children
C. When asking for help from authorized individuals D. Never
2. Who can provide assistance when you are lost?
A.Authorized individuals like security guards and police officers B. Random strangers
C.Only your family D).Pets
3. What information should be on your ID card?
A.Your favorite food B. Your pet's name
C. Your address and mother's contact number D. Your shoe size
4. How should you express gratitude after receiving help?
A. By offering money B. By saying "Thank you for your help"
C.By ignoring the helper D. By asking for more help
5. Why is practicing safety important at a young age?
A. To learn how to break rules B.To develop basic prevention skills
C. To play with dangerous objects D. To ignore safety rules
6. What should you avoid playing with at home?
A. foods and drinks B.Candles and matches
C.Toys and books D. Sharp objects like knives and scissors
7. What should you do if you're unsure about an object at home?
A.Ignore it B.Play with it
C. Ask an adult for help D. Hide it
8. What should you avoid bringing to school?
A. Pets B.Books and pencils
C. Toys and snacks D. Dangerous objects
9. What should you do during emergency drills at school?
A. Ignore them B. Panic
C. Listen and participate D. Run away from school
10. You see a stray dog wandering near your house. What's the safest action to take?
A. Approach it quickly and try to pet it
B. Ignore it and hope it goes away
C. Call an animal control service for help
D. Chase after it to see where it goes
11. What are examples of good touches?
A. Hitting and kicking B. kiss on the cheek
C. Ignoring and avoiding D. Shaking hands
12. What should you do if someone is hurting you?
A. Encourage them B. Say "No" or "Please stop"
C. Keep quiet D. Join them
13. Who should you inform if someone touches you inappropriately?
A. Your parents B. Your teacher C. A stranger D. Your friends
14. Which areas of your body should not be touched by other people?
A. Anywhere B. Private parts C.Hands D. Legs
15. What should you do if you can't find your family?
A. Cry and run around
B. Approach random strangers
c. Call out their names and seek help from authorized individuals
D. Play games
16. While working on a project, you notice a classmate playing with scissors. What's your
A. Join them and play along
B. Tell them to be careful
C. Ignore it and focus on your work
D.Just mind your own thing
17. What should you avoid doing when using candles?
A. Handling them carefully B. Blowing them out
C. Playing with them D. Keeping them away from curtains
18. What should you do during earthquake drills?
A. Listen and follow instructions B. Start panicking
C. Run outside D. Hide under a table
19. How should you approach strangers for help?
A. Loudly demand assistance
B. Politely ask for help and explain your situation
C. Ignore them
D. Run away
20. During a fire drill, you see a friend hiding under a desk. What should you do?
A. Join them and hide too
B.Ignore them and continue with the drill
C. Tell them to come out and follow the drill procedures
D.Leave them there and run outside

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