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Jovana Díaz Olvera

On the journey of life, each step we take brings us closer to discovering who we
really are. It is a journey full of surprises, challenges and unforgettable
moments that shape us and help us grow as people.

From a very young age, I have known that my passion for dance is more than
just a hobby; It is a fundamental part of who I am. Through movement, I find
freedom, expression, and connection to my deepest self. Every time I dance, I
immerse myself in a world where time stops and only the present moment
exists. Dance not only allows me to express emotions, but also challenges me
physically and mentally, helping me grow and develop as an individual.

But my life is not limited only to dance; I am also a lover of good food and
travel. I love experiencing new flavors and textures, exploring the local markets
of each place I visit, and learning about different traditions around the world.
For me, food is much more than a basic need; It is an art form that awakens all
my senses. Each dish is a story to tell, an experience to share and a memory
to treasure.

Speaking of travel, there is nothing that excites me more than exploring new
destinations and immersing myself in different cultures. Whether walking the
cobblestone streets of an ancient city or taking in the majesty of a natural
landscape, every trip is an opportunity to learn, grow, and expand my horizons.
Traveling has taught me to be more understanding, tolerant and open-minded.
They have allowed me to see the world from different perspectives and
appreciate the beauty of diversity.

But just as there are things that I am passionate about, there are also others
that I prefer to avoid. Bad behaviors, bad hygiene and dirt are things I deeply
hate. For me, it’s important to surround myself with people who share my
values and respect my personal space. I firmly believe in the power of positivity
and kindness, and always try to be a positive influence on the world around me.

In my free time, I enjoy playing volleyball, practicing photography, reading

inspirational books, and camping in nature. These activities not only provide
me with moments of fun and relaxation, but also help me stay physically and
mentally fit. Volleyball teaches me the value of teamwork and the importance of
cooperation, while photography allows me to capture special moments and
freeze memories forever. Reading transports me to unknown worlds and
teaches me valuable lessons about life, while camping connects me with nature
and reminds me of the importance of taking care of our planet.

Regarding my goals and aspirations, I am clear about what I want in life. My

goal is to enter the International Business degree at the IPN and become a
successful professional in the field of customs. I dream of traveling the world
for professional and personal reasons, expanding my horizons and contributing
to the economic and cultural growth of my country. I know that the road to
success will not be easy, but I am willing to work hard and persevere to achieve
my dreams.

But beyond my professional achievements, what I want most in life is to start

my own family and grow as a person. I dream of a home full of love, laughter
and shared moments, where everyone can be authentic and valued for who
they are. I believe that family is the core of our existence and the engine that
drives our lives. I want to be a loving mother, a supportive wife, and a loyal
friend, and I am willing to work hard to build and maintain meaningful
relationships with the people I love.

My life project is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Through

dance, food, travel and my various activities, I hope to find my place in the world
and leave a positive mark on it. Every day is a new opportunity to continue
exploring, learning and growing. And I'm excited to see where this beautiful
journey called life will take me.

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