Narrative Learning Task

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Narrative learning task

“ BEEP BEEP” the piercing noise of my alarm woke me up

out of my deep sleep. It was time for another chaotic day at
school “ UGH” I sighed. I yawned a few times then reached
out to my phone and read the time in disbelief “8:48!” I raced
to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I was in such a hurry
that I didn’t even bother to eat breakfast. I panted and gasped
like a dying rat had been hit with a tsunami of insect spray. I
finally reached the main gate of my school. My boyfriend
Aidan and my friends Jade, Alysha and Luna were all staring
at me as if something was wrong with me, then they all
bursted out laughing I thought I’d just join them until Luna
pointed at my legs. I stopped giggling and gazed down at my
legs “OH MY GOD NO!” I was wearing my embarrassing
ice-cream pajamas with my school dress on top. I raced to the
bathroom. Luna spotted a hot air balloon in the air. Suddenly
Jade exclaimed “YES!”. Everyone turned towards her in
confusion.” We should plan a surprise birthday party for
Amber!” said Jade everyone thought this was a great idea!
That day Amber found all her friends acting very suspicious
and very abnormal. Later that day Jade started planning
everything because Amber’s birthday was in 3 days only! She
video called all the people in her friend group except for
Amber. They all planned that the party will be at Jade’s
house. Everyone was so excited to surprise their friend. The
next day it happened again Amber was so fed up by her
friends behavior, she finally couldn’t take it anymore, she
stormed over to Jade and curiously asked her why everyone
was acting like they were hiding a huge thing, Jade didn’t
want to tell Amber that they were planning a surprise party for
her. But Amber insisted that if she wouldn’t tell her she would
tell one of the boys in the class that she had a crush on them.
That’s when Jade gave up so she forcefully told Amber that
they were planning a birthday party for her. After hearing this
Amber was super shocked! Amber felt sorry. That day Amber
learnt not to ever assume anything unless, you are sure.


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