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Anamnesis and History Taking Cheat Sheet

1. Hello, I am a year (x) student in general medicine. Would it be alright if we

discuss a bit about what brings you here? Buna ziua, sunt student in anul (x)
la medicina generala. Am putea discuta un pic despre ce v-a adus la spital?
2. What’s your name? Cum va numiti?
3. How old are you? Cati ani aveti?
4. Do you live in the city or countryside? Locuiti in oras sau la tara?
5. How much do you weigh? Cate kilograme aveti?
6. How tall are you? Ce inaltime aveti?
7. What blood type are you? Ce grupa sanguina aveti?

1. What brings you to the hospital? Ce s-a intamplat?

a. Has this happened before? Vi s-a mai intamplat pana acum?
b. Have you ever been to the hospital with this problem? Ati mai fost
spitalizat pentru aceasta problema?
2. Do these problems affect your daily tasks? Aceste probleme va afecteaza
rutina zilnica?
a. How far can you walk without tiring? Cat de departe puteti merge fara
sa obositi?
b. Do you still work? Mai puteti munci?
c. Has this affected your appetite? V-a afectat pofta de mancare?

1. Do you have any other illnesses? Aveti alte boli?

a. High blood pressure or diabetes? Tensiune sau diabet?
b. Have you had any operations in the past? Ati fost vreodata operat?
c. Do you have any allergies? Aveti alergii?
2. Do you take any medication? Luati medicamente?
3. Did you take any medication for what brought you in? Ati luat medicamente
sa va aline problemele actuale?
4. Do any diseases run in the family? Aveti boli in familie?
a. (Mother, father, brother/sister, children) (Mama, tata, fratii/surorile,

1. What is your occupation? Ce lucrati?

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