Guia Clinica Francesa Depresion Comorbida

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Bennabi et al.

BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:50


Clinical guidelines for the management of

depression with specific comorbid
psychiatric conditions French
recommendations from experts (the French
Association for Biological Psychiatry and
Neuropsychopharmacology and the
fondation FondaMental)
D. Bennabi1*, A. Yrondi2, T. Charpeaud3, J.-B. Genty4, S. Destouches4, S. Lancrenon4, N. Allaili5, F. Bellivier5,
T. Bougerol6, V. Camus7, O. Doumy8, J.-M. Dorey9,10,11, F. Haesebaert12, J. Holtzmann6, C. Lançon13, M. Lefebvre12,
F. Moliere14, I. Nieto5, C. Rabu15, R. Richieri13, L. Schmitt2, F. Stephan16, G. Vaiva17, M. Walter16, M. Leboyer15,
W. El-Hage7, B. Aouizerate8, E. Haffen1, P.-M. Llorca3 and P. Courtet14

Background: Recommendations for pharmacological treatments of major depression with specific comorbid
psychiatric conditions are lacking.
Method: The French Association for Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology and the fondation
FondaMental developed expert consensus guidelines for the management of depression based on the RAND/
UCLA Appropriatneness Method. Recommendations for lines of treatment are provided by the scientific
committee after data analysis and interpretation of the results of a survey of 36 psychiatrist experts in the field
of major depression and its treatments.
Results: The expert guidelines combine scientific evidence and expert clinician’s opinion to produce
recommendations for major depression with comorbid anxiety disorders, personality disorders or substance use
disorders and in geriatric depression.
Conclusion: These guidelines provide direction addressing common clinical dilemmas that arise in the pharmacologic
treatment of major depression with comorbid psychiatric conditions.
Keywords: Major depressive disorder, Anxiety disorders, Substance use disorders, Elderly, Pharmacotherapy

* Correspondence:
Service de Psychiatrie clinique, Centre Expert Dépression Résistante
FondaMental, Centre Investigation Clinique 1431-INSERM, EA 481
Neurosciences, Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté, 25030 Besançon,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Bennabi et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:50 Page 2 of 9

Background based on the practical experience of a panel of ex-

Major depressive disoder (MDD) is becoming a major perts, offer support strategies and appears to be par-
challenge for public health and medical practice, directly ticularly relevant. This method has been previously
accounting for 4.4% of disease burden worldwide [1]. used by the French Association for Biological
MDD is one of the most frequently recurrent psychiatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology (AFPBN)
disorders, associated with a high risk of chronicity. and the fondation FondaMental (www.fondation-fon-
Depressive disorders can occur comorbidly with nearly to make recommendations for pharma-
every other form of psychopathology in an unsystematic cological and psychological strategies in depression
way, leading to greater symptom severity, disability, (Bennabi et al., submitted).
more suicides and poorer treatment response [2, 3]. The French National Health agency recommends the
Studies of adults patients with MDD reveal high preva- Formal Consensus method when the following condi-
lence rates of current social anxiety disorder (25,6%), tions are met:
panic disorder (11,1%), generalized anxiety disorder
(20,8%), obsessive-compulsive disorder (13,4%), post- – No or insufficient level of evidence addressing the
traumatic stress disorder (18,8%), alcohol abuse/ question.
dependance (11,9%) and drug abuse/dependance (7,3%) – Possibility to decline the topic in easily identifiable
[4]. Despite advances in patient’s management, response clinical situations.
rates to first-line antidepressants are moderate (40– – Need to identify and select the strategies deemed
60%), and remission is achieved in a minority of patients. appropriate by an independent panel from amongst
For instance, in the STARD study, the remission rate several alternative options.
reaches up to 60% after four subsequent trials al-
though the probability of remission drops significantly The AFPBN and the fondation FondaMental have
after the failure of two consecutive antidepressants [5, 6]. developed a series of recommendations expected to
Given the public health consequences of inadequately provide a clear guidance regarding treatment options
treated depression, guidance regarding treatment se- for specific populations/situations such as psychiatric
lection for MDD could have major impact. A number comorbid disorders (ie anxiety disorders, personality
of guidelines have already been developed by profes- disorders and addictions) and elderly, complementary
sional societies with the aim to standardize treatments to the Formal Consensus Guidelines for treating
and to orientate everyday clinical practice towards adults with treatment-resistant depression (TRD).
evidence base. They integrate recommendations draws We provide a synthesis of the deliberations of a
up after a critical analysis of available data, which are panel of experts highly specialized in the field of
selected and ranked according to their level of unipolar depression, thereby enabling to establish
evidence. Each compound is assigned a Level or Cat- recommendations for the pharmacologic treatment
egory of evidence (CE), which basically describes the of MDD in elderly patients, patients with comorbid
level of efficacy. Subsequently, different Clinical anxiety disorders, personality disorders or substance
recommendations or Recommendation Grades (RG) use disorders.
are implemented, which integrate additional clinical
aspects of safety, tolerability and effectiveness. Despite Methods
a rigorous approach at both scientific and The methodology has been previously described (see
methodological levels, Evidence-Based Guidelines recommendations for treating TRD (Bennabi et al.,
(EBG) can be limited in their usefulness and applic- submitted)). Recommendations were determined
ability by a number of different factors, including the using the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method.
availability of high-quality research evidence, the gen- This method combines scientific evidence and expert
eralisability of research findings and the uniqueness opinion to assess the appropriateness of medical pro-
of individuals with depression. One of the main obs- cedures. It involves the following steps: (I) compre-
tacle stems from the use of restrictive criteria in most hensive review and analysis of the literature with
high-level Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) ex- regard to the research question conducted by a scien-
cluding psychiatric comorbidities and elderly patients. tific committee (II) elaboration of the questionnaire
Although the issue of comorbidity is recognized by to collect experts’ opinions for several highly detailed
EBGs, few specific recommendations are provided re- and illustrative clinical presentations; (III) scoring of
garding acute treatment with antidepressant drugs, the questionnaires; (IV) analysis of the experts’
practical issues in prescribing and management or opinions and drafting of the final report; (V)
next-step treatment in those complex clinical situa- Peer-review phase; (VI) diffusion of the recommenda-
tions. In these cases, the Formal Consensus method, tions. This consensus survey of expert opinion on the
Bennabi et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:50 Page 3 of 9

pharmacologic treatment of MDD in specific popula- Table 1 Therapeutic strategies depending on comorbid anxiety
tions/situations (elderly and comorbidities with anx- disorder
iety disorders, personality disorders or addictions) Comorbidity First intention Second intention Contra-
was undertaken by the French Association of Bio-
logical Psychiatry and fondation FondaMental. The Obsessive- - SSRI - Imipraminic - Tianeptine
compulsive - SNRI - α2 Antagonist - Irreversible
written survey was completed by 36 psychiatrist disorders - Psychotherapy - Association of non selective
experts in the field of major depression and its in combination two ATDs from MAOI
different pharmaco - First-
treatments. logical class generation
The scoring of the questionnaires was made using a - Potentiation antipsychotic
with AAP - Anticonvulsant
modified version of the RAND 9-point scale for - Bupropion
rating the appropriateness of medical decisions. Each
Panic - Imipraminic - Association
expert answered each question with a graduated scale disorders - α2 Antagonist of ATDs
from 0 to 9 derived from a variation of the “Nominal Social
- Anticonvulsant
- First-
Group” method, developed by the Rand Corporation anxiety generation
and the University of California in the USA (“RAND/ Generalised antipsychotic
UCLA appropriateness rating method”), 0 meaning a anxiety disorder - AAP
“total disagreement” or “a formal contraindication” Post-
and 9 indicating a “total agreement” or “a formal traumatic
indication”. This process is meant to detect agreement disorder
among experts without trying to promote consensus AAP Atypical antipsychotic, ATD Antidepressant, MAOI monoamine
and potentially reduce the real differences of clinical oxidase inhibitor, SSRI Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; SNRI: Dual
serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
opinion. This method has been previously used by
the AFBPN to make recommendations for the use
and management of long-acting injectable antipsy-
chotics in bipolar disorder and for the management More specifically, in case of severe alcohol addiction,
of TRD [7]. the following procedure must also be considered in first
intention, including:
– The close biological monitoring (complete blood
Comorbid anxiety disorders
count, blood electrolyte, liver and renal functions),
During the first episode of MDD with comorbid anxiety
– The treatment of physical withdrawal syndrome,
disorder, it is recommended in first intention
– The prescription of antidepressant treatment after
reassessment of mood, once appropriate care for
– The concurrent treatment of both disorders
physical withdrawal syndrome is over.
– The disease management by the same therapist as
much as possible, which includes systematically a
Strategies recommended for the treatment of MDD
cognitive behavioural therapy along with a closer
depending on the comorbid substance use disorder are
presented in Table 2.
Strategies recommended for the pharmacological
treatment of MDD depending on the comorbid anxiety
Personality disorders
disorder are presented in Table 1.
During the first episode of MDD with comorbid personality
disorder, it is recommended
Comorbid substance use disorders
During the first episode of MDD with comorbid substance – The use of SSRI or SNRI in monotherapy or in
use disorders, it is recommended in first intention combination with a psychotherapy in first intention
– The prescription of imipraminic antidepressant or
– The recourse to full time hospitalization or α2 antagonist in second intention
– The close monitoring in consultation (at least
weekly), Second-generation Antipsychotic or Acid valproic
– The electrocardiogram before treatment derivatives in association with the ongoing antidepres-
administration, sant treatment could possibly be considered in second
– The initiation of a substitution treatment in opioid intention.
drug dependence Brain stimulation techniques are fully non-recommended.
Bennabi et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:50 Page 4 of 9

Table 2 Therapeutic strategies depending on comorbid substance use disorders

Comorbidity First intention Second Contra-indications
Severe substance use disorders - SSRI - Imipraminic - Tianeptine
(except alcohol and nicotine) - SNRI - Agomelatine - Irreversible non selective MAOI
- α2 antagonist - First-generation antipsychotic
- Concurrent treatment of MDD and addiction - Association of ATD
- Disease management involving a team specialised - Anticonvulsant
in addictology, psychoeducational groups or a
psychotherapy focusing on addictive relapse prevention
Severe comorbid alcohol addiction - SSRI - Disulfiram
- SNRI - Tianeptine
- α2 antagonist - Bupropion
- Structured Psychotherapy - Irreversible non selective MAOI
- Treatment of MDD alone
Active smoking - SSRI - Imipraminic - Irreversible non selective MAOI
- SNRI - Agomelatine - Tianeptine
- α2 antagonist
- Structured Psychotherapy
- Concurrent treatment of MDD and smoking-cessation
AAP Atypical antipsychotic, ATD Antidepressant, MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor, MDD Major depressive disorder, SSRI Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
SNRI Dual serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

Geriatric depressive disorder depressive disorders and anxiety, substance abuse or per-
During an episode of MDD in adults over 65 years of age, it sonality disorders and in elderly patients. Although the
is recommended in first intention to perform a physical issue of comorbidity is recognized by EBGs, few specific
examination and ordering laboratory investigations to recommendations are generated to aid clinician decision
identify any medical problems that could contribute to or making at different steps of treatment, especially follow-
mimic depressive symptoms ing the failure of the first-line strategy. This probably re-
flects the paucity of extant primary studies addressing
– A clinical examination these critical clinical questions. In such instances, CBG
– A Biological check-up (ie Complete blood count, methodologies help to fill the gap between empirical lit-
blood electrolyte, liver and renal functions, Thyroid- erature and clinical practice and to reduce disparities in
Stimulating Hormon) care. While some differences between EBG and CBG
– An Electrocardiogram can be mentioned, the combination of these two ap-
– A Mini Mental State Examination proaches contributes to significantly facilitate and guide
– The Assessment of the severity of patients’ clinical the treatment decision and choice in routine clinical
condition with clinician-rated and self-rated scales. practice.

According to the experts’ panel, MRI may be consid- Recommendations for comorbid depression and anxiety
ered in those with in late or very late onset first episode disorders
depression, those having associated neurological signs The treatment of comorbid anxiety and depression
and those experiencing treatment resistant depression. requires specific psychopharmacological adjustments as
Anxiolytic treatment is not recommended in associ- compared to treating either condition alone. EBGs
ation with the current antidepressant. If used, hydroxy- encouraged to screen and systematically monitor for co-
zine as well as benzodiazepines with short half-life must morbid anxious conditions in all individuals with mood
be preferred (for instance oxazepam). disorders, although it is often unclear whether a sequen-
Therapeutic strategies for MDD in patients over 65 tial or a concurrent approach should be preferred for
years of age depending on clinical features of the episode their management [8–11]. The UK National Institute for
are presented in Table 3. Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guideline directly
acknowledged this shortcoming, and proposed a sequen-
Discussion tial approach that targets “the primary disorder” first (ie
The main interest of the current expert guideline is to the one that is more severe and in which it is more likely
provide insights into the treatment practices of clinician that treatment will improve overall functioning) [12].
experts across a number of common and complex clin- Experts’support for using Selective serotonin reuptake
ical situations, with a particular attention paid to first inhibitors (SSRI) or Dual serotonin and norepinephrine
and second-line strategies in patients with comorbid reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) as first-line treatment in
Bennabi et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:50 Page 5 of 9

Table 3 Therapeutic strategies in geriatric depression

Clinical features First intention Second intention Contra-indications
Mild to moderate intensity - SSRI - SNRI - Irreversible MAOI
- α2 antagonist - Agomelatine - Bupropion
- Association with an ATD from the
same pharmacological class
- Anticonvulsant
Moderate to severe intensity - SSRI - Imipraminic - Bupropion
- SNRI - Association with an ATD from the
- α2 antagonist same pharmacological class
- Anticonvulsant
Severe cognitive impairments - SSRI - α2-antagonist
- First generation antipsychotic
- SNRI - Agomelatine
Severe psychomotor agitation - SSRI - SNRI - Bupropion
- α2 antagonist - Potentiation with AAP - Tianeptine
- Irreversible MAOI
- Association with an ATD from the
same pharmacological class
Severe psychomotor retardation - SSRI - α2-antagonist - Tianeptine
- SNRI - Imipraminic - Bupropion
- ECT in association - Association with an ATD from the
same pharmacological class
- First generation antipsychotic
Severe sleep disorders - SSRI - SNRI - Tianeptine
- α2 antagonist - Agomelatine - Irreversible MAOI
- Bupropion
- Association with an ATD from the
same pharmacological class
Severe anhedonia - SSRI - α2-antagonist - Association with an ATD from the
- SNRI - Imipraminic same pharmacological class
- Agomelatine - Anticonvulsant
- First generation antipsychotic
Psychotic symptoms - SNRI - SSRI - Tianeptine
- Potentiation with AAP - α2-antagonist - Irreversible MAOI
- Imipraminic - Bupropion
- ECT in association - Association with an ATD from the
same pharmacological class
High suicidal risk - SSRI - α2-antagonist - Tianeptine
- SNRI - Imipraminic - Bupropion
- ECT in association Potentiation - Association with an ATD from the
with AAP same pharmacological class
- First generation antipsychotic
AAP Atypical antipsychotic, ATD Antidepressant, ECT Electroconvulsive therapy, MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor, SSRI Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
SNRI Dual serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

depression comorbid with a spectrum of anxiety disor- of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) and the
ders is consistent with an extensive literature document- American Psychiatric association (APA) in this indica-
ing safety and efficacy of these agents for both coexisting tion [8, 9]. Alpha2 antagonists are also considered by the
disorders [13]. Some but not all research have suggested experts as second-line treatment, consistent with find-
that dual action drugs such as SNRIs might be superior ings from randomized trials demonstrating mirtazapine’s
to SSRIs for treating simultaneously both disorders [14]. anxiolytic and overall efficacy in MDD with prominent
Second-intention pharmacological approaches include anxiety symptoms [18]. Notably, mirtazapine might be
trials of alternative medications as monotherapies with especially effective in patients with MDD and comorbid
an Imipraminic or an α2 antagonist. Tricyclic antide- GAD, SAD or PTSD [19–21]. For the pharmacological
pressants (TCA) cover both depression and certain management of MDD with comorbid OCD, the expert’s
anxiety disorders including GAD or PD, but are less panel also favoured using adjunctive AAP or an associ-
commonly used due to tolerability issues [15–17]. Clo- ation of two ATDs from different pharmacological class
mipramine appeared to be more effective than placebo in second line. These special caution on OCD probably
in the treatment of Obsessive-compulsive disorders reflect difficulties in their management, as OCD have a
(OCD), and is recommended by the World Federation reduced overall pharmacological response to ATD
Bennabi et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:50 Page 6 of 9

compared to GAD, panic disorder, PTSD and SAD [22]. effectiveness for decreasing the level of alcohol ingestion
However, there is currently no convincing evidence for [33]. Some guidelines, for exemple that of the CANMAT
the efficacy of a combination of antidepressants in this provides a particular sequence of interventions with first,
specific indication, except for the combination of SSRIs second- and third-choice therapies, with several options
with clomipramine [23, 24]. Regarding add-on strategies, within each intervention step [10]. In the specific case of
risperidone is among the most recommended treatment smoking cessation, only the APA provided specific rec-
options for augmenting SSRIs in OCD while quetiapine ommendations and proposed to consider bupropion or
and aripiprazole have both demonstrated efficacy as ad- nortriptyline based on evidences suggesting that these
juncts for MDD with comorbid anxiety disorders in one agents provides an additional long-term benefit [9]. Ex-
RCT and three open label trial [25–29]. perts’ recommendations were limited to SSRI, SNRI and
The expert recommended a concomitant use of ATD α2 antagonists in first intention, however it should be
and psychotherapy (PT) in first intention, while some noted that bupropion has not yet received approval for
EBGs for the treatment of depression and comorbid anx- MDD in France.
iety disorders, for example, that of the WFSBP, the APA, Globally, it should be critically considered that data
the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treat- are sparse, in part because individuals with SUDs are
ments (CANMAT) propose to consider PT in combin- traditionally excluded from medication trials for MDD
ation or as an alternative to pharmacotherapy in case of and trials in dependant patients suffers from several
non- or partial response, and frequently cited Cognitive methodological limits, including short trials lengths, in-
Behavioral Therapy and Interpersonnal Therapy [8–10]. adequate ATD doses, and selection of patients with
To date, it has not been clearly established whether cross-sectional measures of depressive symptoms.
combined treatments with psychotherapy and anti-
depressant medication lead to higher effects than the Recommendations for comorbid depression and
sum of the two treatments alone. Moreover, from a clin- personality disorders
ical point of view, the lack of available psychological Key-issues identified with regards to the overlap of
treatments limits their use. In such instances, major depression and personality disorders include
self-guided internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy whether personality traits or disorders modify treatment
could be a promising alternative due to its potential to responsiveness and outcome of mood disorder [34]. Due
increase access and availability of evidence-based to the scarcity of original treatment studies specifically
therapy [30]. focused on these conditions, most EBGs provide general
guidance but do not include hierarchical levels of evi-
Recommendations for comorbid depression and dence for pharmacotherapy. The CANMAT emphazised
substance abuse/dependance that patients with mood disorders and concurrent per-
Experts’ support for treating co-occurring depression sonality disorders should be treated with a combination
when it persists after at least a brief period of abstinence of diagnostic-specific pharmacotherapy and PT, but
from substance use is consistent with several EBGs, even without specified if a concurrent or a sequential
though most of them do not identified a preferred approach should be favoured, while the APA adviced
pharmacological option [8–11]. SSRI and SNRI are con- targeting the depressive disorder [9, 10]. The recomman-
sidered as an attractive first-line treatment among dations from the expert’s panel, and the APA are
substance-dependent patients, probably because of their consistent, with SSRI as a first-line strategy, alone or in
safety profile, and minimal sedating effects. If an SSRI or combination with PT [9]. The advice on pharmacother-
SNRI trial fails, consideration should be given to an imi- apy was also similar on the use of low-dose antipsy-
praminic agent or agomelatine. A 2004 meta-analysis by chotics and some antiepileptic medications for treating
Nunes and Levin found evidence for a modest beneficial impulsivity and loss of control.
effect of ATD on mood symptoms in depressed subjects
with SUDs [31]. However, it should be notice that safety Recommendations for geriatric depressive disorders
concerns regarding TCA have impeded both research Most of the European and North American EBGs have
and clinical use of these drugs in depressed patients with no special chapter or separate section for geriatric
comorbid SUDs [32]. depression. General principles for treating older adults
Regarding treatment options for patients with comor- are similar to those described for younger adults, with
bid alcohol dependence, beside SSRI and SNRI, the use special caution for adverse drug reactions, potential drug
of an α2 antagonist in first line reflects the current interactions and somatic comorbidities [12]. Moreover,
empirical literature providing some evidence of efficacy EBGs acknowledged that older patients would usually
for mirtazapine to elevate mood in persons with require lower doses of medication, due to the association
co-occurring MDD/ alcohol use disorders, without of aging with reductions in renal clearance and volume
Bennabi et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:50 Page 7 of 9

of distribution and concomitant medications. The for- patient or substitute professional knowledge and clinical
malized consensus of our experts’ panel provides recom- judgement. Importantly, additionnal researches concern-
mendations on older adults with depression based on ing the temporal onset of the disorders, similarities and
several dimensional features. Overall, experts’ support differences in neurobiological substrates, heritability, and
for using SSRI or SNRI as first-line treatment is congru- environnemental stressors associated with each disorder
ent with the CANMAT, the APA and the WFSBP guide- are needed. Identification of shared etiological factors
lines, documenting both safety and efficacy of these that underlies the comorbidity in depressive disorders
strategies [8–10, 35]. The CANMAT provides a detailed may contribute to the development of better interven-
stepped approach with a first, a second and a third-line tions that target not only MDD but also other major
intervention [10]. The use of α2 antagonists in MDD sources of psychiatric morbidity. Adequately powered,
with severe sleep disorders or psychomotor agitation well-controlled studies are further needed to show the
adviced by the experts probably results from its sedative effectiveness of treatments for depression with comorbid
properties and its more rapid onset of action. This as- under conditions of routine clinical practice.
sumption in mainly based on the study by Schatzberg
and colleagues showing that mirtazapine exhibit more AAP: Atypical Antipsychotic; AFBPN: Association for Biological Psychiatry and
notable antidepressant effects than the standard SSRI Neuropsychopharmacology; EBG: Evidence-based guidelines;
paroxetine, with greater reductions in anxiety levels, ECT: Electroconvulsive therapy; GAD: Generalised anxiety disorder;
MAO: Monoamine oxidase inhibitors; MDD: Major depressive disorder;
somatic symptoms and sleep disturbances in 255 elderly OCD: Obsessive-compulsive disorders; PD: Panic disorders; PTSD: Post-
depressed patients [36]. Despite two RCT and one natur- traumatic stress disorder; RCT: Randomized controlled trials; SA: Social
alistic trial supporting the use of bupropion in older anxiety; SNRI: Dual serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors;
SSRI: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; TCA: Tricyclic antidepressant;
adults with MDD, and while both the Canadian and the TRD: Treatment-resistant depression
US guidelines recommend its use as first and
second-line treatment, the experts we surveyed do not Acknowledgements
The authors are grateful to the experts who completed the survey which
advocated its use, due to the absence of approval for the had allowed the development of these recommendations. The authors also
treatment of MDD in France [9, 10, 37]. thank the French Association for Biological Psychiatry and
The formal consensus method is used to specify a pre- Neuropsychopharmacology (AFPBN), the fondation FondaMental, the expert
centres for TRD, the SYLIA-STAT society, Mrs. Maria CHOVET, Mrs. Mihaela
scription framework for specific populations or clinical HONCIUC, and Mrs. Claire NOBILET-SEGUIN.
situations for which evidence are scarce or debated,
which is the case in major depressive disorder with psy- Funding
chiatric comorbid disorders. Indeed, in those situations, The authors received no specific funding for this work.

empirical literature is lacking for specific iterative medi- Availability of data and materials
cations. However, a limited number of comorbid condi- The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available
tions were included in our study. Comorbid anxiety and from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
substance use disorders are frequently associated with Authors’ contributions
MDD, but there is also substantial overlap with other DB, AY, TC, J-BG, SD, SL, NA, FB, TB, VC, OD, J-MD, FH, JH, CL, MYL, FM, IN, CR,
medical and psychiatric comorbidities (e.g. attention def- RR, LS, FS, GV, MW, ML, WE, BA, EH, PML, PC contributed substantially to writ-
ing of the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, and
icit hyperactivity disorder) for whom a thorough investi- to final approval of the version to be submitted.
gation is needed. Second, expert’s prescribing choice
may be influenced by perceived therapeutic actions or Ethics approval and consent to participate
Written informed consents were obtained from participating medical
perceived risk of adverse drug events, or both leading to experts.
provide recommendations even when little evidence of
superior efficacy of one agent over another exists in the Consent for publication
literature [38, 39]. Not Applicable.

Competing interests
Conclusion No financial support was received for this study and there are no potential
Within the limits of expert opinion and with the expect- conflicts of interest to declare. Regarding financial support unrelated to the
present article, we disclose that NA has benefited from financial support for
ation that future research data will take precedence, conferences and has been scientific responsible and experimenter for
these guidelines provide direction for addressing com- preclinical studies from Servier laboratories. BA has perceived honoraria to
mon clinical dilemmas that arise in the pharmacological communicate at conferences from Laboratories AstraZeneca, Lundbeck and
Janssen. VC has benefited from honoraria and financial support for conferences
treatment of MDD with comorbid conditions. from Laboratories Otsuka, Novartis, Lundbeck, Servier, Janssen and has been
Although standard guidelines contribute to facilitate experimenter for studies from Janssen and Lilly.TC has benefited from honoraria
and guide the treatment decision and choice for the and financial support for conferences from Laboratories AstraZeneca, Janssen
and Lundbeck and has been experimenter for studies from Janssen. PC has
clinicians, they cannot take into account the overall benefited from honoraria and financial support for conferences, training action
complexities involved in the care of each individual and for participation in experts groups from Servier and Janssen. OD has
Bennabi et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:50 Page 8 of 9

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