EQC Vasquez

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Table _

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage (%)

14-15 years old 0 0.0
16-17 years old 38 76.0
18-19 years old 12 24.0
20 years old and
above 0 0.0
Total 50 100.0

The table _ show the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent in terms of
age. Age 16 – 17 years old have a frequency of 38 and has a percentage distribution of 76.00%
and have a rank of 1 st. On the other hand, age 18 – 19 years old have a frequency of 12 and has a
percentage distribution if 24.00% and have a rank 2 nd. And lastly, age of 14 -15 years old and 20
years old and above have a frequency of 0 and has a percentage distribution of 0.00%. All of the
respondents have a total of 50 frequency and percentage 100.00%.

According to Nalliveettil, & Alenazi (2016), smart phones motivate the disengaged youth
aged between 15-19 in learning programs by using mobile learning strategies and mobile phone
technology in order to guide them to lifelong learning skills.

Table _
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the
Respondents in terms of Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 25 50.0
Female 25 50.0
Total 50 100.0

The table _ show the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent in terms of
sex. Both sex male and female have a frequency of 25 and has a percentage distribution of
50.00% and have a rank of 1st.All the respondents have a total of 50 frequency and percentage

According to the related study about smart phone, Abadneh (2017), have conducted
another study that investigates the effect of using mobile phones on the retention of vocabulary
of intermediate EFL learners and the effect of learner's gender in vocabulary retention while
using mobile phones. The study concludes that the use of mobile phones by intermediate EFL
learners has a significant effect on their vocabulary retention. The study also reveals that gender
does not have any effect on learners' vocabulary retention.
Table _
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the
Respondents in terms of Grade Level

Frequency Percentage (%)
Grade 11 22 44.0
Grade 12 28 56.0
Total 50 100.0

The table _ show the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent in terms of
grade level. Grade level 12 have a frequency of 28 and has a percentage distribution of 56.00%
and have a rank of 1st. on the other hand, grade level 11has a frequency of 22 and has a
percentage distribution of 44.00% and have a rank of 2 nd. All the respondents have a total of 50
frequency and percentage 100.00%.

According to the related study of Ababneh (2017), The Smartphone used as a mobile
device is very beneficial for various education levels, learning a language using simple games in
elementary school, installing a translation program for junior or senior high school, and applying
syntax or grammar application for higher students are some benefits provided by the smaller

Table _
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the
Respondents in terms of Academic Strand

Frequency Percentage (%)
ABM 16 32.0
GAS 14 28.0
HUMMS 20 40.0
STEM 0 0.0
TVL 0 0.0
Total 50 100.0

The table _ show the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent in terms of
academic strand. Academic strand HUMMS have a frequency of 20 andhas a percentage
distribution of 40.00% and have a rank of 1 st. On the other hand, academic strand ABM has a
frequency of 16 and has a percentage distribution of 32.00% and has a rank 2 nd. Academic strand
GAS has a frequency of 14 and has a percentage distribution of 14.00%and has a rank 3 rd. And
lastly, academic strand STEM and TVL have a frequency of 0 and has a percentage distribution
of 0.00% and have. All of the respondents have a total of 50 frequency and percentage 100.00%.

According to the related study of Plantado, (2021), Findings showed that text messaging
and calling are the two common features of students' mobile devices. Students perceived English
dictionary and English vocabulary games as the top two mobile device apps contributing to their
English language learning.

Table _
Respondent’s Assessment on the Use of Smart Phone to Enhance
Student’s Learning Experiences in terms of Vocabulary

Vocabulary Weighted Verbal

Using smart phone … Mean Interpretation
helps me to understand the meaning of
1 4.60 Strongly Agree
unfamiliar words.
2 enhances learning of vocabulary. 4.42 Strongly Agree
helps me to become more confident in
3 3.92 Agree
I could learn more words than those using the
4 4.04 Agree
paper-based word list.
5 I can discover new English words. 4.40 Strongly Agree
Overall Weighted Mean: 4.28 Strongly Agree
Legend: “Strongly Disagree (1.00 – 1.79), “Disagree (1.80 – 2.59)”, “Fairly Agree (2.60 – 3.39)”, “Agree (3.40 – 4.19)”, Strongly
Agree (4.20 – 5.00)”

Table _ shows the Respondent’s Assessment on the Use of Smart Phone to Enhance
Student’s Learning Experiences in terms of Vocabulary. It shows that the weighted average
mean in statement no.1 is 4.60 with verbal interpretation of strongly agree have the rank of 1 st.
On the other hand, statement no.2 got weighted average mean of 4.42 with the rank of 2 nd,
statement no.5 got weighted average mean 4.40 with the rank of 3 rd, statement no.4 got weighted
average mean 4.04 with the rank of 4th, and lastly statement no.3 got 3.92 with the lowest rank of
5th, and all of those statement got a verbal interpretation of strongly agree except for statement
no.3 and statement no.4 that got agree. The overall response of the students in terms of
vocabulary got a weighted average of 4.28 with the verbal interpretation of strongly agree.

According to the related study of Basal, Yilmaz, & et al (2016), the past decade has seen
the rapid development in using mobiles phones in vocabulary teaching and the focus has been on
the role of these devices in teaching vocabulary to L2 learners. A feature of mobile phones that
was initially widely used in the studies was the SMS (Short Message Service). Several
experimental studies compared SMS-based vocabulary instruction to different types of more
traditional instruction.

Table _
Respondent’s Assessment on the Use of Smart Phone to Enhance
Student’s Learning Experiences in terms of Grammar

Grammar Weighted Verbal

Using smart phone … Mean Interpretation
I can practice using new grammar structures in
1 4.26 Strongly Agree
real-world contexts.
I can use grammar-checking apps or tools to
2 4.36 Strongly Agree
improve my English grammar.
I can watch English videos or movies to
3 4.44 Strongly Agree
enhance my comprehension of grammar.
I can remember and apply grammar rules
4 4.12 Agree
I am more confident in my English-speaking
5 4.00 Agree
Overall Weighted Mean: 4.24 Strongly Agree
Legend: “Strongly Disagree (1.00 – 1.79), “Disagree (1.80 – 2.59)”, “Fairly Agree (2.60 – 3.39)”, “Agree (3.40 – 4.19)”, Strongly
Agree (4.20 – 5.00)”

Table _ shows the Respondent’s Assessment on the Use of Smart Phone to Enhance
Student’s Learning Experiences in terms of grammar. It shows that the weighted average mean
in statement no.3 is 4.33 with verbal interpretation of strongly agree have the rank of 1 st. On the
other hand, statement no.2 got weighted average mean of 4.36 with the rank of 2 nd, statement
no.1 got weighted average mean 4.26 with the rank of 3rd, statement no.4 got weighted average
mean 4.12 with the rank of 4th, and lastly statement no.5 got 4.00 with the lowest rank of 5 th, and
all of those statement got a verbal interpretation of strongly agree except for statement no.4 and
statement no.5 that got agree. The overall response of the students in terms of grammar got a
weighted average of 4.24 with the verbal interpretation of strongly agree.

According to the related study of Roy (2022), observed students’ enthusiasm for
technology, and that the Duolingo app’s environment has had an important role in increasing
their interest in using the tool, since most students have characterized grammar learning as being
simple using the application. Improvement in the learning process should be achieved because
the teacher is not restricted to only using monotonous tools such as textbooks and whiteboards
when instructing.

Table _
Respondent’s Assessment on the Use of Smart Phone to Enhance
Student’s Learning Experiences in terms of Pronunciation

Pronunciation Weighted Verbal

Using smart phone … Mean Interpretation
I can use pronunciation apps or tools to
1 4.26 Strongly Agree
improve my spoken English.
I can practice English pronunciation
2 conveniently, anytime, and anywhere because 4.20 Strongly Agree
it is small enough to fit in my hand or pocket.
I can watch videos or tutorials to learn and
3 4.38 Strongly Agree
imitate correct English pronunciation.
I can identify and correct my pronunciation
4 errors because it provides guidelines which 4.38 Strongly Agree
give feedback on how I say words.
5 I cannot practice pronunciation in real-life 3.64 Agree
conversations because it provides access into
language learning apps and audio resources.
Overall Weighted Mean: 4.17 Agree
Legend: “Strongly Disagree (1.00 – 1.79), “Disagree (1.80 – 2.59)”, “Fairly Agree (2.60 – 3.39)”, “Agree (3.40 – 4.19)”, Strongly
Agree (4.20 – 5.00)”

Table _ shows the Respondent’s Assessment on the Use of Smart Phone to Enhance
Student’s Learning Experiences in terms of pronunciation. It shows that the weighted average
mean in statement no.3 and statement no.4 is 4.38 with verbal interpretation of strongly agree
have the rank of 1st. On the other hand, statement no.1 got weighted average mean of 4.26 with
the rank of 2nd, statement no.2 got weighted average mean 4.20 with the rank of 3 rd, and lastly
statement no.5 got weighted average mean 3.64 with the rank of 4 th. All of those statement got a
verbal interpretation of strongly agree except for statement no.5 that got agree. The overall
response of the students in terms of pronunciation got a weighted average of 4.17 with the verbal
interpretation of strongly agree.

According to the related study of Alhomaidhi (2021), accuracy can be reached by

adopting appropriate pronunciation teaching methods which can now be possible from the use of
new technology and the advancements in portable mobile devices, which can be utilized to
enhance the pronunciation of consonant clusters.

Table _
Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality

Indicator p-value Decision Remarks

Vocabulary 0.003 Reject Ho Significant
Grammar 0.002 Reject Ho Significant
Pronunciation 0.007 Reject Ho Significant
Note: “If p value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.05) reject Ho, otherwise failed to reject Ho.”

Table _ shows the Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality of the indicators in use of Smart
Phone to Enhance Student’s Learning Experiences. In terms of vocabulary that have a p-value of
0.003, the null hypothesis should be rejected since the p-value of vocabulary is less than 0.05
level of significant implied to reject the null hypotheses. On the other hand, the indicator based
on grammar has a p-value of 0.002 that is also less than 0.05 so the null hypothesis should be
rejected too. And lastly, the indicator based on pronunciation has a p-value of 0.007 that also less
than 0.05 so the null hypothesis should also rejected. All of the indicators are remarks as
significant in test of normality.

According to the related study of Godwin-Jones (2017), in a simple flashcard web app I
developed for intermediate German learners, normal functionality is enhanced by linking to
sentences illustrating each word in use, pulled from a dual language corpus.

Table _
Kruskal – WallisH – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on
the Use of Smart Phone to Enhance Student’s Learning Experiences
When Grouped According to Age
Mean K-
Indicators Age p-value Decision Remarks
Rank statistic
16-17 years old 24.3 Failed to Not
Vocabulary 1.116 0.291
Reject Ho Significant
18-19 years old 29.4
16-17 years old 25.5 Failed to Not
Grammar 0.000 1.000
Reject Ho Significant
18-19 years old 25.5
16-17 years old 25.8 Failed to Not
Pronunciation 0.057 0.811
Reject Ho Significant
18-19 years old 24.6
Note: “If p value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.05) reject Ho, otherwise failed to reject Ho.”

Table _ shows the Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Use of Smart Phone to
Enhance Student’s Learning Experiences When Grouped According to Age. According to indicator
vocabulary, the P-value of indicator vocabulary was 0.291 which is more than the 0.05 level of significant
implied to reject the null hypotheses. This mean there was no significant difference on the perceived
responses when a group according to indicator vocabulary in terms of age. Therefore, the indicator
grammar has a P-value equivalent to 1.000. The indicator grammar also has a p-value greater than 0.05
means the null hypothesis was failed to reject. And lastly, the indicator pronunciation has a P-value
equivalent to 0.811 that is also greater than 0.05.

According to Rung, Warnke, & et al (2014), Social media is more popular among
younger students. However, the average general skills with smart phones did not vary
significantly among age, gender, or origin. most students owned smartphones, were able users,
and perceived them as learning tools that allow students to access to learning resources.

Table _
Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on
the Use of Smart Phone to Enhance Student’s Learning Experiences
when Grouped According to Sex

Mean K-
Indicators Sex p-value Decision Remarks
Rank statistic
Male 26.1 Failed to Not
Vocabulary 0.090 0.764
Female 24.9 Reject Ho Significant
Male 28.1 Failed to Not
Grammar 1.615 0.204
Female 22.9 Reject Ho Significant
Male 30.4
Pronunciation 5.742 0.017 Reject Ho Significant
Female 20.6
Note: “If p value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.05) reject Ho, otherwise failed to reject Ho.”

Table _ shows the Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Use of Smart Phone to
Enhance Student’s Learning Experiences When Grouped According to sex. According to indicator
vocabulary, the P-value of indicator vocabulary was 0.764 which is more than the 0.05 level of significant
implied to reject the null hypotheses. This mean there was no significant difference on the perceived
responses when a group according to indicator vocabulary in terms of age. Therefore, the indicator
grammar has a P-value equivalent to 0.204. The indicator grammar also has a p-value greater than 0.05
means the null hypothesis was failed to reject. And lastly, the indicator pronunciation has a P-value
equivalent to 0.017 that is less than 0.05 so the null hypothesis is successfully rejected and has a
significant in indicator pronunciation in terms of sex.
According to the related study of Hilao, & Wichadee (2017), mobile phone technology that has a
huge impact on students’ lives in the digital age may offer a new type of learning. The use of effective
tool to support learning can be affected by the factor of gender.

Table _
Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on
the Use of Smart Phone to Enhance Student’s Learning Experiences
when Grouped According to Grade Level

Mean K-
Indicators Grade Level p-value Decision Remarks
Rank statistic
Grade 11 21.5 Failed to Not
Vocabulary 2.924 0.087
Reject Ho Significant
Grade 12 28.6
Grade 11 21.6 Failed to Not
Grammar 2.760 0.097
Reject Ho Significant
Grade 12 28.5
Grade 11 20.3
Pronunciation 5.008 0.025 Reject Ho Significant
Grade 12 29.6
Note: “If p value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.05) reject Ho, otherwise failed to reject Ho.”

Table _ shows the Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Use of Smart Phone to
Enhance Student’s Learning Experiences When Grouped According to grade level. According to
indicator vocabulary, the P-value of indicator vocabulary was 0.087 which is more than the 0.05 level of
significant implied to reject the null hypotheses. This mean there was no significant difference on the
perceived responses when a group according to indicator vocabulary in terms of age. Therefore, the
indicator grammar has a P-value equivalent to 0.097. The indicator grammar also has a p-value greater
than 0.05 means the null hypothesis was failed to reject. And lastly, the indicator pronunciation has a P-
value equivalent to 0.025 that is less than 0.05 so the null hypothesis is successfully rejected and has a
significant in indicator pronunciation in terms of grade level.

In senior high school online class was stated to implement specially on the pandemic
days. According to the related study of Uzir, & Mursid (2023), Through Mobile Learning,
students can communicate with their teachers anytime and anywhere, and vice versa, teachers
can communicate with their students through electronic media. The nature of communication can
be closed between one student and the teacher or even together. Through Mobile Learning, it is
possible for students and teachers to be able to learn even if they are not physically present in the

Table _
Kruskal – WallisH – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on
the Impact of Authoritative Parenting Style to the Communication Skills
when Grouped According to Academic Strand

Academic Mean K-
Indicators p-value Decision Remarks
Strand Rank statistic
Vocabulary ABM 29.1 3.468 0.177 Failed Reject Not
GAS 26.6 Ho Significant
HUMMS 20.1
ABM 29.5
Failed to Not
Grammar GAS 22.1 2.519 0.284 Reject Ho Significant
HUMMS 23.5
ABM 29.5
Failed to Not
Pronunciation GAS 24.4 2.773 0.250 Reject Ho Significant
HUMMS 23.5
Note: “If p value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.05) reject Ho, otherwise failed to reject Ho.”

Table _ shows the Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Use of Smart Phone to
Enhance Student’s Learning Experiences When Grouped According to academic strand. According to
indicator vocabulary, the P-value of indicator vocabulary was 0.177 which is more than the 0.05 level of
significant implied to not reject the null hypotheses. This mean there was no significant difference on the
perceived responses when a group according to indicator vocabulary in terms of age. Therefore, the
indicator grammar has a P-value equivalent to 0.284. The indicator grammar also has a p-value greater
than 0.05 means the null hypothesis was failed to reject. And lastly, the indicator pronunciation has a P-
value equivalent to 0.250 that is also greater than 0.05.

According to the related study of Magbunad, Bajo, & et al (2023), It is revealed in the
study that the level of Smartphone usage of ABM students is high, indicating that it is oftentimes
observed among ABM students of TNHS. Also, the level of learning behaviour is high, which
indicates that it is also often observed among ABM students of TNHS.

Formula used:

Kruskal Wallis H-Test

( )
k 2
12 Rj
H= ∑ −3( N +1)
N ( N +1) j=1 n j
where k=the number of comparison groups,
N= the total sample size, nj is the sample size in the jth group and
Rj is the sum of the ranks in the jth group.

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