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Bài 2 phần 2

In my opinion the activities of reusing and recycling garbage and product into useful items will
make our earth greener and better,reduce the amount of waste that go into land fill.In the other
hand trash that we throw away every day is maybe valuable resource to someone else.By giving
old items in our house hold that we don’t need anymore to the unemployed it will help them to
earn an income and their lives will easier.

For example,we can make furniture by using old pallets lying around, find someplace that will
cheap, you could turn them into something useful things like sofa,chairs or even a coffe table .if
you not a handy person can make easier type of pallet sofa by sanding the wood to make it
smoother so it will protect any cloth that you want to cover from being damaged,then painting
the wood in any colour that you think will suitable after that we connect two pieces of pallets
one on top of the other depending on how many pieces you want.Finally put some cushion on
top of the pallet for a more comfortable seating experience.So that is just small from a thousand
things that you can use with rubbish and turn them into treasure

Bà i 4 phầ n 2

Nowaday people are think that going to the gym is unnecessary and you can get a fit shape
simply through your day-to-day routine .In my opinion if you too busy ,you can choose some
physical activites to stay healthy and more energy.But it would be better if you spend your timed
hit the gym is it the best way to understand a basic level of fitness. the health benefits of everyday
activities are apparent for those who are very active walkers. Doctors advise the average person
to walk 10,000 steps a day to be healthy. These steps can now be easily recorded with electronic
devices like smartphone and smartwatch, which means that there is less need than ever to set
aside gym time. This clear goal can encourage individuals to become more aware of their daily
habits and slowly change or supplement them. For example, instead of taking the life to one’s
apartment or work, you can add a few hundred steps by taking the stairs. While at work you can
walk around more often and all your progress will be digitally recorded. This dedication may
become habit, eliminating the need for regular, dedicated workouts. although the advantages of
walking detailed above, the gym will make more impactful results. The number one leading cause
of death globally is heart disease and the only way to beat it is through dietary changes and
exercise. Researchers have long explored the benefits of aerobic exercise for heart health. The
most effective aerobic workouts happen at the gym on treadmills and ellipticals. Many doctors
recommend that patients at risk of heart disease sign up for gym memberships and commit to a
regular workout schedule as walking alone does not provide the intense workout required to
strengthen the heart and prevent early death. In conclusion,If we have time we should going to
gym to have a sinigficant change of your body combine with your diet eat nutrious food and have
a enough amount water .Due to the busy live of people in these day we still can have some time
to take care ourselves better.
Bài 5 phần 2

On the first paragraph above the idea is that the agriculture introduced a range of softer
foods into human diet which altered how humans' teeth and jaws wore down with age in
ways that made the sound t and f easier to product a study was made by a team of
linguists at the University of Zurich .However I don’t think this study is true .in fact I
disagree with this this essay I will discuss my idea that changes in tooth wear
didn't guarantee changes in language.

Actually human speech organs don't use that much energy relative to movement, and
they're so flexible, they often can compensate for differences in bone structure so these
impact are not enough to make alternative in human language part .in the other hand
Sounds made more difficult by an overbite, such as bilabials, might be expected to decline
—but many languages clearly keep them around.

In conclusion this study have caused debate among people some people believe this true
but other opposite it.yes or no the language is still amazing and beautiful the way
to put an idea that's in your brain into the brain of another person simply by making
noises with your mouth

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